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Philippine Macroeconomy

The Philippines was a former colony of Spain and the United States and became a
self-governing commonwealth in 1935. The current president, Rodrigo Duterte was elected
in 2016 has consolidated power by marginalizing his opponents. To improve the economy of
the country, President Duterte has downplayed tensions with China. Industrial products such
as electronics apparel and shipbuilding have significantly increased or growing. Remittances
from the overseas Filipino workers is equal to 10.5% of the GDP.

Commodity Financial
Government Workforce
Markets Markets

The top individual income

Employment: Job Headline inflation, which The total value of
tax rate is 35 percent, and
the top corporate tax rate is
creation has always captures the prices of all exports and imports of
30 percent. Other taxes been part of the goods and services goods and services
include value-added and development objectives including commodities, equals 76.1 percent of
environmental taxes. The of the Philippines. The rose to 6.4 percent in GDP. The average
overall tax burden equals employment rate is August (year on year) applied tariff rate is 1.7
14.2 percent of total 94.70% of the total from 3.4 percent in 2018. percent, and 285
domestic income. population (All sectors) Higher excise taxes, nontariff measures are in
Government spending has rising global energy force. In a move to
amounted to 20.1 percent Unemployment: the prices, the weaker peso, attract longer-term
of the country’s output
unemployment rate is and challenges foreign investment,
(GDP) over the past three
years, and budget deficits
3.50% of the total in managing rice supply foreign ownership
have averaged 0.6 percent population. are driving inflation. To ceilings in a number of
of GDP. Public debt is contain inflation and sectors have been
equivalent to 39.6 percent Labor Force: the labor preserve market raised. The financial
of GDP. Protection of force in the country is confidence, the Bangko sector, which is
minority investors and risk- 61.70% Sentral ng Pilipinas, the gradually modernizing,
management practices in country’s central remains relatively stable
the construction sector bank, increased the and sound.
have been improved, but policy rate three times
the overall competitiveness
this year and stands
of the business regulatory
environment has
ready to further tighten
deteriorated. Tax monetary policy (by
registration costs have raising interest rates) to
increased. Labor costs are anchor inflation
low. Workers are highly expectations and temper
motivated. The government further second-round
budgeted more funds for effects.
subsidies to state-owned
enterprises in 2019, but
actual payments to some
SOEs have declined.
ntry/philippines es/2018/09/27/na092718-the- ntry/philippines
Effects of Corona Virus Pandemic
On Global Economy
Corporations Government The pandemic has caused a lot of disturbances
in many aspects. Some are minimal while some
are getting out of hand.
The Philippines' Personal Savings in
economy is based on Philippines increased to Monetary policymakers – who have already done
food processing; 4965843.77 Million PHP in less than a month what took them three years
production of cement, in February from to do after the GFC – must continue to throw the
iron, and steel; and 4945889.93 Million PHP kitchen sink of unconventional measures at the
telecommunications, in January of 2020. crisis. That means zero or negative interest rates;
among others. The enhanced forward guidance; quantitative easing;
agricultural sector Household final
and credit easing (the purchase of private assets)
employs 25% of the consumption
to backstop banks, non-banks, money market
labor force but expenditure, etc. (% of
contributes only 9.3% of GDP) in Philippines was funds, and even large corporations (commercial
GDP. The sector only reported at 73.56 % in paper and corporate bond facilities).
grew by 0.9% in 2018, 2016, according to the
showing signs of World Bank collection of governments need to deploy massive fiscal
stagnation. . President development indicators, stimulus, including through “helicopter drops” of
Duterte ordered compiled from officially direct cash disbursements to households. Given
government lands to be recognized sources. the size of the economic shock, fiscal deficits in
converted to agriculture Philippines - Household advanced economies will need to increase. Only
use (PhilStar). As for final consumption central governments have balance sheets large
mining, Philippines is expenditure, etc. (% of
and strong enough to prevent the private sector’s
one of the richest GDP) - actual values,
countries of the world in historical data, forecasts
terms of minerals with an and projections were
unexploited mineral sourced from the World Unless the pandemic is stopped, economies and
wealth estimated at Bank on May of 2020. markets around the world will continue their free
more than USD 840 fall. But even if the pandemic is more or less
billion (Inquirer). The contained, overall growth still might not return by
Philippines reserves of the end of 2020.
copper, gold and zinc
are also among the
largest in the world. on-global-economy-coronavirus/

On Philippine Economy https://tradingeconomics.c The National Economic and Development
plore-new- om/philippines/household- Authority (NEDA) projected 2020 gross domestic
context final-consumption- product (GDP) growth to be as low as -0.6%, as
expenditure-etc-percent- tourism, trade, remittances, and consumption
of-gdp-wb-data.html drastically drop during the lockdown.
Philippine economy may lose between P276.3 billion and P2.5 trillion, depending on how the coronavirus
pandemic develops in the next few months according to government think-tanks. Metro Manila, which
accounts for 37.5% of GDP, is a major concern during the pandemic, while the entire Luzon region
accounts for about 73% of the country’s GDP. Sectors from retail, real estate, to manufacturing are
experiencing serious challenges due to the enhanced community quarantine. The Philippine Stock
Exchange Index has dropped by 32% year-to-date. Over 2 million employees were displaced during the
first five weeks of the Luzon-wide ECQ wherein about 70% of this were affected by temporary business
closures and 30% employees were subject to alternative work arrangements such as reduced working
days and hours; forced leave; and work-from-home. Metro Manila accounted for the most number of
displaced workers..
No import/export restrictions are implemented Policy Recommendations
during the pandemic period.
On the other hand, the importation of health Financial relief
equipment and supplies deemed critical or needed A moratorium on foreclosures and utility payments
to address the COVID-19 public health emergency during the quarantine period is needed, especially
shall be exempt from duties, taxes, and fees for households earning below a certain income
persuant to Republic Act No. 11469, otherwise threshold. These payments can be collected at a
known as “Bayanihan to Heal as One Act”. Import later date at 0% interest, and over an extended
requirements, application and registration process period. Individuals should be allowed to withdraw
of needed medical supplies, equipment and contributions from the Social Security System,
protective equipment as COVID-19-critical Government Service Insurance System, and Pag-
commodities have been streamlined. IBIG up to P50,000 to be repaid over an extended
period at 0% interest.
On an annual basis, the gross domestic product is
expected to shrink by 0.2% in 2020. But would Relaxing rules on medical equipment and
likely bounce back to 7% growth next year as the workers
government policy gains traction. Inflation would Tariffs and non-tariff barriers that apply to personal
also probably slow this year, Bangko Sentral ng protective equipment and other medical equipment
Pilipinas (BSP) Governor Benjamin Diokno to fight the pandemic should be suspended
forecasts that inflation will average at the low end immediately. Occupational licensing restrictions
of the target range at 2% in 2020, down from the should be relaxed to allow nursing and medical
previous forecast of 2.2%. The major downside students close to finishing their degree to assist in
risks to inflation are the decline in prices of global the efforts to combat the disease.
crude and non-oil products and the impact of
COVID-19 on both global and domestic growth. Preparing for hotel takeover
Critical to the recovery scenario is the The national and local governments must stand
consumption and investment growth. Foreign ready to take over hotels, motels, and other
Direct Investments (FDI) is expected to be hit as accommodation services to use their beds should
coronavirus worries cloud investor sentiment. the health crisis require it
Remittances, which comprise 10% of the GDP, is
also expected to contract by about 0.2 to 0.8 Securing supply chains
percentage point this year as Filipinos living and The necessary processes, including travel and
working abroad face massive layoffs due to the production, for food and essential non-food items
coronavirus-led global economic slowdown. This like water, electricity, medicine, packaging
could also have a spillover effect on consumption. materials, soap, and disinfectants must be
secured. For agriculture, the government must
Household consumption is expected to shrink as provide support to farmers, either through input
consumer confidence dips. A 5.0 to 10.0 percent subsidies or access to markets, so that they will
decline in household consumption of non-essential continue to produce during this critical time. When
commodities (i.e. alcoholic beverages and shortfalls become inevitable, the government
tobacco, clothing and footwear, furnishings, should be ready to import more or incentivize the
household equipment and routine household private sector to do the same.
maintenance, recreation and culture, restaurants
and hotels, and miscellaneous goods and Compassionate containment
services) could result in a loss equivalent to 0.2 to There must be strong coordination between the
0.5 percent of GDP. Private investments, as well Metro Manila Council and neighboring spillover
as imports and exports are all likewise expected to cities and municipalities for a coherent,
dwindle this year. comprehensive, and compassionate containment plan.This ensures supply chains will not be
nieuws/coronavirus-situation-philippines disrupted, contract tracing will be more efficient, transboundary movement of workers will not be
economists-recommendations-philippine-government- blocked, and information will be shared
coronavirus-spending seamlessly.

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