Budweiser Case Study - Docx.en - Es

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Cuestiones a considerar por el gerente superior:

La imagen de marca de Budweiser en Canadá está determinada en gran medida por la publicidad
realizada en los Estados Unidos. Para realizar la campaña de marketing específicamente para el
mercado canadiense, Budweiser debe centrarse en el contenido único, que atraerá al público
objetivo en Canadá. Budweiser debe tener cuidado al crear la campaña de marketing para
Canadá que no tendrá un conflicto con su campaña de marketing en los Estados Unidos.

Budweiser ya ha identificado a su público objetivo en Canadá como el grupo de edad de 19-24

años. El equipo de marketing ha identificado los 3 puntos de pasión para esta audiencia como
comida, música y viajes. Para crear una campaña de marketing para este grupo, Budweiser tiene
que seleccionar a los influencers del mismo grupo de edad y seguir la misma pasión. El mayor
desafío es identificar a los influencers correctos y convencerlos de que trabajen para la marca
Budweiser. La selección de personas influyentes que comparten los mismos valores de la marca
Budweiser es un desafío.

The next challenge the marketing manager will face is the platform to use for its marketing
campaign in Canada. Budweiser has the 2 blogs in the US, website page for Budweiser which
attracts a reasonable amount of web traffic. Budweiser's marketing manager has to make sure
that there is no conflict in messages posted on the various media platform.

Budweiser has to decide on the mode of compensation for the influencer marketer so that it
should not create a negative image of the brand in the public eye. The selection of influencers is
the biggest challenge marketing manager will face as Budweiser already sponsoring many music
and sports event. The marketing manager will face a dilemma whether to select a sportsperson or
any other influencer group to deliver its messages among the target audience. The marketing
manager has to hire a new team, which has the experience to handle influencer marketing.
Selecting the correct team itself is a challenge. The marketing manager has to decide between
handling the influencer marketing campaign in-house or outsource it to an external agency. For
running campaign in-house marketing manager has to hire the new team. For outsourcing, the
marketing manager has to select the suitable marketing agency. The marketing manager has to
evaluate the cost of in-house v/s outsourcing. The marketing manager has to deal with the
challenge of how much control she wants to keep on influencer? so that the right message is
delivered to the target audience.

The development of an evaluation matrix to evaluate the ROI of influencer marketing is a

challenge. Proving the value of influencer marketing campaign to top executives is a challenge
as influencer marketing does not have a clear parameter to measures the ROI.
Advantages & Disadvantages of influencer marketing:

The average person spends 2 hours daily on social media (Mediakix, 2018). With the growing
popularity of social media the influential marketing, which takes advantage of social media
pupillarity to endorse brands, products, has become one of the booming media of marketing. The
spend on influential marketing has grown from $500 million in 2015 to around $8.2 billion in
2019 globally (Mediakix, 2018). The advantages and disadvantages of using influential
marketing are as mentioned below,


1. Influencers build the trust of the brand in the minds of consumers because influencers
have a group of people who follow them and trust their recommendation on social media.
2. Influencer marketing can help to reach a large number of audience in a very short period.
Influencers have a large number of people following them on social media any post
posted by them on social media platforms will reach to followers in a short period.
3. The message will reach the right target audience by collaborating with influencers of
your niche.
4. Influencer marketing does not require a big marketing budget. studies have found that
84% of micro-influencers charge less than $250 for a single sponsored post on Instagram
(Brown, 2019). Hence the company does not need to invest much in influencer marketing
compared to a TV commercial.
5. Influencer marketing helps to reduce the sales cycle time as an influencer has already
built trust with its followers over a period of time. It means when an influencer promotes
any product then there are high chances of purchase of that product by its followers.


1. Measuring the ROI of influencer marketing is very difficult and vague.

2. Variation in results is very high for influencer marketing on the different social media
platform. For example, the result of sales from influencer marketing on Instagram can be
very different on Facebook or Twitter.
3. Risk of fake followers, fake influencer and the fake number are very high for influencer
marketing. According to reports, 50% of paid influencer post engagement is fake
(FISHKIN, 2018). Hence the selection of the right influencer has to done very carefully.
4. La campaña de marketing de influencers es difícil de rastrear ya que el marketing
influyente no permite rastrear datos directamente.
5. El marketing de influencers implica un alto riesgo, ya que no garantiza un resultado
sorprendente. El resultado del marketing de influencers depende del entusiasmo del
Recomendaciones al gerente senior:

El primer paso para crear una exitosa campaña de marketing influyente es construir una relación
sólida con personas influyentes para trabajar. Budweiser debe comunicar los valores centrales de
sus marcas con influencers y seleccionar los influencers que coincidan con esos atributos.
Budweiser patrocina muchos eventos sociales y deportivos, como el festival de música de
verano, hockey, baloncesto, Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2018. Budweiser debe aprovechar su
presencia en estos eventos para un marketing influyente eligiendo las personalidades adecuadas
para conectarse con el grupo de edad objetivo de 19-24 años. .

The goal of the marketing campaign is to drive the conservation of the Budweiser brand in the
19-24 age group. This goal will be achieved by engaging the right group of influencers who can
easily connect with the 19-24 age group audience. Budweiser must first define the clear goal of
this marketing campaign after that start looking for an influencer who will be able to deliver this
message to the target audience. The marketing manager must select the influencer who shares
mutual values and has an influence on the target audience group. Budweiser must invite the
influencers to its office and factory to explain the brewing process and let them know the
Budweiser DNA in a better way. Budweiser can look at sportsperson to endorse their brand as a
sportsperson has a larger number of followers on social media and famous among the 19-24 age
group. Budweiser must select the influencers based on their demographics, demographics of their
followers, quality of content created by them in past, uniqueness of content created by them,
reactions of followers on content created by them in past, level of engagement they will be able
to generate. Budweiser must treat the partnership as a symbiotic relationship rather than a
financial transaction. Budweiser should compensate influencers by providing them the cool
experiences in exchange such as tickets to FIFA world cup, tickets to live music concerts
sponsored by Budweiser, a ticket to a baseball game, tickets to a hockey game. Having no
financial transaction involved will help Budweiser distance itself from influencers who go off the

The influencer marketing is a new type of marketing hence it does not have a clear parameter to
measure the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. Budweiser must make one special team to
work directly with influencers and track their activities on social media. The below are the few
suggested parameters to be used to measure the effectiveness of influencer marketing campaign,

1. Audience reach
2. Social media impression
3. Number of comments, likes, shares of the post to measure the level of engagement
4. Sentiment
5. Quality of content
6. Conversion of some kind such as direct sales made, signing to promos.

Brown, B. (2019, April 10). grin. Retrieved from https://www.grin.co/blog/pros-and-cons-of-


FISHKIN, R. (2018, November 12). Sparktoro. Retrieved from https://sparktoro.com/blog/10-


Mediakix. (2018, February 8). Retrieved from https://mediakix.com/blog/benefits-of-influencer-


Mediakix. (2018, February 8). Retrieved from https://mediakix.com/blog/benefits-of-influencer-


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