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Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063


A review of ­CO2 storage in geological formations emphasizing

modeling, monitoring and capacity estimation approaches
Temitope Ajayi1 · Jorge Salgado Gomes1 · Achinta Bera1,2

Received: 13 July 2018 / Published online: 8 July 2019

© The Author(s) 2019

The merits of C­ O2 capture and storage to the environmental stability of our world should not be underestimated as emissions
of greenhouse gases cause serious problems. It represents the only technology that might rid our atmosphere of the main
anthropogenic gas while allowing for the continuous use of the fossil fuels which still power today’s world. Underground
storage of C
­ O2 involves the injection of C
­ O2 into suitable geological formations and the monitoring of the injected plume
over time, to ensure containment. Over the last two or three decades, attention has been paid to technology developments
of carbon capture and sequestration. Therefore, it is high time to look at the research done so far. In this regard, a high-level
review article is required to provide an overview of the status of carbon capture and sequestration research. This article
presents a review of C­ O2 storage technologies which includes a background of essential concepts in storage, the physical
processes involved, modeling procedures and simulators used, capacity estimation, measuring monitoring and verification
techniques, risks and challenges involved and field-/pilot-scale projects. It is expected that the present review paper will help
the researchers to gain a quick knowledge of ­CO2 sequestration for future research in this field.

Keywords CO2 storage · Geological formation · Modeling for ­CO2 storage · Mechanism of ­CO2 storage · CO2 storage

1 Introduction are greener technologies such as nuclear energy and wind

energy which reduce the combustion of fossil fuels associ-
The global warming scourge is threatening to ravage human- ated with emission sources and energy efficiency. The con-
ity. Rising sea levels, increases in average global air and sea tinued need for fossil fuels across the world and the rela-
surface temperatures, widespread snow and ice melting are tively slow pace of renewable energy development suggests
notable effects of global warming (IPCC 2007). The implica- that the amount of undesired different gases being emitted
tion of these indicators in the long run on health, nutrition into the atmosphere will remain on the increase. It is impera-
and the economy can be ill-afforded and therefore has been tive, therefore, the ways should be developed in which these
the subject of a great deal of research to date. Numerous harmful gases can be expunged from the atmosphere.
strategies have been employed or are under intense scru- Greenhouse gases, a term for the climate-unfriendly gases
tiny as a means of tackling climate change, some of which emitted into the atmosphere, provide a threat to our ecosys-
tem with C­ O2 accounting for 82% of greenhouse gases in the
Edited by Yan-Hua Sun atmosphere. Though the global warming potential (GWP) of
­CO2 is less than other greenhouse gases (US Environmental
* Achinta Bera Protection Agency 2014), the sheer amount of ­CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere makes it the most significant of
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Khalifa University all greenhouse gases for efficient climate control.
of Science and Technology, Sas Al Nakhl Campus, P.O. The advent, development and implementation of carbon
Box 2533, Abu Dhabi, UAE dioxide capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology
Drilling, Cementing, and Stimulation Research Center, promises to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases enter-
School of Petroleum Technology, Pandit Deendayal ing the atmosphere. CCUS encompasses the capture of car-
Petroleum University, Raisan, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382007, bon dioxide and its associated compounds from producing

Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063 1029

sources, compression, transportation and the utilization of The technology is currently at the research stage without
the captured C­ O2 for processes such as injection into deep any existing pilot tests.
underground geological formations for permanent storage C. Geological sequestration is the most widely used seques-
and injection into existing oil fields for additional recovery tration technology. In this process, ­CO2 is stored in geo-
of hydrocarbons. logical underground structures such as saline aquifers,
Some previous review articles summarized the different depleted oil and gas reservoirs and unmineable coal beds
physicochemical methods responsible for suitable ­CO2 stor- (IPCC 2007; Kaldi et al. 2009; Metz 2005; Pashin and
age and the difficulties in different aspects (Riaz and Cinar Dodge 2010). A short description of all storage sites is
2014; Belhaj and Bera 2017; Aminu et al. 2017; Thakur given below:
et al. 2018). The main motivation of this review paper is to
1. Saline aquifer formations: Saline aquifer forma-
present all aspects of CCUS projects worldwide along with
tions represent the best salted sink for storage of
the technologies, modeling issues and physicochemical pro-
­CO2 among all geological options due to their enor-
cesses occurred during the C­ O2 sequestration within geolog-
mous storage capacity (Grobe et al. 2009). Recently,
ical formation. This review will serve as a single handbook
estimates of the order of 103 Gt C ­ O2 have been
for understanding CCUS and to provide researchers the facts
made for the Alberta deep saline basin by account-
about CCUS in the oil industry. C ­ O2 flooding for enhanced
ing for the solubility trapping mechanism (Bachu
oil recovery is one of the effective methods in additional oil
and Adams 2003). Another example is the injection
recovery. The injected carbon dioxide can be stored in the
of the produced ­CO2 into the Utsira aquifer in the
formation of the reservoir. Therefore, it is important to know
North Sea (Korbøl and Kaddour 1995; Torp and
the rock capacity and power to store the carbon dioxide for
Gale 2004). It is required that the aquifer be saline
a long time.
because this already makes it unsuitable for indus-
Storage of ­CO2 has been employed in different parts of
trial, agricultural and human purposes (Aydin et al.
the world. The modes of storage can be broadly classified
2010; Metz et al. 2005).
into natural and man-made modes of storage. Natural modes
  Other storage modes which have been employed
include terrestrial sequestration, while man-made storage
for the storage of ­CO2 include basalts (Gislason
includes storage in geologic formations. Several modes for
and Oelkers 2014) and mineral carbonation (Oelk-
utilizing and storing ­CO2 have been explored as follows:
ers et al. 2008). Among all geologic sequestration
mechanisms, deep saline aquifers represent the
A. Terrestrial sequestration is the capture of C ­ O2 from
ones exhibiting highest sequestering capability, as
the atmosphere and storing it into soils and vegetation.
against those provided by depleted oil and gas res-
Removal of ­CO2 from the atmosphere through photo-
ervoirs and unmineable coal beds (IPCC 2007; Torp
synthesis and prevention of the emission of C ­ O2 from
and Gale 2004; Kaldi et al. 2009; Parson and Keith
terrestrial sources are the mechanisms for terrestrial
storage. It has been postulated to provide an important
2. Depleted oil and gas reservoirs: Previously produc-
mechanism for the storage of carbon dioxide (Litynski
ing oil and gas fields which have been considered
et al. 2006; Thomson et al. 2008).
uneconomical for further production of hydrocar-
B. Ocean sequestration qualifies as the largest possible sink
bons are suitable candidates for geological seques-
for carbon dioxide storage with an estimated potential
tration. Characteristics required for a storage site are
storage of 40,000 gigatonnes (Gt) of ­CO2 (Herzog et al.
present in such formations and have been employed
1997, 2000; Lal 2008) and the possibility of storing over
for geologic sequestration. An important advan-
90% of current ­CO2 emissions. It involves the injection
tage is that they have been adequately character-
and deposition of ­CO2 into the water body at depths
ized previously. Additionally, the safe and secure
below 1 km either from moving ships, fixed pipelines
nature of these formations which have been able to
or offshore platforms. At this depth, water has a lower
store oil and gas over a long period of time makes
density than the injected ­CO2 and the latter is expected
them prime candidates. Existing numerical com-
to dissolve and disperse into the water body (Metz et al.
puter models of such formations which have been
2005). However, there are huge concerns over the envi-
history-matched provide improved confidence in
ronmental impact of ­CO2 on marine life from the acidity
the formations. Infrastructures and wells used in the
of seawater near the injection point (Seibel and Walsh
development of these fields are also available for
2001). The scalability of experiments involved in ocean
­CO2 injection. Storage capacity available in depleted
sequestration is also very difficult, thus requiring expen-
reservoirs is significantly lower due to the need to
sive field experiments (Adams et al. 1998a, b; Auerbach
avoid exceeding pressures that can damage the cap
et al. 1997; Herzog et al. 1997; Seibel and Walsh 2003).


1030 Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063

rock and the significant leakage threat posed by the China (Liang et al. 2009) and different parts of the
abandoned wells. (A potential for leaks exists behind world for simultaneous EOR and storage processes
well casings.) (Ghomian et al. 2008; Gozalpour et al. 2005; Liu
3. Deep unmineable coal beds: ­CO2 has been employed et al. 2013; Moritis 2000; Narinesingh et al. 2014).
for the recovery of methane from coal seams during
the enhanced coal bed methane (ECBM) recovery This integrated review will discuss storage of ­CO2 in various
process (Busch and Gensterblum 2011; Mukherjee geological formations with a focus on saline aquifers. Sec-
and Misra 2018; Pan et al. 2018b). Produced meth- tion 1 contains the introductory part of the review. Section 2
ane from this source can be utilized as an energy discusses the properties of the gas which favors storage as
source. Coal beds have very large fracture networks well as trapping mechanisms and the physical processes
through which gas molecules can diffuse into the involved in the storage process. Section 3 gives a summary
matrix and desorb tightly adsorbed methane. C ­ O2 of the pilot- and commercial-scale projects which are in the
has been proven to raise methane recovery to about planning phase, in operation or have been abandoned. In
90% from 50% when conventional methods are Sect. 4, we discuss the modeling strategies for ­CO2 which
applied. Injected C ­ O2 is stored in the formations have been applied in the literature. Section 5 covers the esti-
after methane has been recovered. Storage in coal mation methods for storage capacities. In Sect. 6, an over-
beds can take place at shallower depths than other view of the measuring, monitoring and verification tools and
formation types and as such relies on ­CO2 adsorp- challenges is provided. Section 7 reports the risks and chal-
tion on the coal surface. However, the technical fea- lenges that may be present before commercial application of
sibility of this storage process strongly depends on field-scale projects. Finally, conclusions and recommenda-
the coal’s permeability as a result of its depth vari- tions are provided in Sect. 8. It is expected that the entire
ation with the influence of effective stress on coal manuscript will provide an overview of CCUS issues of past,
fractures (Metz et al. 2005). present and future challenges for newcomers in this field.
  The laboratory and field testing feasibility of
commercial ­CO2 injection into coal beds and seams
has been reported in the San Juan Basin, which 2 CO2 storage in saline aquifers
is the world’s first ECBM project (Reeves 2001).
Other enhanced coal bed methane recovery projects 2.1 Conditions required for storage sites
reported in the world for laboratory and field testing
include the Sydney Basin in Australia (Saghafi et al. The selection of a geological site for storage must be done
2007) and deep coalbed methane in Alberta Canada to meet three main conditions: capacity, injectivity and
(Gunter et al. 1997). containment. The requirement of the capacity of a storage
4. CO2 storage during enhanced oil recovery: ­CO2 is site ensures that the selected site possesses adequate pore
used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) from mature volumes to store large amounts of C ­ O2. Typical conditions
fields. ­CO2 for EOR operations has been employed would mean that the site should contain significant porosity
in the miscible and immiscible states. When injected and/or occupy a very large area. Injectivity of C
­ O2 is assured
into oil, ­CO2 has the capability to swell the oil, if the candidate formation possesses high permeability
reduce its viscosity and reduce interfacial tension ensuring that lower wellhead pressures can be used to main-
and in some cases become miscible with the oil tain desired injection rates. Competent cap rocks and sealing
allowing for single-phase flow. Of the two miscible faults (if present) are necessary to ensure that the injected
states for EOR via ­CO2 injection, miscibility of ­CO2 ­CO2 does not escape to the surface or leak into groundwa-
in oil usually provides higher recoveries. The abil- ter due to the lower density of the C­ O2 gas compared with
ity of ­CO2 to become miscible in oil is determined resident brine. For successful storage of carbon dioxide, it
by the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP). At is required that C
­ O2 be stored in a supercritical phase, the
and above this pressure, ­CO2 is miscible in oil and state in which C­ O2 exists when it is compressed to higher
below, it is immiscible. Though C ­ O2 injection in pressures and temperatures (about 89 °F and 7.4 MPa). In
this process is done primarily for EOR, it comes this phase, C
­ O2 possesses properties of a liquid but flows as
with the added benefit of storage of ­CO2 contribut- a gas. Essentially, ­CO2 is required to be stored at this state
ing to minimizing the global warming scourge. Over due to its higher density, reducing the buoyancy differential
the last decade, ­CO2 has been used in over 70 EOR between ­CO2 and in situ fluids (Grobe et al. 2009; Kane
operations around the world with over 40 reported and Klein 2002; Koide et al. 1992). Though the density of
in West Texas (Moritis 2000), Weyburn Field in ­CO2 is higher when injected underground, it remains signifi-
Canada (Malik and Islam 2000), Shengli Oilfield in cantly lower than the density of in situ brine which lies in

Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063 1031

the region of 1200–2000 kg/m3 depending on the salinity of underground in the long term is essential. During the injec-
the brine. The implication of this density differential is the tion process in the targeted formation, viscous forces are the
buoyant movement of ­CO2 when injected underground and dominant forces for the migration of C­ O2. ­CO2 is then stored
thus demanding the presence of low-permeability cap rocks in either the supercritical or the gas phase as a function of
which overlay the aquifer. depth at the associated pressure and temperature. Once
the injection stops, the supercritical ­CO2 tends to migrate
2.2 Trapping mechanisms upward through the porous and permeable rock as a result
of the buoyancy effect created by its density difference com-
The storage capacity, containment and injectivity of ­CO2 pared to other reservoir fluids and laterally via preferential
are dependent on the geological and petrophysical proper- pathways until a cap rock, fault or other sealed discontinuity
ties of the target formation. The injected supercritical ­CO2 is reached (Han 2008). This will prevent further migration
is securely trapped underground via two major trapping of the ­CO2 as shown in Fig. 2. In depleted oil and gas fields,
mechanisms (physical trapping and geochemical trapping) the movement of the ­CO2 can also be halted by abandoned
(Fig. 1). The effectiveness of the storage process is governed wells sealed with solid cement plugs. The risk associated
by a combination of both trapping mechanisms to ensure with such trapping is leakages behind casing or through
long-term storage (Coninck et al. 2005). the mentioned plugs. Thus, many studies have been con-
ducted on the leakage of ­CO2 through geological structures
2.2.1 Physical trapping and existing wells (Ambrose et  al. 2017; Eke et  al. 2011;
Lewicki et al. 2007; Scherer et al. 2015; Shipton et al. 2004,
Physical trapping is the process where C ­ O2 maintains its 2006; Temitope and Gupta 2019; Zakrisson et al. 2008).
physical nature after injection into an aquifer. It can be sub-
divided into structural (hydrostratigraphic) and residual  Residual/capillary trapping As supercritical C ­ O2
(capillary) trapping. Generally, the time period for physical percolates through storage formations, reservoir fluids are
trapping is believed to be less than a century (Juanes et al. displaced. The movement of the C ­ O2 occurs in two direc-
2006). tions: upward as a result of density differences and later-
ally due to viscous forces. Reservoir fluid fills the spots left.  Structural trapping Structural trapping is usually However, some of the ­CO2 is left behind as disconnected/
the first form of trapping encountered during geological residual droplets in the pore spaces as displayed in Fig. 3.
sequestration, and a similar mechanism has kept oil and Surface tension between ­CO2 and brine acts to halt the
gas securely stored underground for millennia. Geologi- ­CO2 movement, thereby causing higher capillary entry pres-
cal structures such as anticlines covered with cap rocks sure than the average rock pressure as suggested by Saadat-
(an ultra-low-permeability layer), stratigraphic traps with/ poor et al. (2010). At this point, C
­ O2 becomes immobilized
without sealed faults are employed for the storage of C ­ O2 in the pores at residual gas saturation. It is usually observed
as a mobile phase or supercritical fluid. Maximization of in rocks with small-scale capillary heterogeneities. Recent
this storage mechanism to ensure that C­ O2 injected remains studies have revealed that capillary trapping appears to be

Structural (hydro stratigraphic) trapping

Physical trapping
< 100 years Residual (capillary) trapping

Sorption trapping
CO2 trapping
mechanisms Slow diffusion in aqueous phase

Solubility trapping

Convective processes
Geochemical trapping

Mineral trapping Reaction with minerals

Fig. 1  Different ­CO2 trapping mechanisms during the geological storage process


1032 Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063

Buoyant CO2 plume trapped by the seal (cap rock)

Injection well

Cap rock

Porous media

CO2 makes its way to the

top of the aquifer

Buoyant CO2 plume

trapped by sealing fault

Sealing fault

Fig. 2  Physical trapping of injected C

­ O2 as a result of the formation structure

Cap rock 2.2.2 Geochemical trapping

CO2 gets trapped in
the pore throats of the Geochemical trapping occurs when C ­ O2 changes its physical
porous media, as it makes
its way to the cap rock
and chemical nature by undergoing series of geochemical
reactions with the formation brine and the rock and ceases
to remain in the mobile or immobile phase. This interaction
ensures the disappearance of ­CO2 as a separate phase and
further increases storage capacity, making this an appropri-
ate feature of long-term storage.  Solubility trapping In a similar manner by which

Porosity filled with water
sugar dissolves in tea, C
­ O2 dissolves in other fluids in either
the supercritical or gaseous phase. Solubility trapping
occurs as a result of the dissolution of the ­CO2 in the brine,
Fig. 3  Residual trapping of injected C
­ O2 as a result of the formation leading to dense ­CO2-saturated brine. At this point, it ceases
pore structure. Arrows in the diagram indicate the movement of the
­CO2 plume
to remain a separate phase which eliminates any buoyancy
effect. Over time, ­CO2-saturated brine becomes denser than
the surrounding reservoir fluids and falls to the bottom of
a more efficient mechanism to trap C­ O2 underground in the the formation over time, culminating in more secure C ­ O2
short term compared to other short-term trapping mecha- trapping (Fig. 4).
nisms (Burnside and Naylor 2014; Lamy et al. 2010). Its The dissolution of ­CO2 in the aqueous phase leads to the
efficiency is due to exhibition of higher capillary forces to formation of weak carbonic acid which decomposes over
buoyant forces, causing ­CO2 to appear as pore-scale bubbles time into ­H+ and H­ CO3− ions (Eq. 1). It can also react with
rather than being retained by a somewhat compromised cap other cations in the formation brines to form insoluble ionic
rock. Furthermore, it provides an advantage of no risk of species as highlighted in Eqs. 1–4. ­CO2 solubility in forma-
major failure associated with structural traps over a short tion water decreases as temperature and salinity increase.
time scale (Jalil et al. 2012).
CO2(aq) + H2 O ↔ H+ + HCO−3 (1)

Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063 1033

Cap rock

Brine saturated with CO2



CO2 drops into the aquifer


Porous media

Fig. 4  Pictorial representation of solubility trapping via convective mixing, one of the mechanisms for the dissolution of ­CO2 into aquifers

modeling of these reactions is critical to the success of

Ca2+ + CO2(aq) + H2 O ↔ H+ + CaHCO3(aq) (2) ­CO2 sequestration predictions. This trapping mechanism
is dependent on the rock minerals, the pressure of the gas,
Na+ + CO2(aq) + H2 O ↔ H+ + NaHCO3(aq) (3) temperature and porosity and has been found to produce
significant changes in the rock permeability and porosity
(Benson and Cole 2008; Kampman et al. 2014). Perkins
Mg2+ + 2CO2(aq) + 2H2 O ↔ 2H+ + Mg(HCO3 )2(aq) . (4) et al. (2004) predicted from a simulation study that all the
­CO2 injected into the Weyburn Oil Field will be converted  Mineral trapping Mineral trapping occurs as a to carbon dioxide minerals after 5000 years. They reported
result of the conversion of ­CO2 into calcite due to reactions greater mineralization capacity for the cap rock and overly-
with solid minerals. This trapping is believed to be relatively ing formation rock, which is quite significant for leakage risk
slow since it occurs during/after solubility trapping and con- assessment. The capacity is estimated based on the amount
sidered as the most permanent form of storage. C ­ O2 in the of minerals available for carbon dioxide precipitation and
aqueous phase forms a weak acid which reacts with rock the quantity of C
­ O2 used in the reaction processes. The most
minerals to form bicarbonate ions with different cations striking advantage of mineral trapping mechanism over the
depending on the mineralogy of the formation. An example other mechanisms is that it prevents ­CO2 from existing as a
of such reaction with potassium basic silicate (Eq.  5) and separate phase, thus ensuring that its upward movement is
calcium (Eq. 6) is shown below: halted and also enhances the formation of stable precipitates
(Xu et al. 2001, 2003, 2004).
3K-feldspar + 2CO2(aq) + 2H2 O ↔ Muscovite There are multiple mechanisms responsible for the stor-
(5) age operating simultaneously and on different time scales
+ 6Quartz + 2K+ + 2HCO−3
which influence the storage capacity estimate. The interac-
tion between various mechanisms is quite complex, evolves
Ca2+ + CO2(aq) + H2 O ↔ Calcite + 2H+ (6) with time and depends highly on local conditions. An exam-
Precipitation of carbon dioxide minerals is invariably ple of time scale evolution of different mechanisms at play
induced by reactions with the rock formations depending in a deep saline formation is as shown in Fig. 5.
on the mineralogy of these formations. Hence, geochemical


1034 Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063

2.3 Physical processes during ­CO2 storage The drainage and imbibition-like processes during the
injection and post-injection stages of ­CO2 storage lead to
A number of physical processes are involved in the injection hysteresis, a process where the capillary pressure and rela-
and post-injection phases of carbon dioxide. ­CO2 trapping in tive permeability curves change pathways. This phenomenon
aquifers is aided by three physical processes buoyancy (grav- has been described as being very critical to the successful
ity), viscous forces and capillary forces (Kong et al. 2013). modeling of C ­ O2 trapping processes (Ghomian et al. 2008;
During the injection period of C ­ O2 into aquifers, viscous Juanes et al. 2006; Spiteri et al. 2005). This is because as the
forces are the dominant forces for the vertical and lateral ­CO2 migrates upward after the injection phase, the remain-
migration of C ­ O2 due to pressure gradients created by the ing ­CO2 plume gets disconnected due to water displacing
injection processes. The injected fluid ­(CO2) displaces the ­CO2 at the trailing edge and becomes a series of blobs. C ­ O2
formation fluid (brine) in a drainage-like process. is trapped in these blobs, and the mechanism is termed resid-
In the post-injection phase, a combination of buoyancy ual or capillary trapping mechanism, which over time results
and capillary forces are responsible for the trapping of ­CO2. in the dissolution of the ­CO2 in the formation brine.
Buoyancy forces are usually greater than capillary forces and Heterogeneity and wettability of the aquifer are also key
viscous forces after injection in deep saline aquifers, leading considerations in this mechanism. Heterogeneity has been
to upward migration of C ­ O2. Buoyancy results from density subdivided into the small and large scales (Gershenzon et al.
differences between the injected C ­ O2 and the aquifer brine 2014; Lasseter et al. 1986; Li and Benson 2014). Viscous and
causing the ­CO2 to migrate upward after injection displacing capillary forces dominate the flow, while gravity forces are
water in an imbibition-like process. generally regarded as unimportant when small-scale hetero-
The upward migration leads to gravity segregation, and geneities are considered. When large-scale heterogeneity is
further migration to the surface is prevented by the ultra- considered, the formation possesses variable pore throat sizes,
low permeable seal at the formation top. Once reaching which are likened to different capillary tubes sizes. As a result,
the top of the formation, the vertical migration is halted, a variable amount of entry capillary pressure is required to
while the lateral migration continues until a sealing fault displace the formation fluid. This leads to more ­CO2 being
or formation boundary is reached. Thorough geomechani- trapped as the entry pressure is overcome. Wettability and
cal analysis has to be made to ensure that leakage of C ­ O2 interfacial tension changes have been proven to alter the capil-
does not occur when the buoyant ­CO2 reaches the seal. One lary pressures in a porous medium (Bennion and Bachu, 2006;
means of leakage is when the pressure of the C ­ O2 is high Chiquet et al. 2007; Jung and Wan 2012; Park et al. 2015;
enough to overcome the entry pressure of the seal (Hesse Yang et al. 2005). The basic definition of capillary pressure
et al. 2006). Others could be due to the cap rock fractures, (Eqs. 7 and 8) and Young–Laplace equation (9) can be shown
thermal stresses in the caprock as a result of temperature as follows in terms of mathematical forms:
variation between the injected ­CO2 and aquifer and the pres-
Pc = Pnw − Pw (7)
ence of open faults, fractures and abandoned wells (Chiquet
et al. 2007; Goodarzi et al. 2013). Geomechanical considera- 4𝜎𝛾w 4𝜎
tions involving cap rock integrity are one of the factors that Pc = = (8)
d𝛾w d
affect the sequestering capacity of the overlying seal.
2𝜎w,CO2 cos 𝜃
Pc = PCO2 − Pw = (9)

where d is diameter; R is the pore throat radius; Pc is defined
as the capillary pressure; Pnw and Pw are the pressures of
Trap filling
the non-wetting and wetting phases, respectively; PCO2 is
Physical trapping the pressure of C ­ O2; 𝛾w is the water surface tension; 𝜎 is the
Dissolution interfacial tension; 𝜎w,CO2 is the interfacial tension between
Residual CO2 trapping
water and C ­ O2, and θ is the contact angle between the wet-
ting medium and the rock surface.
In a typical ­CO2–water system, ­CO2 is usually described
Adsorption as the non-wetting phase, while water is the wetting phase;
1 101 102 103 104 105 106 however, it has been proven that during the C ­ O2 upward
Time, years migration, this wetting state can be changed (Broseta et al.
2012; Chiquet et al. 2007; Marckmann et al. 2003; Siemons
Fig. 5  Time frame for trapping mechanisms in deep saline formations et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2005). Equation 9 shows that the cap-
during and after injection (IPCC 2007; Metz et al. 2005) illary pressure is dependent on the pore throat radius, R, the

Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063 1035

interfacial tensions ( 𝜎 ) and the contact angles (θ) between storage and on the effective monitoring tools which could be
the wetting medium and the rock surface. Therefore, the used for large-scale injections. These projects can be broadly
interfacial tensions and wettability have a significant impact classified according to the storage location of the different
on the sequestration capabilities of aquifer rocks. projects (saline, EOR, depleted gas reservoirs, ECBM),
During the residence time of trapped ­CO2 in the blobs based on the mode of capture of the carbon dioxide (power
and ganglia, C ­ O2 dissolves into brine and this dissolution plants CCS projects and non-power plant CCS projects) and
has been proven to occur by three principal mechanisms. based on the current status of the projects (planned, ongoing
They are (a) diffusion of C ­ O2 within the aqueous phase, and completed CCS projects).
(b) reactions with the host minerals (classified as mineral The Sleipner project in Norway is the first case of large-
trapping) and (c) convective mixing driven by slight density scale commercial C ­ O2 storage in the world (Torp and Gale
differences between the water saturated with C ­ O2 and the 2004). The project began in 1996 and injected about a mil-
unsaturated water (Ennis-King and Paterson 2003; Hassan- lion tons of ­CO2 into the sands of the Utsira Formation
zadeh et al. 2007). Ennis-King and Paterson (2003) stated which is about 900 m below the bottom of the North Sea.
that the dominant mechanism for long-term dissolution of The major incentive behind the commencement of the Sleip-
­CO2 in the formation brine is convective mixing rather than ner project was the need for minimization of taxes placed on
pure diffusion as it is in orders of magnitude faster than dif- the direct emission of C ­ O2 into the atmosphere (Christian-
fusion and chemical reaction with the host mineral. sen 2001; Global CCS 2017; Kongsjorden et al. 1998). The
The disproportionate dissolution of ­CO2 in brine leads to companies involved were faced with the options of paying
gravitational instabilities which could further aid in solubil- heavy taxes for atmospheric emissions or injecting the ­CO2
ity trapping. Several researchers have worked on trying to into saline aquifers. Injection of C ­ O2 into saline aquifers
determine the onset time of convective mixing and the influ- provided a beneficial means for cost reduction by the par-
encing factors (Bestehorn and Firoozabadi 2012; Ennis-King ties involved. Policies such as carbon dioxide pricing which
and Paterson 2003; Hassanzadeh et al. 2007; Rasmusson would coerce companies with high ­CO2 emissions into con-
et al. 2015; Riaz et al. 2006; Xu et al. 2006b). Ennis-King sidering the need for C­ O2 storage are major ways to ensure
and Paterson (2003) used a linear stability analysis technique emissions into the atmosphere are significantly reduced.
to provide an estimate of the time required for convective Another incentive for C ­ O2 storage is the low cost of captur-
instability to begin. They predicted the time to be typically ing; this has especially been noticed in the current field-scale
up to tens of years, and this method has been used by sev- projects where C ­ O2 injected was obtained from the separa-
eral other researchers (Hassanzadeh et al. 2006; Hesse et al. tion of ­CO2 from produced gases, thus reducing the need
2006; Riaz et al. 2006). Riaz et al. (2006) determined the for capturing from coal plants which have not undergone
critical time and wavelength or the onset of convective mix- separation and would cost more to capture from such plants.
ing using the method of linear stability. It was determined The high cost of capturing ­CO2 from combustion processes
that the critical time varies between 2000 years and 10 days has triggered the idea of carbon dioxide capture utilization
and the critical wavelength varies between 200 and 0.3 m and storage (CCUS) where the ­CO2 could also be used for
for a permeability variation of 1–3000 mD. Rasmusson et al. enhanced oil recovery and revenue derived from the pro-
(2015) applied the Rayleigh number (Ra) in determining duced oil could be used to offset the cost of capturing and
the onset of gravity-driven instabilities. They predicted that injecting into formations. The success of the Sleipner project
a prerequisite for Ra, which must be greater than a critical elicited the increased field deployments on ­CO2 storage.
Ra, is required for the onset of density-driven instabilities. Several pilot-scale projects have also been implemented
­ O2 remains dissolved in the brine, it forms weak
Finally, as C across the world. These projects typically inject small
acids which react with the host minerals to form precipitates amounts of ­CO2 into identified formations for a small period
(Gunter et al. 2000; Kumar et al. 2005; Xu et al. 2001). of time. These projects provide answers to questions of inter-
est to the investigators. The first pilot-scale project in the
USA was the Frio Project where about 1600 tons of ­CO2 was
3 Field‑scale projects on ­CO2 storage injected at a depth of about 1500 m below the surface for
a period of 10 days (Hovorka et al. 2006). The Frio Project
CO2 sequestration projects are currently ongoing or in the provided information about the movement of ­CO2 plume and
planning stage across the world. Notable among these are the was able to validate numerical models developed to analyze
Sleipner project in Norway, the Weyburn Project in Canada subsurface ­CO2 migration. Other notable pilot-scale projects
and the In Salah Project in Algeria. Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 pre- are the Cranfield Project (Hosseini et al. 2013; Hovorka et al.
sent the lists of most of the projects. These field-scale injec- 2013), Decatur Project (Finley 2014; Senel et al. 2014), Ket-
tions of ­CO2 into candidate formations have provided more zin site in Germany (Kempka and Kuhn 2013; Martens et al.
insight into the physics of the processes involved in geologic


Table 1  Storage projects across the world: saline aquifer projects


Project name Country Company operators Total planned storage Capture mode CO2 fate Status of project References

Captain UK Captain Clean Energy 3.8 Mt/year Power Pipeline to offshore deep Planning James (2013)
Limited (CCEL) owned by saline formations
Summit Power and ­CO2
Deep Store
Don Valley UK 2Co Energy Ltd, Samsung 4.9 Mt/year Power Pipeline for sequestration Planning
Construction & Trading, in offshore deep saline
BOC formations
Killing Holme UK C.GEN NV and National 2.5 Mt/year Power Offshore pipeline for storage Planning
Grid in deep saline aquifers
Korea CCS Korea Korea Carbon Capture and 1 Mt/year Power Ulleung deep saline forma- Planning Lee et al. 2012
Sequestration R&D Center tion or the Gorae gas
(KCRC) reservoir
Lianyungang China Summit Power, National 1 Mt/year Power Binhai for saline aquifers or Planning Pang et al. (2012) and Qiao
Grid, ­CO2 Deep Store North Jiangsu oilfields for et al. (2012)
Longyearbyen Norway UNIS ­CO2 Lab-AS Not available Power Onshore storage in a saline Planning Braathen et al. (2012)
White Rose UK Capture Power Limited, the 2 Mt/year Power Pipeline to offshore storage Planning Verdon (2014)
consortium of Alstom UK in a saline aquifer
Limited, Drax Power Lim-
ited and National Grid plc
Cranfield USA SECARB 1–1.5 Mt/year Non-power Saline reservoir, Tuscaloosa In operation since 2009 Lu et al. (2012)
Sandstone Formation,
down dip of the mature
Cranfield Oil Field
Citronelle USA SECARB, Denbury, South- 0.25 Mt/year Non-power The southern flank of the In operation since 2011 Haghighat et al. (2013)
ern Energy Citronelle dome
Decatur USA Archer Daniels Midland, 1 Mt/year Non-power Sequestration in Mount In operation since 2011 Zhou et al. (2010)
MGSC (Led by Illinois Simon sandstone
State Geological Survey),
Schlumberger Carbon
Services and Richland
Community College
Kevin Dome  USA Big Sky Partnership, 0.125 Mt/year Non-power The Duperow Formation Planning Riding and Rochelle (2005)
Schlumberger Carbon (3900 ft)
Services, Vecta Oil & Gas
Ltd, Lawrence Berkeley
National Lab, Los Alamos
National Lab
Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063
Table 1  (continued)
Project name Country Company operators Total planned storage Capture mode CO2 fate Status of project References

Wasatch Plateau USA  South West Partnership 1 Mt/year Non-power The Jurassic Entrada Forma- Planning Parry et al. (2007)
(SWP), New Mexico tion and Navajo sandstone
Institute of Mining and
Technology, University
of Utah, Schlumberger
and Los Alamos National
Fort Nelson Canada Plains ­CO2 Reduction Part- 2.2 Mt/year Non-power Middle Devonian carbonate Planning
nership (PCOR), Spectra rock
Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063

Energy, British Columbia

Ministry of Energy, Mines
and Petroleum Resources
Quest Canada Athabasca Oil Sands Project: 1.1 Mt/year Non-power Injection into the Cambrian Launched in November Brydie et al. (2014)
Shell Canada, Chevron Basal Sands 2015
Canada, and Marathon Oil
Sleipner Norway StatOil 0.9 Mt/year Non-power Utsira Formation In operation since 1996 Chadwick et al. (2004)
Ketzin Germany GFZ German Research 0.06 Mt/year Non-power Stuttgart sandstone reservoir In operation since 2008 Schilling et al. (2009)
Centre for Geosciences and
Ketzin partners
Snohvit Norway Statoil ASA, Petoro AS 0.7 Mt/year Non-power Saline Tubaen sandstone In operation since 2007 Hansen et al. (2013)
(Norwegian state direct formation reservoirs
interest), Total E&P Norge
AS, GDF Suez E&P Norge
AS, Norsk Hydro, Hess
ULCOS Florange France ArcelorMittal and ULCOS 0.7–1.2 Mt/year Non-power Onshore deep saline forma- On hold Global CCS (2017)
(Ultra-Low-CO2-Steel) tions
Ordos China Shenhua Group 1 Mt/year Non-power EOR/saline aquifer In operation since 2010 Li et al. (2016)
Gorgon Australia Gorgon Joint Venture (Chev- 3.4–4.0 Mt/year Non-power Dupuy Formation 2.5 km Under construction Flett et al. (2009)
ron Australia, ExxonMobil, below Barrow Island
Shell, Tokyo Gas, Osaka
Gas and Chubu Electric)
Yulin China Shenhua Group, Dow 2–3 Mt/year Non-power Onshore deep saline aquifers Planning Li-ping et al. (2015)
Minami-Nagaka Japan EnCana, IEA 0.015  Mt/year Non-power Haizume Formation In operation since 2002 Zwingmann et al. (2005)
Frio USA Bureau of Economic Geol- 177 t/day Non-power Frio Formation In operation since 2004 Hovorka et al. (2006)
ogy of the University of
Teapot Dome USA Rocky Mountain Oilfield 170 t/day Non-power Tensleep and Red Peak In operation since 2006 Friedmann and Stamp (2006)
Testing Center (RMOTC) Formation


Table 2  Storage projects across the world: C

­ O2 EOR/storage projects

Project name Country Company operators Total planned storage Capture mode CO2 fate Status of project References

Santos Basin Brazil Petrobras, BG E&P 1 Mt/year Non-power Lula and Sapinhoá oil In operation since 2013 Saini (2017)
Brasil Ltda, Petrogal fields
Boundary Dam Canada SaskPower 1 Mt/year Power EOR in Weyburn field, October 2014-date Stéphenne (2014)
excess to be used at
the Aquistore project
Bow City Canada Bow City Power, Can- 1 Mt/year Power Pipeline for EOR Planning Global CCS (2017)
solv (Subsidiary of
Shell), Luscar, Fluor
Pembina Canada Penn West 50 t/day Non-power Cardium Formation In operation since 2005
Weyburn-Midale Canada Cenovus Energy, 1 Mt/year Non-power EOR in 2 carbonate In operation since 2000 White (2009)
Apache Canada, fields: Weyburn field
PTRC (Petroleum (6500 t/day) and
Technology Research Midale field (1200 t/
Center) day)
Zama Canada PCOR, Apache Canada 0.067 Mt/year Non-power EOR in Zama Keg In operation since 2006 Smith et al. (2009)
Ltd River oil field
Alberta Carbon Trunk Canada Enhance Energy Inc. 14.7 Mt/year Non-power Injection into the Clive Planning Cole and Itani (2013)
Line oil reservoir
Daqing China Alstom and China 1 Mt/year Power EOR in nearby fields Planning Xiuzhang (2014)
Datang Corporation
Dongguan China Dongguan Taiyangzhou 1 Mt/year Power EOR in Shangdong Planning Liu et al. (2016)
Power Corporation, Province
Xinxing Group, Nan-
jing Harbin Turbine
Co, KBR, Southern
GreenGen China GreenGen 2 Mt/year Power Onshore EOR Planning Haszeldine (2009)
Shengli China Sinopec 1 Mt/year Power EOR in Shangdong Planning Liang et al. (2009)
Uthmaniyah Saudi Arabia Saudi Aramco 0.8 Mt/year. Power Pipeline for onshore In operation Liu et al. (2012)
Uthmaniyah Saudi Arabia Saudi Aramco 0.8 Mt/year. Non-power Pipeline for onshore In operation since 2015 Liu et al. (2012)
ESI CCS Project United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Future 0.8 Mt/year Non-power EOR, Rumaitha Zone- Started in 2017 Temitope et al. (2016)
(UAE) Energy Company B, and Bab Zone-B
(Masdar) and Abu
Dhabi National Oil
Company (ADNOC)
Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063
Table 2  (continued)
Project name Country Company operators Total planned storage Capture mode CO2 fate Status of project References

Taweelah United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Future 2 Mt/year Power Injection for EOR Planning
(UAE) Energy Company
(Masdar) and
Taweelah Asia Power
Company (TAPCO)
and Emirates Alu-
minium (EMAL)
Bell Creek USA PCOR, Denbury 1 Mt/year Non-power EOR at Bell Creek oil Planning Gorecki et al. (2012)
field, Montana
Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063

Hydrogen Energy USA SCS Energy  3 Mt of ­CO2 captured Power Pipeline to onshore Planning Global CCS (2017)
California Project annually EOR in Occidental’s
(HECA) Elk Hills oil field
Kemper County USA Mississippi Power, 3.5 Mt of ­CO2 annually Power Pipeline for onshore In construction Global CCS (2017)
Southern Energy, EOR
Port Arthur USA Air Products and 1 Mt/year Non-power EOR in West Hasting’s In operation since 2013 Global CCS (2017)
Chemicals, Den- and Oyster Bayou oil
bury Onshore LLC, fields, Texas
University of Texas
Bureau of Economic
Geology and Valero
Energy Corporation
Texas Clean Energy USA Summit Power Group 2–3 Mt/year captured Power EOR in the Permian Planning Global CCS (2017)
Project (TCEP) Inc, Siemens, Fluor, Basin
Linde, R.W. Beck,
Blue Source and
Texas Bureau of Eco-
nomic Geology
WA arish Petra Nova USA Petra Nova Holdings: 1.4 Mt of ­CO2 captured Power Pipeline for onshore In construction Global CCS (2017)
a 50/50 partnership annually EOR in the West
between NRG Energy Ranch Oil Field in
and JX Nippon Oil Jackson County,
& Gas Exploration Texas


1040 Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063

Table 3  Storage projects across the world: depleted reservoir projects

Project name Country Company opera- Total planned Capture mode CO2 fate Status of project References
tors storage

In Salah Algeria BP, Sontrach, 1.2 Mt/year Non-power The Krechba 2004–2011 Ringrose et al.
and Statoil Formation suspended (2009)
Otway Australia CO2 CRC 0.065 Mt/year Non-power The Waarre In operation Underschultz et al.
(Coopera- Formation since 2008 (2011)
tive Research
Center for
Gas Technolo-
*ROAD (Rot- Netherlands E.ON Benelux, 1.1 Mt/year Power Pipeline for stor- Planning Global CCS
terdam Opslag Electrabel, age in depleted (2017)
en Afvang GDF Suez and reservoirs
Demonstrate Alstom
K12B Netherlands Gaz de France 0.365 Mt/year Non-power Rotleigendes In operation van der Meer et al.
since 2004 (2006)
Peterhead UK Scottish and 1 Mt/year Power Pipeline to off- Planning
Southern shore depleted
Energy (SSE) Goldeneye gas
and Shell reservoir
Northern Reef USA Midwest 0.365 Mt/year Non-power Depleted oil field In operation
Trend Regional Car- in the Northern since 2013
bon Sequestra- Reef Trend
tion Partner- (carbonate
ship (MRCSP). reservoir)
DTE Energy,
Core Energy
and Batelle

Table 4  Storage projects across the world: C

­ O2 ECBM projects

Project name Country Company opera- Total planned Capture mode CO2 fate Status of project References
tors storage

Fenn Big Valley Canada Alberta Research 50 t/day Non-power Mannville group In operation since Gunter et al. (2005)
Council 1998
CSEMP Canada Suncor Energy 50 t/day Non-power Ardley Formation In operation since Shi and Durucan
2005 (2005)
Qinshui Basin China Alberta Research 30 t/day Non-power Shanxi Formation In operation since Wong et al. (2007)
Council 2003
Yubari Japan Japanese Ministry 0.004 Mt/year Non-power Yubari Formation In operation since Shi et al. (2008)
of Economy, 2004
Trade and
Recopol Poland TNO-NITG 1 t/day Non-power Silesian Basin In operation since van Bergen et al.
(Netherlands) 2003 (2003)

2013) and the Otway Project in Australia (Etheridge et al. (2015) noted that the embryonic stage of technology on
2011; Underschultz et al. 2011). ­CO2 capture would mean high costs of capture from power
Even though carbon dioxide capture is outside the scope plants for early movers. Early movers need to be encour-
of this review, it is obvious that the deployment of many aged by governments through subsidies. Successful cases
carbon dioxide storage projects would be dependent on the of subsidies by the government can be seen in the Bound-
cost and success of carbon capture processes. Celia et al. ary Dam Project by SaskPower and the Quest Project by
Shell both in Canada.

Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063 1041

4 Modeling strategies employed for ­CO2 solved the equations using the streamlined methodology.
storage Though their model was able to solve the pressure-driven
flow in complex flow fields, it was limited by the assump-
Numerical modeling is typically carried out before the tions of a simple geochemical model and incompressible
commencement of injection projects. They are used for flow. Qi et al. (2009) used the model developed by Obi and
predictions and optimizations. The flow path of the injected Blunt (2006) to postulate a design strategy for injection
­CO2 needs to be predicted prior to injection. Furthermore, of ­CO2 which would render a large percentage of the ­CO2
the optimization of well location needs to be properly immobile on the pore scale. As their work was focused on
assessed during the planning phase. Several authors have maximizing the gas trapped via the residual gas trapping
attempted to model the plume movement of injected C ­ O2 in mechanism, they modified the existing model by assigning
saline formations. Modeling of ­CO2 storage in saline aqui- relative permeabilities on a block by block basis. All in all,
fers is usually performed using either analytical or numeri- these papers have been able to demonstrate the feasibility
cal models. The choice of modeling technique employed is of modeling storage of ­CO2 in saline aquifers by employing
dependent on the aims of the researchers, the nature of the the streamlined methodology. Streamline simulations are,
problem and the data available. Analytical models have the however, best suited to processes where limited pressure
advantage of providing a quick insight into the suitability changes are expected to occur. Given that only injection is
of a formation for storage. Zhou et al. (2008) employed an usually modeled in ­CO2 storage in saline aquifers thus lead-
analytical model to determine the storage capacity in saline ing to significant pressure changes, streamline simulations
aquifers and expected pressure buildup during storage have found limited applications in C ­ O2 storage modeling.
operations. Mathias et al. (2009a) developed approximate Vertical equilibrium models work by discretizing the simu-
solutions for pressure buildup in aquifers assuming vertical lation domain only in the horizontal direction leaving one
pressure equilibrium and accounting for the Forchheimer layer in the vertical direction. Two forms of the vertical
flow of ­CO2 and brine. Solutions from the study were sub- equilibrium model exist: vertically integrated numerical
sequently applied in the screening of potential C
­ O2 storage models which include capillary forces and analytical mod-
sites (Mathias et al. 2009b). Analytical models have been els including a sharp interface where the capillary pres-
used for plume migration studies. Nordbotten et al. (2005a) sure zone is thin with homogeneous formation parameters.
also developed approximate solutions for the prediction of The technique capitalizes on the strong density differential
the plume migration path in a ­CO2 storage site. The model between supercritical C ­ O2 and the in situ brine which leads
was validated with the commercial simulator ECLIPSE to a marked upward increase in the ­CO2. Particularly, on
with very good accuracy. The underlying assumptions of short time scales, the density differential could lead to a
analytical models are, however, too simplistic and cannot strong buoyancy segregation of the two fluids. The idea
account for reservoir property and model geometry het- behind this technique is to derive a better understanding
erogeneities. More so, the complex geochemical reactions of the lateral plume spread and the segregation between
expected in ­CO2 storage cannot be reliably captured by the different fluid phases. Its limitation is in its inability
analytical models. Streamline simulations, vertical equilib- to model heterogeneity in the vertical direction. The tech-
rium models and regular, conventional grid-based numeri- nique has, however, been applied (Gasda et al. 2009, 2011)
cal models are forms of numerical modeling techniques in modeling of ­CO2 storage. Another modeling technique
which have been applied for the modeling of C ­ O2 storage which has been applied to the simulation of C ­ O2 in aquifers
(Cavanagh and Haszeldine 2014; Gasda 2010; Jiang 2011; is the inversion percolation technique. In this approach,
Li et al. 2012; Obi and Blunt 2006; Pruess 2008; Saadawi viscous forces are ignored; therefore, the only forces that
et al. 2011; Wheeler et al. 2008). Streamline simulations dominate the flow are the capillary and gravity forces.
work by splitting the simulation domain into small grid Consequently, this technique is most suitable in systems
sizes and determining the pressure in each grid block using with low fluxes. Inversion percolation is employed when
a finite difference technique. The resulting pressure field the capillary number (ratio of viscous forces to capillary
is applied in tracing the streamlines which determine the force) is less than 0.0001. High-resolution inversion perco-
expected flow fields. As opposed to other forms of numeri- lation models are noted for their simplicity and the speed
cal modeling, streamline simulations are faster and com- of their numerical solutions. Limitations of this approach
putationally efficient as flow equations are reduced to one- are, however, found when flow rates are high and capillary
dimensional equations along the streamlines. Obi and Blunt heterogeneity is not pronounced. Notably, this approach has
(2006) and Qi et al. (2009) have applied streamline simula- been employed in the modeling of the In Salah Field Pro-
tions in the modeling of ­CO2 storage. In their model, Obi ject and the Sleipner storage with a high degree of accuracy
and Blunt (2006) coupled transport and flow equations and (Cavanagh and Ringrose 2011; Cavanagh and Haszeldine
2014). Conventional 3D simulations making use of highly


1042 Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063

developed numerical discretization techniques have been ⎛ kxx kxy kxz ⎞

used to overcome the shortcomings of the other techniques k = ⎜ kyx kyy kyz ⎟ (12)
by incorporating all relevant physics such as expected pres- ⎜ ⎟
⎝ kzx kzy kzz ⎠
sure increases and heterogeneities in both the vertical and
horizontal directions. Typically, they employ finite differ-
Conservation of energy can also be solved for by equat-
ence/element/volume techniques to solve transport and flow
ing the summation of the time rate of change of the energy
equations. In addition, they are able to couple other related
term, advection and conduction terms to the source term as
physical phenomena such as geochemistry, geomechanics
shown below:
and thermal changes. As a result of the detailed modeling
[ ]
of inherent physics, the regular 3D grid-based numerical ∑
modeling techniques are more computationally costly than 𝜙 (𝜌𝛼 s𝛼 U 𝛼 ) + (1 − 𝜙)𝜌s Cs T
the other techniques. Most commercial simulators which ∑
𝛼 (13)
have been employed for modeling of ­CO2 storage issues + ∇ ⋅ (𝜌𝛼 q𝛼 H 𝛼 ) − ∇ ⋅ (𝜆∇T) = SH
have full modeling capabilities (Class et al. 2009; Nghiem 𝛼
et al. 2009).
Modeling of C ­ O2 storage is a multi-component, multi- where U represents the specific internal energy, H is the
phase process with the two fluid phases as the brine and specific enthalpy, T is the temperature, C is the specific heat
a ­CO2-rich phase and the components like C ­ O2, ­H2O, dis- capacity, and all other symbols have definitions as described
solved salts in the brine and rock minerals. It should be noted earlier. Subscript s represents the solid phase.
that the number of components modeled can be different These equations (Eqs. 10, 11 and 13) represent the fun-
depending on the problem to which it is applied. The funda- damental equations for the modeling of storage of ­CO2 in
mental equations used in ­CO2 storage modeling are basically porous media (DePaolo et al. 2019; Nghiem et al. 2004; Pan
the same as equations that describe the flow of oil, gas and et al. 2018a). These equations could be coupled with geo-
water in porous media. These equations are the conserva- chemical reactions, geomechanical modules and other rel-
tion of mass, momentum and energy. Constitutive relations evant physical phenomena. The solution of these equations
are used to formulate solutions for these equations. Other requires either a sequential, simultaneous or fully coupled
physics which could be coupled with the basic equations are approach.
equations that predict geomechanical effects and geochemi- Over the years, researchers have made numerous attempts
cal reactions among others (Temitope and Gupta 2019). to describe underground ­CO2 migration and trapping mecha-
The conservation of mass equation for components can be nisms using numerical analysis. Weir et al. (1996) developed
written as the summation of the advection, diffusive terms a two-dimensional model to evaluate C ­ O2 quantities that
and the time rate of change of mass which equal a source migrated beyond a cap rock after C ­ O2 injection for 10 years
or sink term. into a 3-km-deep aquifer at a mass transfer rate of 100 kg/s.
They varied the confining layer’s permeability in order to
[ ] determine the amount of ­CO2 that could pass through the
𝜕 ∑ ∑ ∑
𝜙 (𝜌𝛼 s𝛼 Xi𝛼 ) + ∇ ⋅ (𝜌𝛼 q𝛼 Xi𝛼 ) − ∇ ⋅ (𝜙𝜏𝛼 𝜌𝛼 D𝛼 ∇Xi𝛼 ) = Si layer. They concluded that a low-permeability seal should
𝛼 𝛼 𝛼
(10) overlay any target formation as this would mean that higher
capillary pressures would be required for the C ­ O2 to pen-
Darcy’s law for a single-phase flow can be written as
etrate the seal. Another C ­ O2 storage study conducted by
q𝛼 kk researchers at the Alberta Research Council (Gunter et al.
v𝛼 = = − 𝛼 (∇p𝛼 + 𝜌𝛼 g∇z) (11)
𝜙 𝜇𝛼 𝜙 1993; Law and Bachu 1996) for the Upper Manville Group
where the modeled formation was a Cretaceous glauconitic
where t represents the time, 𝜙 represents the porosity, 𝜌 is
sandstone aquifer 1.46 km in depth. The formation top of
the density, q is the Darcy flux, k is the permeability tensor,
the aquifer was overlain by several regional-scale aquitards
k is the relative permeability, D is the diffusivity, X is the
(low-permeability shale layers) that inhibited upward migra-
mole fraction, s𝛼 is the saturation term, 𝜏 is the tortuosity,
tion of the injected ­CO2. The unevenness of the formation
Si denotes the source/sink term, v is the velocity vector, 𝜇 is
permeability was modeled based on drill-stem tests per-
the dynamic viscosity, p is the pressure, g is the acceleration
formed during exploration. The study showed no C ­ O2 leak-
due to gravity, and z represents the depth. Subscripts 𝛼 and
age during the modeled time scale.
i are the phase and index, respectively.
Nghiem et al. (2004) developed a fully coupled EOS
The permeability tensor can be written fully as
compositional simulator for modeling C ­ O2 storage in aqui-
fers. The module consisted of geochemical reactions such as

Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063 1043

gas dissolution in the aqueous phase, chemical equilibrium General Purpose Reservoir Simulator (AD_GPRS) by Stan-
reactions, mineral dissolution, and precipitation. The highly ford University (Benson et al. 2013; Fan 2006; Iskhakov
coupled sets of nonlinear equations were solved simulta- 2013), MUFTE-UG (Multiphase Flow Transport and Energy
neously using the Newton approach. The geochemistry Model on Unstructured Grids) developed by a joint effort
module of the simulator was validated with the Geochemist of the University of Stuttgart and the University of Heidel-
­Workbench® (GWB) developed at the University of Illinois berg (Ebigbo et al. 2006), IPARS-CO2 (Integrated Parallel
with high accuracies. The resulting codes were applied on Accurate Reservoir Simulator) developed by the University
two numerical grids: a 2D reservoir used to analyze the of Texas at Austin (Kong 2014; Wheeler et al. 2008); also
impact of mineral trapping and a 3D grid used to study the existing are several simulators by the National Laboratories
evolution of the ­CO2 plume. Rutqvist et al. (2010) coupled in the USA including TOUGH and TOUGH2 usually used
a geomechanical simulator (FLAC3D) and a multi-phase in collaboration with ECON2 (Hovorka et al. 2006; Pruess
flow simulator (TOUGH2) to study the ground deforma- et al. 2002), STOMP Subsurface Transport over Multiphase
tions which would occur at the In Salah storage site in Alge- Processes (Bonneville et al. 2013) [see Table 5 for full list].
ria. Surface deformation results derived from monitoring The difference between most of these simulators lies in the
using interferometry synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) were numerical methods and discretization technique used, the
employed in this study to validate the numerical models and inclusion or non-inclusion of certain physics and the cou-
displayed good agreements with obtained results. A sum- pling methods of the physics.
mary of the workflow for most of the reservoir simulators Numerical simulations have been applied to assess the
for ­CO2 storage issue is provided in Fig. 6. feasibility of commercial storage in aquifers. In a recent
Many researchers exploring ­CO2 storage issues have study, Temitope et al. (2016) employed the Computer Mod-
focused more on simulations for large-scale analysis with elling Group (CMG) simulator with an advanced geochemi-
most experiments carried out aimed at better understanding cal modeling module to evaluate the possibility of commer-
the physics of the processes that occur during the injection cial injection in the Shuaiba aquifer of the Falaha syncline
and post-injection phases. Thus, due to the complex nature in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Simulation results were
of storage of ­CO2 and the time period taken for carbon able to provide the possible migration path of injected C­ O2
dioxide to be stored underground, the only effective way to into the aquifer. In modeling the impact of thermal fac-
understand the storage capacity of an aquifer before injec- tors on the injection of ­CO2 into the FutureGen 2.0 Site in
tion commences is through modeling and simulations. This Illinois in the USA, Nguyen et al. (2016) made use of the
explains why there exists a myriad of simulators which have simulators STOMP-CO2 coupled with the ABAQUS finite
the capacity to model C­ O2 storage in aquifers; among them element simulator. Results suggested that in the range of
includes CMG (Computer Modelling Group) GEM-GHG temperatures in which injection would take place, fracturing
Module (Nghiem et al. 2004, 2009), ECLIPSE 100 and 300 would be unlikely to happen due to thermal factors. Basirat
(Schlumberger), CO2STORE Module (Pickup et al. 2011, et al. (2016) employed the TOUGH2 simulation codes to
2012; Sifuentes et  al. 2009), Automatic Differentiation model the injection of ­CO2 into an experimental site in

Basic equations
Darcy law
Conservation of mass
Conservation of energy

Numerical techniques
used to couple equations

Modelling of geochemical Modelling of geochemical Complex processes

reactions effects Dual porosity/dual
Adsorption Cap rock integrity permeability
Mineral dissolution/precipitation Stress relation Residual gas trapping
CO2 dissolution in brine EOS modelling

Fig. 6  Workflow for ­CO2 storage modeling


Table 5  List of simulators and codes for ­CO2 storage


Simulators Full names Description Developers Relevant literature

ABAQUS-FEA ABAQUS-FEA Geomechanical, single- and two- SIMULIA Gemmer et al. (2011) and Le Gallo
phase flow et al. (2006)
AD_GPRS Automatic Differentiation—General Generalized multiple phase composi- Stanford University Huo and Gong (2010) and Li et al.
Purpose Reservoir Simulator tional/thermal model for unstruc- 2012)
tured grids
CO2—PENS CO2—Predicting Engineered Natural System-level modeling of the long- Los Alamos National Laboratory Pawar et al. (2006) and Stauffer et al.
Systems term fate of ­CO2 in sequestration (LANL) (2006)
CO2 Toolkit Permedia ™ Permedia High-resolution petroleum migra- Landmark Cavanagh and Ringrose (2010, 2011)
tion simulator for multi-phase flow
behavior in porous, faulted and
fractured media
COMET3 COMET# Black oil production, hydrocarbon Advanced Resources International Mingjun et al. (2010) and Schepers
dioxide recovery from desorption- et al. (2009)
controlled reservoirs
COMSOL Multiphysics COMSOL General partial differential equation COMSOL Farajzadeh et al. (2009) and Houdu
solver with finite element solver et al. (2008)
COORES CO2 Reservoir Environmental Multi-component, three-phase and Insititut français du pétrole Estublier and Lackner (2009) and Le
Simulator 3D fluid flow in heterogeneous Gallo et al. (2006)
porous media
CrunchFlow Crunch Flow 3D, multi-phase transport with equi- Lawrence Livermore National Labo- Siirila et al. (2012) and Steefel and
librium and kinetic mineral–gas– ratory | Lasaga (1994)
water reactions
RetrasoCodeBright Retraso (REactive TRAnsport of A solution of the flow, heat and Technical University of Catalonia Kvamme and Liu (2009) and Olivella
SOlutes) CodeBright (COupled geomechanical model equations (UPC), Barcelona, Spain et al. (1996)
DEformation of BRIne Gas and
Heat Transport)
DuMux DUNE for Multi-(Phase, Component, Multi-scale, multi-physics toolbox for University of Stuttgart Class et al. (2009) and Flemisch et al.
Scale, Physics) the simulation of flow and transport (2007)
processes in porous media
ECLIPSE ECLIPSE Non-isothermal multi-phase flow in Schlumberger Juanes et al. (2006), Martens et al.
porous media (2012) and Sifuentes et al. (2009)
ELSA Estimating Leakage Semi-Analyti- Provides quantitative estimates of Princeton University Nordbotten et al. (2005b, 2009)
cally fluid distribution and leakage rates
in systems involving a sedimentary
succession of multiple aquifers and
FEFLOW FEFLOW Solving the groundwater flow equa- DHI-WASY Melikadze et al. (2013)
tion with mass and heat transfer,
including multi-component chemi-
cal kinetics
Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063
Table 5  (continued)
Simulators Full names Description Developers Relevant literature

FEHM Finite Element Heat and Mass Trans- Non-isothermal, multi-phase flow Los Alamos National Laboratory Pawar et al. (2005) and Robinson et al.
fer Simulator (including phase-change) in unfrac- (2000)
tured and fractured media with
reactive geochemistry & geome-
chanical coupling
GASMOD/GCOMP GASMOD/GCOMP Multi-phase reservoir simulator PHH Engineering Software Limited Palmer and Mansoori (1996)
GEM-GHG Generalized Equation of State Non-isothermal multi-phase flow in Computer Modelling Group (Canada) Kumar et al. (2005) and Nghiem et al.
Model—Greenhouse Gases porous media (2009)
Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063

GMI-SFIB Geomechanics International—Stress Three-dimensional stress mod- Geomechanics International Fang (2011) and Fang and Khaksar
and Failure of Inclined Boreholes eling for compressional (wellbore (2012)
breakout) and tensional (tensile wall
fractures) stress failure, fracture
GWB The Geochemist’s Workbench Chemical reactions, pathways, kinet- University of Illinois Bethke and Yeakel (2009) and Lu et al.
ics (2011)
IPARS-CO2 Integrated Parallel Accurate Reser- Non-isothermal compositional EOS University of Texas at Austin Delshad et al. (2011) and Kong et al.
voir Simulator coupled with geochemical reactions (2015)
MASTER Miscible Applied Simulation Tech- Black oil simulator, compositional National Energy Technology Labora- Ammer and Brummert (1991)
niques for Energy Recovery multi-phase flow tory
METSIM 2 METSIM 2 A non-isothermal multi-component Imperial College Durucan et al. (2004) and Law et al.
coalbed gas simulator (2004)
MODFLOW MODFLOW Solving groundwater flow equation to US Geological Survey (USGS) Nicot et al. (2009)
simulate the flow through aquifers
MoRes Modular Reservoir Simulator A modular object-oriented design for Shell Class et al. (2009) and Wei and Saaf
black-oil, equation-of-state (EOS) (2009)
and K-value compositional simula-
ACCRETE Athena Carbon Dioxide Capture and Thermal multi-phase 3D reactive University of Bergen Hellevang and Kvamme (2006, 2007)
Storage Geochemistry Module transport numerical code
MUFTE-UG Multiphase Flow Transport and Isothermal and non-isothermal multi- University of Stuttgart Assteerawatt et al. (2005) and Ebigbo
Energy Model on Unstructured phase–multi-component flow and et al. (2006)
Grids transport processes in porous and
fractured porous media
NFFLOW-FRACGEN Fracture Network Generator Flow Two-phase, multi-component flow in National Energy Technology Labora- Myshakin et al. (2015) and Schwartz
Simulator fractured media tory (2006)
NUFT Non-isothermal Unsaturated–satu- Non-isothermal multi-phase flow and Lawrence Livermore National Labo- Hao et al. (2012)
rated Flow and Transport model chemical reactions in porous media ratory |
OGS: [Couples GEM, BRNS, OpenGeoSys Porous and fractured media THMC Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Graupner et al. (2011) and Li et al.
PHREEQC, ChemApp, simulation Research (UFZ) (2014)


Table 5  (continued)

Simulators Full names Description Developers Relevant literature

PFLOTRAN Parallel Reactive Flow and Transport Non-isothermal multi-phase, multi- Los Alamos National Laboratory Lu and Lichtner (2005, 2007)
component, chemically reactive
flows in porous media
PHAST PHAST Multi-component, 3-D transport with US Geological Survey (USGS) Parkhurst et al. (2004)
equilibrium and kinetic mineral–
gas–water reactions
PHREEQC PHREEQC The low-temperature aqueous geo- US Geological Survey (USGS) Parkhurst and Appelo (2013) and van
chemical simulator Pham et al. (2012)
PSU- COALCOMP Pennsylvania State University- Three-dimensional, two-phase, dual Pennsylvania State University/ Bromhal et al. (2005) and Manik et al.
COALCOMP porosity, sorption, fully implicit, National Energy Technology (2000)
compositional coalbed methane Laboratory
reservoir simulator
ROCKFLOW Rock Flow Multi-phase flow and solute transport Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften Kolditz et al. (2003)
processes in porous and fractured und Rohstoffe and University of
media, as well as thermal–hydrauli- Hannover
cally–mechanical (THM) coupled
SOLVEQ/CHILLER CHILLER Multi-component multi-phase Department of Geological Sciences, Palandri and Kharaka (2005) and Reed
equilibrium geochemical calcula- University of Oregon and Spycher (2006)
tion software based on minimum
RTAFF2 Reactive Transport and Fluid Flow Non-isothermal multi-phase and a French Geological Survey (BRGM)
multi-component flow simulator
SIMED II SIMED II Two-phase three-dimensional multi- The Netherlands/Commonwealth Stevenson and Pinczewski (1995) and
component coalbed gas simulator Scientific and Industrial Research van Bergen et al. (2002)
Organization (CSIRO), Australia
STOMP Subsurface Transport over Mul- Non-isothermal multi-phase flow in Pacific North-West National Labora- Bonneville et al. (2013) and White
tiphase Processes porous media, coupled with reactive tory et al. (2012)
TOUGH/TOUGH2 Transport of Unsaturated Groundwa- Non-isothermal multi-phase flow in Lawrence Berkeley National Labora- Pruess et al. (2002) and Pruess and
ter and Heat unfractured and fractured media tory Spycher (2007)
TOUGH-FLAC Transport of Unsaturated Groundwa- Non-isothermal multi-phase flow in Lawrence Berkeley National Labora- Rutqvist (2012) and Rutqvist and
ter and Heat unfractured and fractured media tory Tsang (2003)
with geomechanical coupling
TOUGHREACT​ Transport of Unsaturated Groundwa- Non-isothermal multi-phase flow in Lawrence Berkeley National Labora- Xu et al. (2006a)
ter and Heat Reactive Transport unfractured and fractured media tory
with reactive geochemistry
VESA Vertical Equilibrium with Subsurface Vertically averaged numerical model Princeton University Gasda et al. (2009)
Analytical for large-scale flow coupled with
an embedded analytical model for
wellbore flow
Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063
Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063 1047

Maguelone, France. Geophysical monitoring tools were analysis expected from commercial injection into the forma-
used in their field experiments to gain useful information tion. Different methods exist for the calculation of storage
about the site and also to monitor the movement of the gas. volumes and can be broadly classified into static and dynamic
They highlighted the importance of accounting for geologi- estimation methods. As the names would suggest, static esti-
cal heterogeneity in modeling procedures. In addition, the mation methods do not change with time and only require
study was able to provide information on the usefulness of basic rock and fluid properties. They are typically determined
geophysical monitoring tools in analyzing plume migration using volumetric and compressibility parameters. Con-
in storage sites. versely, dynamic estimation methods vary with time and are
Benchmark studies have thus been performed to under- determined using reservoir simulations and some analytical
stand the capabilities of different softwares used for carbon methods which incorporate time-dependent variables in their
dioxide storage. Pruess et al. (2002) performed a critical derivations. Estimation of ­CO2 storage capacity in geological
comparison on the performance of different commercial media is at best an approximation due to the many uncertain-
reservoir simulator codes for accurate prediction of ­CO2 ties present both in the formation (heterogeneity) and in the
storage processes (that is TOUGH2, Geoquest’s ECLIPSE, physics of the processes. The level of uncertainty also varies
CMG’s GEM, etc.). They concluded that all softwares could with the method being used to determine the storage capac-
be used to simulate the essential flow and transport pro- ity and the amount of available data. The methodology to be
cesses that would accompany geologic storage. However, used for the determination of the capacity is dependent on
the hydromechanical process would only be solved by one the formation type, that is coal seams, depleted oil and gas
code TOUGH-FLAC. Law et al. (2004) analyzed the results reservoirs or saline aquifers. In addition, the extent of the
of five simulators to a benchmark problem for ­CO2 storage storage medium may determine the approach to be used in
issues in coalbed formations. Class et al. (2009) also per- storage capacity determination. Open boundaries where the
formed a benchmark study with the use of different simula- extent of the media is assumed to be infinite, closed where
tors to address the problems related to C­ O2 storage in geo- the extent of the media is assumed to have a finite end and
logic formations. The outcome of such benchmark studies semi-closed are all different forms available in the literature
illustrates that the results of the simulation of any storage for storage capacity determination.
problem would depend on the simulator used and are highly Because candidate storage sites are usually not fully
dependent on the numerical methods used and the physics of characterized before estimates are made, they are usually
processes implemented. It is suggested that the choice of the reported as a low- and high-capacity estimate of storage
simulator to be used would depend on the physical processes (DOE 2007) with Monte Carlo simulations employed to
being focused on for best results. account for uncertainties. Two primary methodologies are
Simulation of ­CO2 storage is generally a little more dif- being used; they include the methodology by the Depart-
ficult than conventional simulations due to the interplay ment of Energy (DOE) of the USA (DOE 2007) and the
between phase change, composition and reservoir hetero- Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF)
geneity which require highly efficient computational algo- (Bachu et al. 2007b) and the formulas used by the two bod-
rithms (Jiang 2011). The striking difference between C ­ O2 ies for storage determination are summarized in the next
storage issues and conventional porous media modeling is subsections.
the large temporal and spatial scale differences. A multi-
scale methodology which incorporates advanced numerical 5.1 Coal seams
schemes may be the best way to approach such scale differ-
ences in such a way as to capture the complex multi-phase, The formulas for calculating the storage capacity of coal
multi-component species, and physics in heterogeneous sys- seams by the DOE and CSLF methods are as follows:DOE:
tems and also save computational cost. Such multi-scale,
multi-physics approach has been implemented in the devel- M = Ahg C𝜌E (14)
opment of certain simulators (Flemisch et al. 2007). CSLF:
MCO2 = Ah(1 − fa − fm )𝜌CO2 nc Gc (15)
5 Capacity estimation for ­CO2 storage P
projects Gcs = VL ∗
P + PL (16)

An initial estimate of the storage capacity of a formation where A represents the area, h is the thickness, hg is the gross
is required for successful implementation of CCS projects. thickness, C is the concentration of C ­ O2 standard volume
Such estimates assist in project planning and in potential risk per unit of coal volume, fa and fm are the ash and moisture


1048 Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063

weight fraction of coal, M is the mass storage, E is the C ­ O2 CSLF:

storage efficiency factor that reflects a fraction of the total [ ]
(Ps Zr Tr )
coal bulk volume that is contacted by ­CO2, 𝜌 is the density, Gas fields ∶ MCO2 = 𝜌CO2 Rf (1 − FIG )OGIP (19)
(Pr Zs Ts )
nc is the bulk coal density, Gc is the gas coal content, Gcs is
the gas content at saturation, VL and PL are the Langmuir [ ]
volume and pressure, respectively, and P represents the Rf OOIP
Oil fields ∶ MCO2 = 𝜌CO2 − Viw + Vpw (20)
pressure. The Langmuir volume is the maximum adsorp- Bf
tion capacity of the gas for a particular coal at a defined
where A represents the area, hn is the net thickness, 𝜙e is the
temperature and infinite pressure. Its unit is usually given in
effective porosity, M is the mass storage, E is the ­CO2 stor-
scf/ton (volume of gas per mass of unit coal). The Langmuir
age efficiency factor that reflects a fraction of the total pore
pressure (also known as the critical desorption pressure) is
volume from which oil and/or gas has been produced and
the pressure at which one half of the Langmuir volume can
that can be filled by ­CO2, ρ is the density, Bf is the formation
be adsorbed/stored.
volume factor, Sw is the average water saturation, P repre-
In the CSLF method, the storage capacity available in coal
sents the pressure, Z and T are the compressibility factors,
seams for C­ O2 is determined in a manner akin to the deter-
respectively, Rf is the recovery factor, OOIP and OGIP stand
mination of initial gas in place in coalbed methane reservoirs
for the original oil and gas in place, respectively, FIG is the
as shown in Eq. 15. The ability of the coal gas to adsorb the
fraction of injected gas, and Viw and Vpw are the volumes of
injected ­CO2 is dependent on pressure, temperature and coal
injected and produced water, respectively.
characteristics of the formation. The gas content at saturation
is determined by Eq. 16. The two equations assume that the
5.3 Saline aquifers
­CO2 contacts all the available coal and that the coal adsorbs
­CO2 to full capacity. In reality, however, this may not be prac-
Bachu et al. (2007a) as part of research conducted by the
ticable; hence, a correction factor is introduced to account for
Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) expressed
the non-ideality as given in Eq. 17:
the effective storage capacity available in structural traps
Me = MCO2 ∗ C ∗ Rf (17) in terms of volume and mass of ­CO2 as in Eqs. 21 and 22,
where Me is the effective storage capacity, C is the comple- respectively. The boundaries of the aquifer are considered
tion factor, and Rf is the recovery factor. The product of to be open.
completion and recovery factor is together known as the gas VCO2 = Ah𝜙(1 − Swirr )Cc (21)
deliverability. The completion factor C is an estimate of that
part of the net cumulative coal thickness within the drilled MCO2 = Ah𝜙(1 − Swirr )𝜌CO2 Cc (22)
coal zone that will contribute to gas production or storage; it where the spatial variation of the formation is known; the
is dependent on the individual thickness of the separate coal volumes can be expressed as
seams and on the distance between them and is lower for thin

coal seams than for thick ones (Bachu et al. 2007a). Monte VCO2 = 𝜙(1 − Swirr )dxdydz ∗ Cc (23)
Carlo uncertainty analysis can be employed to account for
uncertainties in the determination of unknown parameters. where A is the area, h is the thickness, Swirr is the irreducible
water saturation, 𝜌CO2 is the density of C ­ O2, and Cc is the
5.2 Oil and gas reservoirs capacity coefficient which is dependent on the trap hetero-
geneity, buoyancy and sweep efficiency.
Estimation of available storage capacity in depleted oil and gas The capacity coefficient is usually site-specific and is best
reservoirs is not as complicated as with coal seams and saline determined through numerical simulations or detailed field
aquifers as these reservoirs have been adequately character- work. It incorporates effects such as the heterogeneity of the
ized during the production stages of the reservoir. The basic aquifer, buoyancy effect and sweep efficiency. The Interna-
assumption in the formulation of storage capacities is the avail- tional Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme
ability of all the pore spaces vacated by hydrocarbon fluids. In (IEAGHG 2009) in their study evaluated the capacity coeffi-
other words, it is assumed that the formation fluids have not cient as a function of lithology based on extensive numerical
been replaced by water from any supporting aquifer around studies. The values derived for carbonate formations based
the region of the field. The storage capacity by the CSLF and on the 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles were 1.41%, 2.04%
DOE methods are as stated below. and 3.27%, respectively. The formula for capacity estimates
DOE: derived by the US Department of Energy (DOE-NETL
M = Ahn 𝜙e 𝜌(1 − Sw )Bf E (18) 2015) is similar to that of the CSLF. The only difference lies

Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063 1049

in the capacity coefficient given for the carbonate formations is the time, and ΔPmax is the maximum allowable pressure
with the DOE estimating the 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles increase.
as 0.51%, 2.0% and 5.5%, respectively. Dynamic simulations still represent the best method for
The storage volume available by residual trapping can be the determination of storage capacities of geological forma-
determined using the correlation below: tions selected for storage as they contain detailed informa-
tion regarding the petrophysical properties of the formation.
VCO2 t = ΔVtrap 𝜙SCO2 t (24) Coupled with this, numerical simulators nowadays have
where SCO2 t (saturation of ­CO2) is dependent on the hyster- embedded in their simulators the ability to calculate the stor-
esis effects of the relative permeabilities and the ­CO2 satura- age capacity provided by the different storage mechanisms
tions during reversal flow. over an extended period. Analytical determination methods
As highlighted earlier, the dissolution of C ­ O2 in brine such as fractional flow theory (Moghanloo et al. 2015) and
is a continuous and slow process that is dependent on the relative permeability curve analysis method (Zhu et al. 2017)
convection, diffusion and dispersion. The storage capacity for the determination of storage volumes can also be found
on a basin and regional scale, as determined by Bachu et al. in the literature.
(2007a) for solubility trapping, is given below The aforementioned described techniques have been
employed mainly in the determination of storage capacities

MCO2 t = 𝜙(𝜌s Xs − 𝜌o Xo )dxdydz (25) across the world. Lindeberg et al. (2009) used both analytical
and reservoir simulations to estimate the available storage
where 𝜙 is the porosity, 𝜌 is the density, X stands for mass capacity in the Utsira Formation of Norway. Their reser-
fraction, M denotes the mass, and subscripts s and o denote voir simulations were done in such a way to model elevated
the carbon dioxide content at the saturation and initial pressures in the aquifer. In addition, a ­CO2 breakthrough
stages, respectively. The time frame required for mineral from production wells was also monitored in estimate deter-
trapping to occur makes it difficult to provide correlations mination. In China, Liu et al. (2005) estimated the storage
for the determination of the mineral trapping capacity. capacities in gas fields and coalbeds present in the country.
Zhou et al. (2008) devised a simple method for determin- Similarly, Suekane et al. (2008) determined the residual
ing the storage capacity in closed and semi-closed aquifers. and solubility capacities available in Japanese aquifers. By
The main idea lies in the premise that injected C
­ O2 will lead improving on the flaws of the conventional analytical tech-
to a pressure increase in the formation. This will, in turn, niques for storage estimation, Ding et al. (2018) proposed
lead to a displacement of native brine which can either be new analytical methodologies for the determination of solu-
stored in the expanded pore space due to compression of the bility and mineral trapping in aquifers and depleted oil reser-
rocks (closed systems) or the pore space in the seals overly- voirs. Their model was applied to the HB oil field in China,
ing the formation (semi-closed systems). and estimates were compared to a similar methodology by
Zhou et al. (2008) showed the derivations for closed sys- Xu et al. (2004) with slight discrepancies observed. They,
tems by using the given in Eqs. 26 and 27 below. however, argued that their model would be superior as, in
( ) addition to the model’s ability to determine storage capacity
VCO2 = 𝛽p + 𝛽w Vpore ΔPmax (26) by solubility trapping, the model could also determine the
annual storage capacities by mineral trapping.
( )
MCO2 = 𝛽p + 𝛽w Vpore ΔPmax 𝜌CO2 (27)

For semi-closed systems the following equation is

6 Measurement, monitoring and verification
techniques during ­CO2 storage
( )
VCO2 (t1 ) = 𝛽p + 𝛽w ΔPmax (tmax )Vpore Monitoring the movement of the plume for leakages is criti-
( ) cal in the post-injection phase of storage. Containment of
+ 0.5 𝛽ps + 𝛽w ΔPmax (tmax )Vs
(28) the ­CO2 is achieved if proper monitoring is performed as
2Aks ΔPmax (t)
+ dt leakages could be detected early, thus ensuring that the
𝜇w Bs environment and groundwater are not at risk from released
gases. Furthermore, monitoring could be employed in the
where 𝛽 is the compressibility, A is the area, k is the perme- validation of simulation predictions by tracking the pres-
ability, subscripts s, p, w refer to the seal, pore and water, sure buildup in the formation (Bourne et al. 2014). Mass
respectively, βps refers to the compressibility of the rock balance verifications are also an important reason for carry-
from pore to seals, V is the volume, µ is the water viscos- ing out monitoring studies. Injected C­ O2 volumes must be
ity, Bs stands for thickness of the top and bottom seals, t tracked to ensure they are stored in identified zones and in


1050 Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063

line with emission quotas specified before the commence- they can easily be detected even at low concentrations, are
ment of such projects. Successful verification of simulations highly soluble in C
­ O2, are non-toxic and are non-radioactive.
via monitoring would provide researchers with greater con- A notable ­CO2 injection project which has made use of the
fidence in the use of simulation tools. Consequently, a lot of tracer technique for monitoring is the Frio Project (Nance
effort is continuously made to develop accurate monitoring et al. 2005). Their monitoring design made use of PFCs as
tools. As with the modeling approach, monitoring of C ­ O2 the chemical tracer to monitor leakages. Fibrous elements
can either be classified on a spatial or temporal basis. On a such as capillary absorbent tubes (CATs) were placed on
spatial basis, it is monitored based on the area which the ­CO2 surface installations in order to adsorb the PFCs. The CATs
affects. On this basis, it can be classified into atmospheric were removed on a periodic basis to ascertain the amount
monitoring, near-surface monitoring and subsurface moni- of PFCs which had sorbed on the surface of the CATs using
toring (which involves the faults, wells, reservoir and seals) thermal desorption and gas chromatograph techniques. Laser
(Brown et al. 2009). On a temporal basis, monitoring can systems are remote sensing technologies that make use of
be grouped as during the injection phase and post-injection either optical absorption, breakdown spectroscopy or non-
phase. For further discussion, we limit ourselves to discuss- linear optics to monitor gas leakages. A laser application
ing monitoring on a spatial basis. for ­CO2 detection, however, only makes use of the optical
absorption technique. In this technique, the laser beams a
6.1 Atmospheric monitoring tools light which has been tuned to the wavelength of the ­CO2 on
the gas. The scattered light which emanates from the gas
As the name implies, these tools ensure that the ­CO2 injected after absorption is examined. An issue with this technique
into the formations does not leak into the atmosphere above is the accurate determination of the wavelength of C ­ O2 as
it. This monitoring strategy is important due to the concerns the absorption wavelengths of ­CO2 must be carefully deter-
about leaked ­CO2. Atmospheric monitoring tools are typi- mined without infringing on the absorption wavelengths of
cally required to be very sensitive as leakage of ­CO2 from water vapor.
the formation could be quickly dispersed in the atmosphere,
thus making it difficult for other forms of monitoring tools
6.2 Near‑surface monitoring tools
to recognize the gas immediately. Atmospheric monitoring
tools are placed at the potential leakage sources so as to
Usually, the flow of ­CO2 at the near-surface consists of
increase their detection capability and are especially required
bubbles which emanate from faults or near an abandoned
to provide confidence in carbon dioxide storage and for car-
wellbore. Monitoring of C ­ O2 at the near-surface is impor-
bon accounting verification. The tools used to detect C ­ O2
tant as it serves as a link between the subsurface and the
leakage in the atmosphere are optical sensors, atmospheric
atmosphere. Therefore, it can provide information on leaks
tracers and eddy covariance (Brown et al. 2009). Other sys-
in the subsurface while preventing leaks to the atmosphere
tems which can be used in monitoring the atmospheric levels
if detected in time, monitoring in this area has been proven
of ­CO2 include ­CO2 detectors, advanced leak detection sys-
to be less expensive than atmospheric and subsurface moni-
tem, laser systems and LIDAR. As the quantity of safe ­CO2
toring. Some techniques which can be used for near-surface
required to exist in the atmosphere must not exceed certain
monitoring could also be used for subsurface monitoring.
limits, ­CO2 detectors can be applied to sense the existence of
Such techniques which could be used for this monitoring
excess ­CO2 in the atmosphere. Application of ­CO2 detectors
have been summarized in the next subsection. Such tech-
might, however, prove to be impractical due to the enormous
niques include interferometric synthetic aperture radar
number of detectors that would be required to effectively
(InSAR), tiltmeters, time-lapse seismic among others.
detect the gas. Eddy covariance also known as eddy flux
is an important atmospheric monitoring tool used to quan-
tify the fluxes of gases between the surface of the earth and 6.3 Subsurface monitoring tools
the atmosphere. It has the advantage of being able to cover
kilometers of space, thereby providing quick monitoring and The objectives of subsurface monitoring are to track the
having a low to moderate cost. Atmospheric tracers are arti- movement of an injected ­CO2 plume in a deep geologic for-
ficial substances injected into the formation along with the mation; to define the lateral extent and boundaries of the
­CO2 in order to observe the leakage of C ­ O2 early on. They plume; to track associated pressure changes in the reservoir;
are also used to monitor the flow direction of the C ­ O2 in the and to demonstrate long-term stability of the ­CO2 plume
formation. Conventional tracers which have been employed (Brown et al. 2009). Numerous monitoring techniques can
for monitoring studies are the perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and be employed for the monitoring of ­CO2 plume in the sub-
sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) are, surface. The choice of monitoring techniques to be used
however, preferred to sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) because for subsurface monitoring is dependent on the information

Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063 1051

required, costs of monitoring technique and time frame to to observe the extent of geomechanical deformation in the
achieve information. subsurface. They are particularly useful in the monitoring of
Seismic methods have been employed to evaluate the dis- cap rock deformations. InSAR has been applied for the mon-
tribution of faults and the subsurface structures using 3D itoring of surface deformations. It achieves its objectives
techniques. In a 4D mode that includes time-lapse data, seis- by making use of two synthetic aperture radars to generate
mic methods can also be used to track the movement of the maps. This technique is sensitive to changes in deformations
injected plume and gas leakages. Multi-component 3D sur- and has been used to measure millimeter changes in sur-
face seismic provides better information when the geology face deformation. Different forms of the InSAR techniques
of the formation is non-uniform. Together with time-lapse, include corner reflector Interferometric synthetic aperture
multi-component seismic profiling provides valuable infor- radar (CR-InSAR), permanent scatterer interferometric syn-
mation on the migration of the injected gas. If cost consid- thetic aperture radar (PS-InSAR) and differential interfero-
erations are taken into account, 2D time-lapse seismic moni- metric synthetic aperture radar (D-InSAR). The technique
toring could be used to provide data on the injected plume. has been applied for the monitoring of natural occurrences
The downside of the 2D methods is in their inability to track such as volcanoes and earthquakes. The ability of the InSAR
plume movement in formations with complex geometries. technique to monitor surface deformations has been applied
2D seismic techniques would be more useful where observa- in storage sites for tracking fluid pressure alterations, thus
tion wells are available and cross-well seismic technology determining leakages. Recently, it was pioneered as a moni-
could be employed. Vertical seismic profile (VSP) has been toring tool at the In Salah storage site in Algeria.
employed to provide information on the leakages and the The choice of monitoring tool to be employed on any
migration path of ­CO2 (El-Kaseeh et al. 2017). Most of the specific storage site is dependent on the nature of the site.
conventional seismic methods have been used to determine For example, geophysical monitoring from the surface is
leakages and migration path of the C­ O2. In order to quantify dependent on the extent of overburden on the aquifer. There-
the injected gas, seismic methods have been employed by fore, in geologically complex scenarios, monitoring of the
combining the measurement of the velocity with Gassmann injected plume via this technique would be more cumber-
modeling. This method requires that the density of ­CO2 at some. In the same vein, information available on a particu-
reservoir conditions is known. Determination of this density lar storage site could influence the monitoring technique
is not an easy process, and therefore, seismic monitoring chosen. Depleted oil and gas reservoirs which have been
tools have been combined with gravimetry. Gravimetry basi- adequately characterized and have been proven to have
cally involves using gravity to monitor the in situ changes assured seal integrity would make for easier monitoring of
in the density of the injected gas. Results from gravimetric the injected ­CO2 plume.
monitoring could provide reliable inputs for flow simula- Established commercially known CCS projects have
tions. Gravimetric methods, however, possess low sensitiv- employed different monitoring tools. Torp and Gale (2004)
ity and require a sizeable amount of C ­ O2 injected into the provided useful information on the monitoring tools used
formation before responses can be picked up. at the Sleipner project in Norway. Repeated seismic data
Electromagnetic and electric methods have found impor- were among the many tools used for monitoring (Fig. 7).
tant use as monitoring tools. They make use of electrical and The monitoring procedures confirmed some of the estimates
electromagnetic responses from the subsurface to determine from reservoir simulation. The injected ­CO2 moved upward
the changes in saturation. These techniques involve meas- due to buoyancy after the injection and accumulated under
uring important electric parameters such as conductivity, the cap rock overlying the formation. Also, it was observed
resistivity and employing correlations such as the Archie that solubility trapping would occur faster than mineral
expression to relate these parameters to saturations. Differ- trapping. The simulation model for the Sleipner project was
ent methods that use these concepts are the magnetotelluric then history-matched with the seismic data results to pro-
sounding, electromagnetic resistivity, electrical resistivity vide accurate predictions for the future. However, seismic
tomography (ERT), electromagnetic induction tomography monitoring is costly and other monitoring tools such as pres-
(EMIT) among others. sure monitoring and observation wells could provide viable
Geophysical logs have also been employed for the moni- alternatives.
toring of subsurface-injected plumes. They provide useful Ringrose et al. (2013) analyzed the lessons learned from
information on well properties and reservoir fluids. Exam- the In Salah Project in Algeria. Among these were the need
ples of geophysical logging tools which could be employed for characterization of the overburden and the reservoir
include sonic logs, neutron logs and density logs. Coupled prior to injection, constant risk assessments of the identi-
with their ability to map saturation, geophysical logging fied storage sites and the significance of flexibility in the
tools could also provide information on the onset of cor- design of capture, compression and injection systems. The
rosion in the casings of wellbores. Tiltmeters can be used interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) method for


1052 Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063

Fig. 7  Seismic survey results for the Sleipner project (Torp and Gale 2004)

storage monitoring was pioneered in this project. InSAR was such as failure modes (risk evaluation), likelihood and con-
able to provide information on millimeter changes in ground sequences of failure must be answered when performing risk
surface elevation; it was also able to give insights into the assessments for projects. Risks and challenges involved in
geomechanical response to ­CO2 injection. Arts et al. (2004) ­CO2 storage are highlighted below.
made use of time-lapse seismic studies to monitor plume
movement in the Utsira Formation. Notably, they were able 7.1 Leakage
to demonstrate that the impact of the movement of ­CO2 on
seismic measurements was considerable and thus seismic The primary and most important risk factor is leakage. Most
could be used as a suitable monitoring tool during the life- modeling and monitoring studies conducted in the devel-
cycle of a storage project. A summary of monitoring tools opment, implementation and monitoring phases of carbon
used at select CCS projects is provided in Table 6. dioxide storage are done primarily to avoid leakage of the
On a broader scale, monitoring is usually quantified as gas into the atmosphere, groundwater aquifers, shallow soil
monitoring, verification and accounting (MVA) to include zones and overlying resource bearing strata and to ensure
mass balance verifications and accounting for operators. secure containment of gas. The leakage of carbon dioxide
Interested readers are referred to Plasynski et al. (2011) for could be as a result of the following:
details on MVA strategies for different projects.
1. Aquifer over-pressurization: Aquifer over-pressurization
could lead to cracks in the cap rock overlying it and in
the reactivation of faults and thus should be avoided.
7 Risks and challenges in ­CO2 storage The risk of aquifer over-pressurization is much less in
depleted hydrocarbon dioxide reservoirs due to reduced
The high dependency of world energy on coal-fired power pressure before the injection started. Saline aquifers
plants makes carbon capture and storage a very important pose more risk from aquifer over-pressurization because
technology for the mitigation of global warming. Therefore, the pressure of the aquifer begins from the initial pres-
it represents the only viable option in the short term to limit sure, thereby leading to quick buildup of pressure when
global warming effects and must be pursued vigorously. injection commences. Vilarrasa et al. (2010) performed
However, just as with most technologies, carbon dioxide numerical simulations to ascertain the risk of over-
storage comes with its own risks and challenges which must pressure during injection. The authors employed an
be properly catered for before venturing into it. Questions axisymmetric horizontal aquifer–cap rock system cou-

Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063 1053

Table 6  Monitoring techniques used in field-scale projects

Field project Category Monitoring techniques Select literature

Sleipner Saline aquifer Time-lapse gravity; micro-seismic; time-lapse Arts et al. (2004) and Cavanagh (2013)
Ketzin Saline aquifer Pulsed-neutron gamma logs; 4D seismic; 3D repeat Ivanova et al. (2012) and Kiessling et al. (2010)
seismic survey; electrical resistivity tomography
(ERT); cross-well seismic; geophysical monitor-
Weyburn EOR Passive seismic; 4D time-lapse; vertical seismic Bellefleur et al. (2003), Preston et al. (2005) and
profile (VSP); tracer injection; geochemical White (2011)
sampling analysis; production data analysis; cross-
well seismic
Otway Depleted gas field Hydrodynamic sampling; high-resolution travel Boreham et al. (2011), Etheridge et al. (2011) and
time, flask sampling; 3D surface seismic; head- Urosevic et al. (2011)
space gas sampling; logging pressure/temperature;
flux tower; surface soil gas; downhole fluid sam-
pling; ­CO2 sniffers; VSP; micro-seismic; borehole
seismic; groundwater chemistry
Cranfield Saline aquifer Cross-well seismic tomography; 4D seismic, elec- Ajo-Franklin et al. (2013), Alfi et al. (2015), Carrigan
trical resistance tomographic monitoring; vertical et al. (2013) and Kim and Hosseini (2014)
seismic profile; above zone monitoring interval;
In Salah Depleted gas field Well log data; 3D seismic baseline survey; 4D Mathieson et al. (2010), Onuma and Ohkawa (2009)
seismic monitoring; groundwater monitoring and Ringrose et al. (2009)
wells; micro-seismic monitoring; satellite InSAR
monitoring; tracers in C­ O2 injection wells; core
analysis (storage unit); soil and surface gas sam-
pling; core analysis (cap rock unit)
Rumaitha EOR Cross-well seismic; DTS (distributed temperature Al-Hajeri et al. (2010) and Figuera et al. (2014, 2016)
Zone-B, Abu sensing in observation well, 41 meters from injec-
Dhabi tor; permanent multi-phase flow meter (MPFM),
logging tools, sponge coring near injector well;
production data analysis

pled with hydromechanics. Their results showed that of the aquifer encounters pressures capable of breaking
the highest risk of over-pressures and fault reactivation the seal.
were at the beginning of injection where fluid pressures 2. Abandoned wells: Another significant leakage pathway
rise. Lindeberg et al. (2009) also noted the importance is abandoned wells; this leakage pathway is more plau-
of the consideration of injection pressures in the pre- sible in a depleted hydrocarbon reservoir which has been
vention of leakages through the cap rock. An engineer- used previously for the commercial production of hydro-
ing strategy has been proposed by Eke et al. (2011) to carbon dioxides than in saline aquifers. This is because
minimize the leakage of ­CO2. In their paper, they argued depleted hydrocarbon dioxide reservoirs possess wells
that surface mixing of C ­ O2 with brine prior to injec- whose structural integrity might have degraded over
tion could enhance the dissolution trapping mechanism. time. Degradation of wells could be as a result of cas-
Subsequently, this would lead to a denser ­CO2 which is ing corrosion and reactions of the minerals with plug-in
saturated with brine being injected into the reservoir. By materials or reservoir fluids which compromise integrity.
implication, the strong buoyancy drive, typically expe- Human errors in the design of wells such as loose plugs
rienced in aquifers, is minimized and the risk of C ­ O2 could also create pathways for leakage of gases. Sev-
leaking via prolonged contact of the ­CO2 with the seal eral studies have been conducted to assess the impact of
is curtailed. It is therefore important before commenc- leakages through wells (Carey 2018; Kopp et al. 2010).
ing any storage activity to perform a geomechanical 3. Faults and fractures: It is essential while performing site
analysis in order to understand the fracturing pressure selection and characterization to ensure that there are no
of the cap rock and thus avoid over-pressurization of the transmissive faults and fractures in the identified forma-
aquifer. Large areal extents of a proposed aquifer could tion. Additionally, during the injection of ­CO2, care must
also mean that pressure propagates much faster, ensuring be taken to ensure that inactive faults are not activated
that it takes a significant amount of time before the seal due to the high aquifer pressures. Fractures could also


1054 Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063

be developed in the cap rock if the temperature of the primary and secondary entrapments, (2) seismic activi-
injected ­CO2 is much lower than the in situ temperature ties which could lead to the natural release of ­CO2 into the
in the aquifer. In the Abu Dhabi Rumaitha Zone-B pro- atmosphere, (3) fractures and faults which could lead to the
ject, the ­CO2 is heated at the surface prior to injection, rapid release of C
­ O2, (4) abandoned and structurally weak
to ensure thermal induced fractures are not created in the wells which possess the ability to release large amounts of
reservoir. ­CO2 back to the atmosphere and (5) release of C ­ O2 that
rarely occurs through eruptive processes.
7.2 Induced seismicity

Another postulated risk associated with ­CO2 storage is that 8 Conclusions

of induced seismicity. The risk, however, has been proven
to be negligible in field-scale projects that have been car- The risk of global warming is no longer hearsay. Several
ried out due to the relatively small size of the projects and countries have accepted that our world is facing the risk of
low injection rates. Nicol et al. (2011) noted that induced an endangered atmosphere and this must be addressed. The
seismicity could lead to earthquakes that exceed magnitudes problem is not just a scientific one but also affects other
of M6 and have the potential to impact on the containment, spheres of human endeavor. In this review, we provide the
infrastructure and public perceptions of safety at C ­ O2 stor- reader with the state of the art on carbon dioxide storage
age sites. The possibility of the occurrence of a seismic science and technology. From a scientific viewpoint, the
event would be higher if faults are present. This reiterates understanding of the processes involved in the process has
the need for proper site characterization and identification of been greatly enhanced over the years with concrete informa-
faults and fractures to avoid their reactivation and the pos- ­ O2 before, during
tion available on the fate of the injected C
sible consequences of this reactivation (Oldenburg 2014). and after the injection phases. However, there are certain
issues which we believe still need to be addressed before
7.3 Economic considerations the science can be considered full-fledged. The modeling
procedures involved in carbon dioxide storage is multi-scale
Carbon dioxide capture and carbon dioxide storage are two in both the temporal and spatial scales; we believe that for
technologies that go hand-in-hand, hence the popular acro- the physics of the different level scales to be effectively
nym CCS. The success of one process is dependent to a understood, the problem needs to be approached using multi-
large extent on the success of the other. As such, it is nec- scale formulations. This would require the development of
essary to state that the deployment of carbon dioxide stor- advanced numerical algorithms which are very robust and
age projects would be greatly enhanced if carbon dioxide computationally efficient for best results. Improvements
capture processes are also successful. The key economic in monitoring tools used at commercial CCS sites would
issue associated with carbon dioxide capture processes is also go a long way toward validating scientific models and
the high cost of the capture of ­CO2 from stationary power simulation predictions. An improvement in the capability of
plants. In fact, most successful commercial deployment of monitoring and modeling tools implies that the risk of the
carbon dioxide storage projects has pursued the option of leakage of C­ O2 is greatly reduced. It is obvious that these
separating ­CO2 from produced gas rather than capturing could not be accomplished if the number of commercial
­CO2 from coal plants. This represents a cheaper option for CCS sites does not greatly increase. Governments would
the companies involved. As with most burgeoning technol- need to establish and enforce policies such as carbon dioxide
ogy, there is always a higher cost for companies which make pricing and taxation which would compel companies that
the first step toward developing the technology before the would otherwise have considered the cheaper option of the
technology improves and costs are reduced. For this reason, emission of C­ O2 directly into the atmosphere into consider-
there is a reticence among companies to avoid making the ing CCS.
first move. This disposition can be quelled by government In summary, a successful carbon dioxide storage project
action in subsidizing the costs involved for the early movers, would involve accurate site selection, characterization (stor-
thereby encouraging more participation. age capacity estimation, plume modeling) and monitoring
Lewicki et al. (2007) made use of leakages of ­CO2 from to avoid the risks of leakages through seals, faults and aban-
natural and industrial formations to analyze the features, doned wells. The site characterization would be successful
events and processes (FEPs) of the leakages from both through the use of modeling and simulation tools whose
natural and man-made sources. A total of 12 natural and 4 accuracy would be greatly enhanced through measurement,
industrial analogues were looked into in their comparisons. monitoring and verification during the post-injection phase.
They concluded at 5 FEPs which could lead to the release Carbon dioxide storage is a technology that has come to stay
of stored C­ O2 in aquifers: (1) accumulation of C
­ O2 beneath with the advantage of allowing the continued use of fossil

Petroleum Science (2019) 16:1028–1063 1055

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