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PHYS 104

General Physics IV
Heat and properties of matter
1st year
Physics + Physics & Chemistry + Physics & Computer Science+ Biophysics

Dr. Heba AbdelMaksoud

Physics Department
Faculty of Science
Ain Shams University
Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud
Chapter 20
First Law of Thermodynamics
 20.1 Heat and Internal Energy
 20.2 Specific Heat and Calorimetry
20.3 Latent Heat
20.4 Work and Heat in Thermodynamic Processes
20.5 The First Law of Thermodynamics
20.6 Some Applications of the First Law of
20.7 Energy Transfer Mechanisms

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

20.3 Latent Heat
Phase change.

Gas - very weak intermolecular

forces, rapid random motion

Liquid - intermolecular forces bind

closest neighbors

Solid - strong intermolecular forces

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

20.3 Latent Heat
Phase change.
substance can undergo a change in temperature when energy is transferred between it and
its surroundings. the transfer of energy does not result in a change in temperature. That is
the case whenever the physical characteristics of the substance change from one form to
another; such a change is commonly referred to as a phase change.

Two common phase changes are

• from solid to liquid (melting).
• liquid to gas (boiling).

During a phase change, THERE IS NO CHANGE in temperature of the substance.

• Different substances react differently to the energy added or removed during a phase
• Due to their different molecular arrangements Due to their different molecular
arrangements The amount of energy also depends on the mass of the sample The
amount of energy also depends on the mass of the sample .

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

20.3 Latent Heat
Phase change.
If a quantity Q of energy transfer is required to change the phase of a mass m of a substance,
the latent heat of the substance is defined as

The quantity L is called the latent heat of the material “hidden” Latent means “hidden”
The value of L depends on the substance as well as the actual phase change .
The energy required to change the phase of a given mass m of a pure substance is

Q   mL

The positive sign → when energy enters a system, causing melting or vaporization.
The negative sign → corresponds to energy leaving a system such that the system freezes or

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

20.3 Latent Heat
Phase change.
Latent heat of fusion Lf latent heat of vaporization Lv
is the term used when the phase is the term used when the phase
change is from solid to liquid (to change is from liquid to gas (the
fuse means “to combine by liquid “vaporizes”)

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

20.3 Latent Heat
Phase change.
To understand the role of latent heat in phase changes, consider the energy required to
convert a 1.00-g cube of ice at - 30.0°C to steam at 120.0°C. Figure 20.2

Figure 20.2 A plot of temperature versus energy added when 1.00 g of ice initially at -30.0°C is
converted to steam at 120.0°C

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

20.3 Latent Heat
Phase change.

Part A.
On this portion of the curve, the temperature of the ice
changes from -30.0°C to 0.0°C. the temperature varies
linearly with the energy added, so the experimental result
is a straight line on the graph. Because the specific heat of
ice is 2090 J/kg ·°C, we can calculate the amount of energy

=(1x10 3)*(2090)*(0-(-30))=62.7 J

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

20.3 Latent Heat
Phase change.

Part B.
When the temperature of the ice reaches 0.0°C, the
ice-water mixture remains at this temperature—
even though energy is being added—until all the ice
melts. The energy required to melt 1.00 g of ice at
0.0°C is

Q  mi L f  (1x10 -3 )(3.33 x105 )  333J

Q  333  62.7  395.7 J

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

20.3 Latent Heat
Phase change.

Part C.
Between 0.0°C and 100.0°C, nothing surprising
happens. No phase change occurs, and so all energy Boiling point
added to the water is used to increase its
temperature. The amount of energy necessary to
increase the temperature from 0.0°C to 100.0°C is

Q=mwcwDT=mwcw (Tf-Ti)
=(1x10 3)*(4.19x103)*(100-0)=419 J

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

20.3 Latent Heat
Phase change.
Part D.
At 100.0°C, another phase
change occurs as the water Boiling point
changes from water at
100.0°C to steam at 100.0°C.
Similar to the ice-water
mixture in part B, the water-
steam mixture remains at
100.0°C—even though energy
is being added—until all the
liquid has been converted to
steam. The energy required
to convert 1.00 g of water to
steam at 100.0°C is

Q  mw Lv  (1x10 -3 )(2.26 x106 )  2.26 x103 J

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

20.3 Latent Heat
Phase change.

Part E. On this portion of the curve, as in parts A and C, no phase change occurs;
therefore, all energy added is used to increase the temperature of the steam. The energy
that must be added to raise the temperature of the steam from 100.0°C to 120.0°C is

Q=mscs DT=msc (Tf-Ti)

=(1x10 3)*(2.01x103)*(120-100)=40 J
Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud
20.3 Latent Heat
Phase change.
• The total amount of energy that must be added to change 1 g of ice at -30.0°C to
steam at 120.0°C is the sum of the results from all five parts of the curve, which
is 3.11x 103 J.

• Conversely, to cool 1 g of steam at 120.0°C to ice at -30.0°C, we must remove

3.11x 103 J of energy.

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

Quick Quiz 20.2 Suppose the same process of adding energy to the ice cube is performed
as discussed above, but instead we graph the internal energy of the system as a function of
energy input. What would this graph look like?

The figure shows a graphical representation of the internal energy of the ice as a function of energy
added. Notice that this graph looks quite different from Figure 20.2 in that it doesn’t have the flat
portions during the phase changes. Regardless of how the temperature is varying in Figure 20.2, the
internal energy of the system simply increases linearly with energy input.

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

Example 20.3: What mass of steam initially at 130°C is needed to warm 200 g of water in a 100-g glass
container from 20.0 °C to 50.0 °C?

Ts=130 oC Solution
cs=2.01x103 J/kg.oC The steam undergoes three processes:
mw=200 g
mg=100g Process #1 (is cooling the steam): Q cold=-Q hot
Lv=2.26x106 J/kg Steam cooling from 130oC to 100oC :
cw=4.19x103 J/kg.oC Q1=mscs DT=msc (Tf-Ti)
Cglass=837 J/kg.oC Q1=ms*(2.01x103)*(100-130)= -ms (6.03x104 )J
Ti=20 oC
Tf=50 oC Process #2 (Steam condensing):
Q2= - ms (2.26x106)

Process #3 (Water (was steam) cooling from 100oC to 50oC ):

Q3=mscw DT=mscw (Tf-Ti)
Q3=-ms*(4.19x103)*(50-100)= -ms (2.09x105 ) J

Qhot= Q1+Q2+Q3=-ms[6.03x104 + 2.26x106 + 2.09x105 ]=-ms(2.53x106 )J (1)

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

Example 20.3: What mass of steam initially at 130°C is needed to warm 200 g of water in a 100-g glass
container from 20.0 °C to 50.0 °C?

The 20.0°C water and the glass undergo only one process, an increase in temperature to
50.0°C. Find the energy transfer in this process:

Ts=130 oC Qcold = QWater+glass= mwcw*(Tf-Ti)+[mglasscglass·(Tf-Ti)]

ms=??? = [(mwcw+mglasscglass)*(Tf-Ti)]
cs=2.01x103 J/kg.oC
mw=200 g = [0.2*(4.19x103)]+[0.1*837](50-20) = 2.77x104 J (2)
These two heats must be equal: eq(1)=eq(2)
Lv=2.26x106 J/kg
cw=4.19x103 J/kg.oC
cglass=837 J/kg.oC
Ti=20 oC
Tf=50 oC
2.77x104 J = -(-ms(2.53x106 ))
ms=1.09x10-2 kg=10.9 g

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

Q#2 (P# 579): Ethyl alcohol has about half the specific heat of water. Assume equal
amounts of energy are transferred by heat into equal-mass liquid samples of alcohol and
water in separate insulated containers. The water rises in temperature by 25°C. How much
will the alcohol rise in temperature?
(a) 12°C
(b) 25°C
(c) 50°C
(d) It depends on the rate of energy transfer.
(e) It will not rise in temperature.
Solution Q
1 mDT
cethyl  cwater
2 cethyl DTwater 25
 
Q  Q  cwater DTethyl DTethyl
 m   
ethyl  m  water cethyl 25

2cethyl DTethyl
DTethyl  50 o
Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud
Q#3 (P. 579) What is wrong with the following statement: “Given any two bodies, the one
with the higher temperature contains more heat.”


The object with the higher temperature

contains more energy, but heat is the
transfer of energy between two objects
at different temperatures.

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

Problem #20.4 (P. 580) The Nova laser at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in
California was used in early studies of initiating controlled nuclear fusion (Section 45.4). It
delivered a power of 1.60 x 1013 W over a time interval of 2.50 ns. Explain how its energy
output in one such time interval compares with the energy required to make a pot of tea
by warming 0.800 kg of water from 20.0°C to 100°C.

P= 1.60 x 1013 W Solution

t=2.5 ns
m=0.8 kg
Ti= 20 °C
Energy= PΔt= 1.60 x 1013 (2.5x10-9)=4x104 J
Tf=100 °C

Q= mc*(Tf-Ti)
Q= 0.8*(4186)(80)=2.68x105 J

This is larger by 6.70 times.

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

Problem #20.6 (P. 580). An aluminum cup of mass 200 g contains 800 g of water in thermal
equilibrium at 80.0°C. The combination of cup and water is cooled uniformly so that the
temperature decreases by 1.50°C per minute. At what rate is energy being removed by
heat? Express your answer in watts.

mAl= 200 g Solution

mw= 800 g
During 1 min, the temperature decrease by 1.5 oC. Let’s find
T= 80 °C to what quantity of heat does this corresponds have:
cw= 4186 J/kg. oC
cAl=900 J/kg. oC Q transfer =QWater+Al= mwcw*(Tf-Ti)+[mAlcAl·(Tf-Ti)]
= [0.8*(4186)]+[0.2*900](1.5) = 5293.2 J

Therefore, the energy at which the heat is being removed is 5293.2 J/min
To convert this to watts, we need to divide by 60

rate   88.22 Watts

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

Problem #20.13 (P. 581) How much energy is required to change a 40.0-g ice cube from ice
at -10.0°C to steam at 110°C?

mi= 40 g Solution
Ti= -10 °C
cw= 4186 J/kg. oC The heat needed is the sum of the following terms:
ci=2090 J/kg. oC Qtotal=(heat to reach melting point) + (heat to melt)+
Lv=2.26x106 J/kg (heat to reach boiling point) +
Lf=3.33x105 J/kg (heat to vaporize) + (heat reach 110)

Q  m i ci (Tf - Ti )  mi L f  m w c w (Tf - Ti )  mw Lw  m s cs (Tf - Ti )

(2090 * (0 - (-10) )  3.33 x105   )
 
Qtotal (
 0.04 (4186 * (100 - 0) )  2.26 x10  
(2010 * (110 - 100) ) 
 
Qtotal  1.22 x105 J
Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud
Problem #20.17 (P. 581) A 1.00-kg block of copper at 20.0°C is dropped into a large vessel of
liquid nitrogen at 77.3 K. How many kilograms of nitrogen boil away by the time the copper
reaches 77.3 K? (The specific heat of copper is 0.092 cal/g °C. The latent heat of vaporization
of nitrogen is 48.0 cal/g.)


Q  mCu cCu DT  mN 2 ( Lv ) N 2
Q  (1000) * (0.092)(293 - 77.3)  m(48)
m  0.414 kg


Problems # 2, 3, 10

Faculty of Science- ASU Dr. Heba.AbdelMaksoud

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