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COUNTY ATTORNEY : What did Mrs. Wright do when she knew that you almost found out
the truth?

MR. HALE : (pointing to a small chair in the corner) Well, she moved a bit from that chair to
here with her hands held together and looking down. Then, I asked her to see if John
wanted to make a call but suddenly she starts to laugh and then she stops laughing while
looking at me in frightened, I think so. Soon, Harry came back along with Dr. Lloyd and Mr.
Peters and that’s all I know so far.

COUNTY ATTORNEY : (looking around) Firstly, we’ll check upstairs, barn and lastly around
here. You’re sure that there’s nothing important here right, Sheriff?


COUNTY ATTORNEY : What a mess here.

MRS. PETERS : Oh, her preserves went freeze. She’s worried about it when she’s not around.

SHERIFF : Well, women even have time to think about these things, I see!

COUNTY ATTORNEY : Well, maybe she has something more serious to worry about!

MR. HALE : Well, we’re used to worry about little things.

COUNTY ATTORNEY : After all, what would happened without the ladies? Such dirty towels!
Doing nothing at home, I see.

MRS. HALE : Actually, we’re busy at the farm.

COUNTY ATTORNEY : Sure enough. I know some county farmhouses that provide much
cleaner towels.

MRS. HALE : Towels get dirty quickly as men’s hands ain’t always clean, right?

COUNTY ATTORNEY : Ah, talking about that. But, you are Mrs. Wright’s neighbour, right?
Then, you’re her friend.

MRS. HALE : I just came here not for a while, you see.

COUNTY ATTORNEY : Is that so? Anything happened?

MRS. HALE : I’m okay with her as we’re busy with our lives and chores, Anthony…..


MRS. HALE : Well, I can sense something is wrong with the Wright. It’s like things could have
been better without Mr. Wright.

COUNTY ATTORNEY : Hmmm. I can see things differently now. I need to check to check
upstairs now.

SHERIFF : I don’t see any wrong with Mrs. Potter since she wanted to pack things for her.

COUNTY ATTORNEY : Of course, but I’d like to see them and Harry, find anything important
for us.

MRS. HALE : I hate men coming to my kitchen suddenly.

MRS. PETERS : Yeah, it’s important for them.

MRS. HALE : I’m okay with that, it’s just I think things can go worse. Now, I regret for not
spending much time with her. I’m sorry to see her left in hurry.

MRS. PETERS : She had bread set.

MRS. STARK : I felt sorry towards her preserves. I’m sure she’ll be disappointed to see all of
this. I’ve experienced it before.

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