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of fala ati ect cores suze, f (ee Creat Mal Sox No-5088 SNOPEC —— stocetoa, tors ve 1, 907-03, tel 46566711500 Ed Singapore 200508 Foe tos 2148s Sea mon oeW GST Reg. No, 2008140430. Packing List For CIPL 012-13 CONSIGNEE & NOTIFY PARTY: 25.01.2013 PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators J1Bendungan Hilir Raya No 60 Jakarta 10210 — Indonesia Phone 62 21 570 3329 Your PO No. 00024452-1 Fax 6221570 3334 ‘APS1979 Attn. Mr. Trihadi Email: ios | Description Qty = | = 1 _| Personnel Basket (OEG Type 87) 2 | Unit Serial No. P8005; Sting Serial No. PBOOS/1 | | Unit Serial No. PBOOS; Sling Serial No. PBOOS/1 2 | 27% Maintenance/Banana Basket (grating or plate type along-side full height (OEG Type 89) 2 | Unit Serial No. M8001; Sling Serial No. MBOO1/1 Unit Serial No. MB002; Sling Serial No. MBO02/1 Shipping Marking PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators JI Bendungan Hilir Raya No 60 Jakarta 10210-Indonesia For Total E & P Indonesie SN2B/PCK78 Project Final Destination: KMK no 1823/KM.4/2012 24-05-2012 Desa Margasari Kec Pulo Ampel Kab Serang Merak — Banten No. of Package ~4 packages 2x Personnel Basket Each Dims: 1474 mm(L) x 1154 mm(W) x 2300 mm(H) Each Gross Weight: 720 kg =e 2.x Maintenance Basket _ Each Dims: 8314 mm) x1268 mm(W) x 2450 mm(H) = Each Gross Weight: 2350 ke ce eel Country of Origin: China Fist Choice in (ONV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide COEGAP.005 Commerc invoce Page? ae O€G Asia Pcie Pe ltd Loyeng Offhore Supe Ba, Offshore Loyang Crescent, Mall Box No. 5088 Block 103, TOPS Ave. 1, 107-03, Tel: +65 6671 1500 Singapore S08988 Fax: 165 6214 8885, Co. Reg. No. 200914043W GST Reg. No. 200914043W_ - Commercial Invoice No. CIPL 012-13 CONSIGNEE & NOTIFY PARTY: 15.01.2013 PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators JI Bendungan Hilir Raya No 60 Jakarta 10210 - Indonesia Phone 62 21570 3329 Your PO No. 00024452-1 Fax 62215703334 APS1979 Attn, Mr. Trihadi Email: [Unit Price Total Amount No. Description ay Usp 6 1 _| Personnel Basket (OEG Type 87) | 2 | 6615.00 | 13,230.00 | Unit Serial No. PBOOS; Sling Serial No. PBOOS/1. | Unit Serial No. PBOOS; Sling Serial No. P8005/1 | 2 | 27f Maintenance/Banana Basket (grating or plate type 2 | 17,515.00 | 35,030.00 | ‘along-side full height (OEG Type 89) | | Unit Serial No. MB0O1; Sling Serial No. MB002/1 | | Unit Serial No. M8002; Sling Serial No. MBOO2/1 | | | 1 ‘Total Amount in US Dollars | 48,260.00 First Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide (OEGAP.005.Commercal invoice Page 1 = Offshore War OEG ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD PT GUNANUSA 2 units x Maintenance Basket (MB001-MB002) 2 units x Personnel Basket (PB005-PB006) OEG ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD JOB NO.: APS1979 OEG ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD LOYANG OFFSHORE SUPPLY BASE LOYANG CRESCENT, Oo MAIL BOX NO. 5088 BLOCK 103, TOPS AVE 1, 407-03 ET SINGAPORE 508988 TEL: +65 6671 1500 __ FAX: +65 6214 8885 1RQ.4005095 E- MAIL; WEB SITE: 10041374 Bea i om ¢ Offshore OEG ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD PT GUNANUSA PERSONNEL BASKET PBO006 OEG ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD LOYANG OFFSHORE SUPPLY BASE LOYANG CRESCENT, MAIL BOX NO. 5088 ‘BLOCK 103, TOPS AVE 1, 407-03 SINGAPORE 508988 10041374 TEL: +65 6671 1500 FAX: +65 6214 8885 1RQ.4005095 & MAIL: a WEB SITE: ‘OG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Loyang Offshore Supply Base Tel: +65 6671 1500 ff TE iecieer odo sess rc ses anaes Ss Block 103, TOPS Ave. 140703, Singsnore s03988 ROC/UEN No. 200914043W_ www. Documentation Pack for PBOO6 Personnel Basket Content 1 Letter of Conformity 2 Design Appraisal Document 3 Offshore Container Construction Certificate (ONV) 4 Load Test 5 Non-Destructive Test 6 Sling Certificate 7 Dimension Report 8 Paint Report 9 Final Acceptance Test Report Contact Persons Mr. Daniel Lim Mr. JunYuan, Choong (JY) Group Asset Director Operations Manager Mobile: +65 9092 2999 Mobile: +65 9488 8480 Email: Email: junyuan.choony First Choice in (ONV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide EG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd DER rea ec @=¢ Offshore weiecmiianse SSSI sanrartmaaees | sett sons ROC/UEN No. 200914043W CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Letter of Conformity EG Project. No. : APS1979 Letter of Conformity Ref. : OEGAP.O15.L0C.13060 Date : 16 January 2013 To Whom It May Concern, QEG OFFSHORE LIMITED hereby certify that the supplied of_1474x1154x2300 mm Basket Offshore Container is/are built accordance with our standard specification and in accordance with the relevant parts of: = IMO MSC/Circ.860 = DNV 2.7-1:2006 = LRCcS This Letter of conformity cover the below units:- SDAC/1083086/1 SHI1283722-01 PBo06 SDAC/1083086/1 sii1283722-02 | N/A Jun Yuan, Choong (JY) Operations Manager of OEG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Email: junyuan.choon, Sa sos First Choice in (DNV) Speci OEGAP 015 Letter of Conformity Page 1 Document no: SDAC/T083086/1 Issue number Page 1 of 2 IS RagNES Marine Design Appraisal Document on CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Uoyd's Register Classification Society (China) Co, Ltd. ‘10 20th Floor, Ocean Towers, 02 June 2010 No. 550 Yan An Dong Road, Shanghai 200001, PR. China. (Quote tis reference on al ture communications Tol: +86 (21) 5158 5700, SHI1083086/°0/0-60143 Fax: +86 (21) 6390 6865, Client: Donghong ACE Metal Co., Ltd, Manufacturer: Donghong ACE Metal Co., Ltd. Subject: 1510 x 1190 x 2300 mm Basket Steel Offshore Container Model no.: ACE-WB-1510 The plans lsted in Para 1 of the Appendix have been examined for compliance with the design requirements of codes DNV 2.7-1 (2006), EN 12079-1: 2006(E), MSC/Cire.860 and LR CCS (2008), as appropriate, for the design conditions stated on the plans and are assigned an appraisal status as indicated The following points are advised for information: 1. Type approval number GB-LR 21424-5/2010 has been allocated to this container design. 2. As details of the lifting set have not been supplied, they are excluded from this review. 3. It concluded that the frame material (including lifting lugs) has been impact tested to the requirements of the above codes and taking account of section thickness. Its noted that the design temperature is 20 degree , and the impact testing is concluded to be in accordance with DNV 2.7-1 (2006), clause 3.1, and EN 12078- 1:2006 (€), clause 6.1, and will be suitably verified by the attending surveyor. 4. Itis concluded that the framework welding & non-destructive examination thereof will be in accordance with the requirements of DNV 2.7-1 and EN 12079-1, which will be verified by the attending surveyor. 5. The container is accepted for sufficient shear area in way of fork-lift pockets as required by DNV 2.7-1 (2006) Appendix C, C2. Fork pockets are suitable for laden lifting. To be tested, The value of Re for the Pad eye material at 25mm thickness is confirmed by certificates at 325 N/mm’, 7. Prototype testing is required for this design in accordance with DNV 2.7-1 (2006) & EN 12079-1: 2006{€), 8. As required by DNV 2.7-1 (2006), para 4.1.2, the unit shall be designed to withstand 30 degrees ‘iting in any direction without overturning, To prove the loaded unit to be stability at 30 degrees tit angle, the 30 degrees tit testis required to perform according to para 4.6.5 and final acceptance depends on satisfactory testing 9. Itis concluded the clearance between the shackle pin and pad eye hole shall not exceed 6% of the shackle pin ciameter. D Digitally signed Pe Penny Deng by Eehny Deng Design Appraisal Surveyor Shanghai Design Appraisal Centre LUoya's Register Asia Direct Phone: +86 21 5158 5770 Email: Penny Deng@leora FNAL ACCEPTANCE OF ACTUAL TEMS) DEFENDIS)ON SATISFACTORY SURVEY ANO TESTING Loy'sRepier sia isamemberof the ya's Reger Group loys Reiter, ties and substiares oc thet respecte ocr employees or ages a, incidualy ad colecthly, refed to in thi ase a the Uoya's egster Group. The Uys Reger Group astumesno responsi ar shal not be lle to ny person ‘eta os dartage oe epurte Causa by lane ce ve Information of accents docarent oF Rowoever ce, ues that person hat sed = convact with he rev’ Reger Grose nly fo te oreo ‘ofthis information or aie and in tha case any responsy cr lab xclavely onthe ers ond conten set ot nat conch Ferm 6a38CHN 200907) Documestno: SDAC/I083086/1 Issue number 0 Page2 of 2 Lloyd's Register Classification Society (China) Co.,Ltd. Date fo 20th Floor, Ocean Towers, (02 June 2010 No. 550 Van An Dong Road, Shanghai 200001, P. R. Chin. te Fax: +86 (21) 6390 6866 ‘Quote this reference on ll future communications +86 (21) 5158 5700 'SHI1083086/?D/0-60143 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Appendix 1. The documents listed below have been examined ‘ACE-W/B-1510-00 1 ‘General Assembly 8 (02-Jun-2010) ‘ACE-W8-1510-01 1 Base Assembly Ri (02-Jun-2010) "ACE-W8-1510-02 1 Front Assembly a 02-Jun-2010) ‘ACEWB-1510-03 1 Side Assembly RI (02-Jun-2010, ze ACEWB-1510-04 1 Rear Assembly Rl (02-Jun-2010 ACE-WB-1510-05 1 Roof Assembly aL (02-Jun-2010) ‘ACE:WB-1510-06 1 Padeye Assembly 8 (O2-1un-2070) ACE-WB-1510-07 1 Marking Assembly RI (02-Jun-2070) 2. The documents listed below have been considered together with the submitted documents in the appraisal Technical Specification for 1510 x 1180 x 2300 Stee! Offshore Basket ane - (issue date: Dec. 25, 2009) Appraisal Status Key B Examined, provided the manufacture and testing comply with the requirements of the - Standards / Codes stated above. RI Retained for Information, without comment, as supporting document for information only. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF ACTUAL TEMS] DEPEND(S) ON SATISFACTORY SURVEY AND TESTING oya'sRegiter sia Is member of the ya's Regie Group Fer 6a38CHN (2002.07) Certificate no: $HI1283722-01 Page 1 of 1 gister Offshore Container Construction Certificate Nome of Monufocurer iss: Donghong ACE Metal Co. Ltd No. 33, Zhongtal Xi Road, Liufang, Hetang Town, Pengjiang, Jiangmen City, Guangdong, China “his isto cert that the undernoted Offshore Containee, which was menufactued and tested in accordance wit the requirements of Uoyd's Regster Group Container Cerfication Scheme, has been inspected and found to bein accordance with the approved drawings and the prototype container denied 25 follows: (tfsroreConane Type Destin 41474X1154X2300 Work Basket Offshore Container ‘Max Gress Mas (ating Tate 2,640 kg, 640 kg nari Dimer Wi 1.474 mm 4,154mm 2,300 mm pj's Rei Grous Type Approial No % GB-LR21424-5/2010 ACEWB-1510-D1-00 chase Z = ‘OFG OFFSHORE ‘Containee Model NO Mauer Sol No. Owns No, Das MSRUISERRE ACEWE-1510 19596 / P8005 December 2012 ‘Spsctcation of Ming set. Ths ceria onl vad when the container is fed wath approved ting et in sack bat later Net anaeoRERR aISE nfiancetiene asee™ 22mm 45° 2.600 Proof testing: ae 5 This offshore container, r another shoe container fom the same fabrication srs, has been subjected tothe folowing proof tes Matis Sit NB ot cori RE realetlaed OSA neae Sk 9596 6,600 kg 20 December 2012 “The conteine io comps wih the along equi and eG cera EN12078-1:2006/DNV2.7-1:2005 omar: 3 ‘suet Shanghai on 24 December, 2012 Inspector to Uys Register Clasfcation Sodety(China CL ‘Amenber ofthe Loje's Reise Group LU’ Regier, te affltes and subsiares andthe respactve officers, employes o¢ agents a, indvidualy and collectively refered to inthis cause a the ‘oy fageter Group. The Loye's Reger Group ames no responsibly en shall ot be leble to ery peson for any loss, dae or expense caused by relance onthe Information or advice in hls document or Ronscever prove, unless that person has red @cotct with the rlevant Uoys Register Group ently fr the provision ‘of th information oF adic and in that case ny responsibly or Lbltyexclsiely onthe terms and conons stout in thet contet, Form 5216¢ 2006.08) NO.33,2HONGTAI XI ROAD, HETANG TOWN, JIANGMEN CITY, GUANGDONG, CHINA TEL: 86-750-3733851 | FAX: 86-750-3733877_| WEB: OFFSHORE CONTAINER 4-POINT LIFTING TEST REPORT OWNER (EG OFFSHORE DATE + 20 December, 2012 MFG. Donghong ACE Metal Co., Ltd REPORTNO. _: _OH-BTR-PBOOS SERIAL NO. BOOS REPORT COVER: PBOS~006/ H9596~-9597 MFG.NO. : H9596 CERT. NO. SHI1283722-01 TYPE _1474mmx1154mmx2300mm PB/DL MODELNO. ACE-WB-1510 INSPECTION SUMMARY + Load test of 25 times (M.G. weight) carried out and was hold for § minutes at 4 padeyes. ‘+ Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) is carried out SEFORE and AFTER oad test. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY DESIGNED DATA [ACTUAL TEST DATA TAREWEIGHT 640 kg__| TaRE WEIGHT (7) 2 6a ke MG. WEIGHT (R) + 2,640 kg__| DEAD WEIGHT ADDED (P= L-T) 5,952 ke TEST WEIGHT(L=R x25): 6,600 kg__ | TESTED WEIGHT 6,648 ka BASE AREA 213,015 cm LOAD PER CM 20.458 glen LOAD CELL DATA BRAND/MAKE _: WangTalHC-3246 RANGE = 40-1000 KG SERIAL NO. 1009785 / HC12573246 CALIBRATED CERT. NO: 12020120036 ‘DEFORMATION RECORD (in em) | conpmon 2 3 4 5 « | 7 [emery 36.0 | 44.0 83.0 / 40.0 BEFORE LIFTING (LOADED) 36.0 | 44.0 | 83.0 40.0 DURING LIFTING 36.0 44.0 83.0) 40.0 [AFTER LIFTING (LOADED) 36.0 44.0 | 83.0 40.0 EMPTY 36.0 | 44.0 | 830 | 420 40.0 | PERMANENT DEFORMATION 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 [00 | COMMENTS Satisfactory — Se tase & sioN | ramet sion OPERATOR NAME, HUSHENLIN SUVEYOR NAME FENG | DATE: 20 December, 2012 DATE: 20 December, 2012 | HGS Pra-oon Fins 122- GS ima] ia x SA fat EE ioc seroma cw &2) Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI esxtest Chymi stry- analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC ous st Fe Ha YW AR Nondestructive Testing Report ila}. PBOOS Bi ek 4 Report Ne Page of CERTIFIED TRUE COPY BHEM Ls TLD YT ARGS AREY BRAS Customer, LEAR: 1474X1154X2300 WORK BASKET STEEL, Project Name, OFFSHORE CONTAINER LFS: Contract No. PBOOS : A OM: Date 2012.12, 2 RH: Direetions of the Test HITE AN Bo ANNEAL trator) autora by CNAS (No CNASI. L3H. CMARN02 gj AC (NoDLIN0)anfCCSNO GZ12NDEUOY ua, Cue MeRe ott pay apse what he i . HANSON FRAN THEMED ES ee SH BF co exyaivses ou ah ay compo abe woken coma Shanta th etn No 020) 81902637 Sek: SIRNA HAMM 40S Add: 40 South Fangcun Road, Guangzhou. China ABLA(P C): 510382 "WoChe)s 020481891712-2585 HHSEIPax): 020-81892637 {hag /view chinngsi com G51 58088 GGANGZHOU SHIPYARD INTER! Senin D FSSA Pa Ht REIDY AAA chs /oP LARA LM ASE TEAR hy Huanan Ca‘ and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC CERTIFIED TRUE C@P# iY ik MAGNETIC PARTICLE TESTING REPORT HAY. PROOS MIA 4H Report No Page of CARB OFFSHORE Ley, a AeHioz|VN REF. DRAWING Engineering: CONTAINER Contract No. 7 Specification CAE eR 1474X1154X2300 HY ftaifteRive® —ENI290:1998 Work Name Material Sire Stand Pro. ENI291:1998 amen GRINDING aR fem rue 210um Surface Test Area WELDANDHAZ price Size AES MP-A3 ea a ac Instru, Ser. (MP3635) Mag. Particle sd Current tnt ‘A1-30/100 Hate Hid Bit) 2asn Stand. Piece Magnetize CONTINUITY itn res YOKE war oo cross HE : Piece Mag. Direction 90° CROSS AGL LEVEL | WOR SPRAYING iEUESR ie Application Demagnetize 7 GRO]. ACR (Note & Sketch) : | According to the standard EN1290:1998 & EN1291:1998, the MT has been carried to out inspect the following welds of 1474X1154X2300_ BASKER offshore container, serial no. PBOOS. The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH, ACC = ACCEPTED, REJ = REJECTED. WELD RESULT | WELD RESULT | WELD RESULT [WELD RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER TAT acc. | TB1 ‘ACC. TCT ACC. TD-1 AG al TA-2 ACC, TB-2 ACC. TC-2 ACC. TD-2 AC TAS [ACC] 783 ACG [Te REL 13 ACC 4 ACC, ‘TB-4 ACC. TCS "| ACC. TD-4 ACC. TAS ACC. | TBS ‘ACC. TCS ACE. TDS ACC TAG ACC TBS ACT. TCG ACC. D6 ACC TAT ACC. ‘TB-7 ACC. TCT ACT. 1D-7 ACC DA-I ACC. DB-1 ACC. DCI acc. | DDT pace. DA-2 Act. | DB ACC. DC-2 ACC. | pp2 ACC | cer face. feca ACC - - COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELD(S): WELD NO. REJECTED | RESULT WELD NO. | REJECTED REASON [RESULT AFTER REASON AFTER REPAIR REPAIR. TCS [Porosity ACC. — =] WANK) | a t _ J BEB ete fae, Hb Be Surveyor Approval bi “inspect by: MT-I Ay Aa Bi q Foi Fe Dite_2012,2. pated Sey fey ot fice aa Seth: SPIE WTH HAMA 40S Aad: 40 South Fangcun Road, Guangzhou. China ABHRLP.C). 510982 Ui. 020-81891712-2585 (4 UCFax}: 020481892637 Lips aw chi Ber Ser ul PA Oi Rs A RH |g GOSi me 6 eee ae A NE Re AR ch yc LA AAT IN RA SAR Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC CERTIFIED TRUE CORY: yk ® i ULTRASONIC TESTING REPORT sai8im 5). PBOOS HK OH Report No Paze | of RRR OFFSHORE TH a 4 A fees = Engineering CONTAINER Contract No. PBOOS Report No. regia -474X1134X2300 pret saksome , steer 8 Grn Work Name Material Specification NR : HAIER 08-8 RRO ‘Weld Method SMAW Joint Type FILLET Surface ‘ji emiK tt tess ENI714:2002 fs) Test Area TPLANTSIDE “Siandor Pro, -ENITI22002 Test Grade B tril : aM tease . Couplant paste Compensation ad Instrument NSIS PRIEY cea Kf x aie es Probe Ser. P5PEXOK2S Value 2 Calibration ne. xi : steals ete) ; Sensitivity SX40-100B Scan Adjust “ Ace. Grade peNeL? Note oF sketch: — ) ‘According tothe standard EN1714: 2002 4 ENI712: 2002, the UT has been caried to out inspect the C.P welds of 1474X1154X2300 BASKET offshore container, serial no,PB008, The following table shows result, Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH ACC = ACCEPTED, REI = REJECTED - WELD RESULT WELD RESULT [WeLb WELD] RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER TA2 ACE. TB: ACC. | TC2 ACC. TD-2 fas race. t8s ace, [ts face Tat aC TBs ACG, TCa ACE Ta [Tas acc. | 18s ACC] Te. ACC. TDS TAG Acc. | TBS acc. | TC-7 TACC, 1D-7 (BLANK) silmam COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELDS | WELDNO. 7] REIECTED RESULTAFTER | WEEDNO, [REJECTED REASON, REPAIR REASON (BLANK) i _ I ae | a aT a Surveyor_—2< Review by: UT- I] Inspect by: “& FM AM og i Date_2012 12.1% Date. 1>7t>. dae 2012.12.18. Sth: PBN HAAIEM 40 F Add:40 South Fangcun Road, Guangzhou. China UAL C). 510382 (Ts 920-81891712-2585 (eM (FaN): O2O-BISI2OH7 tp. ew chi i 122% 2) ARD IN AL COMPANY LIMITED: ALL NECA Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC eae rats senegal CERTIFIED TRUE COPY AA TB, 1 oe A‘ ‘A 3B TA # X D BB Ds : CC-1 cc-4 pay CC“? C3 to Db ~"De-2 1 v : DA-2- = : rs DA-1* j-~ ped Ue CC-1 /¢c~4 / ‘i6sH(P ©). StOse2 | ee Seu 7 as DR BR AAS GS ETS facta sionaso rr o~s conmar SAY FeRAM SP ks/ PASAT Me NL FEHR luanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC Fe th WY GR Nondestructive Testing Report qi): PBOOSAFT 21 RRA CERTIFIED TRUE COPY GME: UT ARP Se a HEAR Customer, 2) ZHONG LEAR: 1474X1154X2300 WORK BASKET STEEL Project Name. OFFSHORE CONTAINER TBS: Contract No.. PBOOS(AFTER TES A OMA: Date 2012.12.20, MR: Directions of the Test PRM AOTEAROA 1 Soh. sb MTIIH AWM 40 F Add-40 South Fangcun Road, Guangzhou. China HHA (P.C): 910382 {si(et)s 020-8189 712-2585 (4 REFax): 020481892637 Llups/ ww chinaesi com { ip | = HP As E 4 tH ol SS 1g sccm ons aren ins 7 AG a RL FH o/h LAAT le SY FAAS A Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GS! Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC i WR A CERTIFIED TRUE riences TESTING REPORT 24845. PBOOSAFT 2H 4K Report No, Poe of tA OFFSHORE TRS: PBOos sRHesINIE REF. DRAWING Eagiering CONTAINER Contract No 5 Specification THA 1474X1154X2300 HE STEEL are EN1290:1998 ‘Work Name. Material 7 ‘Stand Pro. EN1291:1998 eh GRINDING Beaks wore 2-100m ‘Surface Test Area ee le Size ROB AE MP-A-3 Hye ues ac Instru. Ser. (MP3635) Mag. Particle TOO Current arte AL-30/100, tC CONTINUITY RA 245N Stand. Piece Magnetize wlan. 1 aa ‘90° cRoss LEVEL Pisce Direction eben ADL: SPRAYING BER NA Application Demagnetize iG. ASHP (Note & Sketch) : According to the standard EN1290:1998 & EN1291:1998, the MT has been carried to out inspect the following welds of L474X1154X2300 BASKER offshore container, serial no. PBOOS. The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH. [ACC = ACCEPTED, REJ = REJECTED. WELD [RESULT | WELD [RESULT [WELD RESULT | WELD RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER TAT ace. Tet ACE, Ter ace D1 | ACC. TAD acc, | TH ACC] TC 12 AC [TAs acc, | TBs ACE. TCs : TDs TA acc, | Tet ACC. Ta ACC TDi [TAS ace] TBS ACC. TCs ACC. TDs TAG ACC. ACE. TC ACE. TD TAT AGE. TCA ACC. 107 YDA-T ACC. D ACC. DD-1 DAZ ACC ACC. /DD2 [ CCl cC-4 ACC. T COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELDXS): | WELDNO. | REJECTED | RESULT WELD NO, [ REJECTED REASON | RESULT AFTER REASON _| AFTER REPAIR - REPAIR DIAN | - Ova RES desta doh pier se. Surveyor. Ay Wal by HII] = fReview by: MT-I! "Eee byz Ha Wh, $ Fri 1M Date _Doi2.1270" Di Ra, 2 Date. Ks we fe 2012.12.20, S2ub. SOIT MMHITHAINMH 40 © Aaa:40 South Fangoun Road, Guangzhou China pBIR(P.C)- S10982 weirs 20-S18 1712-2589 FEFE(FaN}s O20-81892637 ty ‘esi meen 2s ee 1 1H a] GUANGZHOU SHIPY ARL NAL CC eset NEA 7 ADA TS ME A os Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GS! Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC CERTIFIED TRUE,GOPY,,, ee ULTRASONIC TESTING REPORT 4eri@3. PBOOSAFT BIR AK Report No Page of CARB OnSBORE La mS eS - Engineering CONTAINER: ‘Contract No. FEO: Report No. THAR 1474X1154X2300 He i Work Name Material Sire Specification ao Ter SW Ee mucer Be GRINDING ee tk SrtAR FE ENI714:2002 Test Area LAE e Stand or Pro, EN1712:2002 ® 2 PASTE ve 448, Rear Hs610e Couplant Compensation instrament PIKES a. K fit a ie 5 Probe Ser. seas K Value aa Calibration IE RAE 3 eet er heek a eL2 Sensitivity ceca ‘Scan Adjust aes Ace. Gea LEVEL2 [ Note or sketchr - | According to the standard EN1714: 2002 & EN1712: 2002, the UT has been carried to out inspect the C.P welds of 1474X1154X2300 BASKET offshore container, serial no.PBO0S. The following table shows result, Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH, ACC = ACCEPTED, REJ = REJECTED. _ | WELD RESULT | WELD RESULT WELD RESULT] WELD RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER | TA2 ACC. TB2 ‘ACC. ACC. TD2 [Acc TAS ACC. ‘ACE ACC 1D3 | ace TAS AC ‘ACE TCH ACE TD4 ACC. TAS (ACE ace, | Ts acc. [TDs ‘ACC. TAS PACE. ACC, 17 «ACG. __—~* TOT ACC. | (BLANK) - | ‘COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELD(S):_ “WELDNO. | REJECTED RESULTAFTER | WELDNO. | REJECTED RESULT AFTER | | REASON REPAIR |_REASON REPAIR (BLANK) - ek Rema eae Review by: U=IL Inspect by: tri Aw Ae cu fe Date 21> - 12. pate 2012.12.20. sie. omrMameKaM 09 dre-sashee en oe Guneneu Grin IR 0) stom rep 2a-9169171a82589 (OREN): O2O-SISIEERT Hu eae 5 =e Hl 7 At a 15 A BR Bl sSsi me tes Loo GUANGZHOU SHIPYA! Y ATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED 1 ORE aS LIAL ARAB IN s/h YB ALT Ae IN Fe A Ps Huanan Calibration and Test Genter, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC em. PBOOSAFT M4 HR 4 Report No, CERTIFIED TRUE COPY - “ TB ait Ts at ‘i B B TA # al 1D B-B Ds cc-1 cc-4 pp-2, COR 00° be DB+1 - Wa, , Set: PION THAH AIM 40] Add:40 South Fangeun Road, Guang2 : China A6HH(P C)+ 910382 (LF(Telys 020-81891712-2585 48 FU(Fax): 020-81892637 Hugs ww. chinags G Global Lifting Services Ltd E C DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY cuent [NAME AND ADDRESS OF MANUFACTURER - ‘O£G OFFSHORE PTE LTD Global ifting Services Ltd LOYAND OFFSHORE SUPPLY BASE Silverburn Crescent 25 LOVANG CRESCENT Bridge of Don TOPS AVE 1, BLOCK 103#07-03, Aberdeen 7 MAILBOX No, 5088 asza ew CERTIFIED TRUE COPY SINGAPORE soeo8a TelNo: 01224707585 Fax Not 01224 707646, DECLARATION No. CUSTOMER ORDERNo, | CUSTOMER REQUISITION No. DATE 83024! 0003 TBA P51979 ayy Test uo.numeer | ary DESCRIPTION wu a 8005/2 1 | 5&6 WiRe ROPE SUING TO DNV2.7-1:2006 264 TONNE | N/A TOP LEG 1.14MTR X 25MM DIA IWRC GALV 0-45 DEG FITTED TO A344 28MM MASTER LINK BOTTOM LEGS 3.32MTRX 18MM DIA IWRC GALV FITTED TO A347 25MM QUAD ASSEMBLY | HARD EYES EACH END 005/10-10 4_| VAN BEEST SAFETY PIN BOW SHACKLES AISTONNE | 9.5 TONNE anufacturers Batch Numbers For Incorporated Components (component Type Component Manufacturer __ Batch No. PinNio, _ONVTANo, Steel Grade Steel Wire Rope EUROPEAN ROPE Rese N/A NIA Grade 1960 SteelWire Rope -_-EUROPEAN ROPE Ra936 NA NIA Grade 1960 Master tink crosBy amt N/A seaoa Grade 80 Quad Link crosey amp NA 640. Grade 80 shackle VAN BEest BV x6 cam ss623____—Grade 60 DECLARATION | declare that the items described above comply with the requirments of The Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. ‘This certificate is based on DNV Type Approval No. $-5557 and I can confirm that the sling described has been designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with ONV 2.7-1. The reference standard used in the design and manufacture of this Lifting Set is €N13414-1, FORM QaFi04 SIGNATURE == REV 1 AUTHORISED SIGNATURE Certificate no: Client: Client ret The undersigned certifies on behalf of this company that below par CERTIFICATE OF WIRE ROPES ACC. EN 10204:2004 3.1 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY 1211070377_24056 BABY Global Integrated Services Ltd Consignment Stock Truck 55 dated 08/11/2012 Jars are correct and that the described wire rope or ‘complete gear are according to the regulations of the EG Machinery Directive 2008/42/EG, appendix II-B. 4.x 1.000 meter Reel(s): Diameter Number of strands Number of wires Core Lay MBL (KN) ABL We hereby cerify that the rope(s) comply(ie Signature ‘6X36WS/IWRC - 26 mm - galvanized - RHOL - 1860 Nimm2 - lubricated 12094657 26,00 mm. 8 36 Independent Wire Rope Core Right Hand Ordinary Lay 472,00 kN 492,00 kN ) in all respect with factory standards. Hendrik Veder Group Date: 07-11-2012 Fax 34 (0) 162 628 170 ® CERTIFICATE OF WIRE ROPES AGC. EN 10204:2004 3.1 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Contitate no: rert020see 29978 ent Global iterated Sonices Lis lent Consignment Stock Truck 54 dated ostto12 REA Res ‘The undersigned certifies on behalf of this company that below particulars are correct and that the described wire rope or complete gear are according to the regulations of the EG Machinery Directive 2006/42/EG, appendix IB. 1.x 1.000 meter 6X36WS/IWRC - 18 mm - galvanized - RHOL - 1960 Nimm2 - lubricated Reel(s): x2070690 Diameter 18,00 mm. Number of strands 8 Number of wires 36 Core Independent Wire Rope Core Lay Fight Hand Ordinary Lay MBL (kN) 226,00 kN ABL 229,00 KN We hereby certify thatthe rope(s) comply(ies) in all respect with factory standards. ‘Signature Hendrik Veder Group Date: 02-11-2012 @@.| SSE mone Crosby Europe N.V. “Leuvensebaan SI 2880 Putte (Mechelen) Belgium sworw “pa CERTIFIED TRUE COPY theGrasbygroup oh oo EC Declaration of Conformity in accordance with EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC_ Certificate Number: CC4-2012111900068 Location of Issue: Crosby Europe (UK) Ltd. Station Street, Cradley Heath West Midlands B64 6AJ, United Kingdom Phone: 01226 290816 Fax: 01226 240118 Stock No: 1257382 Description of Gear: A344 28MM Welded Alloy Master Link (28x145x275) ‘Working Load Limit:_13t] [Max. Allowed Proof Load: _319kN] indicates metric tonnes Comments: Ultimate load is 5 times the WLL based on one vertical leg sling. ‘Note: Meets the requirements of EN 1677-4 : 2000, Components for slings - Safety - Part 4 : Links Grade 8. This equipment can meet the requirements of DNV Certification Note 2.7-1, as per DNV certificate for type approval No. S-6401. ‘We hereby declare that the above mentioned product with CE marking complies with the applicable essential Health and Safety requirements of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Has not been contaminated by Mercury in the manufacturing process. Number of Pieces: 1 Link: IMT PICs are based on visual observation Certificate based on item being the Crosby product described above. We hereby certify that the above described material was manufactured and processed in a manner compatible to meeting the load ratings when used under normal and proper applications. “Mentioned products are in conformity to the Crosby literature available at time of manufacturing. including the folowing ademas: GREECE All Crosby plants are ISO 9001:2008 certified for quality and consistency of the processes. For Product Delivered To: Global Integrated Services Ltd Silverburn Crescent Bridge of Don, Aberdeen Aberdeen United Kingdom November 19, 2012 Date of Isuance Date: Signature Rewurance theGrosly group thoy rope Station Street, Cradley Heath ‘West Midlands B64 6AJ, United Kingdom Phone: 01226 290516 Fay: 01226 240118 gry DESCRIPTION ~ it 1257382 A344 28MM Welded Alloy Master Link (28x145x275), To EN 1677-4 MATERIAL PROPERTIES Wen ve TAT SOMBER PROOF LOAD APPLIED IMPACT TEST TYPE GHAR DOULES) NTOASTAIAS7B.OR ASTI 07 Teme AVERAGE LINK amt | £01122208 319 kN 20 > 42 JOULES ‘Magnetic Particle Testing, Type: Wet, Certified to EN 1677-4 (Link) LINK STEEL SPECIFICATION | _C_| Mn_|_P s Si Ni_| cr _| Mo | al | ~ [MIN (ML + CPL) 018 | 0.70 | - =| 020 | 040 | 040 | 0.15 | 0.020 ‘MAX (ML + CPL) 0.23 | 0.90 | 0.040 | 0.040 | 0.35 | 0.70 | 0.60 | 025 | - REFERENCE DNV MSA R-3130 AND TYPE APPROVAL S-6401. WE HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED ON THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN TESTED AND EXAMINED, 'AND MEETS THE ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE MACHINERY DIRECTIVE, CERTIFIED ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY — November 19, 2012 Signature:

42 JOULES Magnetic Particle Testing, Type: Wet, Certified to EN 1677-4 (Main MAIN LINK STEEL SPECIFICATION | _C_ | Mn | P. S Si ni[ cr | mo | a MIN (ML + CPL) ois | 0.70 | - - | 020 | 0.40 ' oo | 0.15 | 0.020 MAX (ML + CPL) 0.23 | 0.90 | 0.040 | 0.040 | 0.35 | 0.70 | 060 | 025 | - REFERENCE DNV MSA R-3130 AND TYPE APPROVAL S-6401. WE HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED ON THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN TESTED AND EXAMINED, AND MEETS THE ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE MACHINERY DIRECTIVE, CERTIFIED ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY, Date: November 19, 2012 Sigiztare! pel Dato ance aly Ae Seanad image of Marl Chemistry Repro Grashy (2 thePosby group Main Link of A347 25/19MM Welded Master Link Assembly (ML - 25x145x275) with PIC: IMP and Heat #: £01122208 "THIS MATERIAL CERTIFICATE DOCUMENT MEFTS THE REQUIREMENT OF INSPECTION CERTIFICATE *TYFE 31" PER EN 1204 PRORIACIER esse 7.202 /o¢2 z 40374561120 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Certificat de Réception 3.1/EN 10204 SWISS STEEL N" 220604 Proving special ste! soktions eer Croaty meran == penints trconmrse —tH4ate7e woe rien ftoserr« rosy Demarmarn ose amex Deri dace econ amas é z eas ‘a0 Moe , # : s tam ‘ * < “ 2 | pte mt 306 = : on oan ° . we may = : ne Soe) y : ( SAS 18, edu Gtr ceRasear S720 BOULAY Comantom taste: Eston Pacon KV 4 20% a Memon 16 ‘rit seoreneverert carer EN 2 Cnet a ee Rares 1BOREH 09/07/2812 11:95 a1eees7914 GEORGE PAGE 03/84 P.0. Box 87, 2380 AB Slledrocht ® Indusvioweg 6, 3361 HU Stecrecht “The Nethesiond SAeORS VAN BEEST p> George Taylor & Company Ltd. Brickyard Road WS9 BSR Aldridge United Kingdom CERTIFIED TRUE COPY - INSPECTION CERTIFICATE TO EN 10204 - TYPE 3.1 Number 0056368 Date 28.06.2012 Customer no. 30576 Page 1/8 [our order na. Your et n9, leais6 49348, fry. [Description 1400 |GPGHMB19 -4163, Green Pin® Standard Shackles, bow shackles with safety bolt, to EN13889, hor dipped galvanized, diameter bow 19 mm, diameter pin 22 mm, WLL 4.75 ten Moterial properties the eae | Bag aR SORT] TS Wm] geenan| sate wmeccl 1 | 27 3 [ag 11060628] s10 | 1020 | 46 | -20 |a10[ 110] 108] 109] Gow [x6 GP s811050121| 35 | 1000 | 47 | -20 [122] 103) 1101 1121 in [ope AM Chemical composition june _{ c% | sie Tne [ pe T sw [cre | mow] we | va loom As +| 0.360] 0.210 0.570] 0.012 0.007] 0.970] 0.180] 0.060 0.410) .034 2] 0.360] 0.240 | 0.580] 0.014] 0.006 | 0.9801 0.170. 0.087 J.J. Vermeulen (QA-Mansi vt “Exee!” Mombor of Ver fiabobinkvecount 3 83375, 1GAN nde, Mu teRABOONESSE3" vet somber M0887 Chamber ot Commies Ret Zacoent7 a te wr runett er ‘wit he Day Covet Dotnet th 12 20%3 ence soba Sao Form KET0-18 Taub ele: 25.06.2017 @ OONG HONG metal co.,Itd ACE CONTAINER CHECK REPORT DIMENSION C1 ‘CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OWNER: __OEG Offshore MGF: DONGHONG ACE METAL CO.,LTD. _[rvPe: _2men PB pave :2012-12-/7 DWG. NO._ACE-WB-1510-00 [CERTI-NO. : SHH 128372201 SERIAL NO. : PBOO 5” MFG. NO. :H 9596 DESIGN DIMENSIONS D B am am Ae A LENGTHIAC] 74 0-5 WIDTHIAB] ss mz DI BI fueicunaany | 2300 | 07 cl Al ACTUAL DIMENSION IDIAGONAL [REFERENCE [DIMENSION] _A REFERENCE [DIMENSION +2 ancl | >éPé | Ac [1g & Al-C 26 93 ” B-D 1474 2 SIDE WALL LENGTH Bepi__ | 3675 1423 =t BID |>é72 3 mw7G_ | o 3 Sie ROOF ted ‘ aed 2 . REAR END a a 2 BARE AI-DI 1866 ut S3 =A Bic [/#hu 2 153 [ =A “AL 2s} 223 2 FRONT END cpl 2532 ON (ser FRONT END = 2 D-Cl 2430 urol@ REMARKS. SATISFACTORY VERIFIED BY DH-DIM-01 Rev.0 Page 1 @ prosaysuneoy 0z0'4v930 ‘vod vownodsu Sunes 309 ee Uo Heo 0201 Heo {oausumnvanao’tea'avoa0)¥eneypeds Sunvies nap 920 1 29NepI0208 aynpEn0N4 Ht (payuen / pavadsuy) (payuian / paradsui) i WV BY ® ‘aanewasaiday 39¥/930. 7 “7 “tosinsoding Suoysu0g roll = %OW + ~OH+ OL. YC Opty nd wolle wot word woe .. 14d ops HT tum az ; ees rr es WOE opr TOT THT 00 = BA [ook 2) 7b! Wor] loot 1ya — Olney DWAay] 109 pag C9! bs: CE ST Poss] CITE iO] sol — WU LS)OLIGa _ruaxodeoy] 209 pur a7 | tas | ge OF OT 2b! lot | ASN —(1) Asta PwvarD ea] seo st aural /s Tanne ‘dwar vm | dwar Aa aware | ‘auIeN Pnpold j AdOO ANUL GalsLLYs9 ‘Tao SNTIVOO bs Otc Ala Pact teed Loyang Offshore Supply Base Tel: +65 6671 1500 @ AC OffSNOFe torre crescent. Mat Box No, sss foe 1656214 3885 ey Block 103, TOPS Ave. 1, 407-03, ShgoporeS00008 ROC/UEN No. 2009140430. Final Inspection Report CERTIFIED TRUE COPY ‘Owner: O6G Offshore Serial No. PBOOS Date: 2012-12-23 Type: Personal Basket Mfg. No.: H-9596, v 'b.__ Is structure free from corrosion formation, mechanical damage or deformation? |v | Does paint coating not peeling off or damaged? v 7 interior 3) Base & Floor Drainage facility sible or clear from debris? Is welding quality ensured from visible defects (u | (ui points) Tie down points 7 ‘2. | Are tie-down point/lashing rings securely fitted, not missing or damaged? SSS lashing rings | is Functionality for operation in satisfactory manner without undue force (too tight nor to loose) being required? & 7 Door Closures (doors, frames, seals, hinges, locks, lock sets, ete.) "Weather tigntness Test Ta 7 | /Moterignt tet 5 [3 | Addtionaitems a. is there NO mising item 3] to Be installed or replaced that come with he (Secure pins, sree, centiner? tarpaulin, door ne. tc) [3 bea Markings 1a. Are markings ensured with correc information as per marking drawing? z REMARKS: Na Checked and Accepted by: OFS Checked and Accepted by: ACE Anal slam iA QC Officer (China Facility) Gavin tee First Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide (OEGAP.O17. CCU Final Inspection Report, Revit Page 1 ‘OEG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Loyang Offshore Supply Base Tel: +65 6671 1500 = Loyang Crescent, Mail Box No. S088 Fox: +65 6214 8885 e Block 103, Tops Ave. 1, 807-03, Singapore S08588 ROC/UEN No. 200914043W_ Additional Products available from Stock : Standard unit design photographs Available in a range of sizes or custom built fo suit customers’ requirements ‘Mud Skips. Control Gabins VSD // LER Modules Workshops Containers Cargo Baskets Also at ‘Gorporaie Office: Europe Gothal House, Cotal View, Pitmaddon Road ia Estate Dyce Abe Contact details: Tel: +44 0) 1224 215800. Fax: 94 (0) 1224215801 First Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide — saa Offshore OEG ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD PT GUNANUSA PERSONNEL BASKET PB005 OEG ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD LOYANG OFFSHORE SUPPLY BASE LOYANG CRESCENT, ‘MAIL BOX NO. 5088 BLOCK 103, TOPS AVE 1, #07-03 SINGAPORE 508988 TEL: +65 6671 1500 2 FAX: +65 6214 8885 12Q.4005095 E- MAIL: WEB SITE: 10041374 (EG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Offshore wesses: bes Sinapote sane Documentation Pack for PBOOS Personnel Basket Content a Letter of Conformity 2 Design Appraisal Document 3 Offshore Container Construction Certificate (DNV) 4 Load Test 5 Non-Destructive Test 6 Sling Certificate 7 Dimension Report 8 Paint Report 9 Final Acceptance Test Report Contact Persons Mr. Daniel Lim Mr. JunYuan, Choong (JY) Group Asset Director Operations Manager Mobile: +65 9092 2999 Mobile: +65 9488 8480 Email: nie. im Email: First Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide aa Offshore Letter of Conformity ‘OEG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Loyang Offshore Supply Base Loyang Crescent, Mail Box No, 5088 Block 103, TOPS Ave. 1, #07-03, Singapore 508988 ROC/UEN No. 200914043. Tel: +65 6571 1500 Fax: +65 6214 8885 ‘ CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OEG Project.No. : APS1979 Letter of Conformity Ref. : OEGAP.015.LOC.13060, Date : 16 January 2013 ‘To Whom It May Concern, OEG OFFSHORE LIMITED hereby certify that the supplied of_1474x1154x2300 mm Basket Offshore Container is/are built accordance with our standard specification and in accordance with the relevant parts of = BS EN 12079-1:2006(E) = IMO MSC/Cire.860 = DNV 2.7-1:2006 = LRCCS This Letter of conformity cover the below units: BOOS SDAC/1083086/1, N/A B06 SDAc/1083086/1 | SHI1283722-02 N/A ready funvuan, Choong 1) Jun Yuan, Choong (JY) Operations Manager of OEG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Email: Tatts First Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide (OEGAP.015 Letter af Conformity Page 1 Documentno: SDAC/1083086/1 Issue number 0 Page 1 of 2 Rages el Marine Design Appraisal Document CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Loyd's Register Classification Society (China) Co, Ltd. Dae ‘Jo 20th Floor, Ocean Towers, 02 June 2010 ‘No. 550 Yan An Dong Road, ‘Shanghai 200001, . R. China. Quote thi tference on al futur communications Tel: +86 (21) 5159 5700 SH11083086/P0/0-s0143 Fax: +86 (21) 6390 6866 Client: Donghong ACE Metal Co., Ltd. Manufacturer: Donghong ACE Metal Co., Ltd. Subject: 1510 x 1190 x 2300 mm Basket Steel Offshore Container Model no.: ACE-WB-1510 ‘The plans listed in Para 1 of the Appendix have been examined for compliance with the design requirements of codes DNV 2.7-1 (2006), EN 12079-1: 2006(€), MSC/Cire.860 and LR CCS (2008), as appropriate, for the design conditions stated on the plans and are assigned an appraisal status as indicated The following points are advised for information 1. Type approval number GB-LR 21424-5/2010 has been allocated to this container design 2. As details of the lifting set have not been supplied, they are excluded from this review. 3. It is concluded that the frame material (including lifting lugs) has been impact tested to the requirements of the above codes and taking account of section thickness. itis noted that the design temperature is -20 degree , and the impact testing is concluded to be in accordance with DNV 2.7-1 (2006), clause 3.1, and EN 12079- 1/2006 (€), clause 6.1, and will be suitably verified by the attending surveyor. 4. Itis concluded that the framework welding & non-destructive examination thereof will be in accordance with the requirements of DNV 2.7-1 and EN 12079-1, which will be verified by the attending surveyor. 5. The container is accepted for sufficient shear area in way of forklift pockets as required by DNV 2.7-1 (2006) Appendix C, C2. Fork pockets are suitable for laden lifting. To be tested. 6. The value of Re for the Pad eye material at 25mm thickness is confirmed by certificates at 325 N/mm’ Prototype testing is required for this design in accordance with DNV 2.7-1 (2006) & EN 12079-1: 20064) 8. As required by DNV 2.7-1 (2006), para 4.1.2, the unit shall be designed to withstand 30 degrees titing in any direction without overturning, To prove the loaded unit to be stability at 30 degrees titt angle, the 30 degrees tit testis required to perform according to para 4.6.5 and final acceptance depends on satisfactory testing, 9. Its concluded the clearance between the shackle pin and pad eye hole shall not exceed 6% of the shackle pin diameter. D Digitally signed Penny Deng by Penny Deng Design Appraisal Surveyor ‘Shanghai Design Appraisal Centre Uoyd's Register Asia Direct Phone: +86 21 5158 5770 Email: Penny Denar or FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF ACTUAL TEMS) DEPEND(S)ON SATSFACTORY SURVEY ANO ESTING o's Register sia Isa member o! te Uye's Rapier Croup loys Reais, ts atts and subsets and her especie ofcers, employees o agent at, indhiualy and colectely, fered ain hs dase a8 he ‘bys Regier Croup The Loy pier Group assumes nope ee srl este het ny Petson for an ss. damage ede case by elarce ot inforaten or aden this current or howsoever roves, ules that person has sgred a cava wth the evn Uoyes Regier Group emit for the poson ‘of hs iflorsation or aac nd nha cae ny respon or aby eels onthe errs an condense cur tet contact, Feam64secHn 200807) Loyd’s Register Clasifcation Society (China) Co, Ltd. lo 20th Floor, Ocean Towers, ‘No 550 Yan An Dong Road, ‘Shanghai 200001, PR. China. Tel: +86 (21) 5158 5700 Fax: +86 (21) 6390 6865, Documentno: SDAC/1088086/1 Issuenumber 0 Page 2 of 2 Date 02 June 2010 ‘Quote this reference on all future communications SHI1083086/PD/0-60143 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Appendix 1. The documents listed below have been examined Drawing No. [ Title = ‘ACEWB-1510-00 General Assembly 8 (02-Jun-2010) ‘ACEWB-1510-07 1 Base Assembly RL (O2-1un-2010) ACEW-1510-02, 1 Front Assembly i 02-Jun-2010) ACEWE1510-08 1 Sde Assembly a 02-1un-2010 ACEWE-1510-04 1 Rear Assembly Fl 02-Jun-2010 (ACEWB-1810-05 1 Roof Assembly Bl (@2-jun-2010) ACEWB1510.06 1 Padeye Assembly 8 o2-1un-2010 ACEAVE-1510.07 1 Marking Assembly Rl (021un-2010) 2. The documents listed below have been considered together with the submitted documents in the appraisal Document No. Title Technical Specification for 1510 x 1190 x 2300 Steel Offshore Basket Achiveriale - (issue date: Dec. 25, 2009) Appraisal Status Kev B Examined, provided the manufacture and testing comply with the requirements of the Standards / Codes stated above. Rl Retained for Information, without comment, as supporting document for information only. FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF ACTUAL TEMS) DEPENDIS) ON SATISFACTORY SURVEY AND TESTING Fem 6486CHN (200807) Llye'sRegster ie embe of the Uo Regier Grp Certificate no: SHI9283722-01 Page 1 of 1 Regs, Offshore Container Construction Certificate Donghong ACE Metal Co, Lid ‘No. 33, Zhongtal Xi Road, Llufang, Hetang Town, Pengjlang, Jiangmen City. Guangdong. China ‘hiss to ceriy thatthe under noted Offshore Container, which was manufactured and teste in accordance with the requirements of Loya's Register Group Container Certification Scheme, has been inspected and found to bein accordance with the approved drawings and the protoype container identified as flows: “ * Sa Ses 1474X1154X2300 Work Basket Offshore Container 2.640 kg 640 kg 2,000 kg ACE-WB-1510 149596 / PB005 December 2012, Seectbeaton of tng set Th creates ol valid when the container ited wth approves Ming set. roo! uso oo y ve). . a ‘Thisofhore cone, or another efshore container fom the sme fabio ers, has buen subjected othe folowing proof test 9596 6,600 kg 120 December 2012 ‘ssaat—Shanghal oye Reser, athates and subsidies and thes expect otc employes cr agent re, indium and collec. refered ton this use asthe "Loy Regster Grow The U's Reger Group assumes no respons ard sol rot be lable to any petson ft any oss. damage expe cus by velance se informaten ot adie inthe documento howaoeves provided, uns that person has signed a contact with the relevant Uys Raster Goup ety for Ua rovion ‘of th information oF adice and in that case ary respersiby cr lably exh on the ters ad Contin se ut i at contact Fear 5216¢ 00604) 33 ZHONGTAI XI ROAD, HETANG TOWN, JIANGM TEL: 86-750-3733851_| FAX: 86-750-3733877 IEN CITY, GUANGDONG, CHINA | WEB: OFFSHORE CONTAINER 4-POINT LIFTING TEST REPORT OWNER: _OEG OFFSHORE [ate 20 December, 2012 MFG. 7 Donghong ACE Metal Co,, itd. REPORTNO. _: _DH-BTR-PBOOS SERIALNO. + _PBOOS REPORTCOVER _: PBO0S~006/ H9596~9597 MFG.NO. = _H9596 CERT. NO. SHi1283722-01 TPE £_1474mmx1154mmX2300mm PB/OL | 48 ‘MODELNO. + _ACE-WB-1510 i INSPECTION SUMMARY | ‘© Load test of 25 times (M.G. weight) carried out and Joa ‘was hold for 5 minutes at 4 padeyes. ae ‘+ Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) is carried out BEFORE and AFTER load test. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY | DESIGNED DATA ACTUAL TEST DATA, TARE WEIGHT 640 kg__| TARE WEIGHT (7) 2 648 ig MG. WEIGHT (R) 22640 kg___| DEADWEIGHT ADDED (P=L-T) 5,952 e_| TESTWEIGHT(L-Rx25) + 6/600 kg__| TESTED WEIGHT 2 6,648 ts_| BASE AREA 13,015 ear | LOAD PER cw 0.458 glem LOAD CELL DATA BRAND/MAKE _: WangTailic-3246 [RANGE ‘4010000 KG SERIALNO. + 1009785 / HC12573246 CALIBRATED CERT. NO. _: 12020120036 i DEFORMATION RECORD (in em) CONDITION 1 2 3 4 5 . | 7? EMPTY _ | 44.0 [| ea0 | 420 7 7 | 40 | BEFORE LIFTING (LOADED) | 44.0 83.0 42.0 40.0 DURING LIFTING [44.0 [sao [| 42.0 10.0 (AFTER UFTING (LOADED) 44.0 | 830 | 42.0 [40.0 EMPTY 44.0 | 83.0 | 42.0 10.0 PERMANENT DEFORMATION —_| 0.0 oo | 00 0.0 COMMENTS | Satisfactory | —= se STAMP & SIGN SS | stam sion OPERATOR NAME: HUSHENLIN SUVEYOR NAME: F. FENG DATE: 20 December, 2012 DATE: 20 December, 2012 DHGS-PTR-O0L Certificate no: $HI1283723-02 Page 1 of 1 loys ster Offshore Container Construction Certificate Na of arulsetre ‘is Donghong ACE Metal Co, Ltd No. 33, Zhongtai Xi Road, Liufang, Hetang Town. Pengjiang, siangmen City, Guangdong, China “This sw certly thatthe under noted Offshore Container, which was manufactured and tested in accordance with the requirements of Lloyd's opster Group ContainesCeriieaton Scheme, has been inspected and found to be in accordance wth the aproved drawings an the prototype container identified as follows: Cfftiore Container Type Desistion! 27°X4'X8" Banana Basket Offshore Container ax Gios Mas (ating aie wa 12,200 kg, 2,200 kg teal Dimeriens GWE ‘eign Temperate 8,300 mm 41240 mm 2,450 mm 20°C Uj Reitr Grou Type Appreral NOs ‘Assen iawinaio® GBA 21422-5/2010 ‘ACE27 CB-2744M-00 arches: HF a (EG OFFSHORE ‘consi Moda Ns anunctters SIN, LON ais of Manse ACE-27 CB2744 19599 / MBOO2 December 2012 Specicton of ting se Ths ceria ony valid when the containers fied wth approved ting set. Misti bolt diameter Ni ale otleMTon vera | Enhancetiont fe 32mm 45° 11391 | Proot testing the offsote cantar, r another ofshoe contane from the same fabrication srs, has ben subjected tothe follwing protest Manta? Sx Not cota ee sis ites ease! S +9598 30,500 kg, 20 December 2012 “The container compli Wt th Yale equienens and epaions: £ se £EN12079-1:2006/DNV2.7-1:2006 Fema i ‘ssuedet Shanghal Inspector to Uoys Regie Classtfieation Soins) Co, Lt Amemberof the Uoys's Register Group Loyd Regier, afilaas and subsidies and the respective ofces, moloyees o agents ae, nda and colecivey refered oi his daus a he yes peter Coup ‘tha Uys Regater Group assumes no resporsliy and sal nt be lable to ary person for any less, damoge or expense cased by relonce onthe Re Ser rae ns Sosument or howsoever provides, unless at person has signed a contract with the relevant Lays Repster Group ent forthe provison s1ieintonssuon edie and in thot case any respon celal exclusively onthe ters and conditions set outin that contot Fern $216C (2008.08) TEL: 86-750-3733851_ | 'NO.33,ZHONGTAI XI ROAD, HETANG TOWN, JIANGMEN CITY, GUANGDONG, CHINA FAX: 86-750-3733877_ | WEB: OFFSHORE CONTAINER 4-POINT LIFTING TEST REPORT ‘OWNER (FG OFFSHORE Dare 20 December, 2012 Mrs. Donghong ACE Metal Co, Ld. REPORT NO. DH-BTR- MB001 SERIALNO, _:_MBOOL REPORT COVER: M8001~007/ 49596-9599 | MFG. NO. 9598 CERT.NO. + SHI283723-01 TPE 27Xa"x8' BANANA MODELNO, _: _ACE-27 08-2744 INSPECTION SUMMARY + Load test of 2.5 times (M.G, weight) carried out and was hold for $ minutes at 4 padeyes + Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) is carried out BEFORE and AFTER load test. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY ‘DESIGNED DATA [ACTUAL TEST DATA TARE WEIGHT 2,200 ig | TARE WEIGHT (7) 2.206 @ M.S, WEIGHT (RD 32,200 kg__| DEAD WEIGHT ADDED (P= L-7) 23,294 ie [TEST WEIGHT(L=R x25): 30,500 kg _| TESTED WEIGHT 31,206 kg BASE AREA 22,375 om LOAD PER CME 0.343 kg/m LOAD CELL DATA RAND/MAKE WangTaiHe-3246 RANGE 40710000 KG ‘SERIAL NO. 1009785 / HC12573246 CALIBRATED CERT.NO. 12020120036 DEFORMATION RECORD (in cm) ‘CONDITION 1 2 3 4 5 é 7 EMPTY a0 | 610 | 920 | 4.0 | 93.0 90.0 | 40.0 ‘BEFORE LIFTING (LOADED) gio | 620 | 9.0 | 440 | 920 g.0 | 40.0 DURING LIFTING 61.0 [ 620 | 90.0 | 4.0 | 920 91.0 10.0 [AFTER LIFTING (LOADED) 61.0 | 620 | 90.0 | 4.0 | 92.0 91.0 40.0 EMPTY 3.0 | 640 | 920 | 41.0 | 93.0 90.0 40.0 PERMANENT DEFORMATION | 0.0 00 10 | 00 0.0 0.0 | 0.0 COMMENTS Satisfactory |saeason =. savrascn ‘OPERATOR NAME: HUSHENLIN DATE: 20 December, 2012 SUVEYOR NAME: F. FENG DATE: 20 December, 2012 ‘DHQS-PTR-001 pH 7 AG ae Guaneaiou su Pini fa a csi Guangzt thst, jistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, OSSC ates CHAS L137" Fe th WW GR Nondestructive Testing Report uta. MBOO2 Bo wi 6 Report No age of CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Bata: TL Wi As 3 SJ HEE BR ZS] Customer, i i : z LRA: 27’ BANANA BASKET STEEL, Project Name. OFFSHORE CONTAINER LRG Ss Contract No. MBO002 HOW: Date 2012.12 WR Directions of the Test CIA 1 and CCSINo G2I2NDEDON) TUK (020) 81492637. cpartneat the eephione No. (020) 8992657 Sets SPEIMMTBIHAAIM 40 | Add: 40 South Fangcun Road. Guangzhou, China ABHALP 6): 510382 UWii(Tely, 020-818917 12-2585 FEAE(Fax)s 020-81892637 Hap: wuwy cis eae my = HW 7 AG bE BLS HAH 3] Sen od eee ost 1 AE At SEA Fe AAA s/c LGA IA Te A > Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI cE zhou_PI y-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC ERTIFED TRUE COBY "so gu i os MAGNETIC PARTICLE TESTING REPORT sume, MBOO2 HIG 6H Report No Page of TAB H OFFSHORE = TAR ‘MBO02 sure REF. DRAWING Engineering CONTAINER Contract No. Specification THRE 27 BANANA Hft STEEL brifiARAY —EN1290:1998 Work Name BASKET Material Stand Pro, EN1291:1998 nee GRINDING HK WELDANDHAZ hh 210Km Surface Test Area Particle Size Aas MP-A-3 amt 1ND-BO itt ac Instr. Ser. (13635) Mag. Particle Current brik A1-30/100 water: CONTINUITY BJ) 45n Stand. Piece Magnetize Liking YOKE i 90° CROSS Sei LEVEL 1 y Direction Ace, Level Bue SPRAYING ——stteaE. NA Application Demagnetize BW. AGREE (Note & Sketch) : According to the standard EN1290:1998 & EN1291:1998, the MT has been carried to out inspect the following welds of | offshore 27° BANANA BASKET container, serial no. MB002, The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH | ACC = ACCEPTED, REJ ~ REJECTED, = | [WELD [RESULT [WELD | RESULT | WELD RESULT | WELD [RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER TA ACC. | TBT ACE. Ti x TD-1 TAD ACC. [TB2 ACC. TC? TD-2 ‘| TA3 [ACC | TBS REI TC-3 TAS ACC. TB-4 | ACC. TC4 | TAS AC TBs [ACC [TCs TAG ACC. | TB6 ‘ACC. TC-6 | AT ACC. [TB-7 ACC. (BLANK) COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELDS . : WELD NO. | REJECTED | RESULT WELD NO. | RFIECTED REASON | RESULT AFTER REASON AFTER REPAIR - REPAIR TBS Porosity | ___ACC. (BLANK) [ wrap EVR ONL - Srey en Oe ‘Surveyor. BE Approva’by: M Inspect by:_ MF IL ra Aan AM Date_20242-1€ pate > Date 2012.12.18. Sek: EL NTHH-AsMM 40S Aad:40 South Fangcun Roac. Guangzhou China ABHB(P C), 510902 UE icTely: 020.81891712-2585 {4.86 (Fax): 020481892637 itp/wwws chinagsi com TH Q te 1S Hl FZ ‘esi EET ra etn ERNATION Snr ce ERLE RE ee Huanan Calibration and Test Center. GS! Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSC bye i Wk a CENTIRIED vara PARTICLE TESTING REPORT sue. MBOO BIRO H Report No. Page of THREE OFFSHORE = Tf} M002 7 REF. DRAWING Engineering CONTAINER Contract No. Specification Tf ef 27, BANANA Hf STEEL tsafeugiWee! —EN1290:1998 BASKET Material Stand Pro, ENI291:1998 GRINDING Oe WELDANDHAZ eI 2-10um Surface Test Area Particle Size fee MP-AS weer Hp.80 eeu ac Instru. Ser. (MP3635) Mag. Particle Current fbi 1-30/100 erik CONTINUITY FE) >4sn Stand. Piece Liting eter YOKE 90° CROSS SEL LEVEL Piece Mag. Ace. Level we SPRAYING Na Application Demagnetize | BLBA. ARKH (Note & Sketch) : According tothe standard EN|290:1998 & EN1291:1998, the MT has been carried to out inspect the following welds of offshore 27” BANANA BASKET container, serial no. MB002. The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH | ACC = ACCEPTED, RES = REJECTED, RESULT [WELD | RESULT | WELD RESULT [WELD RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER | [ACG [MB-1 ACC. MD-I MB-2 ACC. MD2 i MB-3 L Acc. MD-3 MB-4 ACC [bs MBS___| ACC. MDS Acc. [MB-6 | ACC. MC-6 MD-6 Acc. _[MB7___| ACC. MC7 MD-7 ACC. [DB-1 ACC. DCT DD-I ACC. DB-2 ACC. DC2 DD-2 CCl ACC. cc-4 ACC. [ [COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELD(S) - | [WELDNO-| REJECTED | RESULT WELDNO. | REJECTED REASON | RESULT AFTER REASON | AFTER REPAIR REPAIR. (BLANK) - | = as _ i= I [Cauca Baya, ue Surveyor, view . MT-I ee Fit an SHH HM Date 2612. .\E pate €. Dae sy Hfo. Date 2012.12.18, a feun Road. Guangzhou. China B44 (P.C): 510382 Mup-/swws chinagsi com Seth: PENTA AM 40S Add 40 Sout WiS(Teli 020-81801712-2585 FU Fax):. 02048189263 Pe HP ORE A BY C7] | 86 bi Pe orem A EEL RA AL Fe HAGA Ps / eh LAN ALL BAL FEAR Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC CERTIFIED TRUS GORY HH HK fH ULTRASONIC TESTING REPORT sueias}. MB002 ate Report No TAKER OFFSHORE. TBH mpooz ie = CONTAINER ‘Contract No. - Report No. 27 BANANA iH : Se Se Seme BASKET Material STEEL Specification BIT ITER FI BRR GRINI 5 Weld Method oan Joint Type be ‘Surface SRINONG fess PI acti foapent Test Area T PLANTTSIDE, Stand or Pro. ‘Test Grade bs Bam 1 aMz Ras HS600- ‘Couplant BASIE Compensation a Instrument U4 BIAS z Ki 5 itt Probe Ser. GSPRABR2S, K Value a Calibration UWRES sei P nec i ates ae Sensitivity $2225 105 Scan Adjust NA heck Gade LEVEL 2 [ Note or sketch: According to the standard EN1714:2002 & EN1712:2002, the UT has been carried to out inspect the C.P welds of offshore 27° BANANA BASKET container, serial no. MBOO2. The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH, ACC = ACCEPTED, REI = REJECTED WELD RESULT | WELD | RESULT RESULT [WELD | RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER TA2 ACC. TB-2 [ACE TD2 [ACC [TAS ACC. B3 | ACC, T ACC. TA4 ACC. | TB4 [ ACC. ACC. TAS ACC. TBS TCS [ ACC. ACC. TA-6 ACC. TB ACE. ACC. 7 j COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELDYS): - WELDNO. | REJECTED RESULTAFTER | WELDNO. | REJECTED RESULT AFTER REASON REPAIR REASON REPAIR | (BLANK) T | | [ | t — i _| iid i eQONLY tha pet it Surveyor “ iH — be aa A view by: UT: Inspect by: _UT=I1 i f Fi ce AA FM Date__ 3012-12! age Sth ies, Date Xx =1D- Dae ___2021218 Se Sehk: 4HIB- MAHI ASB 40 | Add:40 South Fangcun Road, Guangzhou, China ABER. C). 510382 F(Te)e 020-81891712-2585 (4 Fax)s 020-81892637 {tips ww ghinags cosy Ger a HP AS @ tS AIRS 2] ‘esa ba Es Goce earepe tant REG RAE Rt AR AL FEARS PO / cp AA Te Ne eA Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC eR eR CERTIFIED TRUE G@QRXsonIc TESTING REPORT wes; MBOOZ BS HH 6 i Report No rae of re OFFSHORE TAY: ow = Engineering peg eI Contract No, sipou2 Report No. PB 27 BANANA Hit = above aa Work Name BASKET Material STEEL Specification ieee SMAW woe ricer BA GRINDING teat snneseRe ENI7H oa aa Test Area 1 ELAN!) SIDE ‘Stand or Pro. ENITI: Test Grade a weal : aM ea Hs600 Couplant EASTE Compensation ae Instrument U4 PRIA K tt 3 see zspoxox2s Kilt 250 UW.RBS Seestviy X21 MA Aenle tava Note or skeiehe According to the standard EN1714:2002 & EN1712:2002, the UT has been carried to out inspect the C.P welds of offshore 27° BANANA BASKET container, serial no. MB002. The following table shows result, Refer to APPENDIX sh Ri RESULT WELD WELD RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER | MA-2 ACC. | MB2 | ACC. MCZ MD-2 | MA-3 | ACC. MB-3_— | ACC. MC-3 _| MD-3 | MAS ACC. MB-4 | ACC. MC-4 MD4 (MAS ACC. MB-5 | ACC. MC-5 MD-5 [MAG ACC. MB6 | ACC. | MA-7 MB-7 COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELDS) - 7 WELDNO. | REJECTED RESULTAFTER | WELDNO. | REJECTED RESULT AFTER REASON REPAIR REASON REPAIR (BLANK) _ ' L z Meee s al : eae Res me bbe SURVEYON. ———Appra ¢ yUT- II Inspect by: UT-II FS ry FM Date _ 2012-12-18 typed & Sta. Date 2012.12.18 setts EI MTR HAIBM 40S Ada:40 South Fangcun Read, Guangzhou. China ABHBP.C); 510962 USF (Teds 020-81891712-2585 16 fE¢Fax)e 020-81892657 pJ/wwv shinaus: com) TW? AG 5 IR a] GUANGZHOU SHIPYA OMPANY LIMITED FSS Gt BE Fe ARS s/h ART Me A TEAR Bs Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC semea 4}: MBO02 Bo HR 6 tage of CERTIFIED TRUE COPY a “T= “re 4 ma me 2 ty a- w DA-2 cc-2 a DALY ‘ ie ~ DC=1 = “De-2 DB-2 ~; - ; © pp-l DB-1 cc-1 ce Dp-2 ‘ik iar es eeen as Add:40 South Fangcun nad Guangzhou, China “ ‘CUNT - (OEG OFFSHORE PTE LTD Global Lifting Services Ltd E C DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY NAME AND ADDRESS OF MANUFACTURER + Global Lifting Services Ltd LOYAND OFFSHORE SUPPLY BASE Silverburn Crescent 25 LOVANG CRESCENT Bridge of Don ‘TOPS AVE 1, BLOCK 103#07-03 ‘Aberdeen MAILBOX No. 5088 aszseew CERTIFIED TRUE COPY SINGAPORE 508988 Tel No: 01224 707585 Fax No: 01224 707646 DECLARATION No. ‘CUSTOMER ORDER No. ‘CUSTOMER REQUISITION No. DATE | s30z4/ 0002 TBA APS1973 ay/aafi2 | f Test 1.0. NUMBER ary DESCRIPTION wut PFTAILS 8002/2 2 | 4 LEG WIRE ROPE SLING TO DNV2.7-1:2006 12.2 TONNE | N/A LEGS 5.93MTR X 26MM DIA IWRC GALV 0-45 DEG FITTED TO A347 4SMM QUAD ASSEMBLY HARD EYES EACH END (002/18-10 4 _| VAN BEEST SAFETY PIN BOW SHACKLES 9.STONNE | 19 TONNE Manufacturers Batch Numbers For Incorporated Components omponent Type ‘Component Manufacturer Batch No. PinNo, _DNVTANo. Steel Grade Steel Wire Rope EUROPEAN ROPE Ra984 N/A N/A Grade 1960 ‘Quad Link cRrossy amK N/A e401 Grade 80 Shackle VAN BEEST BV x6 6AM $5623 Grade 60 DECLARATION | declare that the items described above comply with the requirments of The Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. This certificate is based on DNV Type Approval No. $-557 and | can confirm that the sling described has been designed, manufactured and tested in accordance and manufacture of this Lifting Set is EN13414-1. ORM QAFI04 Rev 1 DNV 2.7-1. The reference standard used in the design SIGNATURE = AUTHORISED SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE OF WIRE ROPES AGC. EN 10204:2004 3. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Cerificate no 1211070377_24056 Client: Global integrated Services Lid 2 SASY Client rt: Consignment Stock Truck 85 dated 08/11/2012 ‘The undersigned cettties on behalf of this company that below particulars are correct and that the described wire rone or complete gear are according to the regulations of the EG Machinery Directive 2006/42/EG, appendix IB. 1x 1.000 meter 6X36WS/IWRG - 26 mm - galvanized - RHOL - 1960 Nimme - lubricated Reels): 12094657 Diameter 26,00 mm Number of strands 6 Number of wires 36 Core Independent Wire Rope Core Lay Right Hand Ordinary Lay MBL (kN) 472,00 KN AGL 492,00 kN We hereby certify that the rope(s) compiy(ies) in all respect with factory standards. Signature Hendrik Veder Group Date: 07-11-2012 Bs D Moopirecht e ) 182 625 175, Fax: bt (0) 182628 172 ea = : Certificate Number: Location of Issue: CERTIFIED TRUE copy _ the P@SWaygroup Crosby Europe N.V ‘Leuvensebaan 51 2580 Put (Mechelen) Belgiom \worw EC Declaration of Conformity in accordance with EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC €c4-2012111900065 Crosby Europe (UK) Ltd. Station Street, Cradley Heath ‘West Midlands B64 6AJ, United Kingdom Phone: 01226 290516 Fax: 01226 240118 Stock No: 1258402 Deseription of Gear: A347 45/36MM Welded Master Link Assembly (ML - 45x180x340) Working Load Limit: 38.3t] [Max. Allowed Proof Load: _939kN t indicates metric tonnes ‘Comments: Note: ‘Number of Pieces: We hereby certify that Ultimate load is 5 times the WLL based on a vertical angle less than or equal to 45°. Meets the requirements of EN 1677-4 : 2000, Components for slings - Safety - Part 4 : Links Grade 8. This equipment can meet the requirements of DNV Certification Note 2.7-1, as per DNV certificate for type approval No. $-6401 We hereby declare that the above mentioned product with CE marking complies with the applicable essential Health and Safety requirements of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Has not been contaminated by Mercury in the manufacturing process, 2 Main Link: IMK PICs are based on visual observation Certificate based on item being the Crosby product described above. the above described material was manufactured and processed in a manner compatible to ‘meeting the load ratings when used under normal and proper applications. Mentioned products are in conformity to the Crosby literature available at time of manufacturing, including the following trademarked features: GHECE ‘All Crosby plants are ISO 9001:2008 certified for quality and consistency of the processes. For Product Delivered To: Date: Global Integrated Services Ltd Silverburn Crescent Bridge of Don, Aberdeen ‘Aberdeen United Kingdom November 19,2012 seube pel Tin Siolderen, Quali Anaranee Date of Issuance theGresbyproup roche op. Station Street, Cradley Heath West Midlands B64 6AJ, United Kingdom Phone: 01226 290516 Fax: 01226 240118 CERTIFICATE NO. TC2-2012111900066 | SUPPLIED TO Global Integrated Services Lta QTy DESCRIPTION 2 1288402 A347 45/36MM Welded Master Link Assembly (ML - 45x180x340), To EN 1677-4 MATERIAL PROPERTIES TEN ie TEATRUNBER PROOF LOAD APPLIED MPACT TEST TPE CHARPY V OOULES) “TOASTING AY70.0UASTMLEZAT Tare "AVERAGE, MAINLINK | IMK | £01115198 939 KN 20 > 42 JOULES Magnetic Particle Testing, Type: Wet, Certified to EN 1677-4 (Main Link) MAIN LINK STEEL SPECIFICATION |_C_| Mn _|_P Ss si_| ni_| cr _| Mo | al MIN (ML+CPL) ois | 070 | - - | 020 | 040 | 040 | 0.15 | 0.020 MAX (ML + CPL) 0.23 | 0.90 | 0.040 | 0.040 | 038 | 0.70 | 0.60 | 025 | - REFERENCE DNV MSA R-3130 AND TYPE APPROVAL S-6401. WE HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED ON THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN TESTED AND EXAMINED, "AND MEETS THE ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE MACHINERY DIRECTIVE. CERTIFIED ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY November 19, 2012 Signature: foe Date: Date of Issuance Guality Assurance theresby group Scanned image of Material Chemistry Repor for Grashy (7- Main Link of A347 1-3/4" Welded Master Link Assembly with PIC: IMK and Heat #: E01115198 busi cree oA TES ¥° soa Aoias siansnniie spouse +8838 2.001 /o02 sarge SE Certineat de Reception sa TEN Wiba = Swiss STEEL ‘HAY SNILVOO ‘OEG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Loyang Offshore Supply Base Tel: #65 6671 1500 a Offshore — terane resent wa Box No, soss fan: 068 62188888 ] Block 103, TOPS Ave. 1, 407-03, Singapore 508988 ROC/UEN No, 200914043 wew.cegolishorecom Final Inspection Report CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Date: 2012-12-24 [ Owner: OEG Offshore Serial No.z MBO02 [Does paint coating not peeling off or dat Ts sealant application acceptable? no sgn of dtr oraverond? —— ‘tom debi? Rade (Ling points) To distortion, mechanical damage or ary sign of distress or oveiding? Does pain coating not peeling for damaged? _ I lashingrings _— _ | i | 1 Door Closures (doors, &. | Isfunctionalty for operation in satisfactory manner without undueforee(to0 || | frames sel inges, tight nor to loose) being requires? [ locks, lock sets, ete.) | Weather tightness Test set 1 [iweeugrtet te ng criedout and ccepable? | A | Aaaiionatems a) there NO msnngitem (tbe irstaled replaced that come with he || (Secuepint shaves, || contain’? | | tarpaulin, door net. Ete) | | 5) Decals Markings | 9 | Bre markings ensured with correct information 35 per marking rowing? wT ra ‘Checked and Accepted by: OG ‘Checked and Accepted by: ACE ] _ Ae Lo ‘Anisul islam QC Officer (China Facility) Gavin Lee } First Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide ‘OEGAP.017. CCU Final Inspection Report, Revi Page 1 ‘OEG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Loyang Offshore Supply Base Tel: +65 6671 1500 Loyang Crescent, Mail Box No. 5088 Fax: +65 6214 8885 Block 103, TOPS Ave. 1, #07-03, Singapore 508988 ROC/UEN No. 200914043W_ Additional Products available from Stock : Standard unit design photographs Available in a range of sizes or custom built to suit customers’ requirements Waste Skips (Doors) Oaths) ie Tool Baskets Mud Skips Frames Open tops Control Cabins VSD | LER Modules Workshops Containers Cargo Baskets Also at Corporate fice: Europe - Gotha Wovse, Catal View, Pimedden Road ind Estate) Contac tats: Tel: +48 (0) 724 215500 Fax 4 (0) 1224215501 First Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide em a Offshore QOEG ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD PT GUNANUSA MAINTENANCE BASKET MB002 OEG ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD LOYANG OFFSHORE SUPPLY BASE Pe LOYANG CRESCENT, MAIL BOX NO. 5088 BLOCK 103, TOPS AVE 1, #07-03 SINGAPORE 508988 10041374 TEL: +65 6671 1500 FAX: +65 6214 8885 1RQ.4005095 E- MAIL: WEB SITE: eae oracle toh ies eee Offshore ‘recension seat ene eae chemo sharene en ‘www.oegoffshor Documentation Pack for MBO02 Maintenance Basket Content 1 Letter of Conformity 2 Design Appraisal Document 3 Offshore Container Construction Certificate (DNV) 4 Load Test 5 Non-Destructive Test 6 Sling Certificate 7 Dimension Report 8 Paint Report 9 Final Acceptance Test Report Contact Persons Mr. Daniel Lim Mr. JunYuan, Choong (JY) Group Asset Director Operations Manager +65 9092 2999 Mobile: +65 9488 8480 Email: First Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide OEG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Loyang Offshore Supply Base Tel: +65 6671 1500 = ffshi PE Waerseretens mattoxne.soss Fax 65 21a 600s a Block 103, TOPS Ave. 1, #07-03, Singapore 508988 ROC/UEN No. 200914043 Letter of Conformity CERTIFIED TRUE COPY EG Project.No. : APS1979 Letter of Conformity Ref. : OEGAP.015.L0C.13059 Date : 16 January 2013 To Whom It May Concern, OEG OFFSHORE LIMITED hereby certify that the supplied of 27" x 4’ x 8’ Basket Offshore Container is/are built accordance with our standard specification and in accordance with the relevant parts of:- = IMO MSC/Circ.860 = DNV 2.7-1:2006 = LR CCS ‘This Letter of conformity cover the below unit: B01 SDAC/1083084/1, Issueo | SHI1283723-01 N/A N/A [weoce [sexcronsarnanes | sara | Jun Yuan, Choong (JY) Operations Manager of OEG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Email: First Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide OEGAP O15. Letter of Conformity Page 1 Documentno: _SDAC/108308471 Issue number Page 1 of 2 loyds RegUeS, Marine Design Appraisal Document CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Lloyd's Register Classification Society (China) Co, Ltd. ne {0 20th Floor, Ocean Towers, 10June 2010 No. 550 Yan An Dong Road, Shanghai 200001, . R. China. ‘Quote tis reference on al future commnatons Tel: 486 21) 5158 5700 ‘SHI1083084/0/0-50213 Fan: 186 (21) 6380 6866 Client: Donghong ACE Metal Co., Ltd. Manufacturer: Donghong ACE Metal Co., Ltd. Subject: 27’ x 4" x 8’ Basket Steel Offshore Container Model no.: ACE-27 CB-2744 ‘The plans listed in Para 1 of the Appendix have been examined for compliance with the design requirements of codes NV 2.7-1 (2006), EN 12079-1: 2006(€), MSC/Circ.860 and LR CCS (2005), as aopropriate, for the design conditions stated on the plans and are assigned an appraisal status as indicated. The following points are advised for information: 1 2 ‘Type approval number GB-LR 21422-5/2010 has been allocated to this container design. As details of the lifting set have not been supplied, they are excluded from this review. Itis concluded that the frame material (including lifting lugs) has been impact tested to the requirements of ‘the above codes and taking account of section thickness. It is noted that the design temperature is -20 degree , and the impact testing is concluded to be in accordance with DNV 2.7-1 (2006), clause 3.1, and EN 12079- 1:2006 (€), clause 6.1, and willbe suitably verified by the attending surveyor. Itis concluded that the framework welding & non-destructive examination thereof will be in accordance with the requirements of DNV 2.7-1 and EN 12079-1, which will be verified by the attending surveyor. The container is accepted for sufficient shear area in way of forklift pockets as required by DNV 2.7-1 (2006) ‘Appendix C, C2. Fork pockets are suitable for laden lifting and conducted in a safe manner. To be tested The value of Re for the Pad eye material at 28mm thickness is confirmed by certificates at 325 N/mm? Itis noted that additional set of intermediate pad eyes are provided for lifting with maximum allowed payload of 4,500 kg (including the full water tank) only. It is concluded that it is acceptable to the operator of the unit and the laden unit will be conducted in a safe manner Prototype testing is requited for this design in accordance with DNV 2.7-1 (2006) & EN 12079-1: 2006(6). And additional 4-point lifting test and 2-point lifting test are required to intermediate lifting lugs with MGW of 6,700 kg Itis noted that the shackle with a WWL of at least 9.5 tonnes will be used for this unit. It is concluded the Clearance between the shackle pin and pad eye hole shall not exceed 6% of the shackle pin diameter FIVAL ACCEPTANCE OF ACTUAL TEMS) DEP 5) ON SATISFACTORY SURVEY AND TESTING Lloye'sReginer asa ‘sa member of the Lye Reger Group oye Register. its flies ane susie and te especie ofc erplyees or agers ar, Insdualy acolectney, refered to this Suse as the ‘Uoys's Register Group The Lows Register Group assumes no respons and shal not be lable ty person fot any ls, damage ox expense causes by ralance onthe information o¢zaice this docurnt or Ponsoever ros, wes that ptson has eed a contact with heart oj’ Reger Group ery ft the PsN ‘ofthe infermaton or advice ad incase ary response abit clay onthe ets and conten set ou sat contac, Form 6a38cHN (200907) Lloyd's Register Classification Society (China) Co.,Ltd. {do 20th Floor, Ocean Towers, No. 550 Yan An Dong Road, Shanghai 200001, P.R. China Tet: +86 (21) 5158 5700 Fax: +86 (21) 6390 6865, Digitally signed Do py Penny Deng Penny Deng Design Appraisal Suneyor Shanghal Design Appraisal Centre oyd's Register Asia Direct Phone: +86 21 158 5770 Email: Document'no: SDAC/1083084/1 Issue number 0 Page 2 of 2 Date 10 June 2010 ‘Quote tis reference onal future communications ‘SHI1083084/°D/0-60213 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Appendix 1. The documents listed below have been examined DrawingNo. | Rev. | Title s Date ACE27 CB-2744-00 1 General Assembly 8 10-Jun-2010 ACE27 C8-2744-01 1 Base Assembly Rr 70-Jun-2010 ‘ACER? CB-2744-02 1 Rear Assembly R 10-Jun-2010 ‘ACE27 CB2748-03 1 Front Assembly a o-Jun-2070 ACE27 CB2748-04 1 Side Assembly fi 10-1un-2010 ‘ACE27 CB 2748-05 1 Roof Assembly RL 10-1un-2010 (ACE-27 (8-2748-06 1 Padeve Assembly 8 10-1un-2010 ‘ACED7 CB2744.07 1 Marking Assembly i 10-14n-2070) 2. The documents listed below have been considered together with the submitted documents in the appraisal Document No. Rev. | Title ACE-27 CB2744 : Technical Spectication for 27° x 4 x8 Steel Offshore Basket (Issue date: Apr. 4, 2010) Appraisal Status Key 8 Examined, provided the manufacture and testing comply with the requirements of the Standards / Codes stated above. Rl Retained for Information, without comment, as supporting document for information only. FNAL ACCEFTANCE OF ACTUAL TVS) DEFENDWS) ON SATISFACTORY SURVEY ANOTESTING Ferm Be36CN (200907) Uoj's Regier sia Isamember ofthe Loy Rapier Grove ‘TEL: 86-750-3733851 | NO.33,2HONGTAI XI ROAD, HETANG TOWN, JJANGMEN CITY, GUANGDONG, CHINA FAX: 86-750-3733877 | WEB: OFFSHORE CONTAINER 4-POINT LIFTING TEST REPORT on od oer a re NEGF Bang ARE CEERI | Ree SERIAL NO. M8001, REPORT COVER MB001~002/ H9598~9599 ano, ea excici = asnaraea aR iia RAT / MODEL NO, ‘ACE-27 CB-2744 © Load test of 2.5 times (M.G. weight) carried out and soit CERTIFIED TRUE COPY DESIGNED DATA I "ACTUAL TEST DATA ‘TARE WEIGHT 2,200 kg | TARE WEIGHT (7) 2,206 kg cancer Mo Galan | ane MTS EST me Soe TEST WEIGHTIL=R x25): 30,500 kg _| TESTED WEIGHT + 31,206 kg BASE AREA 82,375 cm? LOAD PER CM? 0.343 kg/cm? LOAD CELL DATA aml BRAND/MAKE ‘WangTaiHC-3246 RANGE. 40~10000 KG [semas nol =a Tastes eassrend) cu D GT NOL cone Toes Sao | ens al sate EMPTY 63.0 64.0 93.0 44.0 93.0 90.0 40.0 BEFORE LIFTING (LOADED) 61.0 62.0 90.0 | 44.0 92.0 91.0 40.0 AFTER LIFTING (LOADED) 61.0 90.0 44.0 92.0 91.0 40.0 EMPTY. - . 92.0 44.0 93.0 90.0 40.0 Sama oor SS tuasn ‘OPERATOR NAME: HUSHENLIN DATE: 20 December, 2012 DHOS-PTR-001 | SUVEYOR NAME: F. FENG DATE: 20 December, 2012 SHES 723 Atk 2 a] GUANGZHOU SHIPYAR pen MITED SEI IRIR Mh; ABR T Mhy* Maw eK aN os Huarian Calibration and Test Center, GS! ‘Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC =F aw Sas ; Fe tt AY UN HR HE Nondestructive Testing Report Ae} MBOOI hol WH 6 Report No Page of CERTIFIED TRUE COPY AHL YLT TEARS SH A BAS a] Customer. NGMEN C1! 3HONG MEI LARA Bs: 27 BANANA BASKET STEEL Project Name, OFFSHORE CONTAINER : TS: mM ie: Directions of the T Aue wnwn No ENAS LUIZ mek AE ASEAN EOL 188 G2i2NDEOD)) 020) 81392637 sth: RECA MIAH Asm 40S Aad-40 s. South Fangcun Road, Guangzhou, China ABHB(P.C), 510082 "WiECTel): 020-81891712-2585 f6SK Fax): 02081892637 Ltpscuw chinags gam ‘es fae les]ond THUS A ORREA BRYA GUANGZHOU SHIPYARD INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED LL AE Gt IAL Fe AA s/h SAAT Me™ MA EAB cs Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC WR i BERTIPIED Beer TESTING REPORT sa. MBO He 6 Report Wo. or THEM OFFSHORE THRE: MBOO! SRA II DRAWING Engineering CONTAINER Contract No Specification Thea 27, BANANA Hf STEEL Ate EN1290:1998 Work Name BASKET Material Stand Pro. ENI291:1998 eB GRINDING 353 WELDANDHAZ em tiit $l0ns Surface Test Area Particle Size (Rae AES MP-A-3 wa HD-BO| MR AC lnstru. Ser. (MP3635) Mag. Particle Current nate} AI-30/100 CONTINUITY 33} >45N Stand, Piece eK YOKE 90° CROSS LEVEL 1 Picce Mag.. Direction eZ SPRAYING BRE NA Application - Demagnetize / [RS ARIA (Note & Skeich) ] ‘According to the standard EN1290:1998 & EN1291:1998, the MT has been earied to out inspect the following welds of offshore 27" BANANA BASKET container, serial no. MBDOI. The following table shows result, Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH, ACC = ACCEPTED, REJ ~ REJECTED, | WELD [RESULT | WELD RESULT | WELD WELD | RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER [TA-1 ACC. [TB-1 ACC. ACC. [TD-1 ACC. TAD ACC. [TB-2 ACC. ACC TD2 [ACC | [TAS ACC, ‘TB-3 ACC. ACC. | 1-3 [ACc. | 1 ACC. TB-4+ LACC. Te-4 ACC, TD4 ACC. | AC TB-5 ACC. r Bh S ACC. | ACC [TBS | ACC. __[ace TD6 ACC AC TB7 ‘ACC. ACC. TD-7 ACE (BLANK) | COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELD(S): - [WEEDNO. | REJECTED [RESULT WELDNO. | REJECTED REASON] RESULT AFTER | REASON _| AFTER REPAIR REPAIR, (BLANK) a - }——- = cna ik eee ae or I Aa Ay Date. Kw =! 2. Date 2012.12.18, fangcun Road, Guangzhou, China 84B(P ); 510382 2037 p/w chinaesi com Surveyor. FM Date_22'2-12-1% Date Seis POM MMA iw 40-5 aaa-40 Som NESTeds 020-818017 12-2888 (4 eFax): 020-81892 i A 7 Hl 7 As @ te AR A] SS TTT fish cnn cry os sR i a 3 4 FARA Ph / ch BAA Te BL FSA HH > Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GS! Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC CERTIFIED TRUE COP# #2 ill Hk i MAGNETIC PARTICLE TESTING REPORT 287. MBOOI BS KH 6H Repon No Page of TR BR OFFSHORE LS: MBOO! PAeI9 IG REF. DRAWING Engineering CONTAINER Contract No. Specification THAR 27 BANANA uA STEEL EN1290:1998, Work Name BASKET. Material EN1291;1998 ts ded GRINDING — {HEAR WELDANDIAZ apis 210um Surface Test Area Particle Size CaS aE MP-A-3 OHH HD-BO| pete Ac Instru. Ser. (MP3635) Mag. Particle Current aateik AA1-30/100 eH CONTINUITY 34} )) S4sn Stand. Piece Magnetize Litting Bet sk YOKE HTH 90° CROSS Misha LEVEL 1 Piece Mag, Direction Ace, Level mini SPRAYING WHEE NA Application | Demagnetize BY, APA (Note & Sketch) According tothe standard EN1290:1998 & EN1291:1998, the MT has been carried to out inspect the following welds of offshore 27° BANANA BASKET container, serial no. MBOOI, The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH. | | ACC = ACCEPTED, RES = REJECTED WELD [RESULT | WELD [RESULT [WELD | RESULT | WELD RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER (Mal [ ACC. | MBA ACC, MCI MD-1 ACE [MA2_[ACC.__[MB2__| ACC. [Mc 2 ACC. ACC MB-3 ACC [MC3 ACC. ACC. MB-4 ACC, MC-4 ACC | _ | ACC [MBS [ ACC. MCS MDS ACG. | ACC. [MB | ACC. MC% MD-6 ACC ACC. [MB-7__ ACC. MC-7 MD-7 ACC. (ACC. | DB-1 ACC. DCT —_[bb-i Acc__| ACC. [DB2 ACC. DC2 pp ACC | [REI (cory ACC. 7 | COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELDS): 7 WELD NO. REJECTED: RESULT, WELD NO. | REJECTEDREASON | RESULT AFTER _|__ REASON _| AFTER REPAIR REPAIR CCA Porosity ACC. (BLANK) i T ime Ht be eview by; MT-I] Inspect by: MT-I Sam nH pare > —02 - pate 2012 218. “angcun Road. Guangzhou. China BMP C) $1082 S HST aN): 020-81892637 Hups/ Hae Date DOR aoe Sets MH AIM 40% Aad: 40 S50 Litre. 020481891712. Fa? Hl 7 AG @ te BS WR a] \6Si Tia Ls GaaNczHon sii \RD INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED FN ae HR AL ARN s/h RAAT er MA FHA OS Huanan Calibration and Test Cente: Gs! Guangzhou Physics-test. Chymistry-< RARE CERTIFIED TRUE, GORY sic teotinc ee toRt Caccsig CONTAINER Gant, apn SR a WoreNane BASKET Mri se, som METS | guaw BATE ruse caso Tam ANISIDE SRSA Nias BES 8 Cont oe Ce ae MAINES aerexgeas Ki 20 WA nw.n6-3 Setivy HID BAT aoe LeveL [ Note or sketch: According to the standard EN1714:2002 & EN1712:2002, the UT has been carried to out inspect the C.P welds of offshore 27° BANANA BASKET container, serial no. MBOOI. The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX TCH. ACCEPTED. REJ = REJECTED WELD RESULT [WELD [RESULT] WELD RESULT [WELD | RESULT NUMBER: NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER | TAD ACC. _[TB2__| Acc ACC. [TD2___| ACC. TAS _ [183 [ace ACC 3 [Acc _| [ TB ACC. - ACC. TD-4 | ACC. TB-S ACC. ACC TD-5 [| ACC. TB-6 ACC, ACC. TB-7 ACC. | | | COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELD(S) WELDNO. | REJECTED RESULTAFTER | WELDNO | REIECTED RESULT AFTER REASON REPAIR | REASON REPAIR, | (BLANKY _ UT- As i FM Date_ 2012-118 12 FE) date ria <1>- Date 2012.12.18, ‘MiB HAAS 40. Add:40 South Fongcun Road, Guangzhou, China GHP). 510082 > 020-¥1891712-2585 (4 A (Pax)s 020481892637 Htps/ww chinaest cow =e TO = HW 7 AG @ th BRS HAR a] 6s! Lame =s0r ce SEE CoCo PRR it Be ERP L/h SASL EL CR > Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC Cee CERTIFIED TRUE RORY TESTING REPORT wena, 001 x Be. casei Soa ergong CONTAINER Comer, ‘BOO a WouNine BASKET ea STEEL Sel sam we saw ruuer GRIND Tore = (lANIsibg | SN ae Se . ts CSTE Seed, re RAMI aspexenns RAL ay nwo ceviviy 2840 IRE Na hence uaven2 Note or sketch: - According to the standard EN1714:2002 & EN1712:2002, the UT has been carried to out inspect the C.P welds of | offshore 27" BANANA BASKET container, serial no. MBOOI. The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH. | ACC = ACCEPTED. REJ = REJECTED. WELD RESULT [WELD [RESULT RESULT [WELD [RESULT NUMBER NUMBER | NUMBER | [MA2 ACC. |MB2__[ACC. | [ACC |MD2__[ ACC. MA-3 ACC. MB-3_| ACC. [- MD-3__[ ACC. MA4 ACC. MB-4 ACC. [MD-4 [acc MA-S ACC. MB-5 ACC. [MCs MD-5__| ACC. [MA-6 ACC, MB-6 | ACC MB-7__ | ACG. | "OMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELD(S), WELDNO, | REIECTED RESULTAFTER [WELD NO, RESULT AFTER REASON REPAIR REASON. REPAIR [TBLANKy = = ih Rose en be “| Inspect by:_UT-1 Aba 12. Date 2012.12.18, Sells PIR MTBF HASBEMI 40S Add:40 South Fanzoun Rood, Guangzhou, China Bd (Pc): 510982 ‘WiF(Te)s 020-81891712-2585 e3E(Fax): 02081892637 Hup./www chinagsi com 1 > on @ gt 44, fi (SS eg 0 Oe eae ea PAGER METS REE RIBAS o/h RAT Mey ANSSLAL AA s Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC CERTIFIED TRUE COPY » - SN 2 ne MB we — cis DA-2 Cc-2 1-3 \ . , es ~ DC-1 DA-1 #—— = pe=2 DB-2 -+ S © DD-1 DB-1 ae on DD-2 i OFF foxrpeovt INER WELD SKETCH Canes Heit: PRM MTB HH AIM 40S Add:40 South Fangeun Road. Guangzhou. China B4ALP.C); 510982 {UWlcTey, 020-81891712-2585 f¢RUEFax): 020481892637 Hup./www.chinaes com Pa? awa 1 AIR a] ‘esi fan Si fea EECEREA SIM Zanncandusurano ees sioxA. COMPAR TED ER FARE Pi /' SUA AE Ter RA ce alibration and Test Genter, GS! jistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC Fe ta BY MY AR Nondestructive Testing Report F MBOOLAFT BIG w Report No, Page of CERTIFIED TRUE COPY ALAM: ULE TT ARPS Se J Hs a BA Customer, i an i i ME TRAM: 27°’ BANANA BASKET S$ L Project Name, OFFSHORE CONTAINE LARS: Contract No. MBOOI(AFTER TEST Ho: Date 2012.12.20. eR Directions of the Test LANL A (No GZI2NDEDOI) so w1972657 M40. Add:40 South Far 3 1ER(Fax): 0208189265 seit: SEM RH: Road. Guangzhou. China BHR (PC): 510382 GStilmoehd "/ ®eseeeaaca + ad GUANGZHOU SHIPYARD INT NAL COMPANY LIMTED EL aH Hk Fe Se I ey / ca BT JNA FHL Cy Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, OSSC CERTIFIED TRUE CGPYWt © WY dR 4 MAGNETIC PARTICLE TESTING REPORT #8%R%. | MBOOLAFT BIH 6 Report No, Page of TALES OFFSHORE TA MBo01 SWART REF. DRAWING Engineering CONTAINFR Contract No. Specitication id 27 BANANA Hi STFFL baat ——-EN1290;1998 Work Name BASKET Material Stand Pro. EN1291:1998 tose ait GRINDING 341K k= WELDANDHAZ angie 2-100 m Surface Test Arca Particle Size fa HE MP-A-3 any HD-BO wtf Ac Instru, Ser. (M3635) Mag. Particle Current brates A1-30/100 meni: CONTINUITY 383 )) D4sn Stand. Piece Magnetize Lifting wee IR YOKE esr 90° CROSS HBC LEVEL 1 Piece Mag, Direction Ace. Level en SPRAYING ihe NA Application Demagnetize WH. AEE (Note & Sketch) According to the standard EN1290:1998 & EN1291:1998, the MT has been carried to out inspect the following welds of offshore 27° BANANA BASKET container, serial no. MBOO1. The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX | SKETCH, ACC = ACCEPTED, REI ~ REJECTED. WELD RESULT [WELD [RESULT [WELD RESULT RESULT | NUMBER NUMBER, NUMBER TA-I ACC. | TB-i ACC ACC. __ [acc | TA-2 ACC. 7 TB-2 ACC, ACC. ACC. TAS ACC] TBS ACC. ACC. ACC. TA4 |ACG.__|TB4 ACC ACG AG TAS ACC,__[TB-3 ACC. ACC ACC. TA-6 ACC. [TB-6 ‘ACC | ACC. ACC [Taz ACC. [TB-7 ACC LACE. ACC. [BLANK 1 7 —|— | i | COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELD(S): WELD NO. REJECTED T RESULT WELD NO. | REJECTED REASON RESULT AFTER L REASON _| AFTER REPAIR REPAIR (BLANK) - — =D ONLY SS > 5 z [au Se it oa Fags tk — Terao are, Hi Surveyor. i = Review by: MT-IL Inspect by:_MT- cH = RS SFA HH a > Date_2017=+2-30 Date = S pate XS — 1, Date __2012.12.20, Sett: PEE MB HHA 40S Add:40 South Fangcun Road, Guangzhou. China _#84(P.C); 810382 Liiereds 020-81801712-2585 He sU¢Fax). 020-81892637 Lip ws. chinags, com GSi igi TUT oO ‘GUANGZHOU SHIPYARD INTERNA’ tHE 4 IA 2 ANY LINITED J SEB Ba HE i Ht BR 1 FEAR A ds / oh SAA TL Se BAL RA ihe MI Report No, CREE Engineering TARA Work Name tasers Instru, Ser, beatin Stand. Pieve REAR Piece Mag. eee Application Huanan Calibration and Test Center, Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestruc! CERTIFIED TRUE. COPY BOOLAFT. OFFSHORE CONTAINER 27° BANANA BASKET GRINDING MP-A3 (P3635) A1-30/100 YOKE SPRAYING BR WK LAR MBOoOI ‘Contract No. bee STEEL Material kik at WELD AND HAZ Test Area a HD-BO. Mag. Particle BE Hd: CONTINUITY Magnetize a7 90" CROSS Direction RR NA Demagretize GsI je Test Center, CSSC PARTICLE TESTING REPORT RIWH 6 Page of SekswuMe REF DRAWING Specification ‘ifesl@E?—-EN1290:1998, Stand Pro. EN1291-1998, wei 2100m Particle Size ste titt AC Current Hat 2asn Lifting Be LEVEL | Ace. Level ROL. ARIA (Note & Sketch) : Accor to the tandard EN1290:1998 & EN1291:1998, the MT has been caried to out inspect the follo after: 27" BANANA BASKET conse, sal, MBOO|. The flowing ile sows Rel o APPENDIX 1g welds of SKETCH. ACC = ACCEPTED, REJ= REJECTED. ae - WELD [RESULT [WELD [RESULT [WELD [RESULT WELD RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER | NUMBER MAI | ACC.__|MB-i ACC, I MD-I MA-2__ | ACC. [MB2 ACC. MD-2 MA-3 Acc. MB-3 ACC. MD. MA4+ [ACC [MB-4___| ACG MD-4 [Mas [ACC [MB-5__| ACC. MD-5 MAG | ACC. 4 MB6 | ACC. MD-6 MA-7_ | ACC. [MB-7 AC MD-7 | DA-1 ACC, DB-1 Acc. DD-1 DA-2 ACC. | DB-2 ACC. DD-2_ [ect ACC. [CC4 ACC. Tt COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELD(S): - | WELDNO. | REJECTED | RESULT WELD NO. | REJECTED REASON | RESULT AFTER REASON AFTER REPAIR | _ - REPAIR | (BLANK) ‘MMI HAIMA 40. Add:40 South Fangeun Road. Guangzhou, China 20-81 8917 12-2585 (ER EFan)e C20-81892097 Hip HCP 0): 510382 Pa ul 7 As OSA A esi t rd LF Bin Gaancztou ‘SHIPYARD INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED 7G EEL Bk aD SRE AY FAR a cho / oh A RET eg Be HR HL Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC eR CERTIFIED TRIE CHEE TESTING REPORT nia. MBooiaer se eps ; Ewing CONTAINER Gy, MOO IR 7 MyaskeT Nee sti. eee som BIER shaw HATER riuuer AeA GuiNine Taam (UN ISIE EE eiaaes SEES, 8 Copan paste eeranon i) ee ari Parte 2sroxoxzs Kf 250 ee IW.RB3 Sonny A210 Ny Se keone LeveL Noe or ska According to the standard EN1714:2002 & EN1712:2002, the UT has been carried to out inspect the C.P welds of | offshore 27” BANANA BASKET container, serial no. MBOOI. The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH, ACC = ACCEPTED, WELD RESULT RESULT | WELD RESULT | WELD RESULT NUMBER: NUMBER NUMBER | ACC. TB2 | ACC ACC, TD-2 ACC. [ ace. TB-3 ACC. acc, | TD3 ACC. [ acc. TB-4 | ACC. Acc. | tD-4 [ACC. TB-5 ACC. ACC. TD-5 ACC, TB-6 ACC, ACC 1B-7 : COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELD(S): WELD NO. | REJECTED RESULTAFTER | WELD NO. | REJECTED [RESULT AFTER | REASON REPAIR | REASON | REPAIR (BLANK) ected = : Pees, en “Biffe i aby a w by: UT- IL Inspect by:__UT-II Ha Dae SeBusad> Tt. Date___ 2012.12.20, Seht: PEI MTBAHAIMA 40S Add: 40 South Fangcun Road, Guangzhou China ABHR(P-C)- 510982 ‘Ui CTeN o70-81801712-2585 HER Cex)s 020481892037 Hiipu/www.chinassi con 4 (7 AS @ te RAS AIRE A] GSI Tf JANGZHOU SHIPYARD INTERT ONAL COMPANY LIMITED BD PRI Ae FAA s/h LA AAT eM TES > Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC CERTIFIED TRUE G@P¥ vk i dR 4 ULTRASONIC TESTING REPORT dike, MBOOLAFT: RSH HO KH Report Ne Page” of oa OFFSHORE Ties poor Rem . Engineering, ‘CONTAINER ‘Contract No. Report No. THER He 27 BANANA Hf) nm ‘Work Name. BASKET Material, Sel Specification « MR BATE th dea inna Weld Method Se Joint Type HELET Surface oe io tesnreat sing ASR ARE ENITI42002 sh ‘Test Area, TERABISIDE ‘Stand or Pro. ENI712:2002 Test Grade a mai ase irae 600 ‘Couplant EASIE Compensation a8 Instrument U4 Pel de 5 Ki . feayg Probe Ser. SPERSRAE K Value 350 Calibration. ne wart i Hee y ere EL Sensitivity SX2E OMB, Scan Adjust NA ees LEVEL2 ‘Note or sketch: - According to the standard EN1714:2002 & EN1712:2002, the UT has been carried to out inspect the C.P welds of offshore 27" BANANA BASKET container, serial no. MBO0!. The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH ACC = ACCEPTED, REJ = REJECTED. WELD RESULT | WELD RESULT | WELD [RESULT | WELD RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER. | NUMBER [Ma-2 ACC. MB-2—[ACC. | MC-2 ACC. MD-2__ | ACC. [Ma3 ACC. MB-3_[ ACC. [MC3 ACG. MD-3__[ ACG, MA4 MB-4 | ACC. MC-4 ACC. MD-4 [ACC | (MA-5 MB-5 | ACC MC-5 ACC. MD-5— [ ACC. [Ma-6 MB-6 [ACC MA-7 ACC. MB-7 [ACC I COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELDIS): a / WELD NO. REJECTED RESULTAFTER | WELDNO. | REJECTED. RESULT AFTER __| REASON. REPAIR _ __| REASON REPAIR (BLANK) | - | — | ea e) Sh an — bie Surveyor. =EReview by: UT- II Inspect by:__UT- I] > Ay Date }>—'>. Date ___ 2012.12.20. . Sthh: HIM MIB HHAINM 40S Add:40 South Fangcun Road, Guangzhou. China GHR(P.C): 510382 iE (reiy, 020-81091712-2085 {ERKFAN): 020-81872057 Hip isww.chinags com $A K 3] RNATIC NA COMPANY LIMITED: TAB BUR AE IGE BACH ARAEA bi BIAR AA TE ABLE RAH Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC Aut}. MBOOLAFT: ho Het 6 KH Page of iepare CERTIFIED TRUE COPY DA-2 cc-2 0-3 DB-2 -» A © DD-1 DB-1 CC-1 Nees DD-2 I 4 Set: PRM MBIA 40-G Add: 40 South Fangcun Rood, Guangzhou, China sB4A(P.C): 810382 (Teds 020-81891712-25%5 HE$ILFax), 020-81802639 Hu som Global Lifting Services Ltd E C DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY NAME AND ADDRESS OF MANUFACTURER :- EG OFFSHORE PTE LTD Global Lifting Services Led LOYAND OFFSHORE SUPPLY BASE sliverburn Crescent 25 LOYANG CRESCENT Bridge of Don TOPS AVE, BLOCK 103407-03 aterdeen CERTIFIED TRUE COPY MAILBOX No. 5088 as2a sew SINGAPORE So8see Tel No: 01224707505 FaxNo: 01224707646 DECLARATION No. ‘CUSTOMER ORDER No. (CUSTOMER REQUISITION No. T DATE 83024! 0001 TBA APS1979 arfaaaz TEST 1.D. NUMBER, av DESCRIPTION wu Peeaae mip001/1 1 | 4LEG WIRE ROPE SLING TO DNV2.7-1:2006 32.2 TONNE | N/A LEGS 5.93MTR X 26MM DIA IWRC GALV 0-45 DEG FITTED TO A347 45MM QUAD ASSEMBLY HARD EYES EACH END 001/10. 4 _| VAN BEEST SAFETY PIN BOW SHACKLES S.STONNE | 19 TONNE .fanufacturers Batch Numbers For Incorporated Components ‘omponent Type ‘Component Manufacturer Batch No. PinNo, _ONVTANo. Steel Grade Steel Wire Rope EUROPEAN ROPE E988 N/a N/A Grade 1960 Quad Link ‘cRosBY amK N/A 6401 Grade 80 Shackle VAN BEST BV x6 6AM 9623 Grade 60 DECLARATION | declare that the items described above comply with the requirments of The Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. This certificate is based on DNV Type Approval No. $-5557 and I can confirm that the sling described has been designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with DNV 2.7-1. The reference standard used in the design ‘and manufacture of this Lifting Set is EN13414-1. FORM QAFi0a SIGNATURE = Rev 1 AUTHORISED SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE OF WIRE ROPES ACC. EN 10204:2004 3.1 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Cnt: Global integrated Services Lid QErey Client ref: Consignment Stock Truck 55 dated 08/11/2012 ‘The undersigned certifies on behalf of this company that below particulars are correct and that the described wire rope or ‘complete gear are according to the regulations of the EG Machinery Directive 2006/42/EG, appendix II-B. 1x 1.000 meter 6X36WS/IWAG - 26 mm - galvanized - RHOL - 1960 Nimm2 - lubricated Reelis): 12094687 Diameter 26,00 mm Number of strands 6 Number of wires 36 Core Independent Wire Rope Core lay’ MBL (kN) ABL 482,00 KN. We hereby certify that the rope(s) comply(ies) in all respect with factory standards. Signature Hendrik Veder Group Date: 07-11-2012 Foxe 34 (0) 182 625 178 Certificate Number: Location of Issue: cerTiFien Truc copy the Pal ayyroup ‘Crosby Europe N.V. aspen en! Sedaniepaa EC Declaration of Conformity in accordance with EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC €C4-2012111900065 Crosby Europe (UK) Ltd. Station Street, Cradley Heath West Midlands B64 6AJ, United Kingdom Phone: 01226 290516 Fax: 01226 240118 StockNo: 1258402 Description of Gear:_A347 45/36MM Welded Master Link Assembly (ML - 45x180x340) Working Load Limit: 38.3t] [Max. Allowed Proof Load: _939KN ‘ indicates metric tonnes ‘Comments: Note: Number of Pieces: ‘Ultimate load is 5 times the WLL based on a vertical angle less than or equal to 45°. Meets the requirements of EN 1677-4 : 2000, Components for slings - Safety - Part 4 : Links Grade 8. This equipment can meet the requirements of DNV Certification Note 2.7-1, as per DNV certificate for ype approval No. S-6401. We hereby declare that the above mentioned produet with CE marking complies with the applicable essential Health and Safety requirements of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Hes not been contaminated by Mercury in the manufacturing process. 2) Main Link: IMK PICs are based on visual observation Certificate based on item being the Crosby product described above. We hereby certify thatthe above described material was manufactured and processed in a manner compatible to ‘meeting the load ratings when used under normal and proper applications. Mentioned products are in conformity to the Crosby literature available at time of manufacturing, including the following trademarked features: GREECE Al Crosby plants are ISO 9001:2008 certified for quality and consistency of the processes. For Product Delivered To: Date: Global Integrated Services Lid Silvesbum Crescent Bridge of Don, Aberdeen Aberdeen United Kingdom November 19, 2012 aoe forte Dac of sence SR Assurance theBrosbysroup see aecosyaept0 Station Street, Cradley Heath ‘West Midlands B64 6AJ, United Kingdom Phone: 01226 290516 Fax: 01226 240118 CERTIFICATE NO. TC2-2012111900066 SUPPLIED TO __ Global Integrated Services Ltd YOUR ORDER NO. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY gry DESCRIPTION 2 1258402 A347 45/36MM Welded Master Link Assembly (ML - 45x180x340), To EN 1677-4 MATERIAL PROPERTIES: TEN HC EAT ROMBER ‘PROOF LOAD APPLIED IMPACT TEST TYPE CHARPY V QOULES) “TO ASTM ASDONASTN E207 Tac AVERAGE, MAINLINK | IMK | £01115198 939 KN 20 > 42 JOULES “Magnetic Particle Testing, Type: Wet, Certified to EN 1677-4 (Main Link) MAIN LINK STEEL SPECIFICATION | C_ | Mn | P Ss Si Ni_|_cr_| Mo | al ‘MIN (ML + CPL) ois | 0.70 | - - | 020 | o40 | 040 | 0.15 | 0.020 MAX (ML + CPL) 023 | 0.90 | 0.040 | 0.040 | 0.35 | 0.70 | 060 | 025 | - REFERENCE DNV MSA R-3130 AND TYPE APPROVAL S-6401. WE HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED ON THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN TESTED AND EXAMINED, ‘AND MEETS THE ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE MACHINERY DIRECTIVE, CERTIFIED ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY theGrosbygroup Scanned image of Material Chemistry Repor for Phe ‘Main Link of A347 1-3/4" Welded Master Link Assembly with PIC: IMK and Heat #: E01115198 ‘Tits MATERIAL CERTIFICATE DOCUMENT MEETS THE REQUIREMENT OF INSPECTION CERTIFICATE *TYPES.1" PER EN 10204 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY reraH 40324861220 wawenkes #253 2.002 soo Certificat de Récepuon s.1/ENIUZ04 SWISS STEEL seein <2 Pees ae a Soe anaT A eminent ec0%0 meee ana os os = mac Tees (SEES! ne Se Sa sea eae ae ee Se esa ee | ae a a eee ‘Anaiyne chimique ‘Eoati de traction tralté Net _ a een 2 om : is ie 2 8 fF 1s =e Seale ae ) s 0007 * ee 2 ef ee Soe fel ae: ne ‘$US. CROSBY-ZIMMERMANN , ripen nena Convention ard: Besa de vation atk 420°C 4 eal baRbONNIT 8 Tiewe erions eve at pcdiba rte ton cotares aoe lado Bes GOONS Ingrmé ecreniguamantcotere EN 102042006 Ramargua: —Ne13807R0400"80" ‘aspenebla cone qualés Dr. R Saggau email: salee@vanboost.n www vanbeestnl Talswoneg@, 9867 Hi Stereo Ss Tre Nether Fax. 331 tee 1 008 25 iWAR 2012 VAN BEEST 5 Global Lifting Services Silverburn Crescent, Bridge of Don B23 BEW Aberdeen CERTIFIED TRUE COPY United Kingdom MANUFACTURER TEST CERTIFICATE Number 80052464 Date 23.03.2012 Customer no. 30358 5/5 (Our order no. [Your ref. no. 78603 58657 Traceabilty Bow] Taceabinty Pin [Description fav. Jon aaa proolioed [Working oad examination |(7) ie x6 GP GPG AM — |GPGHMB28 119 |12.03.2012|19 96 G-4163, Green Pin® Standard [Shackles, bow shackles with safety bolt, to EN13889, hot dipped galvanized, diameter bow 28 mm, diameter pin 32 mm, WLL 8.8 ton [EC Declaration of conformity in accordance with the machinery directive 2006/42/EC. {according to Annex IIA of the machinery directive) IWe declare under our sole responsibility that the above mentioned product(s}, with CE marking, lcomply with the machinery directive 2006/42/EC. This certificate is only valid for Van Beest BV products, used for fittings for lifting equipment, marked as such. | certify that the items described herein were tested and thereafter examined and were found to be free from cracks, flaws or other defects. J.J. Vermeulen (QA-Manager) te mtrks “Green Pin" and “Excel” Member of Van Becst Intemational ‘actounrt 356323 "55. 1BAN code 389943198, Swi cooes RABONLZU For: KE 10 14 lesue date: 23.03 7012 P.0, Box 67, 3360 AB Sledrecht Industrieweg 8, 3367 HJ Slledrecht The Netheriands Tel. +31 18441 33.00 Fox.'631 184 41 29 59 emai Sowsntberta 7.6 NAR 2012 Uw: Global Lifting Services Silverburn Crescent, Bridge of Don Unites Kingdom CERTIFIED TRUE COPY INSPECTION CERTIFICATE TO EN 10204 - TYPE 3.1 Number 80052464 Date 23.03.2012 Customer no. 30358 Page 515 four order no. [Your ref. no 78603 ‘58657 beserpon 119 GPGHMB28 G-4163, Groon Pin® Standard Shackles, bow shackles with safety bolt, to EN13889, hot dipped galvanized, diameter bow 28 mm, diameter pin 32 mm, WLL 9.6 ton Materiel properties a a Treceabiiny inimna) | “C3 senpol_1 [2 [3 [ave | 93-4681 937 | 999 | 16 | -20 [124] iia] 417] 120[ Bow [x6GP e611080002| 930 [ 990 | 17 | -20 |120/ 114/109] 114] Pin [GP 6 AM Chemical composition tie [cx | six [mox[ ex | se | ow [mom] me [| ve | com rr 1 | 0.210] 0.210] 1.420] 0.010] 0.007 | 0.370] 0.030| 0.130] 0.014] 0.180 0.031 2[ 0.380] 0.210] 0.560] 0.011] 0.004 | 0.970] 0.180 0.033 Jad. Vermeulen (QA-Manager) on sve Cate: 29.03.2012 «=» DONG HONG metal co.,ltd TAINER_ CHECK REPORT DIMENSION CHECK CERTIFIED TI OWNER: _OEG Offshore RUE COPY IMGF: DONGHONG ACE METAL CO,LTD._ [T'YPE: 27! BANANA BASKET [DATE 2012-12-22 DWG. NO, ACE27 CBOTMNFeO [CERTI-NO.: SHI 1283723-01 SERIAL NO. :MB 00 | MFG. NO. 9592 DESIGN DIMENSIONS mm mm 4 47] LENGTHIACL 5300 o/-10 orl. * wiDTH[sbjAB)| 1240 on6 et Tt 7] [HEIGHT{a81) 2430 0-6 [. aad “Pye al fEIGETIAAT 1331 o-6 x "ACTUAL DIMENSION [DIAGONAL REFERENCE [DIMENSION A IREFERENCE_[DIMENSIO! A] AWC 329 . ac__|g2?2 | -¢ savewan, [Ate | 325° LENGTH oo Tet | ot Bepi | 2327 5 ac [a297 | -3 Bid [£324 3 pi-pi_| 4276 | -4 ab | 43/4 . Aral | 1351 & oor 2316 _|% bepi_[ 1330 [=I Bs anal 4g | => - | | Rear END : 11734 | _|2449 |=! — $318 1 223¢@ | -2 4317 12ST [=I rely 1350 |=) REAREND Fle ' 332 |-1 - att 73 24u7 | = BASE FRONTEND bet | 23 SF wa | 244? | 1 moyen |B! ids | ep | at [= pcr | bry I cmp [1239 Lt REMARKS: SATISFACTORY ‘CHECKED BY VERIFIED BY DH-DIM-01,Rev.0 Page t ‘oz0'4v930, on woody sumuyed 239 RE UO Be 0295 ‘oxesunivara> to‘svesoneneaypaes Bunuied nD 930 01 ADUEHIOWE BNI. HINES {paypen / papedsui) {_thayuon /parsodsur) WBE ‘annequasasday 3¥/930 { sosinsodns 3uoy3u0g - Tol = fobt tort woe LK OPS 0 oll = Wows wort woe Te Ops uf omer a th Te = Te ie Tape a Sb eC SH! [b7.b VE Cot] loot ya ~ LAY may) WL Go OtT [sorb Ee clot] SOL WALA OU ET — umarodoon| bb | 3c7 OFT (ECG ATT COT | ARTI — CL) Wsctzay aunna aur xodovon| Woamag | duos | aw/a | duno | ew bo soujea | _—euewibpoig Too @W yafieg voowg — blUsdy—auoysffo 920 Bui Bua omrenes :0Ror oxOFDe | AdOO JNU GSISILYIO - ‘Qudoay ONIIVOD Loyang Crescent, Mail Box No. 5088 Fax: +65 6214 8885 ieee Block 103, TOPS Ave. 1, 107-03, Sreopor sto ROC/UEN No. 200914083 a Derg Orson simpt Bae Tel 6656671 2500 ¢ Offshore Final Inspection Report CERTIFIED TRUE COPY ‘Owner: OG Offshore [ Serial No.: MBOOT Date: 2012-12-24 Type: Banana basket Mig. No.: H-9598 1 Exterior ®. s . i ia [sw sured from visible defects (undercut, lack of fusion, crack)? ®._| Ie structure fee fom corrosion formation, mechanical damage or deformation? 4 ®. 2 | interior "Does paint coating not peeling off or damaged? igsealant application accetable? Tis welding quality ensured from visible defects (undercut, lack of 3 Base & Floor Ts loor substantial fat wth no sign of dress Oranagefacity vibe oeleat rom debs? a Padeve | (utting soins) 5 | Tie down points 7 2 |lshing rings - a | & 7 Door Closures (doors, a. | Ts funclonality Tor operation in satisfactory manner without undue force (too | 7 | frames, seals, hinges, tight nor too loose) being required? “Locks, lock sets, etc.) [Weather rightness Test [a 7 | Watertight Test TB. 8 | Additional items 2. nis (Secure pins, shelves, tarpaulin, oor net. Ete) Na | Checked and Accepted by: OG ‘Checked and Accepted by: ACE Anisul Istam QC Officer (China Facility) Gavin Lee First Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide ‘OEGAP.017. CCU Final Irspection Report, Revi Page 1 EG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd een peer Scat aan eonr hey Signpore S068 aCe Additional Products available from Stock : Standard unit design photographs ‘Available in a range of sizes or custom built to suit customers’ requirements Waste skips (Dees) oi Cargo Baskets Samiti nat ROV Workshops <> ‘Mud Skips. VSD / LER Modules Workshops: Containers Cargo Baskets Also at ‘Corporate fice Europe Gothal Hause, Coal View, Pimedsien Road ind. Estate, Dyce, Aberdcan ~ ABZ OOF Contact tats Tel: +48 (0) 1224 215800 Fox: +4 (0) 1226 215501 First Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide Cerifieate no: $H11283723-01 Page 1 of peovds i ; a egister Offshore Container Construction Certificate Name of Manufacture peti: Donghong ACE Metal Co., Ltd No. 33, Zhongtai Xi Road, Liufang, Hetang Town, Pengiiang, Jiangmen City, Guangdong, China “This sto cerify thatthe under noted Offshore Container, which was manufactured and tested in accordance with the requirements of Lioye's Register Group Container Certification Scheme, has been inspected and found to be in accordance withthe aparoved drawings and the protoype container identified as follows: fff Contaier yee Desert 27°X4'xS' Banana Basket Offshore Container Mas, Grose Mae Rating “Toco Nase Z 12,200 kg 2,200 kg teal imei Wa asi Tips SRE 8,300 mm 1,240 mm 2,450 mm 20°C Loyd’ eget Gioub Tipe Approval ‘Ase Didving No GB-LR 21422-5/2010 ‘ACE-27 CB-2744M-00 chaser we * EG OFFSHORE Container Mod No: aS NG ORREN Date of Maracas ACE-27 8-274 #9598 / MB001 December 2012 Speccaon of ting St. Ths cerca only vad when the container fied wth approved iting se in shack bol samt Ned aioreaeom vai | cant 60 32mm 45° (1381 roo sig a] ‘Ths offer contalnr, or another otshore conan from the same fabrication sts, hs ban subjected othe flowing prof et: acute Sat Na fear Toa et ia 58) ee 9508 30,500 kg 20 December 2012 “The const te arp wh te leu eaten and el me ay EN12079-1:2006/DNV2.7-1:2006 ari zi z mite teusdat Shanghai en 24 December, 2012 Inspect to oye Regist Clossfeaton Sacer) Co, Ld ‘A member ofthe Uoye's Register Group Lye’ Reis, safle and subsides and ther especie ofcers, employees or agents are ndvidualy and colectly, referred to in this Cause as the ‘Uoya's Fagiter Croup, The nj’ Ragcter Group assumes no respanbly and shal ot be habla to ay peso foray los, dathage o epense cased by relance on the Information er advice in this document or Rowsoever pronided, ules that peson ha signed a convat wit te teva ayes gitar Group ery for he rouson hs inermation or adie and in that case any responsibly ot lb &exckavely onthe tes and canons stout in that conat, Fert 5216C (2006.08) Certificate no: $HI1283722-02 Page t oft ee | eb gister Offshore Container Construction Certificate Nome of Manutactir asi Donghong ACE Metal Co. Ltd ‘No. 33, Zhongtal Xi Road, Liufang, Hetang Town, Pengjiang, Jiangmen City, Guangdong, China ‘This isto certily thatthe under noted Offshore Container, which was manufactured and tested in accordance with the requirements of Loye's Register Group Container Certfication Scheme, has been inspected and found tobe in accordance with the epproved drawings and the prototype container identified as folows: ‘oshore Container Te DEB: 11474X1154X2300 Work Basket Offshore Container ‘Nox. Gres Mss (ting) Tare Mass: 2,640 kg 640 kg cera Dimers Wi Carrere 1.474 mm 1154 mm 2,300 mm 20°C cya’ Register oun Type Approval Now ‘sen DASH NO™ 2 GB-LR 21424-5/2010 ‘ACE.WB-1510-DL-00 ura 2 al (EG OFFSHORE Container Model No: busters Sal NS Onna Na, Date of Metacti ‘ACEWB-1510 19597 / PB0OS December 2012 Specicton of tng Set. This ceria cry vad when te container is ited with aporored ng se ‘Min, shackle bolt diameter: ‘Max. angle of legs (rom vertical 2mm s* Frettee D a) This offshore container, another oshore container ftom the same fabrication sre, has been subjcied tothe follwing proo test Maeve Set Novo eorainar AC Feat eA AE i Hea dite 9596 6,600 kg 20 December 2012 “The contain So copes with te folowing eaUireens ard eBUsS £EN12079-1:2006/DNV2.7-1:2006 femars: g aia a \swedst Shanghai a Inspcter toes Reiter Clossfeaton SodesyChina) Ce, Ld member ofthe Uoye!'s Register Group cya Reiter, flats ond subsiaves andthe respective offices, employes or agent ar, individual and colectvay, refered to inthis cause a the ‘Loyd Regster Group. The Uoye's Reger Group asumes no responsibly ad shall ot be lable to ay person fot any loss, damage oF expenee caused by relance onthe intormaton or adc in bis document or owscaver proved, unless that person has ned 2 contret with the relevant UcydsRegster Group ently fr th provsion ‘oft infraton or adic and in that case any responsibly or babi exclustely onthe terms and candor stout in that contact Four 5216¢ 2006.08) 'NO.33,2HONGTAI XI ROAD, HETANG TOWN, JIANGMEN CITY, GUANGDONG, CHINA TEL: 86-750-3733851 | FAX: 86-750-3733877_|_ WEB: OFFSHORE CONTAINER 4-POINT LIFTING TEST REPORT OWNER: _OEG OFFSHORE [ bare 1 20 December, 2012 | MFG. = Donghong ACE Metal Co. ltd. REPORTNO. + _DH-BTR- PBOOS SERIALNO. _:_PBODS REPORTCOVER : PBO0S~O06/ H9596~9597 MFG. NO. 19596 CERT.NO. _:_SHIN263722-01, | TPE 7 _4474mmx1154mmx2300mm PB/DL . woDeLNo, —: AcEWessi0 1 r INSPECTION SUMMARY T «Load test of 2.5 times (M.S. weight) carried out and Yo ITO | aso fors minutes 4 pacers, + Magnetic Particle inspection (MPI) is carried out |___berone and AFTER lad test CERTIFIED TRUE COPY DESIGNED DATA "ACTUAL TEST DATA TARE WEIGHT 1 640 kg __| TARE WEIGHT (7) 648 kg MG. WEIGHT (RD) 2,640 kg__| DEAD WEIGHT ADDED (P= L-T) 5.952 Ke TESTWEIGHT(L=R x25): 6,600 kg__ | TESTED WEIGHT 5.648 s BASE AREA £13,015 em LOAD PER CM 0.458 kg/em™ TOAD CELL DATA BRAND/MAKE ‘WangTaine-3246 RANGE {40-1000 KG: [SERIAL NO. 1009785 / HC12573246 CALIBRATED CERT. NO. : 12020120036 [ [DEFORMATION RECORD (in em) | conoiion 1 2 3 «os 6 7 EMPTY 36.0 | 440 | 83.0 40.0) BEFORE LIFTING (LOADED) 36.0 | 44.0 | so | 420 7 40.0 DURING LIFTING 36.0 | 440 | 830 | 420 40.0 [AFTER LIFTING (LOADED) 36.0 | 440 | 83.0 | 420 40.0 emery 36.0 | 44.0 | 83.0 | 420 40.0 PERMANENT DEFORMATION oo | 00 | oo | oo | 0.0 ‘COMMENTS: | Saustoctor | | eee staan & SON SS stam a sion OPERATOR NAME: HUSHENLIN 'SUVEYOR NAME: F. FENG DATE: 20 December, 2012 - | DATE: 20 December, 2012 ‘DHQS-PTR-0O2 OweRGA BRS A 1 OMPANY LIMITED rz Pe cucu ran ne ibeation and Test Center, GSI y whet! —_ mistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Genter, CSSC coi EA Y Ae Ke te WY AR Nondestructive Testing Report HRY), PBOOG BL HR AH Report No, Page of CERTIFIED TRUE COPY LAL: ELT AR Se SET BRS] Customer, LARS Bs 1474X1154X2300 WORK BASKET STEEL Project Name, OFFSt [NEI LABS Contract No. PBOO6 z HO: Date 2012.12.18. 2 WY: Directions of the Test eR NL NAMBU 1 sd CCSING GZ12NDEDO1) shi: PEL MTD HAIMA 40S Add:40 South Fangoun Rood, Guangzhou Chins #84H(P.C)- 510382 (Uis/ Fel), 020-81891712-2583 fe RUFax): 02081992637 Hip’ GS Mestad? 7 As RE 1S HH € |‘6si Um ESL ance i abet PGE et AL Fe SRA ch s/c AAT MS AE FR Huanan Calibration and Test Genter, GSI Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC WR CERURIED TRL GREPricte TESTING REPORT HRY: PBOO6 DH H 4 H Report No Page of CRS OFFSHORE Lees PBO06 HRs IE REF. DRAWING Engineering CONTAINER ‘Contract No. ‘Specification Tike 1474X1154X2300 HA sae pAbsRIBNY —-ENI290:1998 Work Name. Material a ‘Stand Pro. EN1291:1998 amait GRINDING = HR tH 210nm ‘Surface Test Area DANDHAZ particle Size RES MP-A-3 De Ci ac Instru. Ser. (MP3635) ‘Mag. Particle no Current SetERUS A1-30/100 ML TE CONTIN # 245N Stand, Piece Magnetize CONTINU Lift ATK YOKE G77 A 5 4 Piece Mag. Direction Sele Ace. Level Hevea IRR HE SPRAYING LEER NA Application Demagnetize WO), AREA (Note & Sketch) : ) ‘According tothe standard EN1290:1998 & EN1291:1998, the MT has been carried to out inspect the Following welds of 1474X1154X2300 BASKER offshore container, serial no, PBOO6. The following table shows result. Refer t0 | APPENDIX SKETCH, ACC = ACCEPTED, REJ = REJECTED. WELD [RESULT [WELD [RESULT [WELD [RESULT [WELD RESULT NUMBER ‘NUMBER NUMBER TAT ACC_[ THT ACE. ACC 11 ACC. TA2 “ACC. TB? ACC. ACC. jams ACC. TAS ACC [rs ACC ACC Ts pace *d acc. | TB4 [acc TACC toa ~*[acc. ACC. TB-5 ACC. acc. [TDS ACC. ACC. ‘TB-6 ACC. ACC, }1D6 ACC. ACC. TB-7 ACC. ACC. [D7 ACC. CC oBT FACE] OG ACE “DT face. ACC. DB-2 ACC. DC-2 ‘ACC. /DD-2 ACC. ACC [CC ACC ‘COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELD(S): WELDNO.| REJECTED | RESULT WELD NO. [ REIECTED REASON [ RESULT AFTER |__ REASON ABTER REPAIR, REPAIR (BLANK) a 1 {su ik “Rose 8 be “Surveyor. Review by: MT-I Inspect by:_MT-I__ A Ho AM if t Date 2212-1218 pate So — 12. Dae 201212418, eit. PELCMTAHASEM 40'S Add:40 South Fangcun Road. Guangzhou China #84 (P C) = $10382 (eul(Tel}s O20-S1891712-2589 1e5U Fax): 020461892637 Hips ww. ching TRH MBORBREA RGA duns PYARD INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED LR Fe AA hs eb ABA NSA FARA Hs Huanan Calibration and Test Center, GSI Guangzhou Phy: est, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC CERTIFIED TRUE COPY oe ULTRASONIC TESTING REPORT sii: PBOD6 Baw t aK Report No, Page of LAE OFFSHORE THAME: B00 ed Engineering CONTAINER Contract No. x Report No. ~ (eis 1ATAXI154X2300 ny di sabes Work Name. Material STEEL Specification pm CEN HIER : fs a Weld Method ant Joint Type FUELS: Surface NDING: esgic ae ites ENI7I42002 ab" ‘Test Arca LEAN AIDE ‘Stand or Pro. ENI712:2002 Test Grade a mari PASTE ane sap PRR Hs610e Couplant ‘Compensation Instrument ROLES . Kf . er _ Probe Ser, arenas K Value za Calibration, eases . tears ad ae )3X40-10dB Sean Adjust NA ace. Grail LEVEL 2 According tothe standard EN1714: 2002 & EN1712: 2002, the UT has been carried to out inspect the C.P welds of | 1474X1154X2300. BASKET offshore container, serial no.PBO06, The following table shows result. Refer to APPENDIX SKETCH °C = ACCEPTED, EJECTED _ WELD RESULT | WELD RESULT [WELD RESULT [WELD RESULT NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER TAZ ACC TB Acc. | TC? acc. | 1D2 ACC TAS ACC. TB-3 ACC «| TCH TAGE. D3 “ACC. [TAS ‘ACC. TB-4 ACC. TC4 ACC. TD-4 ACC. TAs [ace pres ace Tes face. Pos ACC [TAs ACC. TBS ‘ACC TCT ‘ACC. TD-7 Acc. (BLANK) | COMMENTS ON REJECTED AND REPAIRED WELDS): a | WELDNO. | REJECTED RESULTAFTER | WELDNO. | REJECTED ] RESULT AFTER REASON REPAIR REASON REPAIR BLANK) l - lecseey) ot a Wi am S Review by;_UT- II “a - by: ee I a 1 Hit if 7 Date_2e/!?-'% pate: Date. Sy Deis. a 2012.12.18, seit, emrWRH AiO 40 § 400% so "WUE 020-818917 un Road. Guangzhou, China #8484 (P.C)- 510382 2585 {4 8U(Pax)> 020-81892637 Htps//www chines (a2 a] Sen ET Coco sy UNTED BEART WR He HI A TATE Pt HEE AL FHA Gs! Huanan Calibration and Test Center, Guangzhou Physics-test, Chymistry-analysis and Nondestructive Test Center, CSSC 1K simi) P8006 Bt He ” CERTIFIED TRUE COPY ra TB xT T At ‘A B B i TD B-B D- 7 cC-1 cc-4 ppp C2 CC-3 Dis 4 ocd, UN 4 DA-2 - Poe 1 As Da-1“ * ee} Ae 6 cc cC-4 ‘this PIRI AITBIFALASMM 40 Add:40 South Fangcun Road, Guangzhou. China 8444 (PC): 910382 (UiF(Tel), 020-81891712-2585 {4 E(Fax): 020461892637 Huupsineww.chinags, com @ Global Lifting Services Ltd E C DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ‘CLIENT = ‘OG OFFSHORE PTE LTD LOYAND OFFSHORE SUPPLY BASE 25 LOYANG CRESCENT TOPS AVE 1, BLOCK 103407-03 MAILBOX No, 5088 SINGAPORE 508988 NAME AND ADDRESS OF MANUFACTURER :- Global Lifting Services Utd Silverburn Crescent Bridge of Dot Aberdeen CERTIFIED TRUE COPY A823 BEW Tel No: 01224 707585 FaxNo: 01224 707646 DECLARATION No. (CUSTOMER ORDER No. (CUSTOMER REQUISITION No. DATE ‘83024/ 0004 TBA Aps1979 a7/aap12 TEST LD. NUMBER ar DESCRIPTION wu Pecans 8006/1 a '5 LEG WIRE ROPE SLING TO DNV2.7-1:2006 2.64 TONNE | N/A TOP LEG 1.14MTR X 26MM DIA IWRC GALV 0-45 DEG FITTED TO A344 25MM MASTER LINK BOTTOM LEGS 1.32MTR X 18MM DIA IWRC GALV FITTED TO A347 25MIM QUAD ASSEMBLY HARD EYES EACH END 006/1A-1D 4 | VAN BEEST SAFETY PIN BOW SHACKLES AJSTONNE | 9.5 TONNE _Janufacturers Batch Numbers For Incorporated Components smponent Type Component Manufacturer Batch No. PinNo. _DNVTANo. Steel Grade Steel Wire Rope EUROPEAN ROPE 8984 N/A NA Grade 1960 Steel Wire Rope EUROPEAN ROPE Ras36 N/A NA Grade 1960 ‘Master Link rosy amt N/A $6401 Grade 80 Quad Link cROsBY ame N/A 6401 Grade 80 Shackle VAN BEST BV x6 6AM 35623 Grade 60 DECLARATION | declare that the items described above comply with the requirments of The Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. ‘This certificate is based on DNV Type Approval No. $-5557 and | can confirm that the sling described has been designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with DNV 2.7-1. The reference standard used in the design and manufacture of this Lifting Set is EN13414-1 FORM QAFi0a REV 1 SIGNATURE =~ AUTHORISED SIGNATURE Centiticate no: Client: Client ret: CERTIFICATE OF WIRE ROPES ACC. EN 10204:20048.1 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY 1211070977_24056 Global Integrated Services Lid RBAS4 Consignment Stock Truck 55 dated 08/11/2012 ‘The undersigned certifies on behall of this company that below particulars are correct and that the described wire rope or complete gear are according to the regulations of the EG Machinery Directive 2006/42/EG, appendix IIB. 1x 1,000 meter Reel(s) Diameter Number of strands Number of wires. Core Lay MBL (kN) ABL ‘6XSEWS/IWRG - 26 mm - gelvanized - RHOL - 1960 Nimm2 - lubricated 12004657 26,00 mm. 6 36 Independent Wire Rope Core Right Hand Ordinary Lay 472,00 kN 492,00 kN We hereby cerlfy that the rope(s) comply(ies) in all respect with factory standards. Signature Hendrik Veder Group Date: 07-11-2012 Phorfe: #81 (0) 182 626 175 Fax bt (0) 182 626 170 CERTIFICATE OF WIRE ROPES ACC. EN 10204:2004 3.1 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Cericte ro rertoenssa 23976 Cie lob irtegrated Services Lia Cent et Consignment Siock Twok 64 dated osrtre0r2 2 Reo ‘The undersigned certifies on behalf of this company that below particulars are correct and that the described wire rope or complete gear are according to the reguiations of the EG Machinery Directive 2008/42/EG, appendix IIB. 1x 1.000 meter ‘6XS6WS/WRC - 18 mm - galvanized - RHOL - 1960 Nimm2 - lubricated Reels) 12070580 Diameter 18,00 mm. Number of strands 6 Number of wires 36 Core Independent Wire Rope Core Lay Right Hand Ordinary Lay MBL (kN) 228,00 KN, ABL 229,00 kN We hereby cerify hat the ropes) comply(ies) in all respect with factory standards. Signature Hendrik Veder Group Date: 02-11-2012 ® a Neston true 110 CERTIFIED TRUE copy _the GF @Slaggraup (Crosby Europe N.V. TLewensebaan SI 2580 Pure (Mechelen) Belgium ‘wonw EC Declaration of Conformity in accordance with EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC Certificate Number: CC4-2012111900068 Location of Issue: Crosby Europe (UK) Ltd. Station Street, Cradley Heath West Midlands B64 6AJ, United Kingdom Phone: 01226 290516 Fax: 01226 240118 Stock No: 1257382 Description of Gear:_A344 28MM Welded Alloy Master Link (28x145x275) Working Load Limit: 13t] [Max. Allowed Proof Load: _319kN 1 indicates metric tonnes ‘Comments: Ultimate load is 5 times the WLL based on one vertical leg sling. Note: Meets the requirements of EN 1677-4 : 2000, Components for slings - Safety - Part 4 : Links Grade 8. This equipment can meet the requirements of DNV Certification Note 2.7-1, as per DNV certificate for type approval No. $-6401 We hereby declare thet the above mentioned product with CE marking complies with the applicable essential Health and Safety requirements of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Has not been contaminated by Mercury in the manufacturing process. Number of Pieces: 1 Link: IMT PICs are based on visual observation Ceificate based on item being the Crosby product described above. We hereby certify thatthe above described material was manufactured and processed in a manner compatible to ‘meeting the load ratings when used under normal and proper applications. “Mentioned products are in conformity to the Crosby literature available at time of manufacturing, including the following trademarked features: GREECE All Crosby plants are ISO 9001:2008 centfied for quali ‘and consistency of the processes. For Product Delivered To: Global Integrated Services Ltd Silverbum Crescent Bridge of Don, Aberdeen Aberdeen United Kingdom a November 19, 2012 Signature: Date of Issuance Am Smolderen, Quality Assurance thereslaygroup ee tect gp em Station Street, Cradley Heath West Midlands B64 6AJ, United Kingdom Phone: 01226 290516 Fax: 01226 240118 CERTIFICATE NO. TC2-2012111900069 SUPPLIED TO __ Global Integrated Services Ltd YOUR ORDER N CERTIFIED TRUE COPY ary DESCRIPTION 1 1287382 A344 28MM Welded Alloy Master Link (28x145x275), To EN 1677-4 MATERIAL PROPERTIES 1 We WEATRUMBER PROOF LOAD APPLIED IMPACT TEST TYPE CHARPY V OOULES) Tare AVERAGE LINK imT | — £01122208 319 KN 20 > 42 JOULES ‘Magnetic Particle Testing, Type: Wet, Certified to EN 1677-4 (Link) LINK STEEL SPECIFICATION |_C__|_ Mn P s Si Ni_|_ cr _| Mo | Al MIN (ML +CPL) ois | 070 | - - | 020 | 040 | 040 | 0.15 | 0.020 MAX (ML + CPL) 023 | 0.90 | 0.040 | 0.040 | 035 | 0.70 | 060 | 025 | - REFERENCE DNV MSA R-3130 AND TYPE APPROVAL S-6401. WE HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED ON THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN TESTED AND EXAMINED, AND MEETS THE ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE MACHINERY DIRECTIVE, CERTIFIED ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY Date ‘November 19, 2012 thelr osbiyproup Scanned image of Mail Chemisty Report fr Grashy (2. Link of A344 1-1/8" Welded Alloy Master Link with PIC: IMT and Heat #: £01122208 ‘THis MATERIAL CERTIFICATE DOCUMENT MEETS THE REQUIREMENT OF INSPECTION CERTIFICATE TYPE 31° PER EN len04 CERTIFIED. TRUE COPY ODICTER #6435 P.e02 Joos 5 40374561120 / Certificat de Réception 3.1 / EN 10204 SWISS STEEL Ne 720234 Poke pei sc! soto Soe Sissy emane =e Rue de Général de Rascas 12 be, feito cenay = cinta carat eo eee a rae ea con eae cay — co eG mast ——— = ners ae a aio eats | See a ne a ine a ey Dee ener ee eS Pec = ow sf | ee se J BAS. CROSBY-ZIMMERMANN Tynede Gain tare smmosutat Conmiane core: Entice eacion KV A20°C tat ake OWNT THE evs roemmmecn 8 theBreslyyroup CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Crosby Europe NY. 2580 Pate (ecelen) Belgn ‘te EC Declaration of Conformity in accordance with EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC Certificate Number: CC4-2012111900070 Location of Issue: Crosby Europe (UK) Lid. Station Street, Cradley Heath West Midlands B64 6AJ, United Kingdom Phone: 01226 290516 Fax: 01226 240118 Stock No: 1258102 Description of Gear:_A347 25/19MM Welded Master Link Assembly (ML. - 25x145x275) Working Load Limit: 8.9] [Max. Allowed Proof Loed:_218kN. t indicates metric tonnes Comments: Ultimate load is 5 times the WLL based on a vertical angle less than or equal to 45°. Note: Meets the requirements of EN 1677-4 : 2000, Components for slings - Safety - Part 4 : Links Grade 8. This equipment can meet the requirements of DNV Certification Note 2.7-1, as per DNV certificate for type approval No. S-6401. We hereby declare that the above mentioned product with CE marking complies with the applicable essential Health and Safety requirements of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Has not been contaminated by Mercury in the manufacturing process. Number of Pieces: 1 Main Link: IMP PICs are based on visual observation Certificate based on item being the Crosby product described above. ‘We hereby centfy that the above described material was manufactured and processed in a manner compatible to ‘meeting the load ratings when used under normal and proper applications, Mentioned products are in conformity to the Crosby literature available at time of manufacturing, including the flowing tademaie fens GEECE All Crosby plants are ISO 90012008 cenified for quality and consistency of the processes. For Product Delivered To: Global Integrated Services Ltd Silverburn Crescent Bridge of Don, Aberdeen ‘Aberdeen United Kingdom November 19, 2012 Signature, =f Date Date of sance Tw Smaldcren, Quay Avsrance theGresbysroup eevitesesiypeepecom Station Street, Cradley Heath West Midlands B64 6AJ, United Kingdom Phone: 01226 290516 Fax: 01226 240118 ‘TC2-2012111900071 Global Integrated Services Ltd YOUR ORDER NO. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Qry DESCRIPTION 1 128102 A347 25/19MM Welded Master Link Assembly (ML - 25x145x275), To EN 1677-4 MATERIAL PROPERTIES 11 ve HEAT NOMBER PROOF LOAD APPLIED IMPACT TEST TYPE CHARPY V DOULES) TOAST ASO. DUASTM EMO? Tere AVERAGE MAIN LINI imp | — £01122208 218 kN -20 > 42 JOULES Magnetic Particle Testing, Type: Wet, Certified to EN 1677-4 (Main Link) MAIN LINK STEEL spEcIFICATION | _c | Mn | P s | si [wm [cr [ mo | aw MIN (ML + CPL) ois | or | - [| - [020 | 040 | 040 | 015 | 0020 MAX (ML +CPL) 023 | 090 | 0.040 | 0040 | 035 | 0.70 | 0.60 : REFERENCE DNV MSA R-3130 AND TYPE APPROVAL S-6401. ‘WE HEREBY DECLARE THAT THE EQUIPMENT DESCRIBED ON THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN TESTED AND EXAMINED, AND MEETS THE ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF THE MACHINERY DIRECTIVE. CERTIFIED ON BEHALF OF THE COMPANY theGrosbygroup Scanned image of Material Chemistry Report for Main Link of A347 25/19MM Welded Master Link Assembly (ML - 25x145x275) with PIC: IMP and Heat #: E01122208 "WIS MATERIAL CERTIFICATE DOCCMENT MEETS THE REQLIREMENT OF INSPECTION CERTINCATE Minis. 2012 08: ENACT 96538 F.0D: /002 sexsi CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Certificat de Réception 3.1/ EN 10204 SWISS STEEL N° 220604 a sass neues misses — a = a oo So Se a = eee oe Se = = [oo a a oa se i == — — Ss 2 SL 2 fo fy] es ) ic e008 * z an ee fof i] 8 fos fo] gs Fo: po 3 . of ¢ 8AS.CROSB} 18, rue du Général. “agora Conrtene COO: Enka oe ron KY 420° 4 hea DNY7H8 Resporetle conte made 07 Bappes 03/87/2012 11:35 © e1Bsea57S16 eroRGE PAGE 03/04 P.O. Box 57, $380 AB Sledrecht @ Industieweg 6, 3381 HU Slncrecnt The Netherland Tel. +31 186.41 2300 Fan, 431 18447 48.8 ~ ‘mi sales @vandeestin wore vanbeeatn George Taylor & Company Ltd. Brickyard Roed WSS BSR Aldridge United Kingdom CERTIFIED TRUE COPY . INSPECTION CERTIFICATE TO EN 10204 - TYPE 3.1 ‘Number 80056368 Date 25.06.2012 Customer no. 30576 Pogo 116 lou erder ne. Your rire, 84186 j4oc4g fay. [Description 1400 [GPGHMBIS. G-4163, Green Pin® Standard Shackles, bow sheckles with sefety bol, to EN13888, hot dipped diameter bow 19 mm, diameter pin 22 mm, WLL 4.75 ton Meteris! propertiog Une | Charge no, Visapara] z ‘eat per Charpy V Weules) | Team] TracesBi a ee] es, = ype Chatpy V mv smovel_1 [27 3 | ag 6611050628 | 910 | 1020 | 16 | -20 | 110] 110) 108 x6 GP 108] Bow e81t050121 | 935 | 1000 | 17 | 20 | 122) 103] 110 1121 pn lap Sate Chemical composition pe Jew | six | wos | ex T sx [cx | mow] ww | ve | on Ae +| 0.360] 0.210] 0.570 0.012| 0.007 | 0.970] 0.180] 0.060 0.410 (0.034 21 0.360 | 0.240 | 0.580] 0.014] 0.008 | 0.980] 0.170] 0.037 ‘Jud. Vermeulen (QA-Manager) OONG HONG metal co.,|td ACE CONTAINER CHECK REPORT DIMENSION cure RTIFIED TRUE COPY OWNER: _OEG Offshore IMGF: DONGHONG ACE METAL CO.,LTD. _[rypE:__2men PB DATE 2012-12-17 DWG.NO._ACE-WB-1510-00 [CERTI-NO.: SHI 1283722- 0 > SERIAL NO. : PBOOZ MEG.NO. :H 9597 DESIGN DIMENSIONS D am c a7 | LENGTHIAC] 1374 WIDTHIAB) usa DI BI HEIGHT[AA 1] 2300 cl AL ‘ACTUAL DIMENSION DIAGONAL [REFERENCE [DIMENSION [A REFERENCE [DIMENSIO’ 269s = AWC 1423 = 33 z 7 : SIDE WALL 26 LENGTH z hae = 2896 Al 1472 =3 2695 Bir tape | -2 aon BL : A-AL__| 2239 o HE wexeeno [28D BASE id bd ' isu © 186 nF3 oan wean cra Zo s * FRONT END’ 2230 FRONT END 2531 \ Ti) = Sho ee REMARKS: SATISFACTORY py 23 Ray CHECKED BY VERIFIED BY DH-DIM-01,Rev.0 Page 1 1 piosayBuneoy‘0z0'avoI0 | (paywen / parradsuy) Sha (s0symadns duoysuog {payyen / papedsuy) ( U4 annewasaiday 30v/930 Nii annrequasaidoy 299, wOll= rv 07 wor WOE: Ll opis yno voll = *OF+ "OF + MOL. TA OPS uy sun FT t Te o Zee ET sem Rope | per ROT EBL FUT ts] Th “ETT FETE OT 217 0t chet |_ loot WE ole FH ed | ai , f 7 ee ZITO alot |_ StL ~ Ea TI ra) |B eT bY [50:8 zi Tot ior | _F smecisrpomen | weama | ums | wana] dura | aaa bg awea SON 1849S 930/901 930 /semDejNUeWN] Jovad ad nawe GIGT SI _adeFsf}o 640 Food Food AdOO ANYL GalsILY3IO ‘COOTT ONTIVOO Block 103, TOPS Ave. 1, 407-03, Singapore Sog988 ROC/UEN No. 2009140430. aa 0&6 Asa Paine Pte Lid = Loyang Offshore Supply Base Tel: +65 6671 1500 O 2 OffSHOre — tetane crescent, Mai Box No soea fa 2656214 8885, Final Inspection Report CERTIFIED TRUE COPY ‘Owner: OEG Offshore Serial No PBO06 Date: 2012. “Type: Personal Basket Mig. No. H-9597 __| ‘Tis sealant appiaton aceptabie? 7 Cv ‘| Is floor substantial lat with no sign of pv Ff Drainage fait vale rca rom debi? cy 4 Padeye ‘2. _| Is welding quality ensured from visible defects (undercut, lack of fusion, crack)? |W - (Uttng points) “B.No distortion, mechanical damage, or any sign of dates x overoading? |W a. | Does paint coating not oes Tie down points / Ta. Are tie-down point/lashing rings securely fitted, not missing or damaged? Tw ahingrings a a eee Le é Cosures(Goors,&.) 1functioraly for operation in satifacary manner who undvefore(foo || frames, seals, hinges, ‘tight nor too loose) being required? | locks locks, te) | Weather tghtness Tet 7 | swaerioetest Tb & | Addtionainens Te. (Secure pins shes, continer? | tarpauiin, door net. Ete) | na ‘Checked and Accepted by: OES _— Checked and Accepted by: ACE 4. Z y Tel a a QC Officer (China Facility) Gavin tee st Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide ‘O€GAP.017. CCU Final Inspection Report, Revt Page 1 ‘OEG Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Loyang Offshore Supply Base Tel: +65 6671 1500 = Loyang Crescent, Mail Box No. 5088 Fax: +65 6214 8885 Block 103, TOPS Ave. 1, #07-03, Singapore 508988 ROC/UEN No. 200914043 ional Products available from Stock : Standard unit design photographs Available in a range of sizes or custom built to suit customers’ requirements Control Cabins VSD LER Modules Workshops Containers Cargo Baskets Also at ew, Phedden Rosa nd Corporate Ofice? Europe Cet First Choice in (DNV) Specialist Engineering Cabins and Containers Worldwide

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