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Miral Al -Qasas 12 May 2020

1. What did Ra command of Nut?

He commanded her not to have children any day of the year because he feared
her children would overthrow him.

2. Why are there 365 days in the year?

There were 360 days in the ancient Egyptian year. This was because there were
360degrees in a circle. An additional 5 days were added at the end of they ear as
festival days because of the light that Thoth won from Khonsu in checkers. That’s
why there are 365 days in a year.

3. What were the names of Nut’s children?

The name of Nut’s children are Isis, Osiris, Seth, Nephthys and Horus the Elder.

4. What did Seth do to Osiris?

Seth created a box (cedar, ebony, ivory and gold) in Osiris’ size to gift it to
whoever it fits. Osiris fit into it and Seth ( with his 72 friends) nailed Osiris into it
and tossed it into the Nile River. After he was resurrected, Seth cut it into 14 parts
and scattered him throughout Egypt.

5. Who was Horus and what did he do?

Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris. When he came of age he challenged his Uncle
for the throne of Egypt. In the challenge, Horus cut off his mother’s head when he
was angry with her

6. How did Seth judge himself?

Seth gave his maid advice about how her son should take his father’s place and offered to help her in
that situation. However, he had done the same thing to Horus and the maid was in fact Isis.
Therefore, Seth had judged himself.

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