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Topic 1

Multimedia Film and Gaming Development Studio: Workflow and Circulation of Artists

On the day of January 1, 1897, where the first film Un Homme Au Chapeau (Man with a Hat),
Une scene de danse Japonaise (Scene from a Japanese Dance), Les Boxers (The Boxers), and La Place de
L'Opera (The Place L'Opera) was shown in the Philippines. And thru that year only wealthy foreigners
and producers can make a films. But since then many Filipinos where aspired to be directors and film
makers. Throughout the years, on September 12, 1919 the first Filipino movie Dalagang bukid was
release made by Filipino film maker Jose Nepumuceno also known as the Father of Philippine Cinema.

On this day, there are still many young film makers takes journey to foreign country to pursue
their dream to make a name in the film industry. Many of this foreign have a Filipino worker. The UIP
(United International Pictures) have 17% of their worker are Filipinos and Disney 16.1% are Filipino.
Filipinos are good in storytelling and making good movies. Lastly young film students/ artist want to
have a name in the film industry and having a suitable workflow and circulation workflow. Here in the
film studio they can shoot movie through indoor and outdoor that can make a different kind of scenes in
workshops. This kind of facility studio will not only benefits aspiring film arstist but also other talents
that makes a whole movie.

Topic 2

Agricultural Technology Research Center

With the fast growing urban areas in the Philippines, many rural agricultural areas are diverging
in to a Residential or Commercial Areas. Philippines as an agricultural country is having a problem in the
food supply and economy, making it import food supplies in particular to rice imports. And in 2019,
Philippines became the biggest rice importer in the worlds buying rice recorded 2.9 million tons. Making
a tragedy to the local farmers having a hard time selling and buying rice because of the price.

Topic 3

Mix used Gaming Center: Esports Bootcamp

Gaming in the Philippines is very popular with the young people and also some of the older
peoples. Through the year gaming in the Philippines became a very competitive gaming, having teams of
professional competing and taking pride of their country overseas. Philippines became known to be
competitive with the games Dota, Dota2, Legue of Legends, Counter Strike And even Mobile gaming
Mobile Legends. Many companies are investing thru developing this Esports professionals players that
they make sponsors and facilities and events for the competitions.

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