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Running header: KINGDOM COME 1

Kingdom Come

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Question D

My choice of the medieval-themed video game is Kingdome Come. The video game

describes the tale of vengeance as well as retribution against King Sigismund when he wanted to

invade Bohemia. Surrounding the story is the backdrop that has been put together from different

influences. The game is historically focused on nature. The players of the games feel as if they

are flipping through the tertiary or historical sources. The play reveals how the developers went

the extra mile to ensure that everything had been incorporated. The studio behind the creation of

the game marshaled all its resources, including consulting and working with a team of local

experts to ensure that the needs of the viewers are met. The story feels not only fresh but also

real. The title of the story is committed to the narrative is embedded in the medieval era. It is

worth noting that this aspect is considered as one of the most rewarding elements of the project

in question.

Kingdom highlights the horrors of warfare during the medieval period. The game is a 2D

side scroller that has caught the attention of game lovers. The game takes gamers through the

endearing journey of what transpired during the 15th Century in Bohemia. The historical

commitment of the developers of the game would have been lost if any changes had been

included. It is critical to note that portraying medieval life has its side effects. The game has

continued to receive mixed reactions from gamers because of the nature of the combat. The

game feels realistic and weighty (Stephen, 2011). The game is accompanied with combat

mechanics. In his review of the game, Richard Flint described it as unresponsive and clunky.

However, as the players enjoy the game over time feels intuitive. The developers of the game

create room for more immersion. They use mechanics to imitate the struggles of protagonists. At

the beginning of the video game, Henry shows that he is a novice when it comes to combat.

Players find themselves extremely desperate in swordplay. The game leaves players feeling

reward as it reveals more depth. The details of the game also show what happened during the

medieval period concerning combat. The title of the game allows gamers not only to immerse

themselves organically but also wholeheartedly. The developers do not give even an inch away

from their artistic creations. None of the parts of the game falls into contrivance. The dedication

of the developers to the historical accuracy has made the game a point of debate of identity

politics. The game describes several topics that we cannot reconcile with contemporary values

such as literature, music, and film, among others (Stephen, 2011).

The game talks about a wide range of issues, including diversity, racism, and

representation. We should note that the past cannot be presented to use with Historical ease

sources destroyed in the past are now presented in video games and other channels. The video

game is not propaganda. The game attempts to look at medieval society through the eyes of

patriarchs. The game is also associated with chauvinism, classism, and sexism. We live in a

world where men believe that women have unique places in society, and the game depicts the

same. The interpretation of the developers of the video game is partly because of research. The

main areas of interest of the developers include war, material culture, and war. The game creator

portrays historical accuracy measured against the importance of the people. The more tangible

aspects of the video game include religious beliefs, mentality, social conduct, creativity, and

language, among others. The developed assumed that the people reasoned, spoke, and behaved

as we do in the current world. We also noted that some of the aspects of life were excluded from

the game in totality (Stephen, 2011).

For example, the game does not mention anything to do with children. We can attribute

some of the exclusions to deviancy, non-conformism, and fetishizing. The game has also

excluded the idea of rebellious women, religious skeptics, representatives from other cultural

backgrounds, religious fanatics, and revolutionists. Although the developers describe the aspects

of displacement, slaughter, and war, it showed that Bohemia comprises of conformity and

homogenous equilibrium (Bostal, 2019). Everyone who lived in Bohemia understood their

position within society. Both the rich and poor knew their place in society. The storyline of the

game contradicts the real image of society. The demands of the poor peasants led to a revolution.

The developers reveal how the peasant farmers were forced to sell their property or burned their

homes so that they could join certain groups.

According to Lowe 2018, the video game is satisfying and authentic. He claimed that the

game discussed the tribulation and betrayals experienced during the late middle age period.

Lowe also argued that every aspect of the game had an impact on the players. He, however,

claims that the fantasy within the game often breaks down too often than expected. He said that

the game accounts for events in a chronological manner.

Furthermore, he believes that the developers understood how they could strike a balance

between practicality and stability. The medieval content of the game and realism tends to add

appreciation of the game. For instance, sword fights in the game represent the medieval them.

The fights have a nice tempo, and they reward different aspects of technical skills. Players need

skills and patience to enjoy the game with the medieval theme (Bostal, 2019).

In conclusion, Kingdom Come is one of the best medieval-themed video games to watch.

The video game describes what life looks like several decades ago. The video game delves into

the history that most of us do not know. Gamers play Henry, whose father was a blacksmith. The

video game describes what was taking place during that era. The video game sought to express

the tale of realism differently. The inclusion of different features in the game mainly aims at

helping to boost the authenticity of the game. The game is so natural and so human.


Bostal, M. (2019). Medieval video games as a reenactment of the past: a look at Kingdom Come:

Deliverance and its historical claim.

Lowe, E. (2018). Video Game Review: Kingdom Come Deliverance. History in the

Making, 11(1), 20.

Stephens, C. (2011). KINGDOM Come. Film Comment, 37(1), 33.

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