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Given: A sample of 50 companies belonging to a certain industry reported the

following number of employees.

4 3
43 33 42 55 49 59 35 42 9 7
4 4
50 46 57 31 39 37 45 28 0 5
3 3
38 35 24 25 41 32 55 42 9 2
5 2
47 21 30 50 45 51 36 52 9 4
58 62 16 36 40 29 40 36 41 21

Find the following: Answers Method
1. Mean 40 Sum of x
2. Range 46 Highest minus (-) Lowest
3. Median 40 Get the mid
4. Mode 42 Get the most often values
5. Class Interval (CI) 5 Range over (/) 10
6. Frequency (f) 50 Get the number of counts
7. Percentage (%) See Table 2 frequency over total number of
8. Less than cumulative frequency (<cf) See Table 2 Write the highest number of
samples on the first row at the
upper most then subtract the
frequency. The difference is
indicated as the answer for the
succeeding row. Then repeat the
step for the proceeding rows.
9. Greater than cumulative frequency (>cf) See Table The manner computation is
the opposite of <cf
10. Xm Write the highest value at the
first row then subtract the Class
Interval. The difference is
indicated in the second row.
Repeat the step up to the last
11. fXm Multiply f and Xm


x f % <cf >cf Xm fXm
60-64 1 2.00 50 1 62 62
55-59 6 12.00 49 7 57 342
50-54 4 8.00 43 11 52 208
45-49 7 14.00 39 18 47 329
40-44 9 18.00 32 27 42 378
35-39 10 20.00 23 37 37 370
30-34 5 10.00 13 42 32 160
25-29 3 6.00 8 45 27 81
20-24 4 8.00 5 49 22 88
15-19 1 2.00 1 50 17 17
CL = 5 N = 50 ΣfXm = 2,035

Table 1. Report on number of personnel employed by 50 companies.
x f % <cf >cf Xm fXm
60-64 1 2.00 50 1 62 62
55-59 6 12.00 49 7 57 342
50-54 4 8.00 43 11 52 208
45-49 7 14.00 39 18 47 329
40-44 9 18.00 32 27 42 378
35-39 10 20.00 23 37 37 370
30-34 5 10.00 13 42 32 160
25-29 3 6.00 8 45 27 81
20-24 4 8.00 5 49 22 88
15-19 1 2.00 1 50 17 17
CL = 5 N = 50 ΣfXm = 2,035

Table 1 presents the reports of fifty (50) companies belonging to a certain

industry about the numbers of personnel employed in their company. The data unveiled
that: One (2.00%) company employed 60-64 numbers of personnel; 6 (12.00%)
companies employed 55-59 numbers of personnel; 4 (8.00%) companies employed 50-
54 numbers of personnel; 7 (14.00%) companies employed 45-49 number of
employees; 9 (18.00%) companies employed 40-44 numbers of employees; 10 (20.00%)
employed 35-39 number of personnel; 5 (10%) companies employed 30-34 numbers of
personnel; 3 (6.00%) companies employed 25-29 numbers of personnel; 4 (8.00%)
companies employed 20-24 numbers of personnel; and 1 (2.00%) company employed
15-19 numbers of personnel.
Data suggests that the companies with highest frequency were companies with
35-39 employees (10 or 20.00%) followed closely by companies with 40-45 employees
(9 or 18.00%). These were tailed by companies with 45-49 employees (7 or 14.00%),
with 55-59 employees (6 or 12.00%) and with 30-34 employees (5 or 10.00%). The data
further unveiled that companies with 50-54 employees and with 20-24 employees have
a frequency of 4 (8.00%) each. For companies with 25-29 employees (3 or 6.00%)
showed as the second lowest counts. Lastly, companies with 60-64 employees and with
15-19 employees (1 or 2.00%) revealed to have the lowest frequency.
This implies that of the 50 companies, only few (11 or 20.00%) companies
classified as medium-sized enterprises. The rest of the companies are classified as small
enterprises. This implication is based on the information provided by OECD that
enterprises can be classified in different categories according to their size; for this
purpose, different criteria may be used, but the most common is number of people
employed. In small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) employ fewer than 250
people. SMEs are further subdivided into micro enterprises (fewer than 10 employees),
small enterprises (10 to 49 employees), medium-sized enterprises (50 to 249
employees). Large enterprises employ 250 or more people
( -by-business-size.htm).


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