Lesson Plan: I. Objectives

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Teacher: Mr. David B.

Institution: Department of Education Division of Albay
Strand: GAS, STEM, ABM
Level: Senior High Level


I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
A. Differentiate wisdom from Knowledge
B. Identify the characteristics of knowledge and wisdom
C. Understand the difference of wisdom and knowledge

II. Subject Matter:

Core Subject: Introduction to Philosophy of a Human Person
Topic: Determining the truth
Book, Visual Materials, Chalk and Chalkboard

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activity:
Daily routine of the class
1. Motivation:
Showing a picture

2. Lesson Proper:
Let the student give their idea of what they can see in the picture
The teacher will give a situation to identify by the student whether it wisdom or knowledge

B. Analysis: What is wisdom and what is knowledge?

C. Generalization: What are the characteristics of knowledge and wisdom?
D. Application: How would you use your knowledge and wisdom?

IV. Evaluation:
The Teacher will give an activity regarding to the topic
1. What is your action as a human person if you do not know how to use your
knowledge and wisdom?
2. How would human person characterize their knowledge?
3. Differentiate wisdom from knowledge

V. Assignment:
1. Give and discuss the general division of philosophy
2. What is theory of values?

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