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Introduction to English Literature

Tutorial 1

1. What is literature? The word literature is derived from the Latin term which means ‘letter’.
It has been defined differently by various writers or poetry. Literature exist in a book,
magazine or a pamphlet. To understand better, literature is a written works that deals with
ideas, thoughts and emotions of a person/writer and literature can be said as a story of a


(a) Family Background

William Shakespeare born and died on 23rd of April. He lived until 52 years old and
had 7 siblings in Shakespeare’s family. He married with Anne Hathaway. They were
married in 1582, when he was 18 years old while his wife was 26 years old. They had
three children which are Hamnet Shakespeare, Susanna Hall and Judith Quiney.
(b) Education Background
William Shakespeare went to King Edward VI Grammar School and this was a sign
that his parents had cash, as they were a class who could afford to have their sons not
enter the workface. William left school at fourteen years old and did not go to
(c) Literary Works
His literary work may be divided into four periods. The plays are dated according to
the theatrical season in which they were first staged. William Shakespeare wrote 37
plays and 154 sonnets. His plays are made up of a total of 884,429 words. He also
introduced almost 3000 words to the English Language and used over 7000 words only
once in his plays.
(d) Achievements
William Shakespeare started acting in late 1599 when the Glob theatre was built in the
early 1599. He also shared part owner ship with the glob theatre about 12.5% of the
theatre. He expressed himself and his beliefs through acting and wrote many plays even
though it was impractical.

3. Why I think literature is important in our lives? This is because, it can build the critical
thinking skills. When we read, we learn to look between the lines. We were taught to find
symbols, make connections, find themes and learn about characters. With reading, we can
expand the skills and we begin to look at a sentence with a larger sense of detail. Then, we
can appreciate the other cultures and beliefs. Reading about history, anthropology or
religious studies provides a method of learning about cultures and beliefs others than our
owns. It can allow you to understand and get experience about the systems of living.
Literature taught us to learn, understand and appreciate it. It also taught us about the life,
cultures and experiences of people in other parts of the world. Furthermore, literature is
important to us to get us better writing skills. This is because, when we read a book, our
eyes will read the words and we wonder how the writer wrote the sentences or words with
their fantastic ideas. When we read more, we will get more information and it can gain our
knowledge and improves our writing skills. Besides that, literature gives information about
the other parts of the world which you may be able to visit in your lifetime and also gives
information about the other subjects such as in Science, in History, in Geography and so

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