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Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 1 of 109

Fill in this information to identify the case:

United States Bankruptcy Court for the:

____________________ District of _________________
Case number (If known): _________________________ Chapter _____  Check if this is an
amended filing

Official Form 201

Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy 04/19

If more space is needed, attach a separate sheet to this form. On the top of any additional pages, write the debtor’s name and the case
number (if known). For more information, a separate document, Instructions for Bankruptcy Forms for Non-Individuals, is available.

1. Debtor’s name Proteus Digital Health, Inc.


2. All other names debtor used Proteus Biomedical, Inc.

in the last 8 years ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Include any assumed names,
trade names, and doing business
as names ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Debtor’s federal Employer 4 7 0 8 5 2 6 8 0

___ ___ – ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Identification Number (EIN)

4. Debtor’s address Principal place of business Mailing address, if different from principal place
of business

2600 Bridge Parkway

______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Number Street Number Street

______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
P.O. Box

Redwood City CA 94065

______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
City State ZIP Code City State ZIP Code

Location of principal assets, if different from

principal place of business
County _______________________________________________
Number Street


City State ZIP Code

5. Debtor’s website (URL)


x Corporation (including Limited Liability Company (LLC) and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP))

6. Type of debtor
 Partnership (excluding LLP)
 Other. Specify: __________________________________________________________________

Official Form 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 1
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Debtor Proteus Digital Health, Inc.

_______________________________________________________ Case number (if known)_____________________________________

A. Check one:
7. Describe debtor’s business
 Health Care Business (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(27A))
 Single Asset Real Estate (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(51B))
 Railroad (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(44))
 Stockbroker (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(53A))
 Commodity Broker (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(6))
 Clearing Bank (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 781(3))
 None of the above

B. Check all that apply:

 Tax-exempt entity (as described in 26 U.S.C. § 501)

 Investment company, including hedge fund or pooled investment vehicle (as defined in 15 U.S.C.
§ 80a-3)
 Investment advisor (as defined in 15 U.S.C. § 80b-2(a)(11))

C. NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) 4-digit code that best describes debtor. See .
3 ___
___ 2 ___
5 ___

8. Under which chapter of the Check one:

Bankruptcy Code is the
debtor filing?  Chapter 7
 Chapter 9
x Chapter 11. Check all that apply:

 Debtor’s aggregate noncontingent liquidated debts (excluding debts owed to
insiders or affiliates) are less than $2,725,625 (amount subject to adjustment on
4/01/22 and every 3 years after that).
The debtor is a small business debtor as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(51D). If the
debtor is a small business debtor, attach the most recent balance sheet, statement
of operations, cash-flow statement, and federal income tax return or if all of these
documents do not exist, follow the procedure in 11 U.S.C. § 1116(1)(B).

 A plan is being filed with this petition.

 Acceptances of the plan were solicited prepetition from one or more classes of
creditors, in accordance with 11 U.S.C. § 1126(b).

 The debtor is required to file periodic reports (for example, 10K and 10Q) with the
Securities and Exchange Commission according to § 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934. File the Attachment to Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing
for Bankruptcy under Chapter 11 (Official Form 201A) with this form.

 The debtor is a shell company as defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Rule
 Chapter 12

9. Were prior bankruptcy cases x No

filed by or against the debtor
within the last 8 years?  Yes. District _______________________ When _______________ Case number _________________________
If more than 2 cases, attach a
separate list. District _______________________ When _______________ Case number _________________________

10. Are any bankruptcy cases x No

pending or being filed by a
business partner or an  Yes. Debtor _____________________________________________ Relationship _________________________
affiliate of the debtor? District _____________________________________________ When __________________
List all cases. If more than 1, MM / DD / YYYY
attach a separate list. Case number, if known ________________________________

Official Form 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 2
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Debtor Proteus Digital Health, Inc.

_______________________________________________________ Case number (if known)_____________________________________

11. Why is the case filed in this Check all that apply:
x Debtor has had its domicile, principal place of business, or principal assets in this district for 180 days

immediately preceding the date of this petition or for a longer part of such 180 days than in any other

 A bankruptcy case concerning debtor’s affiliate, general partner, or partnership is pending in this district.

12. Does the debtor own or have x No

possession of any real  Yes. Answer below for each property that needs immediate attention. Attach additional sheets if needed.
property or personal property
that needs immediate Why does the property need immediate attention? (Check all that apply.)
 It poses or is alleged to pose a threat of imminent and identifiable hazard to public health or safety.
What is the hazard? _____________________________________________________________________

 It needs to be physically secured or protected from the weather.

 It includes perishable goods or assets that could quickly deteriorate or lose value without
attention (for example, livestock, seasonal goods, meat, dairy, produce, or securities-related
assets or other options).

 Other _______________________________________________________________________________

Where is the property?_____________________________________________________________________

Number Street


_______________________________________ _______ ________________

City State ZIP Code

Is the property insured?

 No
 Yes. Insurance agency ____________________________________________________________________

Contact name ____________________________________________________________________

Phone ________________________________

Statistical and administrative information

13. Debtor’s estimation of Check one:

available funds x Funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors.

 After any administrative expenses are paid, no funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors.

 1-49  1,000-5,000  25,001-50,000

14. Estimated number of  50-99  5,001-10,000  50,001-100,000
 100-199  10,001-25,000  More than 100,000
x 200-999

 $0-$50,000  $1,000,001-$10 million  $500,000,001-$1 billion

15. Estimated assets  $50,001-$100,000  $10,000,001-$50 million  $1,000,000,001-$10 billion
 $100,001-$500,000  $50,000,001-$100 million  $10,000,000,001-$50 billion
 $500,001-$1 million x $100,000,001-$500 million
  More than $50 billion

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Debtor Proteus Digital Health, Inc.

_______________________________________________________ Case number (if known)_____________________________________

 $0-$50,000  $1,000,001-$10 million  $500,000,001-$1 billion

16. Estimated liabilities  $50,001-$100,000  $10,000,001-$50 million  $1,000,000,001-$10 billion
 $100,001-$500,000 x $50,000,001-$100 million
  $10,000,000,001-$50 billion
 $500,001-$1 million  $100,000,001-$500 million  More than $50 billion

Request for Relief, Declaration, and Signatures

WARNING -- Bankruptcy fraud is a serious crime. Making a false statement in connection with a bankruptcy case can result in fines up to
$500,000 or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. §§ 152, 1341, 1519, and 3571.

17. Declaration and signature of  The debtor requests relief in accordance with the chapter of title 11, United States Code, specified in this
authorized representative of
 I have been authorized to file this petition on behalf of the debtor.

 I have examined the information in this petition and have a reasonable belief that the information is true and

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on _________________

 _____________________________________________
Lawrence R. Perkins
Signature of authorized representative of debtor Printed name

Interim Chief Executive Officer

Title _______________________________________

18. Signature of attorney

 /s/ L. Katherine Good
_____________________________________________ Date 06/15/2020
Signature of attorney for debtor MM / DD / YYYY

L. Katherine Good
Printed name
Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP
Firm name

1313 N. Market Street, 6th Floor

Number Street

____________________________________________________ DE 19801
____________ ______________________________
City State ZIP Code

(302) 984-6000
Contact phone Email address

5101 DE
______________________________________________________ ____________
Bar number State

Official Form 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 4
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The undersigned, constituting all of the members of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of

PROTEUS DIGITAL HEALTH, INC., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), pursuant to Sections 141(f)

of the Delaware General Corporations Law (the “DGCL”), hereby adopt the following resolutions by written


WHEREAS, the board of directors (collectively, the “Board”) of Proteus Digital Health, Inc.
(the “Company”) has considered presentations by the management and the financial and legal advisors of
the Company regarding the liabilities and liquidity situation of the Company, the strategic alternatives
available to it, and the effect of the foregoing on the Company’s business, creditors, and other parties in

WHEREAS, the Board previously retained Lawrence R. Perkins of SierraConstellation Partners

LLC as Chief Restructuring Officer and thereafter appointed Mr. Perkins as Interim Chief Executive
Officer (the "CEO");

WHEREAS, the Board has had the opportunity to consult with the CEO and the Company’s
legal advisors and fully consider each of the strategic alternatives available to the Company;

WHEREAS, the Board has been presented with a proposed petition and related documents
to be filed by the Company in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the
“Bankruptcy Court”) seeking relief under chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code (the
“Bankruptcy Code”) as a debtor in possession; and

WHEREAS, the Board, having had a series of meetings to consider the financial and
operational aspects of the Company’s business and the best course of action to maximize value, having
received financial and other input from management and its advisors, having had the opportunity to
review and consider the same, and having pursued and considered various alternatives, have
determined in the exercise of their respective business judgment that given the current facts and
circumstances confronting the Company, it is advisable and in the best interests of the Company, its
creditors, and other interested parties that a petition be filed by the Company seeking relief under the
provisions of chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in the judgment of the Board it is desirable

and in the best interests of the Company, its creditors, employees, stakeholders and other interested
parties that a voluntary petition be filed by the Company seeking relief under the provisions of chapter
11 of the Bankruptcy Code, and the filing of such petition is authorized hereby;

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of the Company, including the CEO (collectively,
the “Officers”), or any one of them, be, and each hereby is, authorized and empowered, on behalf of
and in the name of the Company, to execute and verify a petition in the name of the Company under
chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code and to cause the same to be filed in the Bankruptcy Court in such
form and at such time as the Officer(s) executing said petition on behalf of the Company shall

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RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Officers, or any one of them, be, and each hereby is,
authorized and empowered, on behalf of and in the name of the Company, to execute, verify and/or
file, or cause to be executed, verified and/or filed (or direct others to do so on their behalf as provided
herein) all necessary documents, including, without limitation, all petitions, affidavits, statements,
schedules, motions, lists, applications, pleadings and other papers, and in connection with the petition,
to employ and retain all assistance by legal counsel, accountants or other professionals, and to take
any and all action which they deem necessary and proper to maintain the ordinary course operation of
the Company's business during the pendency of the chapter 11 case, including any and all action
necessary or proper in connection with obtaining Bankruptcy Court authorization to use cash collateral
and obtain post-petition financing (“DIP Financing”), and seek the relief contemplated by “first day”
and/or “second day” motions;

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Officers, or any one of them, be, and each hereby is,
authorized and empowered, on behalf of and in the name of the Company, to retain and employ
professionals to render services to the Company in connection with the chapter 11 case, including,
without limitation, the firm Goodwin Procter LLP, to act as chapter 11 counsel; Potter Anderson &
Corroon LLP, to act as Delaware and conflicts counsel; SierraConstellation Partners LLC, to act as
financial advisors; and Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC, to act as claims and noticing agent and
administrative advisor;

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Officers, or any one of them, be, and each hereby is,
authorized and empowered, on behalf of and in the name of the Company, to amend, supplement or
otherwise modify from time to time the terms of any documents, certificates, instruments, agreements,
financing statements, notices, undertakings or other writings referred to in the foregoing resolutions;

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Officers be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and
empowered, on behalf of and in the name of the Company, to take or cause to be taken any and all
such further action and to execute, deliver, verify and/or file, or cause to be executed, delivered,
verified and/or filed (or direct others to do so on its behalf as provided herein) all such further
documents, agreements, instruments, financing statements, notices, undertakings, certificates and
other writings to effectuate the purpose and intent of any and all of the foregoing resolutions;

RESOLVED FURTHER, that all acts lawfully done or actions lawfully taken by any Officer to
seek relief on behalf of the Company under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, or in connection with the
chapter 11 case, or any matter related thereto, in connection with the Company’s ordinary course
operations be, and hereby are, adopted, ratified, confirmed and approved in all respects as the acts and
deeds of the Company as fully as if such actions had been presented to the Board for its prior approval;

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Officers be, and each of them hereby is, authorized and
empowered, on behalf of and in the name of the Company, to pay and direct the payment of all fees
and expenses as in their judgment shall be necessary, appropriate, or advisable in the good faith
judgment of such Officers to effectuate the purpose and intent of any and all of the foregoing


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This ACTION BY WRITTEN CONSENT shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the
Board of Directors of the Company.

The undersigned have executed this ACTION BY WRITTEN CONSENT as of the date set forth
opposite his or her name below. Any copy, facsimile, .PDF or other reliable reproduction of this Action by
Written Consent may be substituted or used in lieu of the original writing for any and all purposes for which
the original writing could be used, provided that such copy, facsimile, .PDF or other reproduction be a
complete reproduction of the entire original writing.


Shumeet Banerji Date


Regina Benjamin Date


Robert Epstein Date


Frank Fischer Date


Alan Levy Date


Ryan Schwarz Date


Joseph Swedish Date


Jonathan Symonds Date


Immanuel Thangaraj Date


Andrew Thompson Date


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Fill in this information to identify the case and this filing:

Proteus Digital Health, Inc.

Debtor Name __________________________________________________________________
United States Bankruptcy Court for the: ______________________ District of __________
Case number (If known): _________________________

Official Form 202

Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors 12/15

An individual who is authorized to act on behalf of a non-individual debtor, such as a corporation or partnership, must sign and submit
this form for the schedules of assets and liabilities, any other document that requires a declaration that is not included in the document,
and any amendments of those documents. This form must state the individual’s position or relationship to the debtor, the identity of the
document, and the date. Bankruptcy Rules 1008 and 9011.

WARNING -- Bankruptcy fraud is a serious crime. Making a false statement, concealing property, or obtaining money or property by fraud in
connection with a bankruptcy case can result in fines up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. §§ 152, 1341,
1519, and 3571.

Declaration and signature

I am the president, another officer, or an authorized agent of the corporation; a member or an authorized agent of the partnership; or
another individual serving as a representative of the debtor in this case.

I have examined the information in the documents checked below and I have a reasonable belief that the information is true and correct:

 Schedule A/B: Assets–Real and Personal Property (Official Form 206A/B)

 Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property (Official Form 206D)

 Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims (Official Form 206E/F)

 Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (Official Form 206G)

 Schedule H: Codebtors (Official Form 206H)

 Summary of Assets and Liabilities for Non-Individuals (Official Form 206Sum)

 Amended Schedule ____

x Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims and Are Not Insiders (Official Form 204)

x Corporate Ownership Statement and List of Equity Security Holders
Other document that requires a declaration__________________________________________________________________________________

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on ______________  _________________________________________________________________________
MM / DD / YYYY Signature of individual signing on behalf of debtor

Lawrence R. Perkins
Printed name

Interim Chief Executive Officer

Position or relationship to debtor

Official Form 202 Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors
Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 9 of 109

Fill in this information to identify the case:

Debtor name Proteus Digital Health, Inc.

United States Bankruptcy Court for the: District of Delaware

Case number (If known):
˜ Check if this is an
amended filing

Official Form 204

Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest
Unsecured Claims and Are Not Insiders 12/15

A list of creditors holding the 20 largest unsecured claims must be filed in a Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 case. Include claims which the debtor disputes. Do not
include claims by any person or entity who is an insider, as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(31). Also, do not include claims by secured creditors, unless the
unsecured claim resulting from inadequate collateral value places the creditor among the holders of the 20 largest unsecured claims.

Name of creditor and Name, telephone number, and email Nature of the Indicate if claim Amount of unsecured claim
complete mailing address, address of creditor contact claim (for is contingent, If the claim is fully unsecured, fill in only unsecured
including zip code example, trade unliquidated, or claim amount. If claim is partially secured, fill in
debts, bank disputed total claim amount and deduction for value of
loans, collateral or setoff to calculate unsecured claim.
services, and
Total claim, if Deduction for Unsecured claim
partially value of
secured collateral or

1 PREI'S Westport Office Park Leslie E. Cook Trade $1,035,304.76
2 Romaco North America, Inc. Michelle Silvestri Trade $510,848.80
3 Otsuka America Paul McCrorey Deferred Contingent,
Pharmaceutical, Inc. Revenue Unliquidated $397,721.00
4 Workday, Inc. Liz Morgan Trade $288,000.00
6 Xcelience, LLC Ron Doyle Trade $215,616.81
201 249-8450
5 K&L Gates LLP Tiffany Doyle Trade $199,192.26
8 ExpoIT LLC Tony Cerqueira Trade
Tony.Cerqueira@expoIT $104,004.18

page 1
Official Form 204 Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims
Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 10 of 109

Debtor Proteus Digital Health, Inc. Case number (if known )


Name of creditor and Name, telephone number, and email Nature of the Indicate if claim Amount of unsecured claim
complete mailing address, address of creditor contact claim (for is contingent, If the claim is fully unsecured, fill in only unsecured
including zip code example, trade unliquidated, or claim amount. If claim is partially secured, fill in
debts, bank disputed total claim amount and deduction for value of
loans, collateral or setoff to calculate unsecured claim.
services, and

Total claim, Deduction for Unsecured claim

if partially value of
secured collateral or

9 B. Riley FBR, Inc. Elizabeth Rubio Trade $98,789.77
10 Infostretch Milind Damle Trade $98,661.01
7 DeWinter Group, Inc. Tetyana Mazhan Trade $93,948.75
11 cPrime Inc. Ingrid Brock Trade $72,935.45
13 Fairview Pharmacy Services Claire Kolar Trade $61,650.00
16 Cooley Godward Kronish LLP Barbara McKnew Trade $59,332.30
14 Robert Bosch North America Ramesh Sigamani Trade $50,000.00
15 Murgitroyd & Company LTD Karen Winslade Trade $46,851.95
44(0)20 8688 3490
17 Ring Central Inc. Nand Parkeshwa Trade $37,935.94
18 Nelson Lilith Mizgorski Trade $33,221.65
12 Integron, Inc. Nancy Peters Trade $29,958.70
19 Nexient LLC Anmol Gupta Trade
20 Three Dimensional Resource Yuwen Wang Trade $25,900.00
Planning, LLC
480.362.1776 x302

page 2
Official Form 204 Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims
Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 11 of 109


- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
In re: : Chapter 11
PROTEUS DIGITAL HEALTH, INC., : Case No. 20-______ (____)
Debtor.1 :
---- -------------------------- x



Pursuant to Rules 1007(a)(1) and 7007.1 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure,

the above-captioned debtor and debtor in possession (the “Debtor”) respectfully represents that the

following is a complete list of all corporations, other than governmental units, that directly or

indirectly own 10% of more of any class of its equity interest:

Series A Preferred

Name Percentage
Spring Ridge Ventures I, L.P. 98.667%

Series B Preferred

Name Percentage
Adams Street V, L.P. 11.54%
BVCF IV, L.P. 11.54%
Carlyle Venture Partners II, 36.94%

The last four digits of the Debtor’s taxpayer identification number are 2680. The Debtor’s corporate
headquarters is located at 2600 Bridge Parkway, Redwood City, California 94065.

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 12 of 109

Series C Preferred

Name Percentage
Carlyle Venture Partners II,
Essex Woodlands Health
Ventures Fund VI, L.P.
PaceSetter, Inc. 14.97%

Series D Preferred

Name Percentage
Medtronic, Inc. 31.20%
PaceSetter, Inc. 23.40%

Series E Preferred

Name Percentage
Medtronic, Inc. 19.65%
Novartis Pharma AG 58.94%
Semiconductor Components
Industries, LLC

Series F Preferred

Name Percentage
Intelligent Health Limited 15.34%
Novartis Pharma AG 12.14%
OC Acquisition LLC 12.78%
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co.,

Series G Preferred

Name Percentage
Clipperbay & Co. 20%
Keymount Investments
PepsiCo, Inc. 10.00%
Sensor International
Investment Ltd.

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 13 of 109

Series H Preferred

Name Percentage
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co.,
Shanghai Sailing Boda Keer
Investment Fund Limited

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 14 of 109


- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
In re: : Chapter 11
PROTEUS DIGITAL HEALTH, INC., : Case No. 20-______ (____)
Debtor.1 :
---- -------------------------- x


This Exhibit A attached hereto serves as the disclosure required to be made by the Debtor
pursuant to Rule 1007 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure. All equity positions listed
on Exhibit A are as of the date of commencement of the chapter 11 case according to the Debtor’s
books and records.

The last four digits of the Debtor’s taxpayer identification number are 2680. The Debtor’s corporate
headquarters is located at 2600 Bridge Parkway, Redwood City, California 94065.
Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 15 of 109

Exhibit A
(List of Equity Security Holders)
Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 16 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

One Presidential Blvd., 4th

1199 Health Care
Floor, Bala Cynwyd PA, Series C Preferred 6,467
Employees' Pension Fund
United States 19004

One Presidential Blvd., 4th

1199 Health Care
Floor, Bala Cynwyd PA, Series B Preferred 728
Employees' Pension Fund
United States 19004

One Presidential Blvd., 4th

1199 Health Care
Floor, Bala Cynwyd PA, Series D Preferred 180
Employees' Pension Fund
United States 19004

9 Apple Blossom Lane, Ithaca

Abdel-aleem, Salah Common 10,000
NY, United States 14850

c/o Adams Street Partners, 1 N

Wacker Drive, Suite 2200,
Adams Street V, L.P. Series B Preferred 1,388,889
Chicago IL, United States

c/o Adams Street Partners, 1 N

Wacker Drive, Suite 2200,
Adams Street V, L.P. Series C Preferred 703,858
Chicago IL, United States

c/o Adams Street Partners, 1 N

Wacker Drive, Suite 2200,
Adams Street V, L.P. Series D Preferred 173,024
Chicago IL, United States
Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 17 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

c/o Adams Street Partners, 1 N

Wacker Drive, Suite 2200,
Adams Street V, L.P. Series F Preferred 1,658
Chicago IL, United States

905 Emerald Hill Road,

Addis, Bruce Redwood City CA, United Common 21,150
States 94061

901 Marquette Avenue, Suite

Affinity Ventures IV,
2820, Minneapolis MN, United Series C Preferred 500,000
States 55402

901 Marquette Avenue, Suite

Affinity Ventures IV,
2820, Minneapolis MN, United Series D Preferred 136,364
States 55402

901 Marquette Avenue, Suite

Affinity Ventures IV,
2820, Minneapolis MN, United Series F Preferred 4,593
States 55402

950 Winter St., North Entrance,

Anderson, Edward T Waltham MA, United States Series C Preferred 646

950 Winter St., North Entrance,

Anderson, Edward T Waltham MA, United States Series B Preferred 72

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 18 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

950 Winter St., North Entrance,

Anderson, Edward T Waltham MA, United States Series D Preferred 18

840 Westridge Drive, Portola

Andrew & Sylvia
Valley CA, United States Common 30,802
Thompson Family Trust

840 Westridge Drive, Portola

Andrew & Sylvia
Valley CA, United States Series F Preferred 10,291
Thompson Family Trust

55 Claremont Ave., Apt 201,

Andrews, Scott Redwood City CA, United Common 40,897
States 94062

4867 Pine Forest Place, San

Anpilogov, Andrei Common 3,222
Jose CA, United States 95118

1426 Pitman Avenue, Palo Alto

Apfelberg, David Common 371
CA, United States 94301

804 N Museo Dr, Mountain

Arayata, Rommell Common 10,000
View CA, United States 95391

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 19 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

234 Puddingstone Road,

Aria, Behrad Alameda CA, United States Common 30,000

250 Iris Way, Palo Alto CA,

Arne, Lawrence Common 112,540
United States 94303

2100 Geng Road, Suite 200,

Asset Management
Palo Alto CA, United States Series B Preferred 1,111,111
Partners 2004 L.P.

2100 Geng Road, Suite 200,

Asset Management
Palo Alto CA, United States Series C Preferred 625,000
Partners 2004 L.P.

2100 Geng Road, Suite 200,

Asset Management
Palo Alto CA, United States Series D Preferred 63,636
Partners 2004 L.P.

2100 Geng Road, Suite 200,

Asset Management
Palo Alto CA, United States Series F Preferred 4,448
Partners 2004 L.P.

250 King Street #1510, San

Au-Yeung, Kit Yee Francisco CA, United States Common 61,760

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 20 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

536 A Edna St, San Francisco

Awadalla, Oaday Common 845
CA, United States 94112

Ayer Lighthouse Capital P.O. Box 5600, Beverly Farms

Series C Preferred 3,864
Partners V, L.P. MA, United States 01915

Ayer Lighthouse Capital P.O. Box 5600, Beverly Farms

Series B Preferred 435
Partners V, L.P. MA, United States 01915

Ayer Lighthouse Capital P.O. Box 5600, Beverly Farms

Series D Preferred 107
Partners V, L.P. MA, United States 01915

3900 N. Charles Street, Apt.

Azar, Arezou 209, Baltimore MD, United Common 9,778
States 21218

814 Washington Ave, Albany

Azevedo, Robert Common 20,000
CA, United States 94706

581 Center St, Walnut Creek

Balachandran, Nikhil Common 2,500
CA, United States 94595

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 21 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

3585 Monroe St., Apt 360,

Balachandran, Thiruparan Santa Clara CA, United States Common 7,200

43 Alma Square, London,

Banerji, Shumeet Common 40,000
United Kingdom NW8 9PY

PO Box 1925, Carmel CA,

Bang Murray, Kathleen Common 100,000
United States 93921

875-A Island Drive #370,

Bang, Gary R. Alameda CA, United States Series B Preferred 27,778

875-A Island Drive #370,

Bang, Gary R. Alameda CA, United States Series C Preferred 10,154

875-A Island Drive #370,

Bang, Gary R. Alameda CA, United States Series D Preferred 7,636

1184 Skylake Ct, Sunnyvale

Banos, Orlando Common 4,000
CA, United States 94089

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 22 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

Barnes Family Trust,

Dated May 20, 2003, 360 Claremont Way, Menlo
Series C Preferred 1,846
John F. Barnes III and Park CA, United States 94025
Anna C. Barnes Trustees

Barnes Family Trust,

Dated May 20, 2003, 360 Claremont Way, Menlo
Series B Preferred 207
John F. Barnes III and Park CA, United States 94025
Anna C. Barnes Trustees

Barnes Family Trust,

Dated May 20, 2003, 360 Claremont Way, Menlo
Series D Preferred 51
John F. Barnes III and Park CA, United States 94025
Anna C. Barnes Trustees

230 Hillcrest Road, San Carlos

Basler, Bradley Common 8,507
CA, United States 94070

7094 Brooktree Way, San Jose

Beaulieu, Patrick Common 68,889
CA, United States 95120

6876 Buttonwood Lane, Goleta

Beauville, Eric Common 2,000
CA, United States 93117

352 South Mohler Drive,

Behzadi (consultant),
Anaheim CA, United States Common 43,579

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 23 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

352 South Mohler Drive,

Behzadi, Yashar Anaheim CA, United States Common 70,995

Bell Atlantic Master One Verizon Way, Basking

Series C Preferred 19,402
Trust Ridge NJ, United States 07920

Bell Atlantic Master One Verizon Way, Basking

Series B Preferred 2,185
Trust Ridge NJ, United States 07920

Bell Atlantic Master One Verizon Way, Basking

Series D Preferred 542
Trust Ridge NJ, United States 07920

5967 Via Del Cielo, Pleasanton

Berberich, Joy Common 104,962
CA, United States 94566

5967 Via Del Cielo, Pleasanton

Berberich, Joy Series F Preferred 2,034
CA, United States 94566

809 Auzeraid Avenue #107, San

Berstein, Alberto Common 12,000
Jose CA, United States 95126

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 24 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

10 Mill Pond Lane, Simsbury

BG Special Situations LP Series C Preferred 12,935
CT, United States 06070

10 Mill Pond Lane, Simsbury

BG Special Situations LP Series B Preferred 1,457
CT, United States 06070

10 Mill Pond Lane, Simsbury

BG Special Situations LP Series D Preferred 361
CT, United States 06070

43303 Gallegos Avenue,

Bi, Yafei Fremont CA, United States Common 17,021

260 South Sea Way, Livermore

Bjeletich, Peter Common 24,000
CA, United States 94550

c/o BlackRock International

BlackRock Long-Horizon Limited Drapers Gardens 12
Series G Preferred 532,725
Equity Fund Throgmorton Avenue, London,
United Kingdom EC2N2DL

4500 The Woods Drive #533,

Bolsakov, Eldar San Jose CA, United States Common 14,300

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 25 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1592 South Bernardo Avenue,

Boos, Constance Sunnyvale CA, United States Common 3,542

955 Creston Rd., Berkeley CA,

Boser, Bernhard Common 2,000
United States 94708

1900 University Avenue, Suite

Bozicevic, Field Francisc
200, East Palo Alto CA, United Series D Preferred 9,091
States 94303

Stanford University Medical

Brooks, James Center, Stanford CA, United Common 5,938
States 94305

7 Hillside Court, Wentzville

Bross, Matt Common 308,029
MO, United States 63385

7 Hillside Court, Wentzville

Bross, Matt Series F Preferred 101,737
MO, United States 63385

121 South Main Street, Floor 9,

Brown University Providence RI, United States Series C Preferred 6,467

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 26 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

121 South Main Street, Floor 9,

Brown University Providence RI, United States Series B Preferred 728

121 South Main Street, Floor 9,

Brown University Providence RI, United States Series D Preferred 180

581 Arlington Ave, Berkeley

Bucher, Daniel Common 12,595
CA, United States 94707

c/o Spectrum Advisory

Services, 1050 Crown Point
Burtin, Claudio Series C Preferred 25,000
Parkway, Suite 750, Atlanta
GA, United States 30338

105 13th Street, Columbus GA,

Butler, James Common 37,208
United States 31901

105 13th Street, Columbus GA,

Butler, James Series F Preferred 1,796
United States 31901

c/o Adams Street Partners, 1 N.

Wacker Drive, Suite 2200,
BVCF IV, L.P. Series B Preferred 1,388,889
Chicago IL, United States

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 27 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

c/o Adams Street Partners, 1 N.

Wacker Drive, Suite 2200,
BVCF IV, L.P. Series C Preferred 703,858
Chicago IL, United States

c/o Adams Street Partners, 1 N.

Wacker Drive, Suite 2200,
BVCF IV, L.P. Series D Preferred 173,024
Chicago IL, United States

c/o Adams Street Partners, 1 N.

Wacker Drive, Suite 2200,
BVCF IV, L.P. Series F Preferred 1,658
Chicago IL, United States

34864 Mission Blvd Apt #141,

Cabaluna, Glenda Union City CA, United States Common 479

2710 Grand Ave #62, San Diego

Cadwell, Cynthia Common 16,125
CA, United States 92109

Cardiovascular Medicine,
R. Hardwin Mead, 940 Roble
Cardiac Arrythmias Profit
Ridge Road, Palo Alto CA, Series B Preferred 33,333
Sharing Plan, FBO R.
United States 94306
Hardwin Mead

Cardiovascular Medicine,
R. Hardwin Mead, 940 Roble
Cardiac Arrythmias Profit
Ridge Road, Palo Alto CA, Series C Preferred 12,185
Sharing Plan, FBO R.
United States 94306
Hardwin Mead

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 28 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

Cardiovascular Medicine,
R. Hardwin Mead, 940 Roble
Cardiac Arrythmias Profit
Ridge Road, Palo Alto CA, Series D Preferred 3,763
Sharing Plan, FBO R.
United States 94306
Hardwin Mead

The Carlyle Group 1001

Carlyle Venture Partners Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Series B Preferred 4,281,267
II, L.P. Suite 220 South, Washington
DC, United States 20004-2505

The Carlyle Group 1001

Carlyle Venture Partners Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Series C Preferred 2,408,213
II, L.P. Suite 220 South, Washington
DC, United States 20004-2505

The Carlyle Group 1001

Carlyle Venture Partners Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Series D Preferred 553,073
II, L.P. Suite 220 South, Washington
DC, United States 20004-2505

The Carlyle Group 1001

Carlyle Venture Partners Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Series F Preferred 352,377
II, L.P. Suite 220 South, Washington
DC, United States 20004-2505

The Carlyle Group 1001

Carlyle Venture Partners Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Common 296,725
II, L.P. Suite 220 South, Washington
DC, United States 20004-2505

20B, Ho King View 2 Braemar

Chan, James Hill Road, North Point, Hong Series G Preferred 76,103

2708 Chinook Ct, Union City

Chang, Andrew Common 2,108
CA, United States 94587

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 29 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

2708 Chinook Ct, Union City

Chang, Inchu Common 6,446
CA, United States 94587

775 Grove Street, San Francisco

Chang, Lloyd Common 19,937
CA, United States 94102

737 Chavel Court, Fremont

Chao, Andrew Common 15,000
CA, United States 94539

One Financial Center, 44th

Charlotte Investor I(B),
Floor, Boston MA, United Series C Preferred 13,092
States 02111

One Financial Center, 44th

Charlotte Investor I(B),
Floor, Boston MA, United Series B Preferred 1,474
States 02111

One Financial Center, 44th

Charlotte Investor I(B),
Floor, Boston MA, United Series D Preferred 365
States 02111

1267 Devonshire Avenue, San

Chatman, PuiMan Leandro CA, United States Common 2,125

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 30 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

33666 Stallion Street, Fremont

Chee, Kenneth Common 1,100
California, United States 94555

536 Wycombe Ct., San Ramon

Chen, Xiaolin Common 9,718
CA, United States 94583

331 Rolling Hills Ave, San

Cheng, Kevin Common 13,200
Mateo CA, United States 94403

237 Commons Lane, Foster City

Chien-Chi, Annie Common 2,687
CA, United States 94404

425 Pinehill Road, Hillsborough

Christen, Markus Common 350,000
CA, United States 94010

139 Dudley Court, Atlanta GA,

Chronos, Nic Series C Preferred 50,000
United States 30327

322 19th Ave, Apt #3, San

Chu, Andy Francisco CA, United States Common 7,596

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 31 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

333 South Hope Street, 34th

Clipperbay & Co. Floor, Los Angeles CA, United Series G Preferred 3,044,139
States 90071

24 Francis Ave., Cambridge

Coit, Stephen E Series C Preferred 161
MA, United States 02138

24 Francis Ave., Cambridge

Coit, Stephen E Series B Preferred 18
MA, United States 02138

24 Francis Ave., Cambridge

Coit, Stephen E Series D Preferred 4
MA, United States 02138

1531 Grove Street, San

Cojuangco Abraham,
Francisco CA, United States Common 14,085

47 Stonehenge Drive, New

Cole, Suzanne & Doug Canaan CT, United States Series C Preferred 64

47 Stonehenge Drive, New

Cole, Suzanne & Doug Canaan CT, United States Series B Preferred 7

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 32 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

47 Stonehenge Drive, New

Cole, Suzanne & Doug Canaan CT, United States Series D Preferred 1

16141 Roseleaf Lane, Los Gatos

Colliou, Olivier Common 106,563
CA, United States 95032

350 E. 79th, #29C, New York

Condorcet GP, LLC Series F Preferred 60,000
NY, United States 10075

PO Box 1708, Sausalito CA,

Conneely Family Trust Series C Preferred 615
United States 94966

PO Box 1708, Sausalito CA,

Conneely Family Trust Series B Preferred 69
United States 94966

PO Box 1708, Sausalito CA,

Conneely Family Trust Series D Preferred 17
United States 94966

218 San Carlos Ave, Piedmont

Costello, Benedict Common 49,000
CA, United States 94611

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 33 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

112 Garden Creek Place,

Couch, Julie Norris Danville CA, United States Series C Preferred 80

112 Garden Creek Place,

Couch, Julie Norris Danville CA, United States Series B Preferred 9

112 Garden Creek Place,

Couch, Julie Norris Danville CA, United States Series D Preferred 2

Couch-Kanner 2008
P.O. Box 1260, Fairport NY,
Trust dated May 6, 2008 Series C Preferred 80
United States 14450
(eff. 4/1/10)

Couch-Kanner 2008
P.O. Box 1260, Fairport NY,
Trust dated May 6, 2008 Series B Preferred 9
United States 14450
(eff. 4/1/10)

Couch-Kanner 2008
P.O. Box 1260, Fairport NY,
Trust dated May 6, 2008 Series D Preferred 2
United States 14450
(eff. 4/1/10)

36163 Bayonne Drive, Newark

Cozad, Bradford Common 37,650
CA, United States 94560

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 34 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

948 Bellome Ave, Sunnyvale

Crandall, Kenneth Common 16,624
CA, United States 94086

740 Panoramic Highway, Mill

Crews, Robert B Valley CA, United States Series C Preferred 153

740 Panoramic Highway, Mill

Crews, Robert B Valley CA, United States Series B Preferred 17

740 Panoramic Highway, Mill

Crews, Robert B Valley CA, United States Series D Preferred 4

Crow Family Trust 7 Acorn Way, Kentfield CA,

Series C Preferred 129
U/T/A 3/2/00 United States 94904

Crow Family Trust 7 Acorn Way, Kentfield CA,

Series B Preferred 14
U/T/A 3/2/00 United States 94904

Crow Family Trust 7 Acorn Way, Kentfield CA,

Series D Preferred 3
U/T/A 3/2/00 United States 94904

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 35 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

Skylight Office Tower 1660

Cuyahoga Capital West Second St., Suite 940,
Series C Preferred 970
Partners II, L.P. Cleveland OH, United States

Skylight Office Tower 1660

Cuyahoga Capital West Second St., Suite 940,
Series B Preferred 109
Partners II, L.P. Cleveland OH, United States

Skylight Office Tower 1660

Cuyahoga Capital West Second St., Suite 940,
Series D Preferred 27
Partners II, L.P. Cleveland OH, United States

Skylight Office Tower 1660

Cuyahoga Capital West Second St., Suite 940,
Series C Preferred 8,731
Partners III, L.P. Cleveland OH, United States

Skylight Office Tower 1660

Cuyahoga Capital West Second St., Suite 940,
Series B Preferred 983
Partners III, L.P. Cleveland OH, United States

Skylight Office Tower 1660

Cuyahoga Capital West Second St., Suite 940,
Series D Preferred 243
Partners III, L.P. Cleveland OH, United States

222 N. La Salle Street, Suite

CVF, LLC 2000, Chicago IL, United Series G Preferred 380,517
States 60601

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 36 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

The Carlyle Group 1001

CVP II Coinvestment, Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Series B Preferred 163,177
L.P. Suite 220 South, Washington
DC, United States 20004-2505

The Carlyle Group 1001

CVP II Coinvestment, Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Series C Preferred 91,787
L.P. Suite 220 South, Washington
DC, United States 20004-2505

The Carlyle Group 1001

CVP II Coinvestment, Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Series D Preferred 21,080
L.P. Suite 220 South, Washington
DC, United States 20004-2505

The Carlyle Group 1001

CVP II Coinvestment, Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Series F Preferred 13,429
L.P. Suite 220 South, Washington
DC, United States 20004-2505

The Carlyle Group 1001

CVP II Coinvestment, Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Common 11,304
L.P. Suite 220 South, Washington
DC, United States 20004-2505

70 Federal St., 7th Floor,

CW Venture Fund III,
Boston MA, United States Series C Preferred 646

70 Federal St., 7th Floor,

CW Venture Fund III,
Boston MA, United States Series B Preferred 72

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 37 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

70 Federal St., 7th Floor,

CW Venture Fund III,
Boston MA, United States Series D Preferred 18

1096 Doheny Ter, Sunnyvale

Dalal, Ritesh Common 18,333
CA, United States 94085

PERSONAL - Attn: Betty

Hughes 950 Winter St., North
D'Amore, Richard A Series C Preferred 1,940
Entrance, Waltham MA, United
States 02451

PERSONAL - Attn: Betty

Hughes 950 Winter St., North
D'Amore, Richard A Series B Preferred 218
Entrance, Waltham MA, United
States 02451

PERSONAL - Attn: Betty

Hughes 950 Winter St., North
D'Amore, Richard A Series D Preferred 54
Entrance, Waltham MA, United
States 02451

50 Saratoga Ave Apt 125, Santa

Dao, John Common 100
Clara CA, United States 95051

David Anthony Fera and

Christine Marie Fera, 1381 Rosewood Ave., San
Trustees under the Fera Carlos CA, United States Series C Preferred 153
Trust Agreement dated 94070
October 16, 2012

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 38 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

David Anthony Fera and

Christine Marie Fera, 1381 Rosewood Ave., San
Trustees under the Fera Carlos CA, United States Series B Preferred 17
Trust Agreement dated 94070
October 16, 2012

David Anthony Fera and

Christine Marie Fera, 1381 Rosewood Ave., San
Trustees under the Fera Carlos CA, United States Series D Preferred 4
Trust Agreement dated 94070
October 16, 2012
David B. Apfelberg and
Susan M. Apfelberg
TTEE, David B. and 1426 Pitman Avenue, Palo Alto
Common 5,297
Susan M. Apfelberg CA, United States 94301
Living Trust U/A Dated

20 Custom House St., Suite 830,

Davoli, Robert E Boston MA, United States Series C Preferred 323

20 Custom House St., Suite 830,

Davoli, Robert E Boston MA, United States Series B Preferred 36

20 Custom House St., Suite 830,

Davoli, Robert E Boston MA, United States Series D Preferred 9

PERSONAL - Attn: Betty

Deanna D'Amore Trust Hughes 950 Winter St., North
Series C Preferred 194
dtd 1/1/96 Entrance, Waltham MA, United
States 02451

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 39 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

PERSONAL - Attn: Betty

Deanna D'Amore Trust Hughes 950 Winter St., North
Series B Preferred 21
dtd 1/1/96 Entrance, Waltham MA, United
States 02451

PERSONAL - Attn: Betty

Deanna D'Amore Trust Hughes 950 Winter St., North
Series D Preferred 5
dtd 1/1/96 Entrance, Waltham MA, United
States 02451

492 Dempsey Rd, #194,

Diep, Diem Trang Milpitas CA, United States Common 3,000

2884 Sand Hill Road, Suite 110,

Dillingham, Michael Menlo Park CA, United States Common 4,049

27301 Mondano Drive, Mission

Doepping-Ruggio, Cheryl Common 125,000
Viejo CA, United States 92692

27301 Mondano Drive, Mission

Doepping-Ruggio, Cheryl Series A Preferred 10,000
Viejo CA, United States 92692

27301 Mondano Drive, Mission

Doepping-Ruggio, Cheryl Series C Preferred 3,655
Viejo CA, United States 92692

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 40 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

27301 Mondano Drive, Mission

Doepping-Ruggio, Cheryl Series D Preferred 1,129
Viejo CA, United States 92692

30 Glen Alpine, Danville CA,

Dog Hill Partners, L.P. Series C Preferred 485
United States 94526

30 Glen Alpine, Danville CA,

Dog Hill Partners, L.P. Series B Preferred 54
United States 94526

30 Glen Alpine, Danville CA,

Dog Hill Partners, L.P. Series D Preferred 13
United States 94526

60 Rausch St. Unit 410, San

Dougherty, Nancy Francisco CA, United States Common 9,742

One Financial Center, 44th

Dover Street VII, L.P. Floor, Boston MA, United Series C Preferred 16,169
States 02111

One Financial Center, 44th

Dover Street VII, L.P. Floor, Boston MA, United Series B Preferred 1,821
States 02111

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 41 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

One Financial Center, 44th

Dover Street VII, L.P. Floor, Boston MA, United Series D Preferred 451
States 02111

327 Gordon Avenue, San Jose

Doyle, Shiela M Common 17,953
CA, United States 95127

15231 Clydelle Avenue, San

Dua, Aditya Common 14,084
Jose CA, United States 95124

1800 Washington St #118, San

Duck, Robert Francisco CA, United States Common 45,944

2818 Lantz Avenue, San Jose

Dunlap, Jason Common 4,583
CA, United States 95124

1413 Mercado Way, San Jose

Duong, Kieu Jessie Common 9,142
CA, United States 95134

Edward L. Carcamo,
380 Vallejo Drive #122,
Trustee of the Edward L.
Millbrae CA, United States Common 30,160
Carcamo Trust dated
October 26, 2011

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 42 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

Emil and Patricia Wang 1740 Poppy Ave., Menlo Park

Series C Preferred 97
Trust CA, United States 94025

Emil and Patricia Wang 1740 Poppy Ave., Menlo Park

Series B Preferred 10
Trust CA, United States 94025

Emil and Patricia Wang 1740 Poppy Ave., Menlo Park

Series D Preferred 2
Trust CA, United States 94025

335 Bryant Street, 3rd Floor,

Emmant LLC Palo Alto CA, United States Series C Preferred 142,957

335 Bryant Street, 3rd Floor,

Emmant LLC Palo Alto CA, United States Series D Preferred 11,819

335 Bryant Street, 3rd Floor,

Emmant LLC Palo Alto CA, United States Common 10,866

335 Bryant Street, 3rd Floor,

Emmant LLC Palo Alto CA, United States Series F Preferred 8,898

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 43 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

335 Bryant Street, 3rd Floor,

Emmant LLC Palo Alto CA, United States Series E Preferred 8,620

335 Bryant Street, 3rd Floor,

Emmant LLC Palo Alto CA, United States Series G Preferred 7,610

EquityZen Growth 222 Broadway, 19th Floor, New

Common 10,743
Technology Fund LLC York NY, United States 10038

EquityZen Growth 10 West 18th Street, 7th Floor,

Technology Fund LLC - New York NY, United States Common 15,947
Series 199 10011

EquityZen Growth 45 West 27th Street, Suite 200,

Technology Fund LLC - New York NY, United States Common 32,695
Series 333 10001

21 Waterway Avenue, Suite

Essex Woodlands Health
225, The Woodlands TX, Series C Preferred 6,625,000
Ventures Fund VI, L.P.
United States 77380

21 Waterway Avenue, Suite

Essex Woodlands Health
225, The Woodlands TX, Series D Preferred 547,742
Ventures Fund VI, L.P.
United States 77380

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 44 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

21 Waterway Avenue, Suite

Essex Woodlands Health
225, The Woodlands TX, Common 308,029
Ventures Fund VI, L.P.
United States 77380

21 Waterway Avenue, Suite

Essex Woodlands Health
225, The Woodlands TX, Series F Preferred 29,209
Ventures Fund VI, L.P.
United States 77380

Attn: Michael E. Garlington,

Vice President, Estate
Administration Northern Trust
Estate of James T. Callier Series B Preferred 44,444
1515 Ringling Boulevard,
Sarasota FL, United States

Attn: Michael E. Garlington,

Vice President, Estate
Administration Northern Trust
Estate of James T. Callier Series C Preferred 16,247
1515 Ringling Boulevard,
Sarasota FL, United States

P.O. Box 2370, Boulder Creek

Evans, Cliff Common 15,000
CA, United States 95006

2086 East Lake Road, Atlanta

Evans, Todd Series B Preferred 66,667
GA, United States 30307

2086 East Lake Road, Atlanta

Evans, Todd Series C Preferred 23,250
GA, United States 30307

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 45 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1078 El Capitan Terrace,

Farias, Marvella Sunnyvale CA, United States Common 2,977

9001 Spectrum Center Blvd.,

Farrell, Peter San Diego CA, United States Common 61,605

9001 Spectrum Center Blvd.,

Farrell, Peter San Diego CA, United States Series F Preferred 21,744

1915 Maple Avenue, Apt 514,

Fernandez Barrera,
Evanston IL, United States Common 6,168
Francisco Javier

Fiduciary Trust
International of Delaware One Franklin Parkway, San
Trustee for the Stertzer Mateo CA, United States Common 17,545
Gamma Trust Dated 94403-1906

86 Faxon Road, Atherton CA,

Fischer, Frank M. Common 367,414
United States 94027

86 Faxon Road, Atherton CA,

Fischer, Frank M. Series B Preferred 27,778
United States 94027

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 46 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

86 Faxon Road, Atherton CA,

Fischer, Frank M. Series C Preferred 10,154
United States 94027

86 Faxon Road, Atherton CA,

Fischer, Frank M. Series D Preferred 3,136
United States 94027

86 Faxon Road, Atherton CA,

Fischer, Frank M. Series F Preferred 572
United States 94027

2229 Market Street, San

Fish, James Francisco CA, United States Common 7,865

5950 Lucas Valley Road,

Fleming (TERM), Robert
Nicasio CA, United States Common 22,917

5950 Lucas Valley Road,

Fleming, Robert A. Nicasio CA, United States Common 50,020

5950 Lucas Valley Road,

Fleming, Robert A. Nicasio CA, United States Series F Preferred 663

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 47 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

Pearson M. Spaght, 222

Fletcher Spaght Venture Berkeley Street, 20th Floor,
Series D Preferred 90,909
Partners, LLC Boston MA, United States

Pearson M. Spaght, 222

Fletcher Spaght Ventures, Berkeley Street, 20th Floor,
Series B Preferred 1,111,111
L.P. Boston MA, United States

Pearson M. Spaght, 222

Fletcher Spaght Ventures, Berkeley Street, 20th Floor,
Series C Preferred 406,174
L.P. Boston MA, United States

Pearson M. Spaght, 222

Fletcher Spaght Ventures, Berkeley Street, 20th Floor,
Series F Preferred 19,257
L.P. Boston MA, United States

Pearson M. Spaght, 222

Fletcher Spaght Ventures, Berkeley Street, 20th Floor,
Series D Preferred 18,182
L.P. Boston MA, United States

1965 Valparaiso Avenue, Menlo

Flores Velez, Ana Maria Common 46,603
Park CA, United States 94025

130 E San Fernando St., Unit

Foster, Brian 412, San Jose CA, United Common 24,000
States 95112

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 48 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1 Polk Street, Unit 1401, San

Frank, Jeremy Francisco CA, United States Common 51,000

56 Mizpah Street, San Francisco

Frank, Traci Common 20,040
CA, United States 94131

1005 Buckingham Circle NW,

Fryhofer, George W. Atlanta GA, United States Series B Preferred 55,556

1005 Buckingham Circle NW,

Fryhofer, George W. Atlanta GA, United States Series C Preferred 15,000

8702 Crest Basin Court, Las

Fu, Amy Common 12,500
Vegas NV, United States 89123

11430 Klavans Court, Las

Fu, Duke Common 15,370
Vegas NV, United States 89183

Fujitsu Semiconductor 1250 E Arques Ave, Sunnyvale

Series F Preferred 10,363
America, Inc. CA, United States 94085

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 49 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

One Marina Park Drive, Suite

G&H Partners 900, Boston MA, United States Series C Preferred 64

One Marina Park Drive, Suite

G&H Partners 900, Boston MA, United States Series B Preferred 7

One Marina Park Drive, Suite

G&H Partners 900, Boston MA, United States Series D Preferred 1

3042 Pine Ridge Road, Oshkosh

Gandhi, Gaurav Common 52,036
WI, United States 54904

Gary & Kathleen Bang PO Box 1925, Carmel CA,

Common 63,546
Trust, April 2, 2008 United States 93921

Gary & Kathleen Bang PO Box 1925, Carmel CA,

Series E Preferred 43,100
Trust, April 2, 2008 United States 93921

Gary & Kathleen Bang PO Box 1925, Carmel CA,

Series F Preferred 7,980
Trust, April 2, 2008 United States 93921

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 50 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

Gary & Kathleen Bang PO Box 1925, Carmel CA,

Series G Preferred 4,000
Trust, April 2, 2008 United States 93921

Jim Kindler Cooley LLP 101

California Street, 5th Floor, San
GC&H Investments, LLC Series B Preferred 27,778
Francisco CA, United States

Jim Kindler Cooley LLP 101

California Street, 5th Floor, San
GC&H Investments, LLC Series C Preferred 10,000
Francisco CA, United States

Jim Kindler Cooley LLP 101

California Street, 5th Floor, San
GC&H Investments, LLC Series D Preferred 9,091
Francisco CA, United States

3 Cambridge Square, London,

Gebhardt, Ursula Common 30,000
United Kingdom W2 2PS

707 Continential #323,

Gelfandbein, Vladimir Mountain View CA, United Common 31,530
States 94041

1180 Westridge Drive, Portola

George & Nancy Savage
Valley CA, United States Common 30,802
Living Trust

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 51 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1180 Westridge Drive, Portola

George & Nancy Savage
Valley CA, United States Series F Preferred 10,291
Living Trust

1830 Stockbridge Ave,

Giacchino, Jeannie Redwood City CA, United Common 5,000
States 94061

31 Spinnaker Place, Redwood

Gilman, Alexander Shores CA, United States Common 10,966

33 Atlas Avenue #2, San Jose

Gilpin, Kyle Common 12,315
CA, United States 95126

Attn: Hongbing Yang, CEO

Harbin Gloria Pharmaceuticals
GLORIA (HONGKONG) Co., LTD Units 1102-03 11/F
Series H Preferred 1,582,275
Hong Kong 00000

1524 Calle De Aida, San Jose

Gopinath, Sudhir Common 39,037
CA, United States 95118

Two Tree Consulting Historic

Highland Bu 885 Arapahoe
Graham, Ginger Common 115,833
Avenue, Boulder CO, United
States 80302

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 52 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

Two Tree Consulting Historic

Highland Bu 885 Arapahoe
Graham, Ginger Series D Preferred 9,091
Avenue, Boulder CO, United
States 80302

Two Tree Consulting Historic

Highland Bu 885 Arapahoe
Graham, Ginger Series E Preferred 8,621
Avenue, Boulder CO, United
States 80302

2519 33rd Avenue, San

Graves, Michael Francisco CA, United States Common 7,500

10001 Westheimer Blvd., Suite

Green Grasshopper LLC 2888, Houston TX, United Series G Preferred 3,805
States 77042

2266 Plummer Ave, San Jose

Greene, Fiona Common 10,800
CA, United States 95125

100 Pine Street, Medfield MA,

Griffor, Jeff Series C Preferred 2,461
United States 02052

100 Pine Street, Medfield MA,

Griffor, Jeff Series B Preferred 277
United States 02052

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 53 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

100 Pine Street, Medfield MA,

Griffor, Jeff Series D Preferred 68
United States 02052

Martin T. Hart, 2401 East 2nd

H Investment Company
Avenue Suite 250, Denver CO, Series B Preferred 277,778
United States 80206

Martin T. Hart, 2401 East 2nd

H Investment Company
Avenue Suite 250, Denver CO, Series C Preferred 125,000
United States 80206

Martin T. Hart, 2401 East 2nd

H Investment Company
Avenue Suite 250, Denver CO, Series D Preferred 9,091
United States 80206

64 Eddystone Court, Redwood

Hafezi, Hooman Common 78,632
City CA, United States 94065

13 Luiz Court, San Rafael CA,

Haggerty, Darren Series C Preferred 153
United States 94903

13 Luiz Court, San Rafael CA,

Haggerty, Darren Series B Preferred 17
United States 94903

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 54 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

13 Luiz Court, San Rafael CA,

Haggerty, Darren Series D Preferred 4
United States 94903

1856 Hemlock Ave, San Mateo

Haniff, Tariq Common 22,011
CA, United States 94401

One Financial Center, 44th

HarbourVest Partners VII
Floor, Boston MA, United Series C Preferred 7,437
- Mezzanine Fund L.P.
States 02111

One Financial Center, 44th

HarbourVest Partners VII
Floor, Boston MA, United Series B Preferred 837
- Mezzanine Fund L.P.
States 02111

One Financial Center, 44th

HarbourVest Partners VII
Floor, Boston MA, United Series D Preferred 207
- Mezzanine Fund L.P.
States 02111

1549 De Anza Blvd, San Mateo

Hatamkhany, Zahedeh Common 25,000
CA, United States 94403

4 Candleberry Lane, Belmont

Hazen, C. Edward Series C Preferred 10,462
MA, United States 02478

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 55 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

4 Candleberry Lane, Belmont

Hazen, C. Edward Series B Preferred 1,178
MA, United States 02478

4 Candleberry Lane, Belmont

Hazen, C. Edward Series D Preferred 292
MA, United States 02478

PO Box 11914, San Rafael CA,

Healy, Lizabeth Series C Preferred 153
United States 94912-1914

PO Box 11914, San Rafael CA,

Healy, Lizabeth Series B Preferred 17
United States 94912-1914

PO Box 11914, San Rafael CA,

Healy, Lizabeth Series D Preferred 4
United States 94912-1914

1285 Hampton Hall Drive,

Heilweil, Marc Atlanta GA, United States Common 24,806

1285 Hampton Hall Drive,

Heilweil, Marc Atlanta GA, United States Series F Preferred 1,197

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 56 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

158 Clipper Ln, Modesto CA,

Henry, Victoria Common 14,675
United States 95356

582 4th Ave., Redwood City

Hernandez, Patricia Common 3,201
CA, United States 94063

15 Isabella Avenue, Atherton

Heslin, James M. Series B Preferred 11,111
CA, United States 94027

15 Isabella Avenue, Atherton

Heslin, James M. Series E Preferred 4,310
CA, United States 94027

15 Isabella Avenue, Atherton

Heslin, James M. Series C Preferred 4,061
CA, United States 94027

15 Isabella Avenue, Atherton

Heslin, James M. Series D Preferred 3,636
CA, United States 94027

2261 River Bed Ct, Santa Clara

Holen, Maria Common 10,000
CA, United States 95054

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 57 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1293 Canyon Road, Geyserville

Homcy, Charles Common 4,000
CA, United States 95441

567 Peachtree Battle Ave NW,

Horney, John T. Atlanta GA, United States Series B Preferred 55,556

567 Peachtree Battle Ave NW,

Horney, John T. Atlanta GA, United States Series C Preferred 18,000

4000 Jones Bridge Road, Chevy

Howard Hughes Medical
Chase MD, United States Series C Preferred 16,169

4000 Jones Bridge Road, Chevy

Howard Hughes Medical
Chase MD, United States Series B Preferred 1,821

4000 Jones Bridge Road, Chevy

Howard Hughes Medical
Chase MD, United States Series D Preferred 451

2708 Chinook Ct, Union City

Hsia, Eric Common 18,838
CA, United States 94587

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 58 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

4384 Silva Court, Palo Alto

Hutchison, James Common 1,200
CA, United States 94306

2 Santiago Avenue, Atherton

Hutton Living Trust Common 30,796
CA, United States 94027

2 Santiago Avenue, Atherton

Hutton Living Trust Series F Preferred 1,326
CA, United States 94027

191 N Park Victoria Drive,

Huynh, David Hung Milpitas CA, United States Common 19,860

570 Chestnut Rose Lane,

Hyman, Barry Atlanta GA, United States Common 24,806

570 Chestnut Rose Lane,

Hyman, Barry Atlanta GA, United States Series F Preferred 1,197

One Presidential Blvd., 4th

I.A.M. National Pension
Floor, Bala Cynwyd PA, Series C Preferred 3,233
United States 19004

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 59 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

One Presidential Blvd., 4th

I.A.M. National Pension
Floor, Bala Cynwyd PA, Series B Preferred 364
United States 19004

One Presidential Blvd., 4th

I.A.M. National Pension
Floor, Bala Cynwyd PA, Series D Preferred 90
United States 19004

Suite 3501, 35/F 1010

HuaihaiZhong Road JiaHua
Intelligent Health Limited Series F Preferred 2,068,965
Building, Shanghai, China

300 3rd Street Apt 409, San

Intondi, Allison Francisco CA, United States Common 20,754

4122 Whitman Ave N, Seattle

Ionescu, Arna Common 81,009
WA, United States 98103

1881 Gillian Way, San Jose

Islam, Mohammed Common 16,646
CA, United States 95132

1281 Petersen Ct, Los Altos

Ivanchenko, Ilya Common 32,258
CA, United States 94024

3410 Plateau Drive, Belmont

Iyer, Nan Common 11,000
CA, United States 94002

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 60 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

881 Selby Lane, San Jose CA,

Jackson, Terry Common 15,000
United States 95127

4417 Calypson Terrace,

Jagpal, Harinder Fremont CA, United States Common 5,813

James B. Hutchison &

Diane R. Hutchison,
4384 Silva Court, Palo Alto
Trustees of the Hutchison Common 73,515
CA, United States 94306
Trust Created on January
16, 2012

370 Elan Village Lane, Apt 207,

Jani, Nilay San Jose CA, United States Common 68,974

Jarve Family Trust 77 Flood Circle, Atherton CA,

Series C Preferred 323
U/A/D 4/25/95 United States 94027

Jarve Family Trust 77 Flood Circle, Atherton CA,

Series B Preferred 36
U/A/D 4/25/95 United States 94027

Jarve Family Trust 77 Flood Circle, Atherton CA,

Series D Preferred 9
U/A/D 4/25/95 United States 94027

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 61 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

104 Strathmore Place, Los

Jensen, Marc Common 90,637
Gatos CA, United States 95031

P.O. Box 2126, Los Gatos CA,

Jensen, Monique Common 18,666
United States 95032

521 Winding Brook Ct., San

Jin (TERM), Hong Ramon CA, United States Common 10,000

No. 28 Building, Ronghui

Garden, Yuan hua Road,
Jin Quan Limited Konggang Airport Development Series G Preferred 228,119
Zone B, Shunyi District,
Beijing, China 101318

521 Winding Brook Ct., San

Jin, Hong Ramon CA, United States Common 5,000

John J. & Wendy G. J. 51 Fieldstone Road, Westwood

Series C Preferred 129
Troy MA, United States 02090

John J. & Wendy G. J. 51 Fieldstone Road, Westwood

Series B Preferred 14
Troy MA, United States 02090

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 62 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

John J. & Wendy G. J. 51 Fieldstone Road, Westwood

Series D Preferred 3
Troy MA, United States 02090

68 Fay Avenue, San Carlos

Johnson, Patricia Common 93,864
CA, United States 94070

1351 Margery Ave., San

Joseph, Wayne Leandro CA, United States Common 14,405

JRP Secondary 201 North Main Street, Suite

Investments 2008-A, L.P. 1000, Fort Worth TX, United Series C Preferred 3,076
(fka OHIM) States 76102

JRP Secondary 201 North Main Street, Suite

Investments 2008-A, L.P. 1000, Fort Worth TX, United Series B Preferred 346
(fka OHIM) States 76102

JRP Secondary 201 North Main Street, Suite

Investments 2008-A, L.P. 1000, Fort Worth TX, United Series D Preferred 85
(fka OHIM) States 76102

546 Woodland Ridge, Los

Julian, Chris Common 9,390
Gatos CA, United States 95033

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 63 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1355 Pacific Ave #201, San

Jurivich, Jennifer Francisco CA, United States Common 2,000

Kaiser Permanente Ventures,

Kaiser Foundation One Kaiser Plaza, 22nd Floor,
Series B Preferred 555,555
Hospitals Oakland CA, United States

Kaiser Permanente Ventures,

Kaiser Foundation One Kaiser Plaza, 22nd Floor,
Series C Preferred 203,087
Hospitals Oakland CA, United States

Kaiser Permanente Ventures,

Kaiser Foundation One Kaiser Plaza, 22nd Floor,
Series D Preferred 31,364
Hospitals Oakland CA, United States

Kaiser Permanente Ventures,

Kaiser Foundation One Kaiser Plaza, 22nd Floor,
Series F Preferred 25,475
Hospitals Oakland CA, United States

Kao, Yih Jiuan Common 8,554

P.O. Box 2134, Silverthorne

Karplus, Erika Common 118,086
CO, United States 80498

10971 Shadow Lane, Columbia

Kass, David Common 4,000
MD, United States 21044

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 64 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

Apt 22D, 425 East 58th Street,

Katen, Karen New York NY, United States Series D Preferred 72,727

Apt 22D, 425 East 58th Street,

Katen, Karen New York NY, United States Common 22,410

Apt 22D, 425 East 58th Street,

Katen, Karen New York NY, United States Series F Preferred 10,111

Apt 22D, 425 East 58th Street,

Katen, Karen New York NY, United States Series E Preferred 8,621

Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Terman 540,
Kenny, Thomas Common 540
Stanford CA, United States

127 Public Square, 13th Floor,

Key Capital Corporation Cleveland OH, United States Series C Preferred 4,527

127 Public Square, 13th Floor,

Key Capital Corporation Cleveland OH, United States Series B Preferred 510

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 65 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

127 Public Square, 13th Floor,

Key Capital Corporation Cleveland OH, United States Series D Preferred 126

Keymount Investments Suites 4112-19 Jardine House,

Series G Preferred 3,805,175
Limited Central, Hong Kong

874 Walker Road, Suite C,

KFS Venture Capital Inc. Dover DE, United States Series D Preferred 363,637

9 Hidden Way, Redwood City

Khalina, Yulia Common 150
CA, United States 94062

555 Buena Vista Avenue West

Klein, Elizabeth #501, San Francisco CA, Common 46,875
United States 94117

1528 B Pershing Dr., San

Kopyl, Ilya Francisco CA, United States Common 1,500

4112 Puumalu Place, Honolulu

Kowahl, Nathan Common 4,817
HI, United States 96816

23260 Mora Heights Way, Los

Kraczkowsky, John Altos Hills CA, United States Common 100

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 66 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

20279 Forest Avenue, Castro

Kryuchkov, Andrey Valley CA, United States Common 9,787

3827 Zeinth Ave South,

Kubo, Spencer Minneapolis MN, United States Common 2,000

Kuhl, Rachel Common 1,000

Kuhl, William Common 1,000

5950 Lucas Valley Road,

Kushner (TERM), Cherie
Nicasio CA, United States Common 22,917

5950 Lucas Valley Road,

Kushner, Cherie E. Nicasio CA, United States Common 50,020

5950 Lucas Valley Road,

Kushner, Cherie E. Nicasio CA, United States Series F Preferred 663

200 Glasgow Circle, Danville

Lafayette, Bill Common 10,000
CA, United States 94526

1 Appian Way, #705-6, South

Lam, Alexander San Francisco CA, United Common 7,200
States 94080

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 67 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

3343 La Costa Way, San Jose

Lam, Kien-Bang Common 20,000
CA, United States 95135

216 N. Park Victoria Dr.,

Lam, Sang Milpitas CA, United States Common 1,500

Lansdowne Developed
15 Davies Street W1K 3AG,
Markets Master Fund Series G Preferred 913,242
London, United Kingdom

Lansdowne Developed
15 Davies Street W1K 3AG,
Markets Master Fund Series H Preferred 64,873
London, United Kingdom

Lansdowne Developed
Markets Strategic 15 Davies Street W1K 3AG,
Series G Preferred 228,310
Investment Master Fund London, United Kingdom

Lansdowne Developed
Markets Strategic 15 Davies Street W1K 3AG,
Series H Preferred 8,995
Investment Master Fund London, United Kingdom

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 68 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1156 Sapphire Dr, Livermore

LaRosa, Vincent Common 1,500
CA, United States 94550

3325 Jackson Street, San

Lee, Raymond Francisco CA, United States Common 47,323

335 Clipper St, San Francisco

Lee, Won Chan Common 10,000
CA, United States 94114

131 Dunsmuir Way, Menlo Park

Leichner, Robert Common 101,684
CA, United States 94025

1033 Octaves Street, San

Lessin, Samuel W Francisco CA, United States Series F Preferred 17,241

198 Stone Mountain Circle,

Levie, Mark R. Series B Preferred 111,111
Napa CA, United States 94558

198 Stone Mountain Circle,

Levie, Mark R. Series C Preferred 25,000
Napa CA, United States 94558

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 69 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1936 Brewster Ave, Redwood

Levitan, Anthony Common 10,000
City CA, United States 94062

5435 154th Avenue SE,

Levy, Alan Bellevue WA, United States Common 15,397

5435 154th Avenue SE,

Levy, Alan Bellevue WA, United States Series F Preferred 663

5435 154th Avenue SE,

Levy, Arden Bellevue WA, United States Common 151,667

1909 82nd Street, Seattle WA,

Levy, Mitchell Common 196,666
United States 98103

P.O. Box 60104, Sunnyvale

Li, Hai Feng Common 72,020
CA, United States 94088

1367 Glenmoor Way, San Jose

Lin, Jane Common 15,825
CA, United States 95129

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 70 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

170 Laidley St., San Francisco

Lippmann, Julian Common 12,610
CA, United States 94131

1724 SW Barton St., Seattle

Lomboy, Peter Common 1,784
WA, United States 98106

14465 Eastridge Dr., Red Bluff

Lopez, Irene Common 3,670
CA, United States 96080

Lorenzo A. DiCarlo, Jr. 1425 Taylor Street, Apt. 602,

Living Trust dated June San Francisco CA, United Common 231,100
25, 1996 States 94133

Lorenzo A. DiCarlo, Jr. 1425 Taylor Street, Apt. 602,

Living Trust dated June San Francisco CA, United Series F Preferred 5,086
25, 1996 States 94133

1025 94 Avenue, Oakland CA,

Ly, Phong Common 5,000
United States 94603

Magnuson Revocable 355 Mariposa Ave., Los Altos

Series C Preferred 323
Trust 1/14/94 CA, United States 94022

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 71 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

Magnuson Revocable 355 Mariposa Ave., Los Altos

Series B Preferred 36
Trust 1/14/94 CA, United States 94022

Magnuson Revocable 355 Mariposa Ave., Los Altos

Series D Preferred 9
Trust 1/14/94 CA, United States 94022

712 Singley Dr., Milpitas CA,

Mai, Hong Common 6,146
United States 95035

Marc Stephen Kreidler

and Gloria Kreidler, as
Trustees of The Kreidler 645 E. McKinley Avenue,
Family Trust signed Sunnyvale CA, United States Common 45,919
under Declaration of 94086
Trust dated March 8,
Mark Zdeblick &
c/o Morgan Stanley Wealth
Melanie Smitt Co-TTEE
Management 101 California
The Zdeblick-Smitt Common 1,455,323
Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco
Family 2011 Trust U/A
CA, United States 94111
Date 05/24/2011

Mark Zdeblick &

c/o Morgan Stanley Wealth
Melanie Smitt Co-TTEE
Management 101 California
The Zdeblick-Smitt Series F Preferred 2,251
Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco
Family 2011 Trust U/A
CA, United States 94111
Date 05/24/2011

407 Wright Ave, Morgan Hill

Martindill, Mildred Common 2,500
CA, United States 95037

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 72 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

238 Main St., Suite 200,

Massachusetts Institute of
Cambridge MA, United States Series C Preferred 19,402

238 Main St., Suite 200,

Massachusetts Institute of
Cambridge MA, United States Series B Preferred 2,185

238 Main St., Suite 200,

Massachusetts Institute of
Cambridge MA, United States Series D Preferred 542

27741 Via Cerro Gordo, Los

Massey Family Trust
Altos Hills CA, United States Series C Preferred 161
U/A/D 7/6/88

27741 Via Cerro Gordo, Los

Massey Family Trust
Altos Hills CA, United States Series B Preferred 18
U/A/D 7/6/88

27741 Via Cerro Gordo, Los

Massey Family Trust
Altos Hills CA, United States Series D Preferred 4
U/A/D 7/6/88

20753 Scenic Vista Drive, San

Mate, David Common 24,159
Jose CA, United States 95120

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 73 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

3716 Via La Selva, Palos

McAllister, William Verdes Estates CA, United Common 46,402
States 90274

McCowin, Kathleen Dal 741 Ellsworth Place, Palo Alto

Common 121,191
Bon- CA, United States 94306

17257 Barn Hill Lane, Lathrop

McMullen, Ralph Common 491
CA, United States 95330

525 University Ave., Suite

McQuillan Family LLC 1400, Palo Alto CA, United Series C Preferred 32
States 94301-3580

525 University Ave., Suite

McQuillan Family LLC 1400, Palo Alto CA, United Series B Preferred 3
States 94301-3580

Room 2103, 21st Floor Fook

Lee Commercial Centre Town
MCS GST LLC Place 33 Lockhart Road Attn: Series F Preferred 862,068
Chen Angela, Director,
Wanchai, Hong Kong

940 Roble Ridge Road, Palo

Mead, Hardwin Common 10,000
Alto CA, United States 94306

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 74 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

25 San Jose Ave. Apt 3, Pacifica

Meader, Kristin Common 1,124
CA, United States 94044

710 Medtronic Parkway, NE,

Medtronic, Inc. (MS Pace
Minneapolis MN, United States Series D Preferred 1,818,182

710 Medtronic Parkway, NE,

Medtronic, Inc. (MS Pace
Minneapolis MN, United States Series E Preferred 862,069

432 28th Ave., San Mateo CA,

Meints, Christina Common 750
United States 94403

183 Del Medio Ave., Apt. #107,

Mestman, Yuriy Mountain View CA, United Common 4,197
States 94040

1535 Four Oaks Circle, San

Meza, Carmen Common 10,590
Jose CA, United States 95131

50 South LaSalle Street,

Michael A. Champa
Chicago IL, United States Series C Preferred 646
Revocable Trust

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 75 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

50 South LaSalle Street,

Michael A. Champa
Chicago IL, United States Series B Preferred 72
Revocable Trust

50 South LaSalle Street,

Michael A. Champa
Chicago IL, United States Series D Preferred 18
Revocable Trust

2080 Marich Way, Apt 5,

Milner, Peter Mountain View CA, United Common 4,000
States 94040

1843 Channing Avenue, Palo

Moon, Gregory Common 149,166
Alto CA, United States 94303

330 Seville Way, San Mateo

Moorhead, Penjit Common 7,125
CA, United States 94402

40049 Fremont Blvd, #707,

Morano, Ryan Fremont CA, United States Common 5,031

Mullarkey (Fabela), 444 Laurel Ave., Half Moon

Common 35,760
Marnell Bay CA, United States 94019

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 76 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

Muralidharan, 3450 Granada Ave. #90, Santa

Common 38,555
Veeraperumanallu Clara CA, United States 95051

130 Baroni Ave. #13, San Jose

Nanavati, Sanjiv Common 29,333
CA, United States 95136

Naumann, Steffen and 10 Stanley Mound Road,

Series F Preferred 173,176
Dr. Friederike Sybille Stanley, Hong Kong

360 Beverly Ave, San Leandro

Nersesian, Michael Common 1,800
CA, United States 94577

PO Box 243, Lake Oswego

Nesheiwat, Michael Common 29,958
OR, United States 97034

311 2nd St #514, Oakland CA,

Ness, Andrew Common 31,491
United States 94607

4442 Inyo Court, Fremont CA,

Ngo, HongXuan Common 2,552
United States 94538

924 Bridge Road, San Leandro

Nicholas, Rodney Common 12,035
CA, United States 94577

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 77 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

28240 Wren Ct, Hayward CA,

Nieves, Eslin Common 498
United States 94545

Noel E. Stubblefield 1349 San Anselmo Ave., San

Revocable Trust, dtd Anselmo CA, United States Series C Preferred 295
12/3/08 94960

Noel E. Stubblefield 1349 San Anselmo Ave., San

Revocable Trust, dtd Anselmo CA, United States Series B Preferred 33
12/3/08 94960

Noel E. Stubblefield 1349 San Anselmo Ave., San

Revocable Trust, dtd Anselmo CA, United States Series D Preferred 8
12/3/08 94960

Lichtstrasse 35 CH-4056, Basel,

Novartis Pharma AG Series E Preferred 2,586,207

Lichtstrasse 35 CH-4056, Basel,

Novartis Pharma AG Series F Preferred 1,637,931

500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood

OC Acquisition LLC Shores CA, United States Series F Preferred 1,724,137

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 78 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1440 Union Street, Apt. 103,

Orn, Scott San Francisco CA, United Series C Preferred 38
States 94109

1440 Union Street, Apt. 103,

Orn, Scott San Francisco CA, United Series B Preferred 4
States 94109

1440 Union Street, Apt. 103,

Orn, Scott San Francisco CA, United Series D Preferred 1
States 94109

Oster Family Revocable 3000 Sand Hill Road, 3-125,

Trust, dtd 10/5/76 As Menlo Park CA, United States Common 184,817
Amended 94025

Oster Family Revocable 3000 Sand Hill Road, 3-125,

Trust, dtd 10/5/76 As Menlo Park CA, United States Series F Preferred 7,962
Amended 94025

Shinagawa Grand Central

Otsuka Pharmaceutical
Tower 2-16-4 Konan, Minato- Series F Preferred 5,172,414
Co., Ltd.
Ku, Tokyo, Japan 108-8242
Shinagawa Grand Central
Otsuka Pharmaceutical
Tower 2-16-4 Konan, Minato- Series H Preferred 3,670,886
Co., Ltd.
Ku, Tokyo, Japan 108-8242

1109 Elm St # 2, San Francisco

Ou, Ann Common 6,735
CA, United States 94115

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 79 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

290 Summerwind Drive,

Ouafo, Audrey Milpitas CA, United States Common 1,100

c/o St. Jude Medical CRMD,

Attn: Edward Ferrier, Senior
PaceSetter, Inc. Vice President - Finance, 15900 Series C Preferred 2,500,000
Valley View Court, Sylmar
CA, United States 91342

c/o St. Jude Medical CRMD,

Attn: Edward Ferrier, Senior
PaceSetter, Inc. Vice President - Finance, 15900 Series D Preferred 1,363,636
Valley View Court, Sylmar
CA, United States 91342

Product Services Zugerstrasse

Partners Group Series
57, CH-6341 Baar-Zug, Series C Preferred 6,467
Access, LLC, Series 10

Product Services Zugerstrasse

Partners Group Series
57, CH-6341 Baar-Zug, Series B Preferred 728
Access, LLC, Series 10

Product Services Zugerstrasse

Partners Group Series
57, CH-6341 Baar-Zug, Series D Preferred 180
Access, LLC, Series 10

5084 Lowell St NW,

Pascale, Richard Washington DC, United States Common 15,500

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 80 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

3172 San Gabriel Way, Union

Paydo, Yanira Common 1,374
City CA, United States 94587

700 Anderson Hill Road,

PepsiCo, Inc. Purchase NY, United States Series G Preferred 1,522,070

2163 16th Avenue, San

Perez, Mario Francisco CA, United States Common 10,832

21429 Tollgate Rd, Saratoga

Pesic, Iliya Common 14,187
CA, United States 95070

Dept of Cardiology, Imperial

College Healthcare, St. Marys
Peters, Nick Common 30,000
Hospital, Praed Street, London,
United Kingdom W2 1NY

39166 Blacow Road, Fremont

Pham, Heidi Common 2,342
CA, United States 94538

1993 Edgeview Dr., San Jose

Pham, Ngan-ha Common 2,500
CA, United States 95122

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 81 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1308 N. Poinsettia Place #7, Los

Pikelny, Aleksandr Angeles CA, United States Common 20,000

5 Ridge View Dr, Atherton CA,

Pless, Ben Common 258,333
United States 94027

5 Ridge View Dr, Atherton CA,

Pless, Ben Series F Preferred 1,344
United States 94027

1927 Everwood Court, San Jose

Polanco, Arminda Common 4,132
CA, United States 95148

7616 N Edison Street, Portland

Pollock, Kristin Common 1,000
OR, United States 97203

26815 Holly Hill Ave, Hayward

Pon, Michael Common 11,173
CA, United States 94545

5765 Balboa Drive, Oakland

Porter, James Common 10,875
CA, United States 94611

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 82 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

The Long House, 178 High

Street, Yelling, St Neots
Poulton, Barnaby Common 9,690
Cambs, United Kingdom PE19

3760 Sawtelle Blvd, # 205, Los

Poursohi, Newsha Angeles CA, United States Common 17,659

7 Walnut Road, Wenham MA,

R. Angus West, as agent Series C Preferred 48
United States 01984

7 Walnut Road, Wenham MA,

R. Angus West, as agent Series B Preferred 5
United States 01984

7 Walnut Road, Wenham MA,

R. Angus West, as agent Series D Preferred 1
United States 01984

2733 Condor Ct, Union City

Rackham, Donald Common 23,513
CA, United States 94587

3305 Madden Way, Dublin CA,

Rai, Govind Common 4,433
United States 94568

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 83 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

6816 Turturici Court, San Jose

Raja, Praveen Common 10,000
CA, United States 95135

1112 Trumpet Vine Lane, San

Rajagopalan, Shruti Ramon CA, United States Common 3,361

PO Box 596, Diablo CA,

RDS Capital, LLC Series C Preferred 4,565
United States 94528

PO Box 596, Diablo CA,

RDS Capital, LLC Series B Preferred 547
United States 94528

PO Box 596, Diablo CA,

RDS Capital, LLC Series D Preferred 162
United States 94528

3426 Forbes Avenue, Santa

Reggiardo Jr., Silvio Common 13,500
Clara CA, United States 95051

3702 Spyglass Court, Castro

Reggiardo, Christopher Valley CA, United States Common 13,500

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 84 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1146 Derbyshire Dr., Cupertino

Renukuntla, Sharath Common 7,631
CA, United States 95014

Rhode Island Employees' 50 Service Ave, Warwick RI,

Series C Preferred 7,276
Retirement System United States 02886

Rhode Island Employees' 50 Service Ave, Warwick RI,

Series B Preferred 819
Retirement System United States 02886

Rhode Island Employees' 50 Service Ave, Warwick RI,

Series D Preferred 203
Retirement System United States 02886

450 El Escarpado Way,

Robert L. and Phyllis A.
Stanford CA, United States Common 113,352

Robertson (consultant), 2719 Sequoia Way, Belmont

Common 93,243
Timothy CA, United States 94002

2719 Sequoia Way, Belmont

Robertson, Timothy Common 123,755
CA, United States 94002

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 85 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

2719 Sequoia Way, Belmont

Robertson, Timothy Series F Preferred 4,067
CA, United States 94002

Roncarolo de Vries, 1274 Sharon Park Drive, Menlo

Common 17,725
David Park CA, United States 94025

96 Lynn Fells Parkway, Melrose

Rosenthal, Deborah Series C Preferred 307
MA, United States 02176

96 Lynn Fells Parkway, Melrose

Rosenthal, Deborah Series B Preferred 34
MA, United States 02176

96 Lynn Fells Parkway, Melrose

Rosenthal, Deborah Series D Preferred 8
MA, United States 02176

126 N. 7th Street #1, San Jose

Rowan, Todd Common 34,847
CA, United States 95112

415 N 2nd St Apt 343, San Jose

Rowberry, Kenneth Common 26,319
CA, United States 95112

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 86 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

3080 Bristol Street, Suite 600,

Ruggio, Joseph M. Costa Mesa CA, United States Common 196,182

3080 Bristol Street, Suite 600,

Ruggio, Joseph M. Costa Mesa CA, United States Series A Preferred 10,000

3080 Bristol Street, Suite 600,

Ruggio, Joseph M. Costa Mesa CA, United States Series F Preferred 8,479

3080 Bristol Street, Suite 600,

Ruggio, Joseph M. Costa Mesa CA, United States Series E Preferred 4,310

3080 Bristol Street, Suite 600,

Ruggio, Joseph M. Costa Mesa CA, United States Series C Preferred 3,656

3080 Bristol Street, Suite 600,

Ruggio, Joseph M. Costa Mesa CA, United States Series D Preferred 1,129

996 Garrity Way, Santa Clara

Sadana, Anshul Common 140,000
CA, United States 95054

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 87 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

36 Meadow Lane, Redwood

Santos, Josefina Common 2,000
City CA, United States 94063

Saper Family Trust 650 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto

Series C Preferred 161
U/D/T 3/14/85 CA, United States 94304-1050

Saper Family Trust 650 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto

Series B Preferred 18
U/D/T 3/14/85 CA, United States 94304-1050

Saper Family Trust 650 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto

Series D Preferred 4
U/D/T 3/14/85 CA, United States 94304-1050

Savage Thompson 840 Westridge Drive, Portola

Management, LLC as Valley CA, United States Common 480,000
Nominee 94028-7335

840 Westridge Drive, Portola

Savage Thompson
Valley CA, United States Common 500
Ventures, L.P.

1180 Westridge Drive, Portola

Savage, George Valley CA, United States Common 441,304

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 88 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1223 Kearny Street, Apt 4, San

Scheirlinck, Jason Francisco CA, United States Common 18,960

Scott Living Trust, dated PO Box 27, Point Arena CA,

Series C Preferred 1,033
4/26/94 United States 95468

Scott Living Trust, dated PO Box 27, Point Arena CA,

Series B Preferred 116
4/26/94 United States 95468

Scott Living Trust, dated PO Box 27, Point Arena CA,

Series D Preferred 28
4/26/94 United States 95468

475 Hillside Drive, Atlanta GA,

Segal, William Common 24,806
United States 30342

475 Hillside Drive, Atlanta GA,

Segal, William Series F Preferred 1,197
United States 30342

Semiconductor 5005 E. McDowell Road,

Components Industries, Phoenix AZ, United States Series E Preferred 862,069
LLC 85008

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 89 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

Semiconductor 5005 E. McDowell Road,

Components Industries, Phoenix AZ, United States Series F Preferred 172,414
LLC 85008

Unit 2006-08, 20/F, Harbour

Sensor International
Centre 25 Harbour Road, Wan Series G Preferred 1,537,290
Investment Ltd.
Chai, Hong Kong

Shanghai Sailing Boda 36/F Citc Plaza No. 859 North

Keer Investment Fund Sichuan Road, Shanghai Series H Preferred 1,582,278
Limited Shanghai, China 200085

871 Valencia Dr, Milpitas CA,

Shaw, Kathleen Common 25,000
United States 95035

1402 Gerlach Dr, San Jose CA,

Shenasa, Jafar Common 20,441
United States 95118

2410 Stanton Hill Road, Castro

Sibert, Stephanie Valley CA, United States Common 7,200

Fook Lee Commercial Centre

Sino Portfolio Town Place 33 Lockhart Road,
Series F Preferred 862,069
International Limited 21st Floor, Wan Chai, Hong

Fook Lee Commercial Centre

Sino Portfolio Town Place 33 Lockhart Road,
Series G Preferred 688,737
International Limited 21st Floor, Wan Chai, Hong

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 90 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

P.O. Box 570, 43 Argilla Rd.,

Sloan, Norton Q Ipswich MA, United States Series C Preferred 161

P.O. Box 570, 43 Argilla Rd.,

Sloan, Norton Q Ipswich MA, United States Series B Preferred 18

P.O. Box 570, 43 Argilla Rd.,

Sloan, Norton Q Ipswich MA, United States Series D Preferred 4

300 La Mesa Drive, Portola

Smitt, Melanie Valley CA, United States Common 2,159

2218 Derry Way, South San

Snyder, Eric Francisco CA, United States Common 11,000

2151 Village Walk Dr #13206,

Songhurst, Charles Henderson NV, United States Common 56,041

2151 Village Walk Dr #13206,

Songhurst, Charles Henderson NV, United States Series F Preferred 34,482

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 91 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

1720 Orchard Lane, Walnut

Sprague River Partners Series G Preferred 3,805
Creek CA, United States 94595

3351 El Camino Real, Suite

Spring Ridge Ventures I,
215, Atherton CA, United Series A Preferred 1,480,000
States 94027

3351 El Camino Real, Suite

Spring Ridge Ventures I,
215, Atherton CA, United Series B Preferred 555,556
States 94027

3351 El Camino Real, Suite

Spring Ridge Ventures I,
215, Atherton CA, United Series C Preferred 447,500
States 94027

3351 El Camino Real, Suite

Spring Ridge Ventures I,
215, Atherton CA, United Common 251,201
States 94027

3351 El Camino Real, Suite

SRV-Proteus Partners,
215, Atherton CA, United Series C Preferred 427,500
States 94027

3351 El Camino Real, Suite

SRV-Proteus Partners,
215, Atherton CA, United Series D Preferred 143,945
States 94027

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 92 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

3457 Wynnton Drive, NE,

Stanhope, William Atlanta GA, United States Common 24,806

3457 Wynnton Drive, NE,

Stanhope, William Atlanta GA, United States Series F Preferred 1,197

State Teachers 275 East Broad Street,

Retirement System of Columbus OH, United States Series C Preferred 16,169
Ohio 43215-3771

State Teachers 275 East Broad Street,

Retirement System of Columbus OH, United States Series B Preferred 1,821
Ohio 43215-3771

State Teachers 275 East Broad Street,

Retirement System of Columbus OH, United States Series D Preferred 451
Ohio 43215-3771

c/o Simon H. Stertzer, M.D.,

Stertzer Family Trust P.O. Box 176, Tesuque NM, Series B Preferred 111,111
United States 87574

c/o Simon H. Stertzer, M.D.

Stertzer Holdings, LLC P.O. Box 176, Tesuque NM, Series D Preferred 100,000
United States 87574

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 93 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

c/o Simon H. Stertzer, M.D.

Stertzer Holdings, LLC P.O. Box 176, Tesuque NM, Series C Preferred 40,617
United States 87574

20153 Forest Ave, Apt # 10,

Stolyar, Ekaterina
Castro Valley CA, United Common 4,560
States 94546

345 Park Avenue, 32nd Floor,

Strategic Partners V VC
New York NY, United States Series C Preferred 2,425
Holdings, L.P.

345 Park Avenue, 32nd Floor,

Strategic Partners V VC
New York NY, United States Series B Preferred 273
Holdings, L.P.

345 Park Avenue, 32nd Floor,

Strategic Partners V VC
New York NY, United States Series D Preferred 67
Holdings, L.P.

345 Park Avenue, 32nd Floor,

Strategic Partners VI
New York NY, United States Series C Preferred 11,318
Investments LP

345 Park Avenue, 32nd Floor,

Strategic Partners VI
New York NY, United States Series B Preferred 1,275
Investments LP

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 94 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

345 Park Avenue, 32nd Floor,

Strategic Partners VI
New York NY, United States Series D Preferred 316
Investments LP

5008 Risser Road, Madison

Strother, Charles Series B Preferred 27,778
WI, United States 53705

5008 Risser Road, Madison

Strother, Charles Common 21,504
WI, United States 53705

5008 Risser Road, Madison

Strother, Charles Series C Preferred 20,000
WI, United States 53705

5008 Risser Road, Madison

Strother, Charles Series D Preferred 3,950
WI, United States 53705

5008 Risser Road, Madison

Strother, Charles Series F Preferred 1,781
WI, United States 53705

PO Box 596, Diablo CA,

Stubblefield, Richard D Series C Preferred 295
United States 94528

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 95 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

PO Box 596, Diablo CA,

Stubblefield, Richard D Series B Preferred 33
United States 94528

PO Box 596, Diablo CA,

Stubblefield, Richard D Series D Preferred 8
United States 94528

602 Mendocino Way, Redwood

Sussex, Elisabeth Common 121,277
City CA, United States 94065

c/o Peter Anderson SVP

Strategy & Business
Development Sutter Health
Sutter Health Series G Preferred 761,035
2200 River Plaza Drive,
Sacramento CA, United States

260 High Park Court # 1550,

Swedish, Joseph Silverthorne CO, United States Common 62,500

Batchworth Heath House, 1

Batchworth Heath,
Symonds, Jonathan Common 117,500
Rickmansworth Herts, United
Kingdom WD3 1QB

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 96 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

Batchworth Heath House, 1

Batchworth Heath,
Symonds, Jonathan Series D Preferred 45,455
Rickmansworth Herts, United
Kingdom WD3 1QB

Batchworth Heath House, 1

Batchworth Heath,
Symonds, Jonathan Series G Preferred 38,051
Rickmansworth Herts, United
Kingdom WD3 1QB

4119 Keith Drive, Campbell

Tantawy, Maher Common 6,750
CA, United States 95008

21099 Brush Road, Los Gatos

Taylor, Matthew Common 55,120
CA, United States 95033

2560 Early Rivers Ct, Union

Tendulkar, Mahir Common 3,575
City CA, United States 94587

250 Middlefield Road, Menlo

Tevis Partners B, L.P. Series C Preferred 161
Park CA, United States 94025

250 Middlefield Road, Menlo

Tevis Partners B, L.P. Series B Preferred 18
Park CA, United States 94025

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 97 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

250 Middlefield Road, Menlo

Tevis Partners B, L.P. Series D Preferred 4
Park CA, United States 94025

6 Tevis Place, Palo Alto CA,

Tevis Partners, L.P. Series C Preferred 161
United States 94301

6 Tevis Place, Palo Alto CA,

Tevis Partners, L.P. Series B Preferred 18
United States 94301

6 Tevis Place, Palo Alto CA,

Tevis Partners, L.P. Series D Preferred 4
United States 94301

2083 Edgegate Drive, San Jose

Thai, Alvin Common 4,050
CA, United States 95122

The Chandra Living Trust 97 Gresham Lane, Atherton

Series C Preferred 7,385
dtd 7/9/01 CA, United States 94027

The Chandra Living Trust 97 Gresham Lane, Atherton

Series B Preferred 831
dtd 7/9/01 CA, United States 94027

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 98 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

The Chandra Living Trust 97 Gresham Lane, Atherton

Series D Preferred 206
dtd 7/9/01 CA, United States 94027

The Daniel and Lisa Sue

Lee Trust of 1982 5122 Ellington Court, Granite
Series G Preferred 76,103
(Amended and Restated Bay CA, United States 95746

The Dennis D. Ryan and

Rebecca Lynne Sutter- 131 Altura Way, Greenbrae
Series C Preferred 923
Ryan 2001 Family Living CA, United States 94904

The Dennis D. Ryan and

Rebecca Lynne Sutter- 131 Altura Way, Greenbrae
Series B Preferred 103
Ryan 2001 Family Living CA, United States 94904

The Dennis D. Ryan and

Rebecca Lynne Sutter- 131 Altura Way, Greenbrae
Series D Preferred 25
Ryan 2001 Family Living CA, United States 94904

THE FATANEH 35 Hidden Hills Place, Danville

Common 106,840
OMIDVAR TRUST CA, United States 94506

The George Savage and

1180 Westridge Drive, Portola
Nancy Savage Living
Valley CA, United States Common 88,696
Trust, George and Nancy
Savage, Trusteess

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 99 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

The Marshall & Claudia

26535 Weston Dr., Los Altos
Smith Family Trust dtd Series C Preferred 32
Hills CA, United States 94022

The Marshall & Claudia

26535 Weston Dr., Los Altos
Smith Family Trust dtd Series B Preferred 3
Hills CA, United States 94022

The Marshall & Claudia

26535 Weston Dr., Los Altos
Smith Family Trust dtd Series D Preferred 1
Hills CA, United States 94022

The Permanente One Kaiser Plaza, 22nd Floor,

Federation LLC - Series Oakland CA, United States Series B Preferred 555,555
D 94612

The Permanente One Kaiser Plaza, 22nd Floor,

Federation LLC - Series Oakland CA, United States Series C Preferred 203,087
F 94612

The Permanente One Kaiser Plaza, 22nd Floor,

Federation LLC - Series Oakland CA, United States Series D Preferred 31,363
G 94612

One Kaiser Plaza, 22nd Floor,

The Permanente
Oakland CA, United States Series F Preferred 25,475
Federation LLC-Series I

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 100 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

The Richard D.
PO Box 596, Diablo CA,
Stubblefield, Jr. Living Series C Preferred 20,034
United States 94528
Trust dated 1/16/2009

The Richard D.
PO Box 596, Diablo CA,
Stubblefield, Jr. Living Series B Preferred 2,257
United States 94528
Trust dated 1/16/2009

The Richard D.
PO Box 596, Diablo CA,
Stubblefield, Jr. Living Series D Preferred 559
United States 94528
Trust dated 1/16/2009

The Sze/Harris
Revocable Trust Date of
Common 2,429
Establishment March 1,

102 Woodland Drive,

The Turner Trust created
Hillsborough CA, United States Series C Preferred 2,461
on 3/7/06

102 Woodland Drive,

The Turner Trust created
Hillsborough CA, United States Series B Preferred 277
on 3/7/06

102 Woodland Drive,

The Turner Trust created
Hillsborough CA, United States Series D Preferred 68
on 3/7/06

The White Family Trust,

450 El Escarpado Way,
Robert L. White and
Stanford CA, United States Common 4,715
Phyllis A. White TTEES,
U/A DTD 6/16/1986

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 101 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

40220 Landon Avenue, Fremont

Thomas, Keith Common 5,250
CA, United States 94538

840 Westridge Drive, Portola

Thompson, Andrew Valley CA, United States Common 1,500,000

562 El Pintado Rd., Danville

Thompson, Todd Common 100,000
CA, United States 94526

8500 Andrew Carnegie Blvd.,

TIAA-CREF C3-04, Charlotte NC, United Series C Preferred 25,870
States 28262

8500 Andrew Carnegie Blvd.,

TIAA-CREF C3-04, Charlotte NC, United Series B Preferred 2,914
States 28262

8500 Andrew Carnegie Blvd.,

TIAA-CREF C3-04, Charlotte NC, United Series D Preferred 722
States 28262

26616 Westwind Wy., Los

Tomanek Family Trust
Altos Hills CA, United States Series C Preferred 323
UAD 2/27/87

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 102 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

26616 Westwind Wy., Los

Tomanek Family Trust
Altos Hills CA, United States Series B Preferred 36
UAD 2/27/87

26616 Westwind Wy., Los

Tomanek Family Trust
Altos Hills CA, United States Series D Preferred 9
UAD 2/27/87

2705 Hilliside Drive,

Topoian, Laura Burlingame CA, United States Common 1,333

7 Lebanon St., Suite 107,

Trustees of Dartmouth
Hanover NH, United States Series C Preferred 5,174

7 Lebanon St., Suite 107,

Trustees of Dartmouth
Hanover NH, United States Series B Preferred 582

7 Lebanon St., Suite 107,

Trustees of Dartmouth
Hanover NH, United States Series D Preferred 144

51 Summer Hill Court, Danville

Tsunemoto, Carrie Common 23
CA, United States 94526

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 103 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

646 40th Avenue, San Francisco

Turner, William Common 4,500
CA, United States 94121

176 Federal St., Boston MA,

Turtle & Co. Series C Preferred 410
United States 02110

176 Federal St., Boston MA,

Turtle & Co. Series B Preferred 46
United States 02110

176 Federal St., Boston MA,

Turtle & Co. Series D Preferred 11
United States 02110

6802 Paragon Place, Suite 205,

University of Richmond Richmond VA, United States Series C Preferred 3,233

6802 Paragon Place, Suite 205,

University of Richmond Richmond VA, United States Series B Preferred 364

6802 Paragon Place, Suite 205,

University of Richmond Richmond VA, United States Series D Preferred 90

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 104 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

800 Lathrop Dr, Stanford CA,

Vagelos, Randall Common 16,741
United States 94305

372 Azalia Drive, East Palo

Velazquez, Esmeralda Common 3,281
Alto CA, United States 94303

372 Azalia Drive, East Palo

Velazquez, Miquel Common 1,870
Alto CA, United States 94303

20B Ho King View 2 Braemar

Victor, Fung Chiu Chak Hill Road, North Point, Hong Series G Preferred 76,103

273 Mountain View Ave,

Virdi, Naunihal Mountain View CA, United Common 55,865
States 94041

1 Charles River Ct., Wellesley

Walkingshaw, Robert Series C Preferred 646
MA, United States 02482

1 Charles River Ct., Wellesley

Walkingshaw, Robert Series B Preferred 72
MA, United States 02482

1 Charles River Ct., Wellesley

Walkingshaw, Robert Series D Preferred 18
MA, United States 02482

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 105 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

613 Kains Ave, Albany CA,

Wallace, David Common 18,179
United States 94706

2332 Running Water Court,

Walter, Gregory Santa Clara CA, United States Common 5,034

3022 Fulton Street, Berkeley

Watson, Richard Common 7,499
CA, United States 94705

768 Sunshine Drive, Los Altos

Webb, Douglas Common 58,975
CA, United States 94024

526 8th Street, Marysville CA,

Wedgwood, Susannah Common 4,666
United States 95901

400 Hamilton Avenue, Suite

Wells Fargo & Company 210, Palo Alto CA, United Series B Preferred 9,895
States 94301

1114 Lund Ranch Road,

West, Jeff Pleasanton CA, United States Common 1,755

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 106 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

3985 Via Cristobal, Campbell

Wetra, Christine Common 1,000
CA, United States 95008

1900 Aberdeen Lane, Mountain

Whitworth, Adam Common 63,799
View CA, United States 94043

5615 S Jojoba Way, Chandler

Wiener, Cliff Common 17,500
AZ, United States 85248

1775 Turk St, San Francisco

Williams, Laura Common 10,000
CA, United States 94115

1220 Ellis St., Apt. 9, San

Withrington, Jonathan Francisco CA, United States Common 35,000

4722 Jaques Ct, Fremont CA,

Wong, Ming Yu Common 5,000
United States 94555

948 Emerald Way, San Jose

Wong, Spencer Common 1,000
CA, United States 95117

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 107 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

WS Investment 650 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto

Series C Preferred 32
Company, LLC (2002A) CA, United States 94304

WS Investment 650 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto

Series B Preferred 3
Company, LLC (2002A) CA, United States 94304

WS Investment 650 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto

Series C Preferred 64
Company, LLC (2002C) CA, United States 94304

WS Investment 650 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto

Series B Preferred 7
Company, LLC (2002C) CA, United States 94304

WS Investment 650 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto

Series D Preferred 1
Company, LLC (2002C) CA, United States 94304

359 San Luis Avenue, Los Altos

Yee, Edison Common 11,952
CA, United States 94024

c/o The Management Office No.

YFO Investments
8 Mount Austin Road, The Series G Preferred 76,103
Peak, Hong Kong

33355 4th St, Union City CA,

Yohannis, Yonas Common 5,969
United States 94587

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 108 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

16 Fayerweather Street,
York, Gwill E Cambridge MA, United States Series C Preferred 13,947

16 Fayerweather Street,
York, Gwill E Cambridge MA, United States Series B Preferred 1,570

16 Fayerweather Street,
York, Gwill E Cambridge MA, United States Series D Preferred 389

The Forge, Manor Rd, North

Young, Julian Wootton, King's Lynn Norfolk, Common 32,354
United Kingdom PE30 3PZ

attn: Jeff Ren Yuan

Management Hong Kong
Yuan Capital LP Limited Suites 3513-3515, Two Series G Preferred 1,141,552
IFC, 8 Finance Street, Central,
Hong Kong

25 Lorton Ave, Apt 6,

Yuen, Pui (Patsy) Burlingame CA, United States Common 4,500

26993 Hayward Blvd, Care of

Za, Khun Nang Kham, Hayward CA, Common 25,620
United States 94542

Case 20-11580 Doc 1 Filed 06/15/20 Page 109 of 109

Kind/Class of Number of
Name Last Known Address
Interest Interests Held

300 La Mesa Drive, Portola

Zdeblick, Mark Valley CA, United States Common 184,778

420 Henry Cowell Drive #1945,

Zdeblick, Mick Santa Cruz CA, United States Common 2,000

Module G5 Bx3236 Clinical

Science Center, 600 Highland
Zdeblick, Tom Common 7,288
Avenue, Madison WI, United
States 53792

645 Rollins Road, Unit 2,

Zhang, Peiyao Burlingame CA, United States Common 4,350

5450 Dekker Terrace, Fremont

Zhao, Dongheng (Henry) Common 5,000
CA, United States 94555

33rd Floor Unit 283 South

Tower Hong Kong Plaza Middle
Zhou, Bing Series G Preferred 76,107
Huai Hai Road, Huang Pu
District Shanghai, China


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