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Grade 4-5 Activity 3 : Public Speaking

Day-3 (WEDNESDAY) Date: 20/05/2020

How to order food at restaurant

Hello everyone….

Let’s learn how to order food at restaurant.

Step 1: Before ordering food at restaurant we need to first select the

restaurant in which we want to dine in.

Step 2: You can reserve a table at the restaurant through online services or
book a table on the phone or you can directly visit the restaurant and ask
for a table by saying “We'd like a table for 5, please.” This will let the waiter
know how many people to expect. ....

Step 3: Do not get in directly. Wait for someone at the restaurant to assist
you to the concerned table.

Step 4: Do not use hand signs or whistle at the restaurant to call the waiter.
Gently wait for your turn say “Excuse me” and ask for the menu card and
always say please if you need anything.

Step 5: Order any drinks if required.

Step 6: Always say please when you need something and thank you when
you get something.

Step 6: The most commonly followed procedure to order food at restaurant

· Drinks

· Appetizer

· Main Course

· Desserts

Step 6: After your drinks are served place the order for your appetizers or
main course according to your preferences.
Step 7: If your food is super-hot, wait for it to cool down a little so that it
won’t hurt your tongue.

Step 8: Give your genuine feedback about the meal. Appreciate if you
really liked the food. If not give suggestions.

Step 9: Order your desserts.

Step 10: Let the waiter know if you need anything else if not just ask for the
bill and leave tip for the waiter.

A sample Conversation -At the Restaurant

Waiter: Hello, How can I help you?

Child: We would like a table for five, please.

Waiter: Off course, please follow me. Here is your table for five.

Child: Thank you.

Child: Excuse me, Could you give us the menu, please

Waiter: Yes, off course

Waiter: Here you are.

Child: Thank you.

Waiter: Can I get you anything to drink?

Child: Yes, 2 milkshakes, lemonade and 2 glasses of water, please.

Waiter: Great, I’ll be right back.

Child: Thank you.

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Child: Yes, I’ll have grilled chicken and spaghetti..

Waiter: Would you like a starter, sir?

Child: Yes, I’d like the vegetable soup and stuffed mushroom, please.

Waiter: Excellent, I’ll be right back with your order.

Child: Wow... Its smells so good. I can’t wait to have it but it’s too hot.

Waiter: How’s everything? Did you enjoy your meal?

Child: Yes, it was wonderful, Thank you.

Waiter: Would you like something for dessert?

Child: Yes, for dessert I’ll have chocolate cake, ice cream and cheese
cake, please.

Waiter: Here you go, enjoy your desserts.

Waiter: Can I bring you anything else?

Child: No, thank you, just the bill, please.

Waiter: Ok sir, I’ll be right back with the bill.

Waiter: Thank you sir. Have a great day.

Friends, this is how we should order food at the restaurant.

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