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Individual Variation in Body Odor

Chapter · January 2017

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-26932-0_50


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3 authors:

Jan Havlicek Jitka Fialová

Charles University in Prague Charles University in Prague


S. Craig Roberts
University of Stirling


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Individual Va
50. Individual Variation in Body Odor

Jan Havlíček, Jitka Fialová, S. Craig Roberts

50.1 Personality .......................................... 950

Humans produce numerous volatile compounds
from different areas of the body, either as a di- 50.2 Sexual Orientation . .............................. 950
rect result of metabolic processes or indirectly via 50.3 Hormonal Influences............................ 950
metabolism of resident microflora. Body odors vary
between individuals, partly due to genetic differ- 50.4 Diet .................................................... 951

Part F | 50
ences, but odors of the same individual also vary 50.5 Diseases and Disorders......................... 954
across time due to environmental influences. We 50.5.1 Metabolic Disorders ................... 954
discuss how at least part of the genetic influence 50.5.2 Infectious Diseases .................... 957
appears to be related to certain personality charac- 50.5.3 Tumors ..................................... 957
teristics and to sexual orientation. We then review 50.5.4 Psychiatric Disorders .................. 957
the current state of the art in terms of intraindivid- 50.6 Conclusion........................................... 958
ual variation, including effects of intrinsic factors,
such as hormonal influences on body odor and References................................................... 959
environmental factors, namely effects of diet and
certain diseases. Some of these changes can be how specific odor profiles associated with certain
perceived by other individuals and might there- infectious diseases and metabolic disorders can be
fore provide social cues of current motivational, used as a cheap and efficient medical screening
nutritional, and health status. Finally, we discuss tool.

In common with other animals, humans constantly pro- 2. Unacquainted individuals can match relatives (e.g.,
duce a cloud of volatile chemicals which can poten- offspring and parents) based solely on body odor
tially be perceived by others. The majority of these [50.3].
compounds are direct by-products of body metabolism 3. People show odor preferences associated with the
or products of the metabolism of either commensal or genes of the major histocompatibility complex
pathogenic microflora. Human body odors are emit- [50.4].
ted from various areas of the body notably from the
Further, people can identify others based on their
mouth, the anogenital region, the scalp, and the axillae.
body odor (for details of this kind of evidence, see
In healthy adults, axillary odor appears to be the most
Chap. 51). Apart from genetic influences, there are also
distinctive, due to a relatively high concentration of both
numerous intrinsic and extrinsic factors shaping indi-
eccrine and apocrine glands in this area. Interestingly,
vidual variation in human body odor. Here, we first
most compounds in fresh apocrine sweat are odorless
review two factors contributing to interindividual odor
and these are converted to odoriferous molecules by the
variation, namely personality factors and sexual orien-
action of the residential bacterial microflora (Chap. 48).
tation. We then turn our attention to intrinsic factors
Body odor appears to be individually specific and rel-
of intraindividual variation in body odor, namely hor-
atively stable [50.1], perhaps due to genetic influences.
monal influence (emotion-related fluctuations in body
This is supported by three lines of evidence:
odor are reviewed elsewhere; see Chap. 49), and to
1. Body odor of monozygotic twins show high resem- environmental factors, such as effects of diet and
blance [50.2]. disease.
950 Part F Human Body Odor, Chemo-Communication and Behavioral Implications

50.1 Personality
People tend to spontaneously attribute a range of psy- and dominance in others based solely on their axillary
chological characteristics to others based simply on odor with women showing more accurate judgments
their appearance or on thin slices of their behavior. compared to men [50.8, 9]. Furthermore, prepubertal
At least in some characteristics, such attributions are children can accurately judge neuroticism [50.10]. The
to some extent accurate; that is, they correlate with precise mechanism responsible for the association be-
the target’s personality profile. These attributions have tween personality traits and axillary odor quality is not
been described as having a kernel of truth [50.5, 6]. well understood. In the case of dominance, both traits
Although less well-known, body odor could also con- may be underpinned by levels of testosterone. The pic-
tribute to such attributions based on first impression, ture might be more complex in the case of neuroticism,
as some personality traits are correlated with social but a potential indication lies in the observation that
perception of body odor. For example, women in the some emotional states (anxiety) have impact on odor
fertile phase of their menstrual cycle find the axillary quality and in turn affect other people exposed to such
odor of relatively dominant men more attractive [50.7], odors [50.11, 12]; as neurotic individuals tend to be
Part F | 50.3

and in a series of studies it was recently shown that more frequently distressed, this might also affect their
strangers can accurately attribute levels of neuroticism body odor.

50.2 Sexual Orientation

The effects of one’s sexual orientation extend beyond by groups of heterosexual and homosexual men and
the sex of preferred romantic partners. There is ro- women. There was a complex pattern of significant
bust evidence that it also influences various psycho- between group differences, although one relatively con-
logical (e.g., verbal fluency [50.13]) and morpholog- sistent pattern emerged: All groups except homosexual
ical characteristics (e.g., second to fourth digit ratio, men showed lower preference for the odor of homosex-
which is considered a marker of prenatal exposure ual men [50.16]. In contrast, another study, which tested
to testosterone [50.14]), perhaps due to shared bio- only the preferences of heterosexual women, reported
logical machinery, such as prenatal exposure to the that they found the odor of homosexual men more, not
level of androgens [50.15]. Several studies have con- less, appealing than those of heterosexual men [50.17].
sequently tested whether sexual orientation also has an We therefore await further research before being able
impact on the quality of body odor, although results of to draw sharp conclusions on this fascinating topic.
these studies are somewhat inconsistent. In one study, Furthermore, the underlying mechanism linking sexual
odor samples taken from both heterosexual and homo- orientation and the quality of body odor is currently un-
sexual men and women were judged for pleasantness known.

50.3 Hormonal Influences

The endocrine system controls a very wide range of peaking in the follicular phase when the probability
physiological processes and contributes to the motiva- of conception is highest [50.18, 19]. No such changes
tion systems. Hormonal action can thus also influence are observed in women using hormonal contracep-
body odor quality, either as a by-product of hormonal tion, suggesting that this effect is steroid hormone
metabolism or by metabolism of the affected tissue. dependent [50.20], presumably as a result of chang-
Furthermore, hormonal action might also target the ing amounts or ratios of estrogen and progesterone.
apocrine glands in order to directly communicate mo- One early study also found significantly higher pleas-
tivational state to other individuals. The main focus of antness of vaginal odor in the follicular phase of the
research on endocrine influences on body odor has been cycle [50.21]. Although the magnitude of these cyclic
on steroid hormones. changes is substantially lower than the differences in
In women, for example, there is relatively robust odor attractiveness among individual women [50.22],
evidence showing that attractiveness of axillary body they are nonetheless perceivable and might play a role
odor rated by men varies across the menstrual cycle, in coordinating sexual activity. In line with this idea,
Individual Variation in Body Odor 50.4 Diet 951

men exposed to women’s axillary odors collected dur- ing the pregnancy [50.28]. Furthermore, changes in
ing the fertile phase of the cycle experience elevated breath volatiles of pregnant women have been found us-
levels of testosterone [50.23, 24] although another study ing an electronic nose, although no specific compounds
was not able to replicate this effect [50.25]. Similar in- related to pregnancy were identified [50.29]. These an-
creases in testosterone and cortisol are invoked by vul- alytical results are also supported by subjective ratings,
var odor collected in the women’s fertile phase [50.26]. such that men rate axillary odor of women in the second
In a series of follow-up studies, it was found that expo- trimester as most pleasant [50.30]. Finally, several stud-
sure to fertile phase axillary odors specifically activates ies on attractiveness of human body odor to mosquitoes
mating-related concepts in men (e.g., generating more showed higher bite rates in pregnant women [50.31–
sexually tinged words), increases their judgments of 33]. Interestingly, the attractiveness of body odors to
women’s sexual arousal, and leads to more risky de- mosquitoes appears to be affected by levels of short-
cisions (assessed by a computerized blackjack card chain fatty acids, and this might explain higher bite
game) [50.23]. Furthermore, women seem to be simi- rates observed in pregnant women [50.34].
larly reactive to fertility-related odors as they showed In contrast, investigations into potential links be-

Part F | 50.4
increased testosterone levels after exposure, although tween the quality of body odor and levels of other
this is presumably a consequence of intrasexual com- hormones present more inconsistent results. In one
petition rather than attraction [50.27]. study, it was found that attractiveness of axillary body
One might also expect changes in body odor related odor is positively associated with cortisol levels but
to pregnancy, based on the specific hormonal profiles not with testosterone [50.35]. Another study, based
which occur during this time. This includes elevated on a larger sample of both odor donors and raters,
levels of human chorionic gonadotropin during the first showed that males whose odor samples were judged as
trimester and continuously rising levels of progesterone attractive show higher levels of testosterone but not cor-
and estrogens during the course of pregnancy. In one tisol [50.36]. Finally, one more study found a negative
study, several specific compounds were detected in ax- association with cortisol levels [50.37]. Thus, clearly
illary and areolar samples taken from pregnant women. it is currently difficult to draw any robust conclusions
Some of these were also found in lactating women af- on relationships between these steroid hormones and
ter delivery, but not in a control group of nonpregnant odor, and further investigations of potentially modulat-
women. Two of the identified chemicals, 1-dodecanol ing factors responsible for these inconsistent findings
and oxybis octane, showed systematic fluctuations dur- are required.

50.4 Diet
Some authors consider diet as the most salient envi- effect disappeared 48 h after re-feeding. The crucial fac-
ronmental factor shaping our body odor as humans tor for nutrition appears to be not only the availability
consume a high variety of aromatic foods [50.38]. Sev- of food, but also its quality, such as the amount of di-
eral volatile compounds may subsequently emanate in etary protein. It was found that both male and female
breath odor. Further, some components of the diet might meadow voles preferred the odor of opposite-sex indi-
produce volatile compounds only after being metabo- viduals on a high-protein diet, and spent the least time
lized by the digestive system. As volatile molecules are investigating the odor of individuals on a low protein
relatively small, they can pass through the epithelium diet [50.50]. Similarly, attractiveness of urine odor was
and be distributed across the body via the blood stream. positively linked to high quality food in guinea pigs
In this way, they can consequently affect axillary odor (Cavia porcellus) [50.51]. In an analogous manner, red-
or odor of urine and feces. The studies on effect of diet backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) females assess
are summarized in Table 50.1. territory quality by examination of male fecal pellets
Evidence from animal studies indicates that diet and prefer pellets from individuals fed on high-quality
might be a potent modulator of body odor and that food [50.52]. Other social interactions might be affected
in some species, females can use odor cues to as- by diet as well. For instance, in spiny mouse (Acomys
sess the quality of potential mates by the quantity and cahirinus) pups, preferences are formed early in life,
quality of ingested food. Pierce and Ferkin [50.49] in- and they subsequently prefer the odor of females fed on
vestigated the effect of food deprivation on odor of the same diet as their mothers [50.53].
female meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus). It was The effect of diet on human body odor was first
shown that the odor of starving animals was less at- demonstrated in twin studies. Humans were able to
tractive compared to individuals fed ad libitum. This discriminate the hand odors of monozygotic twins on
952 Part F Human Body Odor, Chemo-Communication and Behavioral Implications

Table 50.1 Summary of studies on effect of diet on human bodily odors

Authors Food Odor source Odor quality/hedonicity Volatile compound(s)
Fialová Garlic Axilla " Attractiveness, pleasantness,
et al. [50.39] # intensity
Hauser Amba Skin, amni- Foul, curry
et al. [50.40] (mango, saffron, curry) otic fluid
Hauser Khilba Skin Fenugreek
et al. [50.40] (fenugreek)
Hauser Shug Skin Cumin
et al. [50.40] (cumin, garlic, salt, oil,
Havlíček Red meat Axilla " Attractiveness, pleasantness,
and Leno- # intensity
chova [50.41]
Korman Hilbe (fenugreek) Skin, urine Maple syrup 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-
Part F | 50.4

et al. [50.42] 2(5H)-furanone (sotolone)

Lefèvre Beer Skin " Attractiveness to malarial mosquitoes
et al. [50.43] (Anopheles gambiae)
Pelchat Asparagus Urine Sulfurous, cooked cabbage Methanethiol, carbon disulfide,
et al. [50.44] dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl
dimethyl sulfone, dimethyl
Suarez Pinto beans, Flatus Rotten eggs, decomposing vegetables, Hydrogen sulfide,
et al. [50.45] lactulose sweet methanethiol, dimethyl sul-
fide, hydrogen sulfide
Suarez Garlic Breath Garlic Hydrogen sulfide,
et al. [50.46] methanethiol,
allyl mercaptan, allyl methyl
allyl methyl disulfide,
allyl disulfide
Tamaki Garlic Breath Garlic Methanethiol, dimethyl sulfide,
et al. [50.47] allylthiol, allyl methyl sulfide,
dimethyl disulfide, methyl
propyl sulfide,
diallyl disulfide, 3-(allylthio)
propionic acid
Yalcin Fenugreek Skin, urine Maple syrup 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-
et al. [50.48] 2(5H)-furanone (sotolone)

a different diet, but their performance was not higher ample. It has been demonstrated that the typical garlic
than chance when assessing odor of twins on the same odor in breath is more intense after ingestion of raw
diet [50.54]. This task appears to be too difficult even garlic compared to cooked garlic [50.47]. The char-
for trained dogs. They successfully discriminated be- acteristic odor consists of distinctive sulfur-containing
tween the odors of both dizygotic and monozygotic compounds (allicin, mono-, di- and trisulfides, ajoene,
twins on different diets, but not the odors of monozy- and vinyldithiines). Moreover, this odor lasts for several
gotic twins on the same diet [50.55]. hours even despite oral hygiene, especially due to the
Perhaps predictably, the main source of bodily unique derivation of allyl methyl sulfide from the gut.
odors that is affected by diet is breath odor. Breath Thus, garlic breath initially originates from the mouth
malodor could have a profound impact on everyday so- and subsequently from the gut [50.46].
cial interactions [50.56] as numerous volatiles emanate Another source of bodily odors originates from
from consumed food due to mastication and digestive digestive processes. Action of bacteria on endoge-
processes in both the oral cavity and the stomach. Nev- nous sources produces gases within the digestive sys-
ertheless, only some parts of the diet produce specific tem [50.57]. These eventually emerge as flatus that con-
odor profiles. Garlic odor would be a representative ex- sists of both nonodorous compounds, such as oxygen,
Individual Variation in Body Odor 50.4 Diet 953

Mean rating score


4.5 Control

3.5 **


Pleasantness Attractiveness Intensity

Part F | 50.4
Fig. 50.2 Mean ratings (˙ SE) of 16 pairs of axillary
odors on pleasantness, attractiveness, and intensity in the
experimental (garlic) condition (gray bar) and control
(non-garlic) condition (brown bars) by 40 women. Rat-
ings were on 7-point scale (e.g., 1 – very unpleasant and
7 – very pleasant). Asterisks indicate level of significance
in paired t-tests.  p < 0:05 level;  p < 0:01 level (after
Fig. 50.1 An odor sample rating session (courtesy of J. Fi- Fialová et al. [50.39])
oil, and pepper) and her baby consequently smelled of
nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane, and cumin. In a similar way, a newborn baby and its am-
odorous ones containing sulfur, the production of which niotic fluid was found to be yellowish, with an odor
could be affected by dietary habits [50.45]. Higher lev- reminiscent of curry, after the mother ate amba, which
els of sulfur occur in some breads, dried fruits, brassicas consists of mango, saffron, and curry [50.40].
and soy flour. A study where flatulence was increased The evidence on the effects of the diet on axillary
in participants due to consumption of pinto beans and odor is comparatively limited. One study [50.41] inves-
lactulose found that flatus malodor correlates with the tigated whether consumption of red meat affects human
concentration of hydrogen sulfide (reminiscent of rot- body odor, because people from some predominantly
ten eggs) and methanethiol (decomposing vegetables) vegetarian cultures say that people who eat meat smell
[50.58]. Similarly, urine of people who have recently bad because of it. The results of the study showed that
eaten asparagus has an unusual sulfurous odor similar the axillary odor of individuals on a nonmeat diet was
to cooked cabbage [50.44]. perceived as more attractive, more pleasant, and less in-
Several case studies show that the mother’s diet tense than the odor of the same individuals on a diet
might also affect the body odor of the newborn baby. containing meat (at least one meat dish daily for 2
For instance, in one case, a newborn baby had body weeks). These results might appear counterintuitive, as
odor and urine that smelled of maple syrup. The baby meat consumption is thought to play a significant role
was therefore suspected of having maple syrup syn- in human evolution, and because they might be at odds
drome, but subsequent laboratory tests did not confirm with studies on effects of high protein diets in rodents
this diagnosis. It was subsequently discovered that, (see above). The explanation may be that the amounts
prior to delivery, the mother ate fenugreek-spiced food of meat consumed in contemporary populations, and in
which was responsible for this distinctive odor [50.42, Havlicek and Lenochova’s experiment, may be higher
48]. The maple syrup odor that appears after fenugreek than would normally be experienced in traditional or
consumption was recently analyzed and several com- ancestral societies. In this way, body odor changes af-
pounds which could be responsible for the distinctive ter consumption of relatively large quantities of meat
odor were found in human sweat [50.59]. The same could in fact resemble a metabolic disorder [50.41].
odor may also be detected exuding from the mother’s Another surprising finding resulted from a series of
skin and may be transmitted to the infant via the studies that examined the effects of garlic consump-
mother’s breast milk [50.42]. In other cases, the mother tion on axillary odor. Samples of body odor from the
consumed shug (a dish containing cumin, garlic, salt, same individuals were obtained in both an experimental
954 Part F Human Body Odor, Chemo-Communication and Behavioral Implications

(high garlic consumption) and control condition. Axil- Interestingly, dietary effects might also affect at-
lary odor of the participants after ingesting garlic was tractiveness of human body odor to blood sucking
perceived as more attractive, more pleasant, and less insects. Lefèvre et al. [50.43] found that beer consump-
intense (Fig. 50.1). In contrast to the effects of garlic tion increases human odor attractiveness to malarial
on breath odor, the positive influence on axillary odor mosquitoes (Anopheles gambiae). Exposure to the body
might be explained by longer term health benefits of odor of participants who consumed beer caused an in-
garlic consumption, including antioxidant action and crease in mosquito activation (take-off and up-wind
antibacterial activity [50.39] (Fig. 50.2). flight) and orientation (flying toward volunteers’ odors).

50.5 Diseases and Disorders

The profile of volatile compounds found in human branched-chain amino acids, such as leucine in tis-
body odor can be affected by health and disease. This sues and body fluids [50.84]. If not recognized early
Part F | 50.5

was recognized by ancient medical authorities, such as after birth and treated by a branched-chain amino-acid-
Hippocrates, Galen, and Ibn Sina, who advocated the free diet, the disorder can result in mental retarda-
use of olfaction in medical diagnostics. Recent tech- tion. Body odor and urine odor of affected individu-
nological advances and availability of highly sensitive als smell relatively pleasant, resembling maple syrup.
techniques like gas chromatography-mass spectrome- The compound responsible for the odor appears to
try (GC-MS) makes volatile compounds an increasingly be sotolone (3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2(5H)-furanone)
significant part of early disease diagnostics. Generally, [50.63].
such changes in body odor might be either a result of
altered metabolism and/or more direct effects of in- Phenylketonuria
fectious agents. For this reason, metabolic disorders This disorder is caused by a recessive mutation in a gene
and infectious diseases are reviewed separately in the coding for phenylalanine hydroxylase. The enzyme is
following paragraphs, where we present some represen- expressed in liver tissue where it converts the amino
tative examples of the effects of disease on body odor acid phenylalanine into tyrosine. Due to the phenylala-
(Table 50.2). nine hydroxylase deficiency, the phenylalanine is con-
verted to phenylpyruvic acid and phenylacetate which
50.5.1 Metabolic Disorders are excreted in sweat and urine. The phenylacetate gives
affected individuals a musty odor, resembling sweaty
The main cause of metabolic disorders is deficiency in lockers [50.61].
enzymes or transport systems. Such deficiencies fre-
quently lead to the accumulation of specific metabolites Trimethylaminuria
and in some disorders, to its further conversion to other The disorder is characterized by a deficiency of the
compounds. If these are volatile, the metabolite or its flavin containing monooxygenase 3 which converts
products may lead to a characteristic odor profile in af- trimethylamine to trimethylamine N-oxide. Trimethy-
fected individuals. These metabolic disorders are often lamine is produced by gut bacteria from choline rich
a consequence of simple Mendelian inheritance. food, such as eggs or legumes. In unaffected individ-
uals, most of the odorous trimethylamine is converted
Isovaleric Acidemia in hepatic tissue to odorless trimethylamine N-oxide.
The disorder is caused by a deficiency of the isovaleryl- However, in people suffering from trimethylaminuria,
CoA dehydrogenase, which is involved in leucine trimethylamine emanates from their breath, sweat, and
metabolism. Due to the disorder, isovaleric acid accu- urine, with an odor which resembles that of decaying
mulates in the tissues and leads to serious ketoacidosis fish [50.60].
which may subsequently result in coma [50.83]. Pa-
tients with isovaleric acidemia produce high levels of Diabetes
isovaleric acid in body fluids and urine, which is char- An example of a metabolic disorder with an etiology
acterized by the distinctive odor of sweaty feet [50.64]. involving multigenetic as well as environmental fac-
tors (e.g., dietary habits) is diabetes. Type I diabetes
Maple Syrup Urine Disease is characterized by insufficient secretion of insulin, and
This is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder caused the lack of insulin leads to an increase in the level of
by deficiency in the enzyme 2-oxo acids dehydroge- ketones including acetone in the blood. As a conse-
nase complex, which results in the accumulation of quence, people suffering from diabetes with elevated
Table 50.2 Summary of studies on disease-related body odors
Authors Disease/Disorder Pathology/Symptoms Odor source Odor quality Volatile compound(s)
(Pathogenic agent)
Metabolic disorders
Chalmers et al. [50.60] Trimethylaminuria # Flavin monooxygenase 3 Breath, sweat, Decaying fish Trimethylamine
Cone [50.61] Phenylketonuria # Phenylalanine hydroxylase Sweat, urine Musty, wolf-like, barny, Phenylpyruvic acid
sweaty locker-room towels
Laffel [50.62] Diabetes # Insulin secretion Breath Sweet Ketones (acetone)
Podebrad et al. [50.63] Maple syrup urine disease # 2-oxo acids dehydrogenase Skin, urine Relatively pleasant, maple 3-Hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-
syrup like 2(5H)-furanone (sotolone)
Tanaka et al. [50.64] Isovaleric acidemia # Isovaleryl-CoA dehydroge- Urine Sweaty feet " Isovaleric acid and its deriva-
nase tives
Infectious diseases
Anderson et al. [50.65] Bacterial vaginosis (Gram- Abnormal vaginal discharge Vagina Cheesy, fishy, foul Trimethylamine
Landers et al. [50.66] negative bacteria Gardnerella (color, consistency, amount),
Wolrath et al. [50.67] vaginalis, Mycoplasma) itching, burning, dysuria
Finlay et al. [50.68] Skin ulcers (Bacteroides, Cutaneous lesions Skin Offensive, foul
Garner et al. [50.69] Cholera (Vibrio cholera) Watery diarrhoea, vomiting, Feces Sweetish Dimethyl disulfide, p-menth-1-
dehydration en-8-ol
Honig et al. [50.70] Scarlet fever (Streptococcus Red-colored rash on the body, Skin, breath Foul
pyogenes) sore throat and fever
Liddell [50.71] Typhoid fever (Salmonella High fever, drenching sweat, Skin Baked brown bread
typhi) gastroenteritis
Individual Variation in Body Odor
50.5 Diseases and Disorders

Part F | 50.5
Part F | 50.5
Part F

Table 50.2 (continued)

Authors Disease/Disorder Pathology/Symptoms Odor source Odor quality Volatile compound(s)
(Pathogenic agent)
Phillips et al. [50.72], Tuberculosis (Mycobacterium Cough, chess pain, weight loss, Breath Foul Methyl nicotinate, methyl
Syhre and Chambers [50.73] tuberculosis) fever, night sweats phenylacetate, methyl
Syhre et al. [50.74] p-anisate, o-phenylanisole,
cyclohexane, benzene
derivatives, decane, heptane
Shirasu and Touhara [50.75] Diphtheria (Corynebacterium Sore throat, fever, difficulty Breath Sweetish, putrid
diphtheriae) breathing
Jobu et al. [50.76] Bladder Urine Ethylbenzene, nonanoyl chlo-
ride, dodecanal, (Z)-2-nonenal,
Phillips et al. [50.77] Lung Breath Alkanes, alkane and benzene
derivatives, isoprene, benzene
Phillips et al. [50.78] Breast Breath 2-propanol, 2,3-dihydro-1-
1-phenyl-ethanone, heptanal,
isopropyl myristate
Psychiatric disorders
DiNatale et al. [50.79] Schizophrenia Hallucinations, Breath Peculiar, unpleasant Trans-3-methyl-2-hexenoic
Phillips et al. [50.80] delusions, cognitive deficit acid, carbon disulfide, pentane
Phillips et al. [50.81],
Human Body Odor, Chemo-Communication and Behavioral Implications

Smith et al. [50.82]

Individual Variation in Body Odor 50.5 Diseases and Disorders 957

ketones produce acetone from their breath, which gives lamine [50.67]. Women diagnosed for an infection by
off a characteristic sweet smell [50.62]. the protist Trichomonas vaginalis also frequently com-
plain about malodor [50.66].
50.5.2 Infectious Diseases Perhaps most common are changes in skin odor
caused by infections. These may derive from infec-
The pathogenic activity of many infectious agents also tion in other parts of the body, such as infection of
produces various volatile compounds which are emit- the intestinal tract by Salmonella typhi, the agent of
ted from skin, breath, sweat, vaginal fluid, urine, and typhoid fever. People suffering from typhoid fever are
feces. In contrast to odor-producing metabolic disor- said to smell like baked bread [50.71]. Infections di-
ders, which are frequently characterized by specific rectly affecting the skin include scarlet fever caused by
volatile molecules with distinctive odor as we have just Streptococcus pyogenes. The disease manifests in the
described, effects on odor of patients with infectious form of a rash, strawberry-colored tongue, and fever,
diseases are more complex and therefore more chal- but patients also emit a distinctive foul odor from their
lenging to characterise. This can be attributed to three skin and breath [50.70]. An offensive smell is also asso-

Part F | 50.5
main reasons: ciated with anaerobic infections (e.g., by Bacteroides,
Propionibacterium) which cause skin ulcers. Patients
1. Bacteria of one strain/species may metabolize dif- often complain about the strong smell which can be
ferent substrates producing a complex mixture of significantly reduced by cutaneous application of me-
volatiles. tranidazol [50.68].
2. Different bacteria overlap in the specific volatiles
they produce. 50.5.3 Tumors
3. Some diseases are frequently characterized by mul-
tiple infections which may lead to less characteristic Oncological disorders are characterized by abnormal
odor. cell growth, mostly caused by mutations in genes (or
epigenetic factors) controlling for cellular growth and
Several infections of the digestive system are char- division. However, neoplasia might be caused by vari-
acterized by distinctive fecal odor. This involves in- ous genes and further development depends on affected
fection by Vibrio cholerae which causes acute watery tissue. Nevertheless, affected cells might show spe-
diarrhoea with a distinctive sweetish odor. The volatile cific metabolic changes, partly attributable to oxidative
compounds responsible for the odor were identified as stress, and production of distinctive patterns of volatile
p-meth-1-en-8-ol and dimethyl disulfide [50.69]. molecules. Recently, there has been increased interest
Infections of the respiratory system frequently af- in the analysis of various substances in patients with dif-
fect breath odor. For instance, people suffering from ferent carcinomas. Air exhaled by individuals with lung
lung tuberculosis, caused by infection with Mycobac- cancer form a specific pattern of volatile molecules in-
terium tuberculosis, are reported to have foul breath cluding alkanes, alkane derivatives, and benzene deriva-
odor. A specific mixture of volatile compounds was re- tives [50.77]. Similarly, people diagnosed with breast
ported from the breath of infected patients, with a sim- cancer emanate a specific profile of volatiles in their
ilar volatile profile found in in vitro cultures [50.73]. breath. Five biomarkers for breast cancer have been
The biomarkers of tuberculosis infection were proposed detected including 2-propanol, heptanal, and isopropyl
to be nicotinic acid, cyclohexane and some benzene myristate [50.78]. In addition, the urine of people suf-
derivatives [50.72, 74]. Similarly, individuals infected fering from bladder cancer and prostate cancer has been
with Corynebacterium diphtheriae are characterized by analyzed. Volatile metabolites reported to be related to
sweetish and putrid breath odor, resulting from effects bladder cancer include dodecanal, 2-nonenal, and ethyl-
of the diphtheria-causing bacteria on the upper respira- benzene [50.76]. The specific odor profile associated
tory system, generating other symptoms including sore with several carcinomas has been confirmed by stud-
throat and swollen tonsils [50.75]. ies using dogs as cancer detectors. Dogs can be trained
The vagina is a major source of body odor in adult to differentiate between breath or urine odor samples
women. It is rich in residential microflora which play taken from people suffering from lung, bladder, and
a part in odor production. Changes in vaginal odor prostate cancer [50.85].
might reflect infection by pathological agents and it is
frequently used by gynecologists in differential diag- 50.5.4 Psychiatric Disorders
nostics [50.65]. For instance, bacterial vaginosis is fre-
quently accompanied by a cheesy or fishy odor which For a long time, it has been noted by psychiatric hospital
is caused by the production of highly odorous trimethy- personnel that certain psychiatric conditions can be as-
958 Part F Human Body Odor, Chemo-Communication and Behavioral Implications

sociated with a peculiar odor. Schizophrenia, in partic- tics did not share the same pattern of volatiles. This
ular, has attracted most attention. Early studies claimed suggests that compounds associated with schizophrenia
to identify trans-3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid as a reliable are not a by-product of the medical treatment, although
marker of schizophrenia-associated odor [50.82]. These further studies are needed.
results were subsequently questioned [50.86], but a fur- There is accumulating evidence showing that some
ther study found that schizophrenic patients may indeed affective states, such as anxiety, influence axillary body
show elevated levels of this compound [50.79]. More odor (for review see [50.11]). One may therefore spec-
recently, analysis of breath volatiles indicates that com- ulate whether some affective disorders (e.g., major
pounds like carbon disulfide, pentane, and several other depression) are also associated with changes in the body
volatiles might be associated with schizophrenia [50.80, odor. To our knowledge, there has not yet been a sys-
81]. Interestingly, other patients treated with neurolep- tematic investigation on this subject.
Part F | 50.6

50.6 Conclusion
Seen from various perspectives, human body odor is responsible for hormone-related effects are currently
a highly complex biological system. First, it consists not identified and await further investigation.
of several sources, such as the axillae, skin, mouth, One of the major influences on body odor quality
feet, anogenital region, and the scalp. Each of these is considered to be diet, which contains numerous aro-
sources is characterized by sets of dozens or even hun- matic chemicals of mainly plant origin. As expected,
dreds of different volatile compounds. Second, most of various volatiles consumed in the diet affect breath and
the volatile compounds are not directly produced by fecal odor. However, some compounds might also be
the human body, but mainly result either from residen- emitted from the skin surface, or can influence body
tial or pathogenic bacterial metabolic activity. Third, odor indirectly via several possible mechanisms, in-
each human is characterized by an individual odor pro- cluding oxidative metabolism, nutritional status, and
file, which is partly due to the genetic influences. This antibacterial action. The effect of diet might also show
profile is relatively stable across the life span and con- an idiosyncratic pattern as a result of the interaction be-
tributes to individual olfactory identity and may affect tween digested food and individual genetic make-up.
social interactions. On the other hand, individual body Unfortunately, these interactions are currently poorly
odor can also be altered by various intrinsic and extrin- understood.
sic factors. Finally, various disorders and diseases are charac-
The main aim of this chapter was to review selected terized by specific odors which are often used in clinical
factors contributing to the inter- and intraindividual diagnostics or may be at least increasingly utilized in
variation in body odor. We first focused on differences the future as a diagnostic mean. This is pronounced
in body odor associated with between-individual dif- in the case of inherited metabolic disorders which of-
ferences in personality and sexual orientation (other ten results in the production of unusual volatiles or
sources of variation include factors, such as genotype their metabolites. Several carcinomas, such as lung or
at the major histocompatibility complex (Chap. 49). We bladder cancer, are also known to be associated with
then described within-individual changes in body odor changes in produced volatiles, and these can be used in
due to hormonal influences, in which odor seems to early screening. More complex odor profiles are asso-
be intimately associated with hormonal fluctuations, al- ciated with some infectious diseases. The potential for
though it must be said that most research has focused on using these changes in screening looks likely to increase
steroid hormones, such as estrogens or testosterone. It in the near future.
is noteworthy that other humans can perceive hormone-
related changes in body odor and that odor might Acknowledgments. Jan Havlíček is supported by the
therefore provide important social cues, perhaps espe- Czech Science Foundation grant (GAČR 14-02290S)
cially those relevant to reproduction, such as actual or and Jitka Fialová is supported by Charles University
potential fertility. Nevertheless, most of the chemicals Grant Agency (grant number 918214).
Individual Variation in Body Odor References 959


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