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Reaction paper on Corporate Ant

If I were the tiger, I would further study the report of the auditor and assess how such

results from the report came up. As the leader, I would talk to the staff regarding their

thoughts on the corporate environment, practices and the evaluation of their peers. I will try to

see the relationship between the first-hand information I acquired from the staff or employees

with the reports given to me by the auditor and see how I can fill in the gaps or properly

address the concerns in the department. I will evaluate the employees for different categories:

(1) Performance (2) Work Style (3) Ability to Adapt to different situations and other things. I will

not just simply fire an employee just because his or her productivity decreased. I will take into

consideration different factors that may affect every employee.

Business Ethics

I learned that business ethics are the very standards and principles of a company that govern

the actions, behavior, attitude of an individual in the organization.

Corporate Culture

I learned that corporate culture encompasses the values and behaviors that contribute

to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. Corporate culture may

either make or break a company or employee. It is crucial thing because one must decide

whether the company should lean towards focusing on quality performance while

compromising the employee’s needs or leaning towards a more “pro-employee” environment

while sacrificing the quality of performance of the company, whichever is apt for the

circumstances a company is currently facing.

Characteristics of a Leader

Being a leader does not mean to simply be the head of a group or an organization. It

means so much more. I learned that being a good leader means so much more. A leader guides

the group towards the main objectives and goals of the company while being fair and keeping

an unbiased opinion towards the others. He is broad-minded that he respectful and

appreciative of his subordinates’ contribution and opinions. He is honest and transparent with

everything under his control. He is humane in such way that he knows how to handle different

kinds of people with different coping mechanisms and beliefs. Lastly, he leads by serving his


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