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Bea i om ¢ Offshore OEG ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD PT GUNANUSA PERSONNEL BASKET PBO006 OEG ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD LOYANG OFFSHORE SUPPLY BASE LOYANG CRESCENT, MAIL BOX NO. 5088 ‘BLOCK 103, TOPS AVE 1, 407-03 SINGAPORE 508988 10041374 TEL: +65 6671 1500 FAX: +65 6214 8885 1RQ.4005095 & MAIL: a WEB SITE: ‘OG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Loyang Offshore Supply Base Tel: +65 6671 1500 ff TE iecieer odo sess rc ses anaes Ss Block 103, TOPS Ave. 140703, Singsnore s03988 ROC/UEN No. 200914043W_ www. Documentation Pack for PBOO6 Personnel Basket Content 1 Letter of Conformity 2 Design Appraisal Document 3 Offshore Container Construction Certificate (ONV) 4 Load Test 5 Non-Destructive Test 6 Sling Certificate 7 Dimension Report 8 Paint Report 9 Final Acceptance Test Report Contact Persons Mr. Daniel Lim Mr. JunYuan, Choong (JY) Group Asset Director Operations Manager Mobile: +65 9092 2999 Mobile: +65 9488 8480 Email: Email: junyuan.choony First Choice in (ONV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide EG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd DER rea ec @=¢ Offshore weiecmiianse SSSI sanrartmaaees | sett sons ROC/UEN No. 200914043W CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Letter of Conformity EG Project. No. : APS1979 Letter of Conformity Ref. : OEGAP.O15.L0C.13060 Date : 16 January 2013 To Whom It May Concern, QEG OFFSHORE LIMITED hereby certify that the supplied of_1474x1154x2300 mm Basket Offshore Container is/are built accordance with our standard specification and in accordance with the relevant parts of: = IMO MSC/Circ.860 = DNV 2.7-1:2006 = LRCcS This Letter of conformity cover the below units:- SDAC/1083086/1 SHI1283722-01 PBo06 SDAC/1083086/1 sii1283722-02 | N/A Jun Yuan, Choong (JY) Operations Manager of OEG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Email: junyuan.choon, Sa sos First Choice in (DNV) Speci OEGAP 015 Letter of Conformity Page 1 Document no: SDAC/T083086/1 Issue number Page 1 of 2 IS RagNES Marine Design Appraisal Document on CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Uoyd's Register Classification Society (China) Co, Ltd. ‘10 20th Floor, Ocean Towers, 02 June 2010 No. 550 Yan An Dong Road, Shanghai 200001, PR. China. (Quote tis reference on al ture communications Tol: +86 (21) 5158 5700, SHI1083086/°0/0-60143 Fax: +86 (21) 6390 6865, Client: Donghong ACE Metal Co., Ltd, Manufacturer: Donghong ACE Metal Co., Ltd. Subject: 1510 x 1190 x 2300 mm Basket Steel Offshore Container Model no.: ACE-WB-1510 The plans lsted in Para 1 of the Appendix have been examined for compliance with the design requirements of codes DNV 2.7-1 (2006), EN 12079-1: 2006(E), MSC/Cire.860 and LR CCS (2008), as appropriate, for the design conditions stated on the plans and are assigned an appraisal status as indicated The following points are advised for information: 1. Type approval number GB-LR 21424-5/2010 has been allocated to this container design. 2. As details of the lifting set have not been supplied, they are excluded from this review. 3. It concluded that the frame material (including lifting lugs) has been impact tested to the requirements of the above codes and taking account of section thickness. Its noted that the design temperature is 20 degree , and the impact testing is concluded to be in accordance with DNV 2.7-1 (2006), clause 3.1, and EN 12078- 1:2006 (€), clause 6.1, and will be suitably verified by the attending surveyor. 4. Itis concluded that the framework welding & non-destructive examination thereof will be in accordance with the requirements of DNV 2.7-1 and EN 12079-1, which will be verified by the attending surveyor. 5. The container is accepted for sufficient shear area in way of fork-lift pockets as required by DNV 2.7-1 (2006) Appendix C, C2. Fork pockets are suitable for laden lifting. To be tested, The value of Re for the Pad eye material at 25mm thickness is confirmed by certificates at 325 N/mm’, 7. Prototype testing is required for this design in accordance with DNV 2.7-1 (2006) & EN 12079-1: 2006{€), 8. As required by DNV 2.7-1 (2006), para 4.1.2, the unit shall be designed to withstand 30 degrees ‘iting in any direction without overturning, To prove the loaded unit to be stability at 30 degrees tit angle, the 30 degrees tit testis required to perform according to para 4.6.5 and final acceptance depends on satisfactory testing 9. Itis concluded the clearance between the shackle pin and pad eye hole shall not exceed 6% of the shackle pin ciameter. D Digitally signed Pe Penny Deng by Eehny Deng Design Appraisal Surveyor Shanghai Design Appraisal Centre LUoya's Register Asia Direct Phone: +86 21 5158 5770 Email: Penny Deng@leora FNAL ACCEPTANCE OF ACTUAL TEMS) DEFENDIS)ON SATISFACTORY SURVEY ANO TESTING Loy'sRepier sia isamemberof the ya's Reger Group loys Reiter, ties and substiares oc thet respecte ocr employees or ages a, incidualy ad colecthly, refed to in thi ase a the Uoya's egster Group. The Uys Reger Group astumesno responsi ar shal not be lle to ny person ‘eta os dartage oe epurte Causa by lane ce ve Information of accents docarent oF Rowoever ce, ues that person hat sed = convact with he rev’ Reger Grose nly fo te oreo ‘ofthis information or aie and in tha case any responsy cr lab xclavely onthe ers ond conten set ot nat conch Ferm 6a38CHN 200907) Documestno: SDAC/I083086/1 Issue number 0 Page2 of 2 Lloyd's Register Classification Society (China) Co.,Ltd. Date fo 20th Floor, Ocean Towers, (02 June 2010 No. 550 Van An Dong Road, Shanghai 200001, P. R. Chin. te Fax: +86 (21) 6390 6866 ‘Quote this reference on ll future communications +86 (21) 5158 5700 'SHI1083086/?D/0-60143 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Appendix 1. The documents listed below have been examined ‘ACE-W/B-1510-00 1 ‘General Assembly 8 (02-Jun-2010) ‘ACE-W8-1510-01 1 Base Assembly Ri (02-Jun-2010) "ACE-W8-1510-02 1 Front Assembly a 02-Jun-2010) ‘ACEWB-1510-03 1 Side Assembly RI (02-Jun-2010, ze ACEWB-1510-04 1 Rear Assembly Rl (02-Jun-2010 ACE-WB-1510-05 1 Roof Assembly aL (02-Jun-2010) ‘ACE:WB-1510-06 1 Padeye Assembly 8 (O2-1un-2070) ACE-WB-1510-07 1 Marking Assembly RI (02-Jun-2070) 2. The documents listed below have been considered together with the submitted documents in the appraisal Technical Specification for 1510 x 1180 x 2300 Stee! Offshore Basket ane - (issue date: Dec. 25, 2009) Appraisal Status Key B Examined, provided the manufacture and testing comply with the requirements of the - Standards / Codes stated above. RI Retained for Information, without comment, as supporting document for information only. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF ACTUAL TEMS] DEPEND(S) ON SATISFACTORY SURVEY AND TESTING oya'sRegiter sia Is member of the ya's Regie Group Fer 6a38CHN (2002.07) Cerificate no: SHI1283722-02 Page 1 of 1 lo RaQ Offshore Container Construction Certificate Nome of Menufacuer: dees: Donghong ACE Metal Co., Lid ‘No. 33, Zhongtal Xi Road, Liufang, Hetang Town, Pengliang, Jiangmen City, Guangdong, China This isto certify thatthe under noted Offshore Container, which was manufactured and tested in accordance with the requirements of Loye's Register Group Container Certification Scher, has been inspected and found to bein accordance with the approved drawings andthe prototype container identified as follows: fers contin ae DIOR! +1474X1154X2300 Work Basket Offshore Container Ma Gross Mas (Rating Tare Nass Payoat a 2,640 kg 640 kg 2,000 kg ‘itera Omersons GOAN Design Temperate 1.474 mm 4,154 mm 2,300 mm, 20°C oes Raitt Group Type Aporoal NOW ‘Assert DGG NO 3 GB-LR 21424-5/2010 ‘ACE-WB-1510-DL-00 urea 4 Sb (EG OFFSHORE Contin Modal Na ators Seal NOI ZO vindis NO ‘aie ot NaADFaERE ACEWB-1510 119597 / P2006 December 2012 Specfcation of ting sat. Thi carat i onl ald when the container ft with approved ting et yi a in: shackle bok deter ‘Mas, angie of esi veto (taisnemren feize” 0 EAL 2mm 45° 2.600 Proof testing 7 ay ‘Trg offshore container, or another offshore container rom the same fabrication sere, has ben subjected to the following roo et ans Sil Wa ei ‘etal toad OS oS ee 9596 6,600 kg 20 December 2012 “The container also complies withthe following requirements and regulations: é .EN12079-1:2006/DNV2.7-1:2006 Remar: 2 ace 3 \suedst Shanghal = Inspector to Loy’ Register Casta Soiey(China) Co, td. ‘Amemberof the Uoyd's Register Group Unjs Reiter aflintes and subsidies and thelr respective offers, employees or agents are individually and collect red to nts clause asthe oye's Regier Group The Logs gator Group aesumes no responsibaty and sral nat be haba to ny person for fy loss, domige or expense caused by elance cn the Information or advice ts cocument ox howsoever prevded, ures tht person has signed a contact withthe eleva ya Register Group ely or Ue prouision (fins information or adic and in that case any responsibly or Fail excusney onthe terms and conitone st ut n that contac TEL: 86-750-3733851 | NO.33,ZHONGTAI XI ROAD, HETANG TOWN, JIANGMEN CITY, GUANGDONG, CHINA FAX: 86-750-3733877 | WEB: OFFSHORE CONTAINER 4-POINT LIFTING TEST REPORT OWNER ‘OEG OFFSHORE DATE 20 December, 2012 MEG. Donghong ACE Metal Co.,Ltd. REPORT NO. DH-BTR- PBOOS SERIAL NO. P3005, REPORTCOVER : _P800S~006/ H9596~9597 MFG. NO. 119596 CERT.NO. :_SHII283722-02 TYPE =_4474mmxi154mmx2300mm PB/DL 48 MODELNO. : _ACE-WB-1510 j INSPECTION SUMMARY T , + Load test of 25 times (M.G. weight) carried out and Fo aT | was hold for 5 minutes at 4 padeyes. a7 ‘+ Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) is carried out | ___ BEFORE and AFTER load test. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY DESIGNED DATA, "ACTUAL TEST DATA “TARE WEIGHT 640 kg__| TARE WeiGHr (1) 648 ke M.G. WEIGHT (R) 2,640 ke__| DEAD WEIGHT ADDED (P= L-T) 5,952 te TEST WEIGHT(L=RX2.5) + 6,600 kg__| TESTED WEIGHT 6,648 ke BASE AREA 33,015 em LOAD PER CM 0.458 kgler™ LOAD CELL DATA BRANO/MAKE WangTaile-3246 RANGE '40™10000 KG SERIAL NO. 21009785 / 12573246 CALIBRATED CERT.NO, _: 12020120036 DEFORMATION RECORD (in em) CONDITION 2 3 4 5 6 z EMPTY [44.0 83.0 | 420 40.0 BEFORE LIFTING (LOADED) 44.0 | 83.0 | 42.0 Z| 40.0 DURING LIFTING 44.0 | 83.0 | 42.0 7 [400 [AFTER LIFTING (LOADED) 44.0 | 83.0 | 42.0 40.0 EMPTY 44.0 | 83.0 | 42.0 [40.0 PERMANENT DEFORMATION oo [00 0.0 0.0 COMMENTS Satisfactory ae, 5 STAMP & SIGN | same sin 5 ‘OPERATOR NAME: HUSHENLIN SUVEYOR NAME: F. FENG DATE: 20 December, 2012 DATE: 20 December, 2012 DHaS-PTR-0O2 {UANGZHOM SPY ASR s/o NAA LMM AAAs stion and Test Center, GSI stry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC ym iS CHS LITT Fe TY WAR Nondestructive Testing Report WAi8%. PBOOE D1 HH 4H Report No, Page of CERTIFIED TRUE COPY iM: ELT 1TH As RA BRA] . Customer, LARS Pe: 1474X1154X2300 WORK BASKET STEEL Project Name, OFFSHORE CONTAINER LARS + Contract No, PBO06 AOE Date 2012.12.18. 2 We: Directions of the Test SRoRAN BRT abo ho Lee NE GA EM TER Uibs (020) 81892437 ment. the eephone Nos 20) 81892657 =i PE WS ACD RGAE @ a Umer GUANGZHOU SHIPYARD INTERNATIONAL COMPANY feieh PAGER Bane Ht BB AL FEARS A Py / oh BAB AL NB te eR Huanan Calibration and Test Genter, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC CERTIFIED TRUE CGB YE He il ik # ARTICLE TESTING REPORT sR. PBOOG BIH KR 4 H Report No Page of CBE OFFSHORE LAR: aac KkSUIFRE REF. DRAWING Engineering CONTAINER Contract No, Specification THA 1474X1154X2300 Hi STEEL pitt B#? —ENI290:1998. Work Name Material Stand Pro, ENI291:1998 esa GRINDING 8 Hl wR 2108 m Surface Tes Area WELDANDHAZ paricie size RS MP-A3 enn DEO ete ac Insru, Ser. (MP3635) Mag. Particle Current A1-50/100 Bete 13k continuity It >4SN Magnetize CONTINUITY Ting YOKE wn . SHC 2 Piece Mag.. Direction 90° CROSS Ace. Level PEYEuY wena SPRAYING —— sWiEESR ae Application Demagnetize Bi]. AEE (Note & Sketch) According tothe standard EN1290:1998 & EN1291:1998, the MT has been carried to out inspect the following welds of | 1474X1154X2300 BASKER offshore container, serial no. PBO06. The following table shows result. Refer 10 | APPENDIX SKETCH. ACC = ACCEPTED, REI = REJECTED. WELD RESULT |WELD [RESULT [WELD [RESULT | WELD RESULT | NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER | TAT ACC. TB-1 ACE. face TT ACC. TA2 ACC. _| TB2 ACC. ACE 1D: ACC TAS ACE Ta ACE. ACC TD: ACC | Tra [ace. | T84 ACE [ace 1D [ace] TAS Acc. | Tes ACC, ace. | TOs face [TAS Acc. | 18% ‘ACC ACC TD ACC. TAT ACC. TB7 ACC. ACC TD-7 ACC. [D ‘ACC. DB-T ACC DD-I ACC. [DA2 ACC. - “| DD yace. CGI acc. [cca ACE. - COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELD(S): - WELDNO. | REJECTED RESULT WELD NO. | REJECTED REASON | RESULT AFTER [_ REASON | AFTER REPAIR REPAIR (BLANK) | jaw IE EQ ONL 6 RRR. ne “Surveyor, AI Review by: MT-I Inspect by A SSM es) ‘Date 2212-2 —pygee DSi Hl if Date So — 12 Date ___2012.12.18, PUPS aS BARRE {UANGZHOU SHIPYARD INTERNATIO! AR 2 a] COMPANY LIMITED 1, i Ft kB A SA A > / oh GAT Mb J AL FES Huanan Calibration and Test Center, Gs Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC CERTIFIED TRUE COPY HARK RR ULTRASONIC TESTING REPORT. semi. PBOOG ee Repom No. Page” of LAM DRESHORE: TRY ppoos | RE Engineering, SONTAENEE: ‘Contract No. Report No. 7 CAG 1474X1154X2300 HE STEEL Os oe Ee ke ‘Work Name Material 7 Specification TR Be Fh 250 dea Gi iG : GRINDING ‘Weld Method SMAW Joint Type BELED ‘Surfacs BINEE Ene z teeter ENI714:2002 fae" Test Area VELA SIDE ‘Stand or Pro. ENI712;2002 Test Grade = nen PASTE tHe 448 aes HS610e Couplant Compensation Instrument HET IES z 5 Kf 5 iB 3 Probe Ser. SBISISEZ K Value 78). Calibration WRB: au 4 Hite a 2 Sensitivity SSIES) Scan Adjust Be Kee Gente: LEVEL 2 [Note or sketch: According to the standard EN1714: 2002 & EN1712. 2002, the UT has been carried to out inspect the C.P welds of 1474X11$4X2300 BASKET offshore container, serial no.PBO06. The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX | SKETCH | ACC = ACCEPTED, REJ = REJECTED —— [WELD [RESULT | WELD | RESULT | WELD RESULT [WELD RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER TAS [Acc [TBS acc. TCs 1D3 ACC | [TAs | ACC. TB ACC. Tt (D4 ACC, | cas Tace. | TBs AEG. | TES ibs ACC TAG ACC. TBS ACC. 1C7 ‘ACC. 1D7 ACC. (BLANK) | COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELD(S) ~ | WEDNO | REIECTED RESULTAPTER | WELD NO. REJECTED] RESULT AFTER | REASON REPAIR | REASON | REPAIR (BLANK) eview by:_UT= I] “Inspect by,_ OT AY Hy Date, eis. Date 2012.12.18, SHIPYAR| NATI AMAT Me NE HE A Huanan Calibration a st Genter, GS! s-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC Ba HR 4 we Guangzhou Physic: aun P0N6 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY an =A TB “1 Ea A‘ ‘A B \B TA # x TD BB D- + : cc-1 cc-4 pp CC? Cr nae ea ol 1 ws DA-2 - pp . Y pa-l“

42 JOULES ‘Magnetic Particle Testing, Type: Wet, Certified to EN 1677-4 (Link) LINK STEEL SPECIFICATION | _C_|_ Mn Fi Ss Si Ni_| cr _| Mo | al MIN (ML +CPL) 0.18 | 0.70 : - | 020 | 040 | 040 | 0.15 | 0.020 MAX (ML + CPL) 023 | 0.90 | 0.040 | 0.040 | 0.35 | 0.70 | 0.60 | 028 | - REFERENCE DNV MSA R-3130 AND TYPE APPROVAL S-6401. WE HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED ON THIS DOCUMENT HAS BFEN TESTED AND EXAMINED, [AND MEETS THE ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE MACHINERY DIRECTIVE CERTIFIED ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY a November 19, 2012 Signature: pet Date of Kevance ality Asorance thelirossyjoroup Scanned image of Material Chemistry Report for Grashy (Ze Link of A344 1-1/8" Welded Alloy Master Link with PIC: IMT and Heat #: 501122208 7S MATERIAL CERTIFICATE DOCUMENT MEETS THE REQUIREMENT OF INSPECTION CERTIFICATE “TYPE 3.1" PER EN 0204 CERTIFIED. TRUE COPY DaORNRCT #6438 7.007 /095, - 40324561120 a Certificat de Réception 3.1 / EN 10204 SWISS STEEL NY 220236 Provsieg special ie! sohsons iwc Grosby Zimmermann rome apa us ce Ctra de Rascas 18 us = Precise wouley vane pe gee inaoim SuST exer ware owetes Cenwtreeny teonenereieny | Wendl Eevtaans Commande Ten = oan eee rveclas gsc ae Weems Haare sews ore Croery Zaman no rene Chars aa Tams cine cares maton : oo woos hs ws - on : = arias i cn : st ‘SAS. CROSBY-ZIMMERMANN 18, dy Genre Roses S720 BOULAY Content sere Ene de ractn ot KV 820°C aes OWs7HN€ Ia tat Pan 7 as FO CaaS PARSGESTE Se SOE 2042050 Renae NNBDCICOTED Certificate Number: Location of Issue: theGreskygroup CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Crosby Europe NY. ‘Leuvensebaan Si 2580 Putte (Mechelen) Belgium www, EC Declaration of Conformity in accordance with EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC €C4-2012111900070 Crosby Europe (UK) Ltd. Station Street, Cradley Heath ‘West Midlands B64 6AJ, United Kingdom Phone: 01226 290516 Fax: 01226 240118 Stock No: 1258102 Description of Gear:_A347 25/19MM Welded Master Link Assembly (MI. - 25x145x275) ‘Working Load Limit: 89] [Max. Allowed Proof Loed: 218k t indicates metric tonnes ‘Comments: Note: Number of Pieces: Ultimate load is $ times the WLL based on a vertical angle less than or equal to 45°. Meets the requirements of EN 1677-4 : 2000, Components for slings - Safety ~ Part 4: Links Grade 8. This equipment can meet the requirements of DNV Certification Note 2.7-1, as per DNV certificate for type approval No. S-6401 We hereby declare that the above mentioned product with CE marking complies with the applicable essential Health and Safety requirements of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Has not been contaminated by Mercury in the manufacturing process. 1 Main Link: 1MP PICs are based on visual observation Centficate based on item being the Crosby product described above. We hereby certify that the above described material was manufactured and processed in a manner compatible to ‘meeting the load ratings when used under normal and proper applications. Mentioned products are in conformity to the Crosby literature available at time of manufacturing, including the following trademarked features: GEECE All Crosby plants are ISO 9001:2008 certified for quality and consistency of the processes, For Product Delivered To: Date Global Integrated Services Lid Silverburn Crescent Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, Aberdeen United Kingdom November 19, 2012 a forte —— ae Awsurance theGrosbyoroup eo ety co Station Street, Cradley Heath ‘West Midlands B64 6AJ, United Kingdom Phone: 01226 290516 Fax: 01226 240118 ‘TC2-2012111900071 Global Integrated Services Ltd YOUR ORDER NO. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY ory DESCRIPTION 1 1258102 A347 25/19MM Welded Master Link Assembly (ML - 25x145x275), To EN 1677-4 MATERIAL PROPERTIES Te me EAT NOMBER PROOF LOAD APPLIED TMPACT TEST TYPE CHARFY v GOULES) “TOASTM ASOOUASTM £23.07 Tere AVERAGE MAIN LINK | IMP 01122208 218 kN -20 > 42 JOULES Magnetic Particle Testing, Type: Wet, Certified to EN 1677-4 (Main Link) MAIN LINK STEEL SPECIFICATION | _C_| Mn _|_P. s Si Ni_|_cr_| Mo | al ‘MIN (ML + CPL) o1s | 070 | - =| 020 | 040 | 040 | 0.15 | 0.020 MAX (ML + CPL) 0.23 | 0.90 | 0.040 | 0.040 | 035 | 0.70 | 0.60 | 025 | - REFERENCE DNV MSA R-3130 AND TYPE APPROVAL S-6401. ‘WE HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED ON THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN TESTED AND EXAMINED, AND MEETS THE ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE MACHINERY DIRECTIVE, CERTIFIED ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY ate November 19, 2012 Signature: Dae of Isaner Gray Assrance ieBrosbysraup Seam nat of Maal Chmity Rein Beosbay (2c Main Link of A347 28/19MM Welded Master Link Assembly (ML - 25x145x275) with PIC: IMP and Heat #: £01122208 eiaz0 pesrets soi.2012 Chia 002 i sess F003 ope seuss CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Certticat de Réception 3.1/ EN 10204 SWISS STEEL N° 220804 Proving speci sag eohtions ae Groaby Benmore roman ase ue de Stra so Races 18 aor FRarz20 Bovley ‘vat? Tosa aaa Faery a nm Ietoerneen anarre Winter come teent wee gears" | covert Sec oan Neommane syne eae troseere rosy Zimmermann rae ane xo Dentin 3800 acme Sanna : ‘ nena ‘i woe = ie ,P i) f &F * | aoe naw meant 026 * : = amt = : ne a> = > Bee an) , : ¢ SAS. CROSBY ZTIONERMAN 16 rue di Otro Raseas ‘57220 BOULAY Commie oe: Esto eon a KV4-20°C 4 het ran.OH7NN6 Sn Tote bo ere aa OGIO Bk Ce ‘ree wrcvrtarert ctor EN 02042004 arama: 10'RC MOC Remorse aint OCR Bagpes ~ 02/87/2012 11:35 61698457914 ceORGE PAGE e3/e4 P.0. Box 87, 3360 AB Sledrecht @ Indistiewes 6, 3361 HU Shedroont The Nethesiande Tel. #31 18441 23.00 Fax. 491 18847 48.88 Ho ‘mais sales @venbeest.n ‘wwwrvanbeeat nt George Taylor & Company Ltd. Brickyard Roed WSO ESR Aldridge United Kingdom CERTIFIED TRUE COPY . INSPECTION CERTIFICATE TO EN 10204 - TYPE 3.1 Number 80056368 28.06.2012 Customer no. 30578 1/6 four ender nos Your ri-n9, estas 49249 fay. [Deserpton 1400 |GPGHMBI9 1G-4163, Green Pin® Standard Shackles, bow shackles with safety bok, to EN13869, hot dipped palvenized, diameter bow 19 mm, diameter pin 22 mm, WLL 4.75 ton Metorial properties Une | Chargerno. | Visapaim] Tenshi] Flan. ] —Tmpactient ype: Chmpy Vous) | am] Traceabiiny (imma! | strengin| gation —{ ovina) | Fis meee] 1 | 27 3 Tag {6611050628 |_s10 | 1020 | 36 | -20 [410] 10] 108] 103 Bow [x6 GP de611050121| 935 | 1000 | 17 | -20 | 122] 10a] 110] 112] Pin [GP6 AM Chemical composition fie | ew | sim Tnx] ew | sm [ crx | mow mm | ve | cow [ais 710.360 0.210] 0.870] 0.012| 0.007] 0.970] 0.180] 0.060 0.110 0.034 210.360 | 0.240 0.530] 0.014] 0.008 | 0.880] 0.170 =i (0.037 Jad. Vermeulen (GA+Meneger) pe one chain to seer of Van Beet stron (Ree ore sae DONG HONG metal co.,ltd ACE CONTAINER CHECK REPORT DIMENSION CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OWNER: _OEG Offshore IMGF: DONGHONG ACE METAL CO.,LTD. |TYPE:__2men PB. DATE 2012-12-17 DWG.NO._ACE-WB-1510-00 [CERTI-NO. : SHI 1283722- 0 > SERIAL NO. : PBOOS IMFG.NO. : H 9597 DESIGN DIMENSIONS D B mm mm ° A LENGTHIAC] 1474 os I [WIDTHIAB) lisa o-5 DI BI HeIoHTIAAY) | 2300 07-5 cl AL ACTUAL DIMENSION’ DIAGONAL [REFERENCE [DIMENSION | A [REFERENCE [DIMENSION = acr_ |369r | , ac [1473 [= swewan, [aac fads ee a - 267 A ’ = Bi-D_ | 342 95 : Di fiw +2 a A-D BLE ‘ AMAL 2230 o aS 1460 ‘ AB [is ° 1867 Asi 153 = r532 ci 222 zal ee 3 @ rs i =a @ FRONT END = FRONT END 2331 1 cub Jt 3 3 S30 o-pr [it = REMARKS: SATISFACTORY CHECKED BY VERIFIED BY {payuen / papedsui) UY annewasaiday 30¥/930 1 pionaysuneoy'0z0'4v9I0 ‘yotay vowpedsy sunuteg 203 He 0 BE r tensa te‘evoz0honenpeds foes N29 990 PUENTE pO HY, “ pamanyparadsn) (paynan /parsadsui) sip y BEN SO VES anveworerdou 399 [ sosiindns avoy2u0a woll= vont word woe : Tit apis yi woll = “ort MOH + OE: HA OPS o Th 35] Tf ne | wereiasa Aten Tope co Ce Thee OT tT Ot elec |_—‘(ooe Weoley Bay] 1809 pe Ter SB sree “dot | SEL Ter eLdg —_rumarodern3] eo ee £9) Xd YC A ed OE) suoass dust | swe hia panaeG ‘aweN BnpoId [ Fouad ad awe Glol SAT ae s]JO 550 _Bvord _bved_ PRVPsDIOrErDROFMPEITINN AdOO ANYL GalsILY3O a THO ONTLVOS hed! (EG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Loyang Offshore Supply Base Tel: 465 6671 1500 WAC OPFSHOFE — crane crescent, Mal dox No, sosa Fax: 9656214 8685 Bas Block 103, TOPS Ave. 1, #07-03,, Singapore 508988 ROC/UEN No. 2009140430 Final Inspection Report CERTIFIED TRUE COPY ‘Owner: OEG Offshore | Serial No.: PBOO6 Date: 2012-12-23 ‘Type: Personal Basket Mig. No.: H-9597 1 Exterior 2 Is structure free from corrosion formation, mechanical damage ot deformation? ‘Does paint coating not peeling off oF damag sealant application acceptable? a_[ sel ai eee al with no sign of ditreas or oveoad? t a Pade (eting points) €_| Boss paint coating not peeling off or damaged? y S| Tie down points / ‘a. | Are tie-down point/lashing rings securely fitted, not missing or damaged? — ve _ ashing rings _ _ 4. [5 Boor closures (doors, a) Is Tunelionaliy for operation in satifatory manne’ without undue Tore too) frames, seals, hinges, tight nor too loose) beng required? locks, lock sets, etc.) | Weather tightness Testa. Watertight Test b. 8 Additional tems 2 (Secure pins, shelves, tarpaulin, door net. Ete) 97 Decais/ Markings REMARKS: NA Checked and Accepted by: OEG | Checked and Accepted by: ACE Anisul Islam. é QC Officer (China Facility) Gavin Lee ‘OEG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Loyang Offshore Supply Base Tel: +65 6671 1500 = Loyang Crescent, Mail Box No. 5088 Fax: +65 6214 8885, Block 103, TOPS Ave. 1, #07-03, Singapore 508988 ROC/UEN No. 200914043. Additional Products available from Stock : Standard unit design photographs Available in a range of sizes or custom built to suit customers’ requirements Reefer Units Cargo Baskets (Small) : ae a i ~ Mud Skips. Cargo Baskets VSD / LER Modules Workshops. Algo at Corporate Oftce’ Europe Cowal Hour, Cothal View, Pkmaddcn Road Ind Estate, Dyce, Aberdeen ABZ OBF (Contact tals: Tel: +44 (0) 1224 218500 Fax: #44 (0) 1224 215501 Pahine and Gantainere Worldwide

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