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Ex 5 Reversible reactions Name

1 Ammonia is manufactured by the Haber process. Nitrogen and hydrogen are passed over a
catalyst at a temperature of 4500C and a pressure of 200 atmospheres.



(c) What are the sources of nitrogen and hydrogen used in the Haber process? [2]
(i) nitrogen
(ii) hydrogen




(f) (i) If a pressure higher than 200 atmospheres was used in the Haber process, what would
happen to the yield of ammonia? Give a reason for your answer. [2]

(ii) Explain why the rate of reaction would be faster if the pressure was greater than
200 atmospheres. [1]

(iii) Suggest one reason why a pressure higher than 200 atmospheres is not used in the
Haber process. [1]
2 Sulfuric acid is manufactured by the contact process.
(a) (i) State the conditions used in the contact process. [2]

(ii) If the temperature is decreased to 300°C, the yield of sulfur trioxide increases.
Explain why this lower temperature is not used.



(d) Write equations to show the last two stages of the Contact process [2]

(e) Sulfuric acid is used to make the fertiliser potassium sulfate, K2SO4.
(i) Choose another reactant of your choice to write a balanced equation for the formation of
potassium sulfate. [2]

(ii) Calculate the percentage by mass of potassium in this fertiliser. [2]

3 Ammonium phosphate, (NH4)3PO4, is used as a fertiliser.

A sample of ammonium phosphate can be produced by the reaction of aqueous ammonia
and phosphoric acid.

(a) Calculate the concentration, in mol / dm3, of the ammonia used. [3]
(b)(i) Assuming a 100% yield, calculate the mass of ammonium phosphate that would be
produced in this experiment. [3]

(ii) In practice, the actual mass of ammonium phosphate produced is 2.93 g.

Calculate the percentage yield of ammonium phosphate. [2]

(c) Calculate the percentage by mass of nitrogen in ammonium phosphate. [2]

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