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6 Problems of Teachj hg = When a teacher is teaching in a class, he has to face a lot of problems. Some problems are as follows: WH oearye wa Ger A vr ver era 8 a BUS) agT UA BRASH wT AFT SEAT Tet 81 Ge wrt Fe oR BB Problems in teaching and learning of mathematies: afta afterr atk Reet A wreaTe @ (i) Fear and Failure: Lack of complete knowledge of aims is the reason of fear and failure. aa at area — seer at wt arent ar sara wa ait SAPHM BT BRT S| Disappointing Curriculum (Prrenorte area) Unattractive and Loaded mathematics curriculum creates disappointment among the students. Most of the mathematics curriculum emphasizes on procedure, formulas, mathematical facts and memorization of concepts. The mathematics curriculum is far away from the real life. ornate aie atferet afta area vet wy aie fear ore S| AT wr gaa anatase vier B aE al (iii) Crude Assessment(Prese srpert wafe ): Most of our mathematics curriculum emphasized 0} tization of formulas. Our eres room teaching process is also ey, amination oriented. Questions set not to expose student’s exper. ence but to get a fixed answer, aftren art wey wi a Bo BHR get ar ore, en wat Pret vate Ah wer wy ap. TRG. 8 | Het BT A BH WER Ble &, fore Pentel & aaa a vita 3 aNd, STS we Gt Auta Ga FF A ater BH oh 2) (iv) Inadequate teacher preparation: (Rreras at areata tardl)Teaching and learning of mathematics in elementary level purely depends on preparation of teachers. As there is acute dearth of mathematics teachers, it is forced that other teachers teach mathematics in the classes in compulsion. They are mostly dependent on the text books. Most of the teachers also assume that they know all the mathematics required for the elementary level. So there is a lack of teacher preparation in teaching of mathematics. sare ware re aftr Peer sie ae TH gel arate Phe ee & fH arses 3 fare wo BH dat aA 8) er fe are erat Bt A BT Scanned with CamScanner Fits HRD eral ar ad 4 84 GO TPT V1 RT WHR cafes Faron FTG oreATTY aA ey’ gqaattet Bt a1 Inadequate Learning Materials crrafer afrrn aTrA ): For majority of children in elementary schools textbook in mathematics is the only resource material available to them. The student fined very little scope for pleasure and fun in learning mathematics from the text books. ratte anal siftrarcre ferent & fry aflret a fecal ya AT soerer arert UT 81 aenfeat é fay afta wea-qere FY, arraude ote Wika oS aay & fey sree eit WI BI (vi) Lack of interest (WPA 7 wT): Most of the school children find learning of mathematics difficult and lose their confidence in mathematics, The teaching learning process in mathematics is not joyful and attractive. So students lack their interest and attitude towards mathematics. cafttenere Rremeft fbr afer wr HIST urd & oie favare wt Ba B1 fT Ree caf orang ae & otk rranfas get aE BY araraeT FH Rremelf aftrer a wf orth wer a we (Vi) Teaching learning process(Rrer™t aftrry qaftr ): Teaching learning Process in mathematics at the elementary level is not attractive because reat ere oe afbrer Aero TFTA FAY omramtas aret 8, aati — )) Bookish knowledge in the class W ii) creates dissatisfaction, foard) sit war Pere oT YTA ad 21 School mathematics learning becomes charmless, dull, uninteresting, and stereotype, freer H fre aif ARE, GATS, arate afte reat weer wT Tt TAT aI iii) Emphasis on rote learning, AW Ta ST iv) Emphasis on teaching, not on learning, aftr & gore Re we Fa ST omf& Some other problems (BB aT WET) Acurriculum discussion disappoints both talented students and average and the students that lag behind. ueaaat wet b Ter ams wed ik fey ae a orm at at a Pre wed 21 ‘Asense of fear and failuré regarding mathematics prevails among a majority of children, Daren Teal A afore wr cry GT SAHA HT AA EAT BI Mathematics is only seen as mechanical calculations. afta ot dae Tire ToT & wT 4 tar ore 21 Lack of teacher preparation and support in the teaching of , mathematics is found. afore Rreror ¥ Preret at dark site warren wt arta Pera F | EXERCISE CTET PAPER June 2011 1 “Problem solving” as a strategy of doing mathematics involves (A) extensive practice Scanned with CamScanner 7 Learning and Teaching Rev aie afters =e 4 -ggcation is @ process which is goal scented. Different teaching activities fe done With a particular goal in mind. feaching means to teach someone eeping a particular goal in mind and ysercoming that goal ultimately. John Dewey believes teaching to be a Tri- lar activity. For teaching we require ; student, a teacher and environment. {his is why teaching is called Tri Polar process Aer Ve Bessa vfwar 2] piia-foet fare veea FH wir fae & fart ah fats firensif ar aaron fear orem 31 Prem ar arf ee oF ated ey feet ot drat) ots Sat 3 Rear wr ve Pedra wfrar (Tri-Polar) Arar @1 Ret & fry ey Ba, HEAT sie aTATAR BH GTEKT Teh 21 eet aoe @ Pret at Reade siren APT Ta e | Definitions of Teaching (Rrert a aRarsTg) According to Huff and Duncan: Teaching is a four level process compressing of planning, Instructions, | Tests and evaluation . | According to Button: | Teaching is a learning process which | aims at motivation, guidance and | ‘ncouragement. | wen soar & ogame — Reet ae Seth are ves aan & ahora, Pree, [ON ren appara | I wea S au — “Rem aftr 2g SRO, wer wears @ vicares 21” feet YT (Teaching Rules) (a) Known to unknown (aia @ agra @ sik) Before starting teaching, a teacher should put questions to students to judge how much previous knowledge they have about the content of the lesson. By doing so he can assess the level of the students. After being acquainted with the level of the students he can teach the students about the portions they do not know. Wert B Use sea oH TET HR Ua ax or afey a geal wy we ore & wfe fear a 2 | GT Oe 8 HATH FT Gat HT ER (evel) Yet et Gat @ | STA VT eh WR aed Gl ei TH Vere Gh aed ae UIT 21 Easy to complex (Gai @ for ‘@ a) : Initially a teacher should assign simple tasks only and then gradually increase the difficulty level. Most difficult exercises should be assigned at the end only because if from the very beginning we give difficult exercises the students may get disheartened and consequently lose confidence in their studies. Weed TENTS SB UT TATE meget @) Scanned with CamScanner 2 @ ort afey Sap ae SEH aS UT BUR OT EAR TM fAcRet sict H ART ey mga Ge aisy | aes are sree 36 4 a iss TAA weGe om @ ot vel or fea sr ara @1 Specific to General (faftrse ¥ ward #7 ak ) The teacher should first put forward the specific aspect of a lesson and then move on to the general concept of the lesson. That is so because children have a tendency to pay more attention to the specific part. ANTS HY WAY Ter TS wr FAR wT GT Ee wee) wad ae HST SAP GT AGT PAT aE | ate ved faire wa UR Sara ear eel Concrete to Abstract (qf @ at /eg a ast HH ay: A child can first concentrate only on objects placed before him after that he can concentrate on those objects even if they are physically removed from there. A child cannot think argumentatively on those objects which he has never seen. So the proper ways is to first show object to the child and later on remove the object and ask the child to concentrate on those objects. Tea Ved A SE Wat Be THT Ra Shad Bea EF) Tae aE Waal ser Ww A ea Bad BT Wom 8 | Tea TF Ghai S GM aha wy o ae Gla BoM Oh SA Ted wei Oa BE Bl oe Vet Tei aT age Rart ay are 4H Sra erp ) © ® STR I Pea eA F Ae ata anfey PR ar Whole to Partial (Qo @ sigr ay at): The teacher should first explain the whole concept broadly and then break it into parts to explain e.g first give a broad concept of vehicle say car and then explain the working of each part separately, ATH BY TST AMT BH EY eh afey) ae A vad wy art #1 are ot attyy sarees — wed WS F ay for Gad art S ae ¥ car) Unsuresto sure (aPrefiaa a ‘rreferctatt gt aR) : A child is always confused about a new idea/object. Keeping this confusion in mind, the child should be given knowledge so that he becomes satisfied. ‘geen fart at aa eT (Concept) ‘BY ca SMT ile (Confusion) ¥ Wem F) Tey A wif wr ears HF TERR GUST SA SAT aAHRY AL ae sad fe Pataca et ae! Child centered (aTa@Paad @ FAR): A teacher should always impart education keeping the child in mind. Knowledge should be according to the child’s feelings, experiences, interest and behavior areas wy arercbPeaat Prat at & ar # waar Ret of ae! aed Ht i, aan saftey a1 eae a wera Peet afey | Differentiation/Analysis synthesis (Rredaor @ Wear" Scanned with CamScanner Beene ai): Differentiation means preaking it into parts and synthesis means to add up eg. When we translate a poem we breaks up into small parts/lines and explain each part individually but when we give the summary or conclusion we give the synopsis treating the poem as one whole, faeerot GT aef viet 8 cael F diet sik Gece or arf ela 8 wits sarewred — sa eH fe afta wr STS ORS a WH-2 we @ as-2 we feat 81 ok oa eH aat FEET (Conclusion) 8 8 at oar o Pets aad 21 Psychological to logical (A-Nfastr1 ¥ anfaies Bt she): A teacher should first make a child ready to study in apsychological way. Once the child is motivated psychologically, then he will take interest in his studies & progress. Rreror at faetrare (Characteristics of Teaching) Teaching is a social activity Teaching is a linguistic activity Teaching is a self process Teaching is an art Teaching is a developmental Process Teaching is a Tri- polar activity Peron eas renter wAaweT & | Renn ap arene wear | Raton wes ort fire 2 Rear ya wen 8 Rear ves cores aH afar By Reet ya Perr (Tri-polar) ufrar 81 Micro-teaching (qe fe1eT) According to DR. Allen: By micro teaching we refer to those teaching activities which are performed in simple,.small ways. Micro teaching means teaching a class of few students only and for a/short duration of time. Wert & aegare — yer Rear S reed Ve KM ws Penis at wars Tr aed wae 4 dard fear ora #1 According to B, K. Passi and N. S. Lalita.: Microteaching is one in which a student teacher is expected to teach a concept to few students for a short duration of time with the help of specific teaching aids. fo anf wav. We. afta BK Passi and M.S Lalita) — fray wrarearrat S ae shar BT ot S Fe wae ane fret ver tinera Bt ets B ferqenfShelt er creo errr H fafkrse FRrerer where ar wart aed yeTaT TTT Micro teaching is a teaching technique to enable the teachers to use different teaching aids. This is a very short form of teaching which aims to simplify the complexity of real teaching to make teaching simple and more effective, It is always imparted in short QParena Scanned with CamScanner groups of students, er Reer oeareast wy evr where 4. SUITE AatT (Remedial wl SPURT ARP) dg aA) af wa Renn darts & Lae Rawr vay aif wer wa 2 Srey aeafds Rawr a wfecait a ay ae ad ex wing act fey ord 8) ae Rert wrt de Ble-2 waRl 4 ator 31 Cycle of Micro teaching wet Rerr ay According to NCERT Teaching session = 6 minutes l. 2. Feedback session minutes 3. Re-plan session = 12 minutes 4. Re- teach session minutes 5. Re-session minutes Total Time = 36minutes NceRr & opp — . Peer Ha (Teaching session) = 6 fre 2. ufegfis Wa (Feedback Session) = offre 3. Gator Wa (Re-Plan Session) = 12 fire 4. UF: RAI Wa (Re Teach Session) = 6frc 5. Jt wfagfts Wa (Re-Feedback . session) = 6 fre a wa = 36 Pre Types of Teaching Pret & ware 1. Macro Teaching 2. Group Teaching / 3. Re-Teaching 4. Remedial Teaching 1. qea/faeqa feet (Macro Teaching) 2. ereft err Group Teaching) 3 FIRM (Re-Teaching) Teaching) Note: Micro teaching is not a type of teaching, It is a part of training. We use it to train the teachers, sive: yet Peron were Arey ae weer anh & ae wert (Training) ar art 8 | ge sremeat wy wR awl a fore germ wrarr ae &1 1, Macro Teaching (ea rere Frere Rrere1|): Macro Teaching is teaching in detail, Under this process the teacher gives information to all the students at the same time. This teaching is for the whole class unlike the micro teaching which is only for small groups. Macro teaching is mainly delivered by lecture method. The number of students in macro teaching is high. Gea Pret or oef Pea ahs S Wer 8 81 ged Ren ¥ sears ve a ra A wh ora aT Ty Wer weet 81 ae err ye war Ol cay eter & 4 fe Ger Ret ORE Bie-2 Wet 4 | get Pert SIRE (Lecture Method) fat oe arena vat 81 gea fret F rat # tear varet at 21 Group Teaching (ett / Wye fren): Group teaching isa process _ in which many teachers instruct a group of students in a well - organized manner and together they endeavor to achieve some specific aim, In group teaching two or more than two teachers are involved. Under group teaching the planning, time period and processes are Scanned with CamScanner I flexible, ie., accord; flexible, i.e., according to aims of education as Well as Capability of teachers, desirable changes can be made in the programme, AR RET AT SeT—Arerwy, Ayaroy WH YRARGT wish & ren ag Reeve Rorpy Aen Ww WR Borer (Instruction) 3a ard 3 ok Wa UTE Para fet fare wEeT fry Re ar sarafier 83 8) BRI et a a 3. Re-Teaching ({+ Rte): Re- teaching means to teach a portion that has already been taught previously. In this the teacher teaches the whole lesson again keeping in mind the whole class or group of students. Here we don’t concentrate on the informa-tion as to which child has learnt the lesson or not. The whole class is taught the whole lesson again even if some children have learnt or understood the lesson already. wr a ure eh qe) wT Siren & ard wel A fare wT Ws me a 4, Remedial Teaching (strareretras Ree): Remedial teaching is done after a diagnostic evaluation The children, who are facing difficulties in understanding some specific lessons, are given remedial teaching. Here we teach only the difference part or portion which the children are unable to understand and not the whole portion. sTarrae Pret Prerrea YPIHA (Diagonsis Evaluation) & ‘arg ehen @ | fort-2 weal a fret fare ois 4 Rawr ot wt @ Rent pecan 8 | ge Perry eH Beh SR A are at & fire ER 4 ged ar aren 3 ar fe ae aT RT starr Baer a] Methods of Teaching Rrert & we Inductive Method (arnt fate ): “Francis Bacon and Pestalozy are considered to be the founder of this theory. In this method of teaching we give examples to students initially. Students understand direct experiences and examples very well. The child links the example given by the teacher with his daily life activities and learns it easily, This method moves from specific to general. This is the best method at the primary level. It is child centred method, It encourages Divergent thinking. It moves from ‘known to unknown’, concrete to abstract and ‘examples to rules’. wifi daa a deerarah (Pestalozy) FT ARB oERR APY ard 8) arr AAR A eH Tee Scanned with CamScanner weal wy sarewt Ad 2] areal wy WRIT SEPA TAT TATE ores ae OD WAT OM BI OE: Ga ore are Tarewr Vat Ba aed wY vier 8 waftrr aed od 1 Wa 8) ae AM ARK 7 WAI (Specific to General) ay atk aad 31 wrefta wae we ae Wad oral AW 3) ae ww aa Ohara A 8) ae AA ompAt fAa7 (Divergent Thinking) @T aera Sit &| ae fA aa 4 Sat BY at (Known to Unknown), ®t W Wel Fai (Concrete to Abstract) G21 Saree FiaA BH sik (Example to Rules) W arn et F1 Deductive Method (FrTH7 fafer ): The father of deductive method was aristotle. Here we lay down the rules first. The child learns and understands the rules fast, Later on he learns how to deduce more laws from these laws. This method was is especially successful in teaching Maths and grammar. This method moves from general to specific and is generally applied for teaching at higher level. Example: You must have seen that about 10-15 year ago NCERT used to publish English and Hindi books but in present sanario grammar is taught along with literature because it is boring to study only through tules. a fA S orm org ot) Py fate 4 eH cect Pan 8a 8 | ae Pant of arena ad aot & tha oer 8 | are i ae Penh ae Fran arn of einer oer oy 7% AAR arty B APE at siz Teh 81 re PRY Teeere ere Te aterNA aire &) far sem airy (Teacher Centred) | ata: wre saver ener ate fOr afte carareo @ fay ord arth rey oy sear bPat Bo aro wera RR Oe Ae arELOT sity aprer ot A Garett} grr ft Tern UT ze | TAEMI— 10-15 Wel WEA ay amet Sar et at NCERT #4 ae AES a aio ara TH Pag andl th reg ata Yara HY (Literature) Weer & wrt a (Mixed) @X> yeTa GAT Sg daa Prem 8 cert ta Boring) & Gra @ 1 Kinder Garten Process (fvet ada yore ): The Germen “psychologist Froebel was the profounder of this theory. According to him school is a park for children where they can play freely and indulge independently in their own activities. Here the children learn by self- designed play method. The advantages of Kinder Garden teaching process are: (i) Stress is on child education. (ii) Education by playing. (iii) Freedom of children. (iv) Personality difference / Individual Differences. (v) Development of social traits. frose ards yore & srHarat oP & weber Froebel) 81 FF ORTRTR ReyST Tet wer arr B fre Scanned with CamScanner qa SRT I ea g aero ASS AT Rosy as ore A Tet Bt VS-2 F tara aa 21 freee EA Ret vay S art - @ fra-fren we aa) (i) Ba ae fet) (ii) THs HA RT) dv) aReer SY ATE | (v) BATS ATT oT Rae el Montessori process (a=? eng fare Tee): The founder of Montessori Method was Maria Montessori. She started observing the children having low intelligence level and found that the weakness in mental sensory organs is a result oflack of proper training. Thus she stressed the need of play-way method of teaching for children of low mental abilities. Main properties of Montessori Method: (i) Stressed the need for training of sensory organs. (i) Exaggerated the need of freedom. (iii) Gave stress on physical education. (iv) Need for self-education was emphasized. (¥) Total Abolition of punishment. (vi) Imparting education through games/ play way method. SEY Rie at ora afar "PERT (Maria Montessori) 2&1 RP oy ge aae a fe aT orl ge ax ag ogee frat TURD ANY aaa after SRS sera a gy a 21 oe Fe (vi) Ret Gea ery SAT] Project method (atwtaz ar Faf8): Kilpatrick was the founder of this method. Killpatrick was a student of john Dewey. This method of teaching is based on the philosophy and thinking of John Dewey, According to John Dewey: “Project is a customary meaningful activity which progresses in a social atmosphere”, Process of Project Method: (i) The teacher creates a problem by debating with the students then he asks the students to find a solution to that problem. ‘The children take the problem as a project work and work on it. (ii) The children choose the project and not the teacher. (ii) After a project has been selected the basic structure is prepared. (iv) The project is evaluated after it is complete. shorge fren wore & orate frat ‘SERS (Killpatrick) &| firatfee atta SHS rer dae fA Gita Sr Scanned with CamScanner The Van Hiele model of geometric thinkin: & fe or erie Ren often Analysis of deductive system RM BT Pry feeergor seas eet 4, Riger Deductive system of Properties i at a Pr age wi 8 aa daa Properties of shape, opted & a Classes of shape, at . Formal Deductive \ 7 afta Bere F . strate Pro Relationship among properties ort £ 2. Ordering/Informal Deductive \ 7 HT Beret pho /: fr 1. Analysis (fever) 0. Visualization (argatee) Applied skills Logical skills Drawing Skills Verbal Skills safes are Visual Skills Ry ahr The van Hiele Model of Geometric Thinking Pierre van Hiele and his wife Dina van Hiele-Geld of were Dutch researchers and teachers, They found that students are finding difficulties in learning mathematics so they came up with their theory in 1957. This theory is based on three aspects: i) Existence of Level ii) Qualities of Level iii) The progress from one level to another am fea oh waa uel sa eae ait arpeetoct (Researcher) 1 Fert urn f& frail snfiie sara 4 efoang FT GW &, Tafery Tel wy 1957 F ga franc a sftmfea fra ae Rrard di cage we ama & — @ &R oT afta! Gi) HRS TT Gi) TH WRB BR ER SF Te This principle is based on sequence, Thus every child develops it by following the sequence. According to Van Hiele levels there are five levels of thinking or understanding in geometry: ae Rrara afro & arpa vitae BM 31 oe: gael RR ae waa feeptrer ae | aH RA S argere Aa at wrt & fay tia are — 1. Level 0 Visualization (7% 0 arta) 2. Level 1 Analysis (fazers71) 3. Level 2 Ordering/Informal deduc- tion (Prat / siren Fr) 4. Level 3 Formal Deduction GitraRe Frem) 5. Level 4 Rigor ($¢) Level 0 * Children at the visualization eng think about shapes in terms of | n they resemble. At this levely Scanned with CamScanner pildren are able to sort shapes into d groups that look alike to them in some Way. The properties of a figure are not perceived, At this jevel, students make decisions based on perception, not reasoning, They recognize geometric figures by their shape as “a whole” and compare the figures with their everyday things, Example: A circle is related to a chapati and a triangle is related to a mountain. Level 1 Analysis «Children at the analysis level think in terms of properties. They can list all of the properties ofa figure but don’t see any relationships between the properties, and don’t realize that some properties imply others. They can measure, fold and cut paper, use geometric software etc. Example: ae ag aS ae a at ae (Squares) & (not Squares) & Level2 Ordering/Informal Deduction Children at the informal deduction level not only think about Properties but also are able to notice relationships within and between figures. At this level, children are able to formulate Meaningful definitions, Children at Level 2 can draw a logical map of parallelograms, Ex: “All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares,” At this level children are able to start giving logics to their reasoning. Children start using sketch and grid paper at this level. They are able to draw a rectable with same angles, Level 3 Formal Deduction * Children at the formal deductive level think about relationships between properties of shapes and also understand relationships between axioms, definitions, theorems, corollaries, and postulates. They are able to differentiate between necessary and sufficient conditions. Level 4 Rigor * — Children at the rigor level can think in terms of abstract mathematical systems. At this level students understand the way how mathematical systems are established. 1, Level 0 Visualization (&1% 0 mgyiewn) - a ER OW a omepfertt & are 4 ye Tee B wires e fe 2 fou diet $31 ga ERR wed or RT A septal wr maT A wert ot 8, TE ARN GR wart feet 31 FT ER Wy fit oman & yet a vel ArT ore 8 WY RR WR ora weuelerer BS se wR Frofe at @, ar fie cat & omene Wl Tel FA GR wy oneal ay orb wa wy warn 8 cen Scanned with CamScanner wrt anny aha shat a aEgail Y wis We BaEWT — Fa (Circle) wt Wer a, arnt (Rectangle) @Y exarel B Ter Aras (Triangle) BY veer B ware we! Level 1 Analysis (&7e 1 fagererr) — Wa SRW ae) orga B yo S at 4 PRM ow 2) aed ge ER w fet A oref S yoy at a WT aed @, Weg TS da wee Tay weir vet ae Gad Te aE wal rnd f ge WT GR WT aT A wna aed 8) Tea FW ER ANA BR WHT S| STG BS BEM a ae car watts divedae or wart aR wat 21 Level 2 Ordering/Informal de- duction SRF cea a dae area S yt ar 8 cham &, afew aor a sregferat $ aa 4 ea-am were 2, BaF Wa YS HX Sar 3) FA AW RW ger oRarait at A wfaeriea area Ge wy ta 2) varer — wh af oradt ad %, weg Tet ae wih ara wf &1 wa eR A weal ow We a TA sa & fey ue Bfecat ry FH wer et ond F) Tea Fe eT ba cer firs Sox oft waht oe OW Be 0 81 FT aR Re) HH aga or afta aa aT Wed | Level 3 Formal Deduction («aX 3 strane Prom) — 9a eR wea orate & yt & dra wei @ an 4 ated @ | gad seat Tay wen one & MPa BA wT ay 2) ve areas afk dats Reftat — & da aioe oe A Terr OTe By Level 4 Rigor (&R 4 Gea) — gy WR seat aA ARM H ayy argh wa Yo alaa &1 FA ER yy vwra aire weft a vere of aed wr Hey 8 Difference between Approaches and Strategy Sor ate wre teh sere Approach is used in the broader | sense. It means a way of thinking and working ina set direction so as to accomplish certain goals. For example, a teacher can use _ constructivist approach in teaching _ learning. This implies that whatever strategiés, she plans to apply, will be guided by the constructivist paradigm. She may adopt any of those innovative teaching-learning ‘strategies and techniques that are guided by this approach. On the other hand, strategy is a proper and systematic plan which aims to achieve the objectives. In education, strategy means selection, of suitable pedagogical processes by means of using appropriate techniques, such that all of these lie in the realm of the approach, the teacher chooses to follow. Strategies can be changed or modified depending upon teaching- learning situation. In contrast, method of teaching is a set of actions for routine way of teaching- learning. Technique is a skill to engage learners in teaching- learning process. It is a particular way to accomplish the task/ objective. ; sarr or weer area seit # ferar wrat 21 geremr aref FARRAT Scanned with CamScanner

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