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1) The cell is the basic unit of all living structure and function in living organisms this is known

as the cell theory and was proposed by jacon schleiden and theodore swann in the year
2) Each cell has the capacity to perform certain basic functions that are characteristics of all
living organisms.This is because of the cell organells present in the cell, cell organelles are
sub-microscopic structures embedded in the cytosol of the cell and is specialoized and
adapted to carry out various functions.
3) A cell has 4 basic functions cell metabolism, synthesis of molecules, communication between
two or more cells and tissues and lastly reproducing and inheritance of the cell.
4) The cell membrane is 7nm thick and the basic structure of a cell membrane is a phospholipid
bilayer forming a fluid mosaic pattern. It is semi-permeable in nature and it allows the entry
and exits of certain substances in and out of the cell, it provides definite shape to the cell
and acts like a mechanical barrier between the cell organelles and the external environment.
Transport across the cell membrane takes place for various reasons, to obtain nutreients, to
secrete useful substances and to generate the ionic gradients necessary for nervous and
muscular activities. These processes include diffusion, osmosis, active transport and bulk
transport. The first two processes are passive and the latter two are active.
5) The nucleus is a dense protoplasmic body which is the brain of the cell as it controls and co-
ordinates all the cellular activities taking place in the cell. It is the largest cell organelle in
premature plant cells and in animal cells. It is enclosed by double membrane envelope and is
perforated by pores. It contains the genetic material of the cell in the form of chromatin,
which is the extended form of chromosomes taken during interphase. It also contains a
nucleolus which is responsible in the synthesis of ribosomes.
6) Cytoplasm has two parts the cytosol and the cell organelles. The cytosol is a viscous, nearly
crystallocolloidal liquid which contains water ions, nutrients vitamins, ribosomes, and it
helps in holding the cell organelles in place. The cell organelles are sub-microscopic
structures that are embedded in the cytosol and are responsible for sustaining life in a
particle living organism.
7) The endoplasmic reticulum is a system of flattened membrane bound sacs called cisternae
forming tubes and sheets known as tubules. It is continuous with the outer membrane of the

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