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Reflection paper to the topic : Moral Agent

When the time today is more dangerous than yesterday, what would you do? You don’t know what will
happen to you in the way and you are exposed to many unreliable news and information, would you still
believe them when they tell the truth? “I wish I could make a change” that is what most of us would say, but
are we really making a change? are we really doing something to stop this? Is the problem that we are facing
now affects our decision to choose what is right or wrong?

We, humans are moral agents but we somehow forget what a moral agent is because we are too hung up
to what is going on to our surroundings. We are afraid that something bad might happen to us even if we
know what is the right thing to do. The moral agents in today’s world are afraid to become a moral agents
itself. Yes, we might not really confirm that we are cowards in our own ways but deep inside, we really are
coward because we feel unsecured, we are afraid to hurt someone’s feeling because we value friendship,
companionship even if we knew all along that some of the us are not true to themselves, not true to ourselves
also, but who are we to judge? We, moral agents are playing safe to avoid shambles, to avoid argument and to
make our environment peaceful even thought this so-called environment is full of corruption.

With the technology today that is easy to grasp or just a tap away, moral agents today are exposed to fake
news which makes others panic. It is really hard to trust what is really circulating in the net because once you
open an social media account, you are bombarded with these news and information that would make the
reader unsafe, panic and cause commotion to a group of people. Some would share these kind of information
because they think it is true, that everyone has the right to know the news and some would think that it is best
to just stay away in the net than to be stressed out to those things that are not true, just let the world do its
thing, which for me is good but, the ability of a person to choose what is right or wrong would be impaired
because what if the time will come that newspapers, tabloids, and other reading materials become obsolete
and the only way to fetch information is through the web, the time will come that we will believe everything
that is posted in the web. But how can we be so sure that what is in this article is true that the web itself is
vulnerable to this kind of information because anyone could write and post in the web. This technological
environment is really not safe at all levels. How can we make stop this stigma when we are already part of it?

We all know that change starts within, but why is it hard for us to do? It feels like we are hypocrite to
everything that we say. Is that how things should always be? I think this is the reason why we humans are
really hard to trust. It alright to trust someone but not everyone can be trusted so choose wisely. It is time for
us to get real, to be true to oneself, to have a vision and to practice what is given to us, the free will. We
should be aware that we have the right to choose but we should also remember that we have our limitations.
As part of the generation today, change is constant and unavoidable, even if we don’t like it, we should accept
it and equip ourselves with necessary information that are needed to rightfully practice our freedom to
choose. We should also remember that others have feelings and you should also consider it and should be
sensitive enough to notice it. The enemy of human is what he sees on a mirror and only himself knows how to
fight or befriend it. Humans should also remember that you are given a challenge not because you can’t make
it but because the Lord sees something in you that He wants you to also see. Don’t let challenges stop you
instead, make it a stepping stone for you to become a better person.

BY: Jamille P. Icalina, BSA-II

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