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 Desired change in behavior is called
learning. It refers to mental, emotional and
physical reaction.
 Change in behavior means responses to
 Activities which include an arrangement of
teaching aids, questioning, explanations,
observations, visits, handling of apparatus,
models, charts, reading, writing etc. leads to
 Learning experience is the interaction of the
learner and the situation provided by the
 Situation should be provided as per the
objectives and tools available for evaluation.
 Learning experiences are student’s activities
planned with specific purpose of producing
desired change.
 Direct learning experiences
 Indirect learning experiences
“Firsthand experience with various objects or
symbols are termed as direct experiences.”
e. g. Perceptual learning- seeing, hearing,
smelling, testing, touching/ feeling, handling
and manipulating objects.
 Observing and experimenting with material.
 Constructing models or plans.
 Drawing, painting, dramatization.
 Listing important facts.
 Stating Generalization.
 It is firsthand experience.
 It is most reliable.
 It is long lasting.
 It gives an opportunity for developing a
observation skill.
 These are not possible for all subjects, content, age
group and in all situations.
 These are relative in nature. Not possible to all.
 To get experience, it is not possible to all, to visit a
certain place.
 It is not possible to give experience of incidences
which happen with very high and very slow speed.
 There are limitations to give an experience of
danger zone.
 It is time consuming.
 It is very expensive.
“It is type of experience through which we
acquire the learning outcome without
firsthand experience.”
 Reading account or discussion in books.
 Listening to oral discussion, lectures.
 Observing pictures, maps, charts.
 Classroom teaching.
 Time saving experience.
 Can simulate the situation.
 It is helpful to develop imagination power.
 It also helps for the creativity of the teacher.
 These are indirect, so could be limitation to
comprehend the whole concept or
 These experiences are limited in nature.
 These are not too effective to understand.
 Not suitable for slow learners.
 Not effective for small childrens.
 It should be related to the objective.
 It should be meaningful and satisfying to
 It should be related to life situations.
 While selecting the experience, availability of
material and time should be considered.
 The effect could be evaluated.
 It should be effective to bring about desired
 Home
 Society
 School
 Mass media
 Journey and excursions
 Peer groups

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