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Design, Construction and Testing of an

Instrumented Tractor to Measure Forces on
Agricultural Implements and Energy

Conference Paper · June 2002


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4 authors, including:

Chris Cavalaris T. A. Gemtos

University of Thessaly University of Thessaly


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1st Conference of Hellenic Association of ICT in Agriculture (HAICTA), Food and
Environment, Athens 2002
Design, Construction and Testing of an Instrumented Tractor to Measure Forces on
Agricultural Implements and Energy Consumption During Field Work

I. Papathanassiou Ch. Kavalaris Ch. Karamoutis T.A.Gemtos

Lab. of Agricultural Engineering, Department of Agriculture, Crop production and

Agricultural Environment., School of Agricultural Sciences, University of Thessaly. Fytoko ,
38446 N. Ionia, Magnisias.Tel +30421093228 Fax +30421093144


This work presents the instrumentation of a tractor to measure the performance during the
work of implements. The forces, produced between the tractor and the agricultural
implements during fieldwork were measured by six loading cells connecting two “Π” shaped
frames. Measurement of torque and angular velocity of power take off is achieved by a gauge
that installed between power take off axle and the agricultural implement. Measurement of
traveling speed was achieved using a radar and fuel consumption was measured using a
special flow meter for diesel engines. Revolutions of tractor’s wheels were measured using
flux gates. Measurement of working depth of implement was achieved by using a secondary
wheel build on the implement testing frame and a rotation potentiometer measuring its

Loading cells, torque meter and potentiometer produced analog signals while PTO revolution
measuring sensor, flux gates, radar and flow meter produced pulses. Analog signals were fed
to an ADC high-speed card. The digital signals were fed to a laptop PC. Through specific
software the signals were transferred to the memory through a DMA and from the memory to
the hard disk in a created ASCII file. The pulses were fed to a counter card through the same
route stored to a file in the hard disk. Measurement and recording unit had a computer and a
deck with two cards on board for collection and conversion of data. Suitable software
controlled and specified operation of these cards.

Loading cells and torque meter were calibrated, by loading them in a range of known loads
and torques respectively. Rotation potentiometer was calibrated by raising the secondary
wheel to known heights. Radar calibrated on the tractor, by counting the number of pulses for
three different and constant traveling speeds. Calibration showed that all the gauges were
linear with low hysterisis. The instrumentation was installed on a tractor and tested in land
using a rotary cultivator to determine the energy consumption. Dynamometric diagrams were
prepared with the collected data. The tests showed the ability of the instrumentation to
measure the required parameters.

Keywords: Instrumented Tractor; Gauges; Variables Measurements; Signals; Recording;

Power requirements; Energy consumption


Energy consumption during fieldwork is one of the most important factors that affect the
production cost so that measurement of energy consumption is necessary. Moreover
knowledge of power requirements of a tractor leads to the right choice of its size which can
optimize the initial investment. Determination of magnitude of forces, which are developing

1st Conference of Hellenic Association of ICT in Agriculture (HAICTA), Food and
Environment, Athens 2002
between tractor and agricultural implements, leads to the right design and construction of
them. Conclusively knowing energy consumption and power requirements of a tractor for a
particular agricultural work could minimize the production cost. Moreover agricultural
implements could be properly designed and economic for the farmers.

Knowing the energy consumption and power requirements of a tractor requires complete and
accurate measurement of the variables mentioned above. Variables measurements are
dynamic and they have wide range. There for recording should be continuous and with high
frequency, at least twofold the frequency of the data, so that sampling correspond to the actual
magnitudes (Doeblin 1983, Koecher and Sumner 1987). A system was described for
measuring forces between a tractor and an agricultural implement by Gemtos and Tsirikoglou
(1995). In the same paper a review of the literature on measuring forces between tractor and
implement were presented. Measurement of produced power through the power take off axle
of a tractor is achieved by measuring torque and angular velocity using the gauge that
mentioned above. It was installed between power take off axle and the agricultural implement
and had the ability of continuous measurement of magnitudes. Other way of measurement is
setting gauges on the axle (Mushoda 1983, Luth et al. 1978, Coates and Lorenzen 1990).
These gauges are based on piezoelectric phenomenon or use strain gauge to measure the
developed torque. Determination of angular velocity is achieved using flux gates that produce
inductive currents. Measurement of traveling speed could be done in three ways. a)
Determining the specific route in the land and timing it. This way is very accurate but its use
is confined because the route in the land must be exact. b) Counting the revolutions of a non-
drive wheel of the tractor c) Using a radar based on the DOPLER phenomenon. In this case
radar is mounted on the tractor determines the velocity by counting the difference between
released and reflective signals. Topkins et al. (1988) compared these three ways and found
that the most accurate is using radar unless the land has high vegetation (higher than 0.8 m).
Measurement of fuel consumption was achieved using flow meters that determine the volume
of fuel that flow in fuel transmission line. In the case of diesel engines this volume isn’t the
same with the consumed in the engine because a part of fuel returns to the tank. Thus in this
case special flow meters should be used that draw out the returned fuel and determining the
exact consumed fuel.

Recording of signals was achieved in past with several ways. Presently widespread use of
computers leads to the electronic recording. In this way signals of the sensors transferred to
the hard disk of a computer after amplification and transformation in binary form by specific
cards that are installed on the computer. Computers combined with specific cards have the
ability to record data with high frequency as well as recording a large quantity of data. Many
references can be found in bibliography about recording data in real time. Suggestively noted
the works of Palmer 1984, Shropshire 1983, Hayes 1986.

Materials and methods

In this work the whole instrumentation that was mounted on the tractor was designed to
perform the following aims:
a) Measuring developed forces between tractor and implements in three dimensions.
b) Measuring torque and angular velocity in power take off axle of the tractor.
c) Measuring traveling speed of the tractor.
d) Measuring fuel consumption of the tractor.
e) Measuring tillage depth.
f) Measuring revolutions of tractor’s wheels.

1st Conference of Hellenic Association of ICT in Agriculture (HAICTA), Food and
Environment, Athens 2002
g) Ability of mounting a computer with the cards on the tractor.
h) Ability of power supplying gauges and computer by on board units.
i) Ability of sampling and recording with high frequency (1 kHz at least).

Measurement of developed forces was achieved using six load cells. They had the ability to
transform their deformation (compression or tension) in analog signal (voltage mV). Load
cells placed between two “Π” shaped frames (figure 1). Mounting of load cells were in the
way to prevent them of side loading, which could affect the measured magnitudes or damage
them. They have been supplied with voltage 5V. Load cells’ signals amplified by 100 times
and transferred to an analog to digital converter card (DAS 20) that was on the computer

Figure 1. “Π” shaped frames with load cells

Measurement of torque and angular velocity was achieved by using an instrument (DMS VI
1000) that was mounted between power take off axle of the tractor and the axle of torque
transmission. A specific frame was used, secured on the tractor frame in a way to prevent it
from any side loading (figure 2). It produced analog signal (voltage V) proportional to the
magnitude of the torque and transmitted to the ADC card (DAS 20). Simultaneously has the
angular velocity measured by two inductive tool heads that was mounted on the gauge and
produced thirty pulses for each revolution of the axle. These pulses were transferred to the
pulse counter card (PCTIO-10) that was in the computer deck.

1st Conference of Hellenic Association of ICT in Agriculture (HAICTA), Food and
Environment, Athens 2002

Figure 2. Torque and angular velocity gauge

Measurement of traveling speed was achieved using a radar for tractors. It was mounted on a
particular frame inclined 35 to the ground at the bottom side of the tractor (Figure 3). Radar
are produced pulses that were fed to the pulses counter card (PCTIO-10).

Figure 3. Radar measure the actual traveling speed

Measurement of the consumption was achieved using a flow meter specific for diesel engines
that was installed in the fuel transmission line of the tractor (Figure 4). It measured fuel
flowed from tank to the diesel pump the fuel that returned to the tank was fed to the diesel
pump through the flow meter. Thus the actual volume that was consumed at any moment was
measured. Fuel flow caused the rotation of a cup that produced pulses, which fed to the pulses
counter card (PCTIO-10). Every determined pulse corresponded to 0.5 ml of consumed fuel.

1st Conference of Hellenic Association of ICT in Agriculture (HAICTA), Food and
Environment, Athens 2002

Figure 4. Flow meter for diesel engines

Measurement of the working depth was achieved using a particular instrument that
accompanied the whole instrumentation (Figure 5). It consisted of a secondary wheel
mounted to the agricultural implement in a way to roll on uncultivated land. Each change to
the working depth of agricultural implement changed the position of the wheel. The tip of the
wheel axle had a potentiometer that was supplied with a voltage (5V) and produced a signal
with magnitude that was proportional to the wheel position. The produced signal was fed to
the analog to digital converter card (DAS20).

Figure 5. Working depth meter

Measurement of revolutions of the wheels was achieved using specific gauges that consisted
of flux gates, which was mounted on the rim of each wheel performing inductive voltage as
they roll. A particular gauge for each wheel mounted on constant frame performed one pulse
every time that scouted a flux gate. Pulses were fed to the pulses counter card (PCTIO-10).

1st Conference of Hellenic Association of ICT in Agriculture (HAICTA), Food and
Environment, Athens 2002
A laptop computer used to record all the measurements. It has a dock station with two cards
mentioned above, so it was able to record the analog signals and the pulses. Specific software
controlled the operation of two cards and stored the measurements to the hard disc. Firstly
measurements were fed to two particular memory addressees, one for each card, of direct
memory access (DMA) set from the software. Then the data were transferred by specific
software to two created ASCII files to the hard disc. Using of DMA permitted high sampling
frequency (1 kHz). The whole instrumentation (figure 6) supplied with a 220 V AC voltage
using a UPS. Two power packs (5V and 12V) were used for gauges supplying.




12V 5V

0 1 2 3 4 5






Figure 6. Instrumentation consist of gauges and laptop computer with two cards

Load cells calibrated in laboratory by testing them with known loads and simultaneous
recording of their signals. Calibration results shown in figure 7. Torque meter have been
calibrated in laboratory testing it by known torques and simultaneous recording of signals

1st Conference of Hellenic Association of ICT in Agriculture (HAICTA), Food and
Environment, Athens 2002
(figure 8). Radar was calibrated by using the tractor to travel specific distances and timing
them. Calibration results shown to figure 9. Working depth meter was calibrated by setting
the wheel to known depths. The calibration results shown in figure 10.




1500 y = 88,999x + 726,63

R2 = 0,9843


0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 7. Load cells calibration results





150 y = 2,6979x - 154,09

R2 = 1


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

Figure 8. Torque meter calibration

1st Conference of Hellenic Association of ICT in Agriculture (HAICTA), Food and
Environment, Athens 2002




y = 0,0098x
5,00 R2 = 0,9905




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Figure 9. Radar calibration



DEPTH (cm)


y = 3E-05x2 + 0,0354x - 8,1303
20 R2 = 0,9995


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Figure 10. Working depth meter calibration

The instrumentation described above was used to measure forces that were developed
between tractor and several agricultural implements as well as to measure the energy
consumption. Figures 11 to 13 shows the dynamometrical results from several agricultural
implements. Figure 11 shows the frequency of developed forces for several agricultural
implements while Figure 12 shows the frequency of demanded torque for a rotary cultivator.
Figure 13 shows the energy consumption to cultivate 1000 m2 with several agricultural

1st Conference of Hellenic Association of ICT in Agriculture (HAICTA), Food and
Environment, Athens 2002

90000 PLOW


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
TIME (ms)

Fig. 11. Range of draught force magnitude in time for a heavy cultivator, plow and a rotary









0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
TIME (ms)

Figure 12. Range of demanded torque magnitude using a rotary cultivator


ENERGY (kJ/1000m2)

15000 PLOW


Figure 13. Energy consumption for several agricultural implements

1st Conference of Hellenic Association of ICT in Agriculture (HAICTA), Food and
Environment, Athens 2002


The gauges and whole instrumentation have shown have the ability:
1. To measure the developed forces between the tractor and the agricultural implements.
2. To measure the power demand and energy consumption from several agricultural
3. Off using them to determine energy and power requirements of tractors.
4. Using them to improve design and construction of several agricultural implements.


1. Coates W., Latenzen B (1990) Harvesting Guayngle Shrub By baling. Application

Engineering in Agricultural 6(4) p390.
2. Doeblin E.O. (1983) Measurement Systems. Application and Design. Third edition.
McGraw Hill International.
3. Freeland R.S. Tompkins F.D. Wilhelm L.R. Wilkerson J.B. (1984) Inshumentation for In-
Field Energy Measurements of Pro-Driven Agricultural Impelements. ASAE paper 84-
4. Gemtos T.A. Tsirikoglou T.I. (1995) Design and configuration of instrumentation to
measure and record the developed forces between a tractor and agricultural implements.
Geotechnical Scientific Issues (4) 1994 pp. 89-96 (In Greek)
5. T.A. Gemtos, J. Papathanassiou, Th. Kilindris, Chr. Karamoutis. Instrumentation of a
tractor to measure power absorbed by implements. 2nd National conference of
Agricultural Engineering pp. 465-472 (In Greek)
6. Godwin R.J. P.S.G. Magalhaes S.M. Miller R.K.Fry (1987) Instrumentation to Study the
Force Systems and Vertical Dynami Behaviour of Soil Engaging Implements J. Agr
Engng Res (36). 301.
7. Hayes J.C. (1986) Agricultural Data Collection using a Briefcase Computer ASAE paper
No Ser-86-304.
8. Kocher M.F. J.D. Sumners (1987) Design of Drawbar Transducers for Measuring
Dynamic Forces. Trans ASAE p.70.
9. Luth H.J. Floyd V.G. Heise R.P. (1978) Evaluating Energy requirements of Machines in
the Field. ASAE paper No 78-1588.
10. Musonda N.G., Bigsby F.W., Zoerb G.C.(1983) Four Wheel Drive Tractor
Instrumentation for Traction Studies. ASAE paper No 83-1554.
11. Palmer J. Automatic Collection of Data on Practical Use of Field Machines. ASAE paper
No 84-1629.
12. Shropshire G.J. Woreman G.R. Bashford L.L. (1983) A Microprocessor Based
Instrumentation System for Traction Studies. ASAE paper No 83-1048.
13. Topkins F.D., Hert W.E. Freeland R.S., Wilkerson J.B. Wilhelm L.R., (1988) Comparison
of Tractor Ground Speed Measurement Techniques. Trans ASAE 31(2) p.369.


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