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CONFIDENTIAL, CSIJUN 2018/1SP542/ITS462 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION FUNDAMENTALS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE COURSE CODE : ISP542/ITS462 EXAMINATION : JUNE 2018 TIME : 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of seven (7) questions. 2. Answer ALL questions in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on anew page. 3. Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. 4, Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of : i) the Question Paper ji) an Answer Booklet — provided by the Faculty 5. Answer ALL questions in English. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 6 printed pages Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL eHak ci CONFIDENTIAL 2 QUESTION 1 CSIJUN 2018/1SP542/ITS462 a) Consider the following rules in the knowledge base and answer the following questions: IF Plant grows on land Plant is grass IF Planthas flowers Flowers have petals Plant is water plant IF Plant is water plant Size of flower is 10 to 20 cm Plant has single flower on a stem Plant is White Water Lity IF Plantis grass Plant has flowers in zig-zag pattern Plant's height is 4 to 35 inch Plant is Perenial Rye Grass Plant is water plant Plant grows in water to depth of 10 inch Plant has floating ball -shaped fruits Piant is White Water Lily IF” Petals low-growing shrubs Petal growing in early summer Plant flowering in spring IF Plantis grass Plant has flowers IF Planthas OR Plant has reproductive structures Plant has seed in cones IF Plantis tree Plant's height is up to 118 ft Plant has seeds in cones Plant flowering in spring Plant is Pine Tree IF Plant has flower AND Size of flower is more than 0.2 inch AND Plant's seed is dry is Oat Grass is water plant AND — Plant grows in water to depth of 6 to 17 inch AND Plant has 2 to 10 flowers on a stem THEN Plants Bladderwort Rule 12: iF Plant grows on land THEN Plantis tree |) Based on the facts below, use forward chaining to find out what plant is implied by ‘showing complete chaining steps and its new facts generated. Fact 1: Plant is grass Fact 2: Plant's seed is dry Fact 3: Flower size is 0.4 inch (6 marks) 1) Use eckward chaining to Sind out what set of facta would eufice to eetabiieh the plant is Pine (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA (@ marks) CONFIDENTIAL, CONFIDENTIAL, 3 CSIJUN 2018/ISP542/ITS462 il) Use backward chaining to find out what set of facts would suffice to establish the plant is Bladderwort. (4 marks) b) Consider the following knowledge’ Shark is a dangerous fish. Fish lives in water. They swim and breathe using gills. Fish are animals. Other animals are birds, such as canary and ostrich. Based on the above knowledge, characterize FOUR (4) objects using Object-Attribute- Value (OAV) triplet table. The OAV table must present object, attribute and value accordingly. (6 marks) QUESTION 2 a) Define agent approach. (2 marks) b) Briefly describe THREE (3) flexible autonomous actions of intelligent agent. (6 marks) QUESTION 3 Consider the following facts: Bobo is a kind of sugar glider and owned by Xavier. Yuzu owns a sugar glider as well, named Pooh. Every sugar glider chases Winter White Hamster. Kiki and Didi is a kind of Syrian and Winter White Hamster, respectively Anyone who owns any hamster hates anything that chases any hamster. Anyone who eats European White Truffles owns a Winter White Hamster. Maia eats European White Truffles. Someone who hates something that is owned by another person will not friend that person. a) Convert all the facts above into First Order Predicate Logic (FOPL). (12 marks) b) Based on your answer in (a), convert all predicates into clausal form and draw a resolution graph to prove that Maia will not friend with Xavier. (7 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 4 CSIJUN 2018/ISP542/ITS462 QUESTION 4 a) Define propositional logic. (2 marks) b) Compare the unary and binary connective. Give ONE (1) example for each connective. (2 marks) ©) Given the following expressions: a db kvg 3h fak>i boc bactd aak dahof Using resolution refutation inference technique, prove that "“f" is true, (7 marks) QUESTION 5 Consider the following game tree: Apply a left-to-right alpha-beta pruning on the tree by maximizing the winner. If there is any cut-off, indicate where it occurs and state the intermediate value for each path. Draw a neat sketch of the tree in your answer booklet. (12 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 5 CSIJUN 2018/ISP542/ITS462 QUESTION 6 ) Saiful and his friends plan a vacation to London and want to visit some of the wonderful attractions. One of the activities on their list is to watch Changing The Queen's Guard ceremony on Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall. Since they will be traveling using London Underground, they need to plan their visit carefully including finding the shortest route for each destination. The following map partially shows London Underground map including the distance (in miles) between two stations. Baker Euston Street ——s Liverpool ig Street Paddington 7 Bond ‘\ Tottenham » Notting Street, ye Road $v Hill Gate| a Leicester er f Green Piccadily rea 2 Park Circus one" ino Monument " ‘Cross. 24 Gloucester dN 8 Road Vietoria Whitehall Embankment i) Consider the table of heuristic estimation distance (h(n)) from each station to Whitehall station below. Station h(n) (inmiles) Station Ain) (in miles) Aldgate 15 Liverpool Street 30 Bank. 10” Monument 3 Baker Street 43 Notting Hill Gate 27 Bond Street 37 (Oxford Circus 25 Charing Cross 14 Piccadilly Circus 22 ‘Paddington 35 Tottenham Court Road 18 Embarkment 8 Tower Hill 10 Euston Square | 37 Victoria 14 Gloucester Road 19 Warren Street 35 Green Park Whitehall 0 Leicester Square I (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA, CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, 6 CSIJUN 2018/1SP542/ITS462 Using A* algorithm, construct a search tree to help them finding the shortest route from Euston Square to Whitehall. The search tree must show the order in which the station was expanded and cost (in miles) at each station. (8 marks) i) Based on your answer in (i), state the expanded station and route taken. (4 marks) b) Consider a path in a rooted graph. Explain the position of ancestor and its descendent state. (2 marks) ©) State FOUR (4) elements of state space problems representation. (2 marks) QUESTION 7 a) Briefly discuss the concept of maximum and minimum value of certainty factor. (4 marks) b) Define fuzzy logic. (2 marks) ©) Consider the fuzzy set and fuzzy graph below. = {h1/-10, Ho! -8, Hs/-6, Ha -4, Hs/ -2, He/ 0, 7/2, He/ 4) Degree of membership Low High wo BB 4 oO 2) 4g “Temperature ("C) Based on the fuzzy set and fuzzy graph above, define the following sets: i) High (2 marks) ii) Low (2 marks) iil) Slightly High (2 marks) d) State TWO (2) advantages of expert systems. (2 marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA, CONFIDENTIAL

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