Design and Construction of A Fusion Depo

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Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), an additive manufacturing-based fabrication approach was

explored for constructing Marine Engineeering components in three-dimensional structures using
Polylactic acid (PLA) as filament. Here, the author procured and assembled a Fused Deposition
Modelling 3D Printing Machine. This project went further to use various design softwares primarily
Autodesk Fusion CAD 360 to design and model the various component parts to be printed, The
model created in CAD file is converted into STL file while the cura software translated the design
models in a language the 3D printer would understand. The results indicate that the 3D machine
designed and constructed can functionally produce three-dimensional marine engineering
components with varying mechanical properties. The parts to be printed will be seen as functional
prototype parts, meaning that the purpose of printing them is primarily to learn about the printing
process and possibilities. The parts are not intended to be used as operational service parts after the

1.1 Background of Work
The 3-Dimensional Printing Technology (also known as Additive Manufacturing) is a massive
technology that has gained sustained popularity in almost all facets of human activities- aerospace,
architecture, art, engineering, fashion, humanitarian aids, medicine, manufacturing, product design,
research, education, etc. The most existing manufacturing technologies for manufacturing marine
engineerng components, such as Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining, create objects by
starting with a large block of material and using a tool to cut pieces away until you're left with the
object that you want. In contrast, 3D printing is an additive manufacturing process. Instead of
subtracting away from an existing piece of material, 3-D printing starts with a blank slate and then
adds materials to it. This additive process is driven by a microcontroller, which guides a set of
motors that moves a print head in three dimensions. The movement of this print head is guided by a
digital design file which is read by the printer's motherboard. As the print head moves, it softens
or hardens material in an additive manner from either the bottom up or the top down. The
application of 3-D printing machine on board vessels can make significant contributions towards
reducing the downtime of vessels in distress. Imagine such vessels equiped with computers that
stores database of 3-D CAD files or images of the malfunctioned ship or engine parts; from nuts to
bolts, all the way up to complex engine parts. Then the printer would print, made-to-spec
replacement in a matter of minutes to hours.
As this technology is gradually comimg of age in the Twenty-first Century, it becomes imperative
that the marine engineers and naval architects should plunge into the developmental progression of
this technology with respect to maritime world development. The 3-Dimensional Printing
technology has the potential to reduce the requirement to hold expensive stocks of spare parts, and
allow a much greater flexibility in developing custom made parts. It can revolutionize the
characteristics of many spare part supply chains in the maritime world where supply chain can be
very costly.

1.2 AIM
The aim of this project is to build a Fusion Deposition Modeling 3D Printing machine that can be
used to produce prototypes of marine engineering components
1.3 Objective
 To build a fusion deposition modeling 3D printing machine.
 Installation of Cura software on a computer to communicate with the machine.
 Using CAD software to design a marine engineering component like a fixed pitch Propeller.
 Using the machine to print out a prototype of the marine fixed pitch propeller

1.4 Scope
This project would be concentrated on building a desktop size 3-Dimensional printing machine
which works on Fusion Deposition modeling printing principle using plastic filament. In addition,
the parts to be printed will be seen as functional prototype parts, meaning that the purpose of
printing them is primarily to learn about the printing process and possibilities. The parts are not
intended to be used as operational service parts after the project.

1.5 Definition of Problem

Imagine the untold frustrations faced by crews on board sea-going vessels when critical engine
components break down on high sea without warning. Dealing with equipment malfunctions is a
daily challenge for the crews on board. And for the procurement team on the ground, the job is to
get the parts on to the vessel as fast as possible. This involves a race. First to locate the required
part, get it then to next port of call an then to charter a boat to make the delivery. All these imply
that expenses will be incurred and the crews would have lost valuable time to to make their intended
voyage. Also on board ships useful spaces which would have increased the payload of ships are
being used to store spare parts. Such spaces would have been converted to make extra economic
advantages should 3D printing technology be incorporated on board ships.
Moreso, in advanced countries 3D printing machines are used in marine engineering laboratory for
rapid prototyping of marine engineering components and also to produce ship models for further
research purposes. This machine could be a massive learning aid if we have it in our educational

2.1 Pre Assembly of the 3D Printing Machine
Extensive literature and tutorials on tips and instructions on how to build 3D printing machines from
scratch were found via internet on registered websites like,,, etc. Paid tutelage and information on these internet sites provided the
basic and intermediate skills to understand the coupling and assembling of the various parts and
components of the machine.
Contact was established with Shenzhen Yite Technology Company Limited, China. This company
design components used in buiding 3D printing machine, conduct advance research on 3D printing
technology and actually build 3D printing machines. The Components of the 3D printing machine
assembled in this project was purchased from this Chinese company.

2.2 The Machine Structure

The rigid metal structure of the machine was constructed using aluminium T-slotted frames. The
frames were held together in position using angle braces , screws and nuts. These frames formed the
rigid structure upon which other machine components and sub-assembly units were assembled in
Fig 2.1 Aluminium T-slotted frames Structure
2.3 General Assembly of the Machine

Fig 2.2 Exploded Drawing of 3D printing Machine

Fig 2.3 Projected Views of 3D Printing Machine

The following steps were followed during the process of assembling the entire components and sub-
assembled units.

 Mainframe structural formation was achieved using sets of T-slotted aluminium frames of
various dimensions and sizes. The frames were held in position using M5*8 bolt and nut.
 Next installation of Y-axis stepper motor and its axial motion support was done.
 The tray and bed assembly unit was installed at the centre of the mainframe; the bed
assembly was linked to the Y-axis stepper motor via timing belt.
 The X-axial motion unit, X-axial motion support unit, Z-axial motion unit and Pulley
assembly unit were all intalled in position using M5*8 bolt and nut. Timing belt was
installed that linked the X-axial motion unit and X-axial motion support unit.
 Installation of nozzle suit unit on the T-slotted frame that linked the X-axial motion unit and
pulley assembly unit was done using M5*8 bolt and nut.
 Installation of the extruder motor unit was done using M5*8 bolt and nut on top of the
machine structure.
 Teflon filament tube that linked the extruder port to the nozzle pot was installed.
 Installation of Acrylic board to the machine was done using using plastic braace with M5*8
bolt and nut.
 On the acrylic board, touch screen display, microcontroller mainboard were installed using
M3*16 bolt and nut.
 The power unit was also installed on the acrylic board using M3*8.
 Limit switches were installed at X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis directions using platic brace with

2.4 Electrical Wiring Circuit Diagram

3D printing machine’s mechanical, electro-mechanical, and electronic components interactions are
enabled from electrical power source. The machine opeational voltage ranges from 110V-220V
power input. The power unit has rectifier unit which helps in regulating the amount of voltage
required by the elctronics and electro-mechanical devices.

Fig 2.4 Circuit Diagram

3.7 3D Printing Machine Intelligence Software

This 3D printing machine is an automatic machine that utilizes Marlin firmware programmed
software for its artificial intelligence. Marlin firmware software incorporetes a C++ programming
language, where core configurations of the 3D printing machine are compiled and loaded to the
microcontroller mainboard. The configurations of this 3D printing machine was done by
programmers at Shenzhen Yite Technology Company in China. The configurations for this machine
included the following:
 Printer style- Cartesian
 Driver board - RAMPS
 Number of extruders- Single
 Steps-per-mm for XYZ axes and extruders (can be tuned later)
 Endstop positions
 Thermistors and/or thermocouples
 Probes and probing settings
 LCD controller brand and model
 Add-ons and custom components
The table below shows the general characteristics of the machine.

Table 2.1 Characteristics of the assembled 3D Printing Machine

Printer Name ET-i3-Umoinyangaslan

Colour Black
Display Screen Colour touch screen
Language English
Printing Principle Fusion Deposition Modeling
Layer Thickness 0.1-0.4mm
Nozzle Diameter 0.4mm
Nozzle Quantity Single
Positional Accuracy Z: 0.0025mm, X: 0.0011, Y: 0.0011mm
Printig speed 30-150mm/s
Printing Size 200*200*230mm
Filament Diameter 1.75mm
Filament Types PLA/TPU/WOOD/HIPS
Power Input 110V-220V
Software Cura
Input Format Stl/Obj
Output Format Gcode
Connections SD card/U-Disk
Machine weight 7.9kg
Machine Size 480*470*440mm

2.5 Mathematical Models Integration

The basic mathematical models integrated into this machine are based on the Marlin firmware
program code and formula written into the Arduino microcontroller mother board of the machine.
Certain automated calculations codes had been integrated into the machine which control its
operations. Some of the calculations includes; motion calculations; temperature control calculations;

2.5.1 Calculations for the Machine’s Motion.

 Time for printer head to accelerate = Max speed/max acceleration

Printer’s max speed = 150mm/s; max acceleration = 1500mm/s2
Time to reach max speed = 150/1500 = 0.1sec.
 The printer’s minimum distance for maximum speed
Minimum Distance = ½ ×Acceleration×Time2
= ½ × 1500 × (0.1)2 = 7.5mm
 Printer Hot End: The firmware configuration of the printer is programmed such that an
output flow using a 0.4mm nozzle is about 15mm3/s at 2500C . The optimal line width is
between 1.0 and 1.5 times the nozzle diameter; this implies 0.44mm and 0.60mm.

Let’s consider a line width of 0.4mm; to determine the layer height, the following formula is used-
Layer Height = Flow/LineWidth×Speed = 15/0.4×150 = 0.25mm.
 Extruder: Based on the hotend maximum flow, the filament speed as controlled by the
extruder motor is determined using the formula below;
Filament Speed = 4×Flow/π×Filament Diameter^2 = 4×15/π× (1.75)2 = 6.23mm/s

 XYZ Stepper Motors Maximum RPM: Stepper motors have a unique torque revolution
per minute curve duet to the way they work. They start with a high torque which slowly
decrease with speed. To determine the maximum RPM of the stepper motor, the formula
below was applied;
Max RPM = (Voltage/inductance×2×current×steps) ×60
But, XYZ stepper motors have the following characteristics:
Step angle = 1.80
Rate voltage = 2.55V
Phase inductance = 2.8mH = 0.0028H
Rate Current = 1.7A
Step/Rev = 42
Max RPM = (2.55/0.0028×1.7×42)×60
= 382.6 RPM.
 Belt
The general note regarding the belt is the pulley diameter. It is the effective diameter where linear
angular motion are linked. The printer has 20 Teeth, GT2 2mm pitch pulley.
Pulley Radius = Teeth×Pitch/2π = 20×2/2π = 6.36mm
Length moved by a full pulley turn = 20×2mm = 40mm

 X- Axis Belt
Max RPM = (Speed/Pulley Turn)×60
= (150/40)×60 = 225RPM
Angular acceleration = Linear Acceleration/Pulley Radius = 1500/6.36 = 235.8rads/s2

Y-Axis Belt
Angular acceleration = Linear Acceleration/Pulley Radius = 1500/2 =750rads/s2

2.6 Computer Aided Design Softwares

3D printing machines normally print out digital file models that are designed and modeled using
engineering CAD softwares. Some of these engineering CAD softwares that support 3D printing
technology includes- AutoDesk Fusion 360; AutoDesk Inventor; AutoCAD; AutoDesk 3D Max;
AutoDesk. In the course of this project, AutoDesk Fusion 360 CAD software was used to design
some of the marine engineering components prototypes that were printed out or produced. Figures
below show the screenshots of components modeled with AutoDesk Fusion 360 CAD
Fig 2.6 An Impeller Modeled with AutoDesk Fusion 360 CAD

Fig 2.7 Wrench designed and Modeled with AutoDesk Fusion 360 CAD

2.7 Cura Software

Cura software is the software that communicates with a 3D Printing machine by slicing models into
3D stacks. That is, the modeled CAD file, called STL (STereoLithography) would be coverted to
G-code computer language or instructions in which the machine understands. In the cousrse of this
project, all the STL files from CAD was converted into G-code file, and this enabled the 3D printer
to successfully print out the marine engineering component.
The building of the machine took 4 days of hardwork and was finally completed. The next thing was
synchronize the machine to Cura software setting in order to harmonize the operation of the
machine with the software. This involved entering the machine’s general characteristics into the
software and saving it in order to intiallize the settings communication.
Figure 2.8 Assembly and coupling of Machine by Author

Fig 2.9 ET-I3-Umoinyangaslan

3.1 Analysis and Findings
The purpose of this project was to build a Fusion Deposition Deposition Modeling 3D printing
machine, and to demonstrate how it works by producing marine engineering components prototype.
This FDM printing machine make use of plastic filament (PLA) for printing purposes.
3.1.1 Prototyping Process: The process of prototyping with respect to 3D printing technology
involved design thinking process. The flow chart of the overall process is presented below.

Fig 3.1 Flow Chart for Prototyping Process

3.2 Performance Evaluation

 The operational effectiveness of this machine is based on the micro-controller instructions
loaded to its mainboard with respect to Marlin firmware signature.
 The machine creates objects by melting plastic filament and extruding it through a nozzle
that moves in 3-dimensional pattern. Fused Deposition Modelling a.k.a. Fused Filament
Fabrication which is the printing technology used in this project is nothing but a fancy word
to describe a process by which a machine deposits a filament (picture something like a small
string) of a certain material (normally thermoplastics, wax or similar products) on top or next
to the same material, in order to create a joint by heat and/or adhesion. Thermoplastics are
plastics which become semi-liquid above a specific temperature and return to a solid state
when cooling down.
 The machine is capable of printing as low as 100 micron per layer.
 The machine is capable of producing functional prototypes, concepts models, and end-use
 The machine can produce objects with excellent mechanical, thermal, and chemical qualities.
 It prints in plastics (ABS, PLA, TPU, and wood filaments)
 It has just a single Extruder. A Machine with Dual Extruders makes it possible to print
simultaneously in 2 color or with a color and soluble support material
 Can print many part in one go
 Can prints Multi color parts
 Wide choice of material colors
 Low running cost
 Compact and Easy to use
 Rugged design (Made in Nigeria)
 Medium Build Volume: A medium build volume of 480L*440W*470H cubic millimetres
enables rapid prototyping and medium sized model making.
 Auto Bed Level: Adaptive fully automatic bed leveling system so that you don’t have to do
it yourself to get a perfect print
 Heated Bed: Heated bed to maintain a constant temperature gradient so that the print does
not warp
 Multiple Connectivity Options: ET-i3UMOINYANGASLAN comes built to be a standalone
printer. Just plug and play directly from SD card, USB or Bluetooth.

3.3 Marine Engineering Components Printed

 Propeller Prototype: The machine was used to produce the propeller shown below. It took
about 4Hours:18Min for the machine to finish printing. The material used in printing this
component was Polylactic acid (PLA)

Figure 3.2 Propeller prototype produced by ET-i3UMONINYANGASLAN

 Ferry Prototype: This ship prototype took about 9Hours: 45mins for the machine to print it

Figure 3.3. A Ferry prototype produced by ET-i3UMONINYANGASLAN

 Engine Piston Prototype: This engineering component took the machine about
3Hours:55mins to be printed out.
Figure 3.4 An Engine Piston prototype produced ET-i3UMONINYANGASLAN

 Ship Wheel and Wrench: This two items took about 1hour to be printed out.

Figure 3.5 A Ship”s Wheel and Wrench produced by ET-i3UMONINYANGASLAN

 Turbo Charger: This prototype took about 6Hours:55min to be printed out.
3.4 Analysis of the Printing Process
There were some components that were difficult to print as the printer cannot print on air
hence it needed a support base. Recall that 3D printers print from the ground up so some
prints would be impossible to realise, that's why "support structures" or support, in short
are needed. The parts of the print which would be floating on air are called "overhang". The
Propeller prototype in Figure 4.2 would have been impossible to print without a support.

Figure 3.7 Illustration of overhangs from a 3D printed object

Basically, the limits of your print are the laws of physics. In order to overcome this
problem, you can choose (or, depending on your software, these parts are automatically
detected) where to print a support structure. Check out the 3D printed cat model below.
You could never have printed this object with an FDM printer if you did not use a support
structure. Figure 3.8 shows you the printed product, with its support structure and Figure
3.9 shows you the finished cat, after cleaning the support structure away.

Figure 3.8 Cat Model with its support structure

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Figure 3.9 Cat model after cleaning the support structure away
If you are printing with PLA or ABS, you need to know that the plastic will get pretty stiff
after cooling down - so cleaning the support structure can take quite some time. Also, you
need to pay attention not to damage your print, especially if you use a knife or a power tool
like a Dremel.

4.1 Summary
The purpose of this project was to design and construct a 3D Printing machine that was
capable of producing marine components. This was to help in exploring the opportunity 3D
printing provides in the maritime industry, while at the same time raising the awareness and
level of knowledge about 3D print and additive manufacturing within the industry. The
hope of the author is that this article will spark the imagination of readers and generate new
ideas for using 3D printing in naval architecture.

4. 2 Educational tool and ship models

3D printing has a tremendous power as an educational tool in Universities. This research
project understands this, and intends to make sure that 3D printing and education have the
chance to come together. The Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NAME)
Department of Akwa Ibom State University could invest in a 3D printer that could be used
to produce models to teach courses like “Marine Engineering Components Design”, “Ship
Design”, ‘Computer Aided Design In Naval Architecture’, ‘Ship Dynamics’

4.3 Limitations
The material used for manufacturing/printing in the course of this project was the PLA
material. What this implies is that the printed products were meant to be only prototypes
because of the nature of the material used and could not be used as operational service parts
for ships.

In addition, despite its apparent simplicity, the technology requires hard-won expertise to
be used at its full potential. The system itself is very simple to set up but the special kind
of application in a ship model basin demands a very thorough understanding of the
process and there is a learning curve. So getting the technology started is fairly easy but
for the full potential, you need experience, knowledge and know-how.

4.4 Future Research Opportunities

Since PLA was the material used in this project for printing, Research could be conducted
into using other kinds of printing material with much better structural integrity with a view

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of producing class approved operational spare parts. Of particular interest are Metal
filaments (i.e. metals in powdered form)

On the whole, to better understand and use advanced materials in 3D printing, it is

suggested that research in the following areas be conducted:
(i) Understanding the basic physics and chemistry of 3D printing processes
(ii) Investigate why some materials can be used in 3D printing and others cannot
(iii)Develop sustainable materials
(iv)Other research options in 3D printing include understanding the fundamentals of
materials, processes, and applications. For example, some scientists are grappling with the
physics behind 3D manufacturing, while others question why certain materials can be used
in 3D and not others

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