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Hello everybody

First to all my best regards to this wonderful combatives community and the people in this
espectacular forum. This time I need some help in order tod design a SHORT SOLO TRAINING
ROUTINE, because I don't have so much free time available because a lot of personal, family and
work probllems. I just have about 30 minutes each day to training and I would like to design a
combatives routine in order to keep my technical level (not so high but something).

That's why I decided to post here in order to receive any advice or tip about training in such short
time Any comment will be welcome and I know I will receive a LOT of good ideas as usual.

Again my best regards to everybody

Juan Carlos

PS: I just want to train some H2H combos, knife and fitness exercises... just that... simple

Get a punch bag.

Hit it HARD with whatever blows you feel work in a fight.
Visualise REAL ENEMIES and do this with aggression.
Make this very real in you head and then picture this as you walk about around people.

Practice 'situational control' (the fence) in you everyday life.

Do anarobic sprints, push ups, pull ups, burpees, sand bag lifts, and imagine you fightng for your
life in all exercise.

Build power aggresion technique focus will awarness and you will be quite ready for fight.

If you can do some wrestling and this is all good you will need,

Imagination and belief VERY important.


(and then explosiv power)

Good advice.

30 minutes per day will get you good results.

A couple of thoughts. When working the bag remember that in reality if you are close enough to hit
you are close enough to be hit and grabbed. Move your feet, move from side to side, back and
forward. Bring your hands back to a high guard quickly after a strike.

Get your strikes off as quickly as you can and move, even if you feel that there is less power than if
you stood still and slammed the bag.

I work in short intervals (30 seconds) and then the same for a break. This allows a high intensity.

Allow a few minutes at the start for warming up and at the end for warming down, this can be very
relaxing and very good for recovery. If you want some ideas for this I can send you a private

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