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Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The heart of Jesus is a heart that is moved to pity for a hungry crowd; that
looked with love on the rich young man; that sympathized with the widow of
Naim. This heart groaned and wept over the death of Lazarus. And most of all
this heart was pierced with a lance and shed the last drop of its blood on the
cross for our salvation.
In this Eucharistic banquet let us come and approach Jesus’ heart which
keeps on burning with love that we may learn from Him the way of compassion
and mercy, thus making our heart burn with love for Him and for our neighbor.


Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

PRIEST: God our Father, You sent us Your only Son to free us from sin & to
make us Your adopted children. In the Heart of Jesus open for us Your infinite
mercy & hear our prayers as we say:


1. Heart of Jesus, light of the world, You come to bring us light of truth, the
Good News of salvation. May the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, the
bishops & the clergy fervently work to bring to all men and women the
“truth” with deep love & full dedication. We pray.

2. Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues, You come to show us the way to
holiness. Grant all religious especially Mo. Provincial & all our Superiors
the strength to live faithfully their consecration & totally dedicated to the
salvation of young souls. We pray.

3. Heart of Jesus whose simplicity of life was hidden from the sight of all,
teach the young to live their lives to the full, offering it to You in all
simplicity & generosity. We pray.

4. Heart of Jesus, savior of the world, You redeemed us out of love. May all
missionaries continue to carry on Your salvific action in proclaiming Your
Word through the authentic witnessing of their lives. We pray.

5. Heart of Jesus, You suffered & died on the cross because of our sins,
give us contrite hearts that we may deeply repent for our sins. We pray.

PRIEST: Father, You have assured us that You live forever in our hearts. With
gratitude for this precious gift, may we in turn offer all our powers of loving as we
walk hand in hand towards the fullness of life. We ask this through Christ our
Lord. Amen.
Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The heart of Jesus is a heart that is moved to pity for a hungry crowd; that
looked with love on the rich young man; that sympathized with the widow of
Naim. This heart groaned and wept over the death of Lazarus. And most of all
this heart was pierced with a lance and shed the last drop of its blood on the
cross for our salvation.
In this Eucharistic banquet let us come and approach Jesus’ heart which
keeps on burning with love that we may learn from Him the way of compassion
and mercy, thus making our heart burn with love for Him and for our neighbor.

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