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New Edition

Lea & FeLiger

William E. Hassan, Jr. Ph.D., LL.B., FACA, FACHA

Vice President and General Counsel

Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Inc.
A teaching hospital of the Harvard Medical School

Board of Trustees
Massachustts College of Pharmacy
and Allied Health

Formarly :

Pharmacist –in-Chief
Peter Bent Bringham Hospital
Adjunct Professor of Hospital Pharmacy
Massachussetts College of Pharmacy

Fifth edition

Lea & Febiger

Philadelphia 1986

Since ihe publicetion Of the first edition of Ilospit. ii Pharmacy in

19b5, the institutional practice of pharmacy has inadt great progress.
Professional hospital and clinical pharmacists now practice in hospi-
tals, extended care facilities, nursing homes, neighborl ood health con-
ten; and satellite clinics. Within these environments, pharmacists con-
tribute to the triad of patio/it can), leaching and nseorcli through
clinical programs involving the taking of patient drug histories, main-
taining Jm[ient drug profiles and providing surveillance for drug inter-
actOiiS. AlSo, of great importance are programs in unit nose dispensing,
preparation of hyperalimentation fluids, drug abuse education, drug
utilization revow, the development of systems fdr the control of drugs,
poison control centers and post-marketing survuillance of prescription
iitvitLStdfldi11t; the above cited developments within the profes-
sion, the OIigiiiil purposes and SCOC of the book as well as my phi-
losophy relative to the methodology of presentation have not changed.
Thus, new materiel has been added and no lom :ger pertinent subjects
have been deleted. hopefull y , the end result is a useful text which
permnits the teacher the opportunity to provide the student with aca-
ciemically cogent supplementary data via classroom lectures, yet pro-
vides the practitioner guidance in the development of a pharmaceutical
ser%'ice to meet the needs of time particular insti ution served.
Thanks and appreciation are hereby extoqde1 to all of my friends,
colleagues and organizations who have offerbd their counsel and sug-
gestions for time he provement of the book. All material quoted from the
American Societ y of Hospital Pharmacists. iou it Commission
of Hospitals and National Association of Boards of Phar-
macy is copyrighLd and used with their permi:sion.

Posloii, !'IiacIiusülts , ', iILLIM E. I j ASSAN, JR.

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