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a rule of the few rich*in the decades of the70's one clamor of the activists who staged street demonstration on the streets
A. Authority*A society cannot exist without a government. Which word is synonymous with government?
A. became known world-wide for its People Power Revolution*As a result of EDSA I, The Philippine______.
A. Henous*how is the crime of rape classified?
A. I and II*Foreign investors are discouraged in doing business in our country. To what condition/s that this can be attributed?
A. I and III Can religious instruction be taught in public schools? I. yes if given free, II.yes if given outside the class hours, III.yes
A. I,II,and III*which is TRUE of former president Corazon Aquino? I. The first female president. II. The first female president in A
A. In the Filipino People*If our present government is democracy, where does the power reside?
A. Indonesians*After Negritos what was the second group of people who migrated by sea to the Philippines?
A. It is a flexible and individualized support system for children and youth with special education needs8which is the best defin
A. it is crucial in facing the basics to daily living*Teachers should be encouraged to teach folk knowledge because _____.
A. land distribution* Basically the Philippine agrarian problem is a question of___________.
A. Monopoly*when one company controls the supply of sugar, which terms applies?
A. Moral standards and ethical behavior*What does a Professional Code of Ethics prescribe for all?
A. My right to my private property if it was my neighbor's duty not to trespass the same *my right is another man's duty. Whic
A. natural born citizen*No person may be elected as president of the Philippines unless he/she is a____________.
A. Oligarchy*in which form of government does power or authority reside in a few person govern for their own interest?
A. Parliamentary*with Batasang Pambansa performing legislative and executive powers in the Marcos regime, which form of g
A. Refrain from making deductions in student's scholastic ratings for acts not of poor scholarship*the Code of Ehics of Professi
A. Republic Act No. 7277*/what law passed by Philippine Congress in 19095 which affirms the total integration of persons with
A. Right to due proceszs of law*when anindiviual is imprisoned without prior investigation what right is violated?
A. Right to information privacy*what is the writ of habeas data?
A. Right to privacy of communication and correspondence*what human right is violated when one opens a letter without perm
A. Rule of law*Which principle states that no man in this country is above the law and the laws must be obeyed by all applied
A. Special Education*To prepare teachers to handlee inclusive education what specialization id offered in teachwer education
A. The bridge the gap between the rich and the poor *which is the overriding aim of the constitutional mandate on social justi
A. The datu exercised all powers of government*which statement is TRUE of pre-Spanish Filipino government?
A. Universal completion of full cycle of basic education schooling with satisfactory achievement levels by all at every grade or y
A. William Mckinley*who was the president who proclaimed the Benevolent Assimilation policy uring the American Colonial y
A. Yes*is land grabbing an act of deprivation of property without due process?
A.Full public disclosure*In connection with government transactions involving public interest which policy is adopted in the Co
A.No except in writing and in the presence of counsel*Can the accused waived his right to remain silent and to have confidenc
A.Politics right *Filipino citizens have the power to participate in that establishment or administration of government such as t
A.Right of life, liberty and security*an individual has the right to file writ of amparo before the investigation of an administrati
B. Barangay*which of the following represents the smallest subunit of government in the Philippines in present?
B. Barter*Pre-colonial trade in the Philippines was prosperous. What system did they use for their business transactions?
B. Be accountable for the effective attaine for specified learning objective and outcomes *what is the teacher's accountability
B. businesses are raking bigger profits*The world of nations is suffering from recession and so nations are experiencing the fol
B. Carlos P. Garcia* who is the president who is known for his Filipino first policy and Austerity Program?
B. Cartagena*the following were among the five ships involved in Ferdinand Magellan's Voyage EXCEPT.
B. Contitutional monarchy*in England, Queen Elizabeth acts as head of state. This country also has a parliament and a Prime M
B. Corregidor*The Japanese successful invasion was climaxed by the surrender of the joint Filipino-American forces on May 6,
B. Doctrina Christiana*what was the first book published in the Philippines?
B. Douglas McArthur*who was the General who said I shall return? A monument in his honor stands in Corregidor by the Bay?
B. Electoral Tribunal*a losing senatorial candidate May file a protest against the winner. What body will assume jurisdiction ov
B. File a democratic protest*The Philippines objected to the advisory on travel to Mindanao by the Australian government. Wh
B. It has been part of the world's economy since the Spanish colonial rule*which is TRUE of the Philippines?
B. Joint Committee of Congress* Who does the canvassing of votes for President and Vice President in every election?
B. Peace and Security*which problem is common from the presidency of Marcos, Aquino, Ramos, Estrada, Macapagal-Arroyo
B. Presidential*what form of government is characterized by the separation of powers?
B. Salvaging *which act is a deprivation of live without a due process?
B. San Agustin Chuch*What building was the only one left after the destruction of Intramuros during Battle of Manila?
B. Separation of powers*the Philippine government is divided into three branches: executive, legislative and judiciary. Which a
B. Sikatuna* In 1565 Legaspi concluded a blood compact with the chief of Bohol. Who is referred to?
B. Socialism*which type of governance is characterized by a unionof partially self-governing states ir regions united by a centr
B. were partially independent* In President Quezon's time, the country had the Philippine Commonwealth. What is TRUE abou
B. Yes provided he is classified as a poor litigant by the court* Can accused avail of free legal assistance?
C. Alibata* what is considered the earliest form of writing in the Philippines?
C. Amendment of the the present constitution*A year ago "Cha-cha and "con ass" were popular words in the Philippines. Wit
C. Charter change*which among the following represents the political process involved in amending or revising the Philippine
C. Democracy*which type of government do we belong?
C. Gloria Macapagal - Arroyo*With whom is the "Strong Republic" associated?
C. House of Representatives*All appropriations, revenue or tariff bills shall originate exclusively from the __________.
C. I AND II*Rizal founded the La Liga Filipina to______I. unite the whole country, II. fight violence and injustice, III. revolt again
C. It has evolved from a colony to a fully independent nation* Which is TRUE of the historical development of the Philippines?
C. Judicial *which department has the authority to make laws and to alter them when needed?
C. Lack of cultural integration*The Philippines is dominantly a Christian country in the Orient, yet according to survey it is the t
C. Learning to live together*which of the four pillars of a location for the 21st century is crucial in the light of conflicts betwee
C. Mukdum*who first introduced the Islamic religion to the Philippines?
C. No*Can a person be imprisoned for debt?
C. Police power*The power of the State to enact laws or regulations in relation to persons and properties as may promote pub
C. State of the Nation Address*Every elected president of the Philippines delivers SONA. What does SONA means?
C. Suffrage*All Filipino citizens have the right to vote in to be posting up on at the government official. what is this constitution
C. There have been attempts to change its government to a parliamentary form*which is TRUE of the Philippines?
C.Arabic*Foreign influences are evident from most aspect of Filipino culture including Philippine languages. From which Asian
C.Claro M. Recto*in Philippine history, who was known as "The Great Dissenter"?
C.Generation of reliable measurtements of educational outcomes*what is the best indicator of "quality education" as invoked
C.Macario Sakay*who was among the last Filipino generals who fought the Americans and established the so-called Tagalog R
C.The right to privacy of communication*which is right violated by wiretapping?
D. Insurgency*The Philippine revolt against Spain, the Philippine-American War, the Muslim rebellion, the NPA, the Milf and A
D. 30*A bill becomes a law even if not signed by the president after__days.
D. A suspect remains innocent until proven guilty*what does presumption of innocence mean so far as human rights is concer
D. Bicameralism*the Philippine legislature is divided into two major bodies, the State and the House of Representatives. Whic
D. Congress*who has the power to declare the existence of State of War?
D. Democracy*in which form of government are all citizens treated as equals on certain dimensions such as religion, politics, e
D. Habeas Corpus*Any individual has the right to question why he is being arrested, and summon his accusers to court so that
D. I have the right to drive my car but I must see to it that I obey traffic rules*every right has a built-in-duty. Which of the follo
D. I,II AND IV*what characteristic/s of government is established by the 1987 Constitution? I. Presidential system of governme
D. Kautusang Tagapagpaganap blg. 25 S. 1974*The late president Ferdinand Marcos placed the Philippines under Martial Law
D. Reprieve*which refers to the act of the President to stay the execution of a convict?
D. Right to be provided with free legal service by the appropriate office*when a teacher is charged with an administrative case
D. The Philippines was ceded to the US by the treaty of Paris.*which of the following was the first to happen?
D. Yes if you are in the act of committing a crime *can you be arrested without a warrant of arrest?
D. Law of supply and demand*Tomatoes are off season and so price for tomatoes is up. Which law/principle in economics exp
d they accuse government of as suggested by the underlined word?

r technology, III. High tariffs, IV. Poor standards

ive their consent in writinf.

has the right and duty to determine the acadeic marks and the promotions of learners. What is the obligation of the teacher in the relation

ful without fear or favor

eve the above mentionedconstitutional mandate?

ntability and transparency?

n exercise of_______..
amental right is invoked by the individual?

of government in this country?

ribes the model of governance in the Philippines?

no people _______.

lippine situation

What does this point to in Philippine Society?


ukom, salamat?

y of___in the Philippines.

is division opf the legislative body of the country?

ht is embodied inwhich of the following?

Parliamentary system of government, III. The three branches of government are seperate and independent of one another, IV. The three
ofessional duties, what right may the teacher invoke for her defense?
n of the teacher in the relation to the aforementioned right as mandated in the WEduication Act of 1982.
of one another, IV. The three branchess of government have a check and balance over one another
A. Sa lahat ng paaralang
Anak - bayan
A. emotional factors*A sixth grade twelve-year old boy comes from a dysfunctional family and has been abused and neglected
A. Children have fun and enjoyment*According to froebel, kindergarten is
A. Erickson*The concepts of Trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame & self-doubt, and initiative vs. guilt are MOST CLOSELY RE
A. estrogen*Which of these hormones stimulates the contraction of the walls of the uterus of the mother during child birth?
a. III, II, IV, I*The following describes the process of fertilization
a. Operant conditioning*The reinforcement of a person's responses by presentation or removal of rewards and punishment.
Ang Pag-ibig (Sanaysay) ni Emilio Jacinto
B. 15 mins.*A typist can finish 4 pages in 6 minutes. How long will it take for him to finish 10 pages?
B. William Blake*The poem "A Poison Tree" was written by?
D. 506.25 cm²*Find the area of a square whose perimeter is 90cm?
D. Republic Act 8049*It prohibits hazing and other forms of initiation rites in fraternities, sororities and other organizations.
D.(x+4)(x+3)*The sides of a rectangle with an area of x²+7x+12 are:
I. Zygotes divides
II. One sperm penetrates the membrane
III. Sperm swim towards the egg
IV. Nuclei fuse together
Panahon ng Aktibismo (1970-1972) Canal de la Reina (Nobela) ni Liwayway Arceo
Panahon ng Amerikano (1900-1941) Tanikalang Ginto (Dula) ni Juan Abad
Panahon ng Bagong Lipunan ( 1972-1981) Satanas sa Lupa (Nobela) ni Celso Al. Carunungan
Panahon ng Hapones (1941-1945) Palitan (Maikling Kwento) ni Pedro S. Dandan
Panahon ng Isinuling Kalayaan (1946-1970) Isang Dipang Langit (Tula) ni Amado V. Hernandez
Panahon ng Propaganda (1872-1896) Noli me Tangere at El Filibusterismo (Nobela) ni Dr. Jose Rizal
Panahon sa Kasalukuyan Sa pagkamatay ng Isang Newsboy (Tula) ni Lamberto Antonio
B. STANDARD DEVIATION*The MOST important measure of variation or dispersion.
C. MODE*A measure of central tendency used when the data is in nominal level of measurement.
A. It indicates the spread of scores in a group.*If measures of central tendency are used to determine the average performanc
B. SKEWNESS*It describes the degree of departure of the scores from the symmetry.
D. It is appropriate when scores are symmetrical*Which is NOT correct about meadian?
B. criterion-related validity*Mr. Calingo correlated the scores of his pupils in the Social Studies test with their grades in the sam
C. Predictive validity*Teacher Bobby wanted to teach pupils the skill of cross stitching. His check-up a written test on the steps
D. Empiricist*aby said: " I cannot see it,so i won't believe it. "Under which group can Gaby be classified?
B. Formative Assessment*Teacher Leila conducted a short quiz to get feedback on the learning progress of the learners after d
D. during the first week*What stage in children pox is considered very contagious?
A. Confucius B*"Moral example has greater effect on pupils' discipline than laws and codes of punishment" is an advice for tea
A. Bamboo*Which of the following is under the grass family?
B. Capsid*The Protein shell of a virus is called ____.
C. Cabeza de Barangay*Among the following local government position during the Spanish period, which is claimed by historia
A. King*The Datu is for the pre-Spanish period as ________ is for the Spanish period.
C. Watch Demo*1.Based on edgar Dale's cones of experience. W/c activity is closest to the real things?
A. Read*Based on edgar Dale's Cone of experiece which activity is farthest to the real thing?
C. Concept*If teacher has to ask more higher-order questions, he has to ask more __________ questions.
B. Brittleness*All of the following are characteristics of metals,except________
A. respect*Mencius believed that all people are born good. This thought on the innate goodness of people makes it easier ___
a. it sinks deeper*which of the following situations is true as a boat moves from salty sea to fresh water river?
B. Portfolio*The teacher encounters challenges in behavior management in the classroom. What can be an effective record of
d. Hector*___________ died at the end of Iliad.
different elementary schools. The student can decode on the second grade level, but he can comprehend orally material at the fourth or

hat test validity did he try to establish?

good test does it lack?

nal expressions". This type of assessment is classified as a:

official corruption?
ry remedies for problems met?
rally material at the fourth or fifth grade level. The most probable cause/s of this student’s reading problem is/are ______.
is/are ______.

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