Conversation Level 1

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UNIT 4,5,6




Edgar: Hello! Alejandra. How are you?

Alejandra: I am great and you?

Edgar: I am good. So How are you doing in your English class?

Alejandra: Well, I can say I am ok , but sometimes it gives me a lot of work.

Edgar: Come on! English is not difficult. I mean, you just need to practice it every day.

Alejandra: Well, that’s the problem. My time is very short with my other clases.

Edgar: Oh Really! How many clases are you taking?

Alejandra: Well, I am only taking three but I also have to take some labs classes too.

Edgar: Me too, I have the same number of clases and I have time to do a lot of things.

What do you do during the day?

Alejandra: Oh! I do a lot of things I am really busy during the day. I start my day at 6:00 a.m.,
later I take a bath, after that I get dressed, I cook my breakfast and lunch, next I leave my
house at 7:20 and drive to the university. I take my first class which is English class the most
difficult class, later I eat my breakfast and get ready for my next class. At 10:10 I have a free
hour so I catch up with my assigments and at 11:30 I take my last class. After that I eat lunch
and I leave to my house. In the afternoon I do my chores at home, then I go to my swimming
class and in the evening I cook my dinner and watch a little of T.V. and when I finish all these I
do my homework.

Edgar: Wow! You are a busy person. I wake up until 8:00 a.m. Later I take a bath, get dressed
and leave home and I drive to the university. I take my three clases from 10:10 to 2:20 p.m.
After that I get home and I take a long nap. Like for two hours. In the evening I watch T.V., play
playstation, and sometimes, I do my homework or study.

Alejandra: Do you consider yourself a laid back person?

Edgar: Yes, I do. Actually, I love to live my life in a relax mode.

Alejandra: Uh- Huh. I wish I could be like that. What do you do in your free time?

Edgar: I really like to go to the movies, or go to clubs with my friends. And you? I mean do you
you have any free time activities? You Schedule is very tight.
Alejandra: Well, Yes I do. I also relax. Sometimes, I like to go to movies too, I like to go to drink
some coffee with my friends and I love to read book. I hardly ever go to clubs. I believe
Tegucigalpa is very dangerous in the evening.

Edgar: Me too but I like to go out. I try to go to safe places. And I usually go with a lot of friend
so we take care of each other. What clubs do you visit? I mean do you go somewhere nice?

Alejandra:Well, I like to go to La Vacante, CDP, and La Esquina.

Edgar: CDP? What does that mean? I mean What is that place?

Alejandra:Do you know it? It’s Casa de Puros. It’s very popular.

Edgar: Yes, I do. I have been there like twice. I like the food but the service is really bad.

Alejandra: Really! I like the service there. I haven’t had a bad experience. Too bad for you.

Edgar: Yes, I know. We should go out sometime?

Alejandra: Sure! Would you like to go to CDP? Ha ha. I mean Would you like to go anywhere

Edgar: I will choose the place and I will let you know.

Alejandra: That’s fine with me. Do you like to go to coffeeshops? I mean Do you like to drink

Edgar: Mmm not really. I prefer cold beverages. Alejandra, Where are you from?

Alejandra: I am from San Pedro Sula. And you?

Edgar: I am from Tegucigalpa. Is there any zoo in San Pedro Sula?

Alejandra: Yes, there is. There is a zoo. They have a small one in Campo Agas.

Edgar: Oh! That’s cool. In Tegucigalpa there is one but is not that pretty.

Alejandra: Edgar ,Which is your favorite restaurant in Tegucigalpa?

Edgar: Well, There are a lot of good restaurants in Tegucigalpa. I really like Rumba Burguer and
I love El Morito. And you?

Alejandra: Me too. I love El Morito that is one of my favorite and the other one is La Albahaca.
Do you like to eat pizza?

Edgar: Yes I do. I love it. You know I am starving. Would you like to go and eat out right now?

Alejandra: Yes, I would. I am starving too.

Edgar: Would you like to go to Pizza Hut?

Alejandra. Mmm, no not really. I don’t like pizza Hut. I can’t stand the service there, is really
bad. I prefer La Albahaca is better.

Edgar: Well, let’s go right now.

Alejandra: Ok.

( Mean while in the restaurant……)

Edgar: Wow! This place is really nice and quiet. The music is great.

Alejandra: I know I love it.

Edgar: Oh! Look there is a table right in front of The T.V. let’s sit there.

Alejandra: Ok. What T.V shows do you like?

Edgar: I like sitcoms and documentary.

Alejandra: Me too. I love the Big Bang Theory. I don’t like to watch the News and Sopa Opera.

Edgar: Me neither. That is a waste of time.

Alejandra: Oh! The waiter is here. What would you like to order?

Edgar: A peperroni Pizza with some mushrooms. And you?

Alejandra: That sounds delicious. Do you like to drink iced tea or soda.

Edgar: I love soda. Coca Cola is my favorite. I don’t like tea.

Alejandra: Me neither. Ok. Let’s order.

( After eating…)

Edgar: Wow! That was the best pizza. It was really delicious.

Alejandra: I told you. Would you like a dessert?

Edgar: No thanks, the pizza was enough for me.

Alejandra: You are right? ( Calling the waiter…) The check please!

Edgar: Today is on me.

Alejandra: Thank you so much.

Edgar: Well, we should leave it’s time for our lab class.

Alejandra: What time is it?

Edgar: It’s 2:30

Alejandra: What? It’s too late. Let’s go.

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