Conditional Sentences

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First conditional

If + simple present, will + V

→ future possibility

If it rains, I will stay at home

If they don’t pass the exam, their teacher will be sad

If Mary knows the truth, she will get angry

If you try hard, you will be offered the job.

Second conditional

If + simple past, would + V

→ present/future unreal condition

If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world.

If I were you, I would not marry him

What would you do if it were sunny tomorrow?

If they offered me the job, I would move to London.

Third conditional
If + past perfect, would have + V3
→ past unreal condition

If he had driven more carefully, he wouldn’t have had

the accident.

If my father hadn’t been so busy, we could have

travelled together.

She wouldn’t have been in jail if she hadn’t taken

16.5 million from him.
1. If I were a young man, I _______ able to walk faster

A. am
B. will be
C. would be
D. would have been
3. If you ________ the movie, you would have cried.

A. see
B. saw
C. will see

D. had seen
4. If I ________ , my life ___________ completely
A. am rich – changes
B. am rich – will change

C. were rich – would change
D. had been rich – would have changed
5. If we ________ this morning, we _________ late
for the flight.

A. get up early – aren’t

B. get up early – won’t be
C. got up early – wouldn’t be

D. had got up early – wouldn’t have been
7. If Jane _______tomorrow, I ______ her to the
party with me.

A. are free - invite

B. are free – will invite
C. were free – would invite
D. had been free – would have invited
9. Which conditional is the most appropriate for the
following situation:
“ I got fired because I was late”

A. If you work, you can do well

B. If I arrive on time, I will not be fired
C. If I arrived on time, I wouldn’t be fired

D. If I had arrived on time, I would not have been
10. Which conditional is the most appropriate for the
following situation:

“ He doesn’t speak English well so they didn’t

offer him the job”

A. If he speaks E well, they will offer him the job

B. If he spoke E well, they would offer him the job
C. If he spoke E well, they would have offered him…
D. If he had spoken E well, they would have offered...
1.Nếu ngày mai trời mưa, tôi sẽ không cần phải tưới cây.

If it rains tomorrow, I won’t have to water the plants.

2. Nếu bạn nhấn cái nút đó, đèn sẽ bật sáng.

If you press that button, the light is on.

3. Nếu bạn để xe đạp ở đó, nó sẽ bị lấy cắp bởi một

người nào đó.

If you leave your bike there, it will be stolen (by

4. Nếu sáng nay cảnh sát không thổi tôi lại, tôi đã có
thể đến cuộc họp đúng giờ.

If I hadn’t been stopped by the police, I could have come to

the meeting on time.

5. Nếu Fred không gian lận ở kỳ thi cuối kỳ, giáo viên đã
không gọi điện thoại cho cha cậu ấy.

If Fred hadn’t cheated at the final test, the teacher wouldn’t

have called his father.
6. Nếu Tim và Tom lớn hơn 2 tuổi, chúng có thể gia
nhập vào đội bóng của chúng ta.

If Tim and Tom were two years older, they could join our
football team.

7. Nếu anh ta không phải là bạn tôi, tôi sẽ không bao giờ
nói cho anh ấy biết sự thật.

If he weren’t my friend, I wouldn’t have told him the truth.

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