Khildan 31115084

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Name:Khildan Julfajar

Clas: B

Student Number: 31115084


No Form of Medicine Medicine Usage

1 Tablet - Bodrex It’s used for relieve
headache,toothache,and to reduce fever.
- Decolgen It’s used to relieve cold symptom such as
headache,fever,sneezing and nasal
2 Liquid -Mylanta Mylanta Is a drug that is used to treat
disorders of the digestive tract such as
- Domperidone It's used for relieve vomiting and nausea.
3 Spray -Afrin It's used to moisturize dry, inflamed nasal
oxymetazoline membranes due to colds and relieve nasal
HCL congestion.
- Ventolin inhaler Ventolin inhaler which is used treat
disease of the respiratory tract such as
asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary
4 Lozenges -TANTUM It's used for relieve pain in the oral cavity
lozenges such as tonsillitis, sore throat.
- Konidin It's used to help relieve throat and refresh
5 Drop - Sanmol drop It’used to antipiretyc analgestics to reduce
-Akilen ear drop It's used to treat bacterial infection of the
6 Capsule -Sangobion Is a vitamin and iron that is used to treat
-Diapet It’s used for absorb toxins due to bacterial
infections or food poisoning
7 Cream -acyclovir It’s used for treating wound caused by
-Salonpas cream Salonpas cream Is used to relieve muscle
pain and joint pain.
1. Topical: It’s for external used only
2. sublingualy: Take drugs under the tongue
3. Subcutaneous: Take drug by injecting skin
4. P.R: Take drugs by rectum
5. I.V: inserting drugs using syringe
6. P.O: take drug with oral
7. Dosage: the dose of drug should be taken
8. Intramuscular injection: inject drugs from muscle
9. QID: (Given four times per day)
10. QOD (Given every other day)
11. PRN (use when needed)
12. BID (given two time a day)
13. TID (given three times per day)
14. QH (Given every hour)
15. QHS (before bedtime)
16. STAT (immediately)
17. AC: before meals
18. PC: take after eating
1. Willm
A. A pharmacist will use a beaker glass to store liquid.
B. I will put the liquid inside an erlenmayer to mix it with other substances
C. A test tube will be used to mix different liquids together.
D. Lump and pestle will be used to mix different solid materials
E. A Pharmacist will use a lab coat to protect them from dangerous substances
2. Be going to
A. I think it going to burned if we use plastic dropper to take some hot liquid
B. The ingridients be going to mix after we shake it with shekker machine
C. We are going to use burrete to titration
D. Rani is going to use test tube to react the solution
E. Your are going to wash funnel after lab work
3. Past perfect tense
A. We had mixed tablets with lumps and pestle because we grid them.
B. We had used the steam cup to melt the cream.
C. We had pressed the capsule well, to connect the head and body.
D. He had filled the volumetric flak with solution acid
E. You had taken sample on the watch glass
4. past tense
A. We used the steam cup to melt the cream.
B. We mixed tablets with lumps and pestle because we grid them.
C. I put the smple on the hotplate
D. Kimboom used the fume hood in the lab work
E. They were broken the test tube
1. Administering medication
Doctor : “What seems to be the problem?”

Cathy : “Well, I have a bad cough and a sore throat. I also have a headache.”

Doctor : “How long have you had these symptoms?”

Cathy : “About three days now. And I’m really tired, too.”
Doctor : “Hmm. It sounds like you’ve got the flu. Take aspirin every four hours and get plenty of rest.
Make sure you drink lots of fluids. Call me if you’re still sick next week.

Cathy : “Ok, thanks

2. Describing frequency
Doctor: Hi, Maria. How are you feeling today? (Hai, Maria. Bagaimana keadaanmu hari ini?)

Patient: I’m feeling a little bit better.

Doctor: What about the headache?

Patient: I feel dizzy sometimes. But I’ve never thrown up anymore.

Doctor: What about your sight? Can you see clearly?

Patient: It got a little bit blurry yesterday, but everything’s fine now

Doctor: That’s good to hear. Your test results came in this morning.

Patient: So, is it going to be a good news or bad?

Doctor: It’s a bit of both, I guess.

Patient: Oh no.

Doctor: You ready?

Patient: Um, okay

3. Medical prescription
Physicion : Okay Ms Anggi, I Have a prescription for you. Go to the next pharmcie and get it there.

Patient : Thankyou Doctor

Patient : Hallo, I have a prescription from doctor.

Pharmacist : Alright, let me get it for you.

Patient : Thankyou

Pharmacist : With pleasure,, get well soon


hello friends, Pharmacy is if in Greek it is called "Pharmacone" (medicine / medicine). Pharmacy itself is a senior

and a science in the supply of natural source ingredients and synthetic materials that are suitable for distribution

and also used in medicine and preventing a disease. In general, Pharmacy discusses the combination, combination,
analysis and also the standardization of drugs and treatments. Also regarding the properties of the drug and its

distribution also in terms of its use. Then the pharmacy can work in pharmacies, hospitals etc.

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