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Nama : Satrio Wicaksono

NIM : 1710111122
Metode Riset Bisnis lokal E

Buku MRB
Variabel Dukungan Motivasi Atasan:
- Organizational Behavior 8th edition, Kreitner Kinicki
- A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 10 th edition, Michael
- Organizational Traps: Leadership, Culture, Organizational Design. Chris Argyris
- Pemimpin dan Kepemimpinan ( Apakah Pemimpin Abnormal Itu? ), Dr. Kartini
- Konsep-konsep dasar manajemen personalia masa kini, Dr. Tubagus Achmad
- Human Capital Management, Ir. Prasadja Ricardianto, MM.
- Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia untuk Perusahaan dari Teori Kepraktik edisi
kedua, Prof. Dr. H. Veithzal Rivai, M.B.A, Ella Jauvani Sagala, S.Psi, M.Sc
- Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Prof. Dr. H. Edy Sutrisno, M.Si
- Manajemenen Kinerja edisi ketiga Prof. Dr. Wibowo, S.E, M.Phil
- Manajemen Pengembangan SDM, M. Kadarisman

Variabel Promosi Jabatan :

- Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Hj. Ike Kusdiyah Rachmawati, SE, MM
- Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Prof. Dr. H. Edy Sutrisno, M.Si
- Manajemen Pengembangan SDM, M. Kadarisman
- A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 10 th edition, Michael
- Manajemen Personalia, Alex S. Nitisemito
- Human Resource Management, Pravin Durai
Variabel Budaya Perusahaan :
- Organizational Culture and Leadership 3rd edition, Edgar H. Schein
- Organizational Traps: Leadership, Culture, Organizational Design. Chris Argyris
- Changing Organizational Culture: Cultural Change Work In Progress 2 nd edition,
Mats Alveson and Stefan Sveningsson
- Organizational Behavior 8th edition, Kreitner Kinicki
- Konsep-konsep dasar manajemen personalia masa kini, Dr. Tubagus Achmad

Variabel Semangat Kerja :

- Guide to Managing People, HRMagazine
- Dictionary of Human Resources and Personnel Management 3 rd edition, A.
- Human Resources Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and
Applications 1st edition, Information Resources Management Association
- The Dream Manager, Matthew Kelly
- Employee Morale: Driving Performance in Chalengging Times, David Bowles and
Cary Cooper
- Building a High Morale Workplace, Anne Bruce

Judul Jurnal
- A Study on the relationship between employee motivation and work performance
- Employee motivation and work performance: A comparative study of mining
companies in Ghana
- Impact Of Work Culture On Motivation And Performance Level Of Employees in
Private Sector Companies
- Impact Of Organization Culture On Employee Motivation And Job Performance
- Employee Motivation and Organizational Culture A Study with Special Reference
to Software Industry
- Employee motivation and organizational performance
- The Effect Of Promotion And Compensation Toward Working Productivity
Through Job Satisfaction And Working Motivation Of Employees In The
Department Of Water And Mineral Resources Energy North Aceh District
- The Impact Of Employees Motivation On Organizational Effectiveness
- Culture, Morale, and Motivation in Organizations
- Impact of Rewards and Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Saudi

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