Learning Memorization Booklet - Presence by Amy Cuddy - PDF

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PURPOSE What will I learn?

The purpose of this booklet is to help you

turn theory into action. Learning science
1. How to bring
has shown that retention increases dra-
matically when new information is imme-
your boldest self to
diately recalled (verbally or via writing),
as well as when it is practically applied to
your most difficult
your life. situations
Using this Memorization Booklet is the
easiest and most effective way for you
2. How to feel
to codify and make useful the depth of powerful in the face
knowledge included in Presence. Follow
this guide, answer the questions honestly of adversity
and diligently, and by the end, you’ll learn
how to rise to the occasion during chal-
lenging circumstances. 3. How to induce
confidence and
decrease stress with
your body
1. Although we suggest that you do, you PLAY THE
do NOT need to read Presence (…)
to learn and apply its key points. We’ve CORRESPONDING
already done the hard work for you. MEMORIZATION VIDEO
2. Watch the video provided on the USB ON THE USB FLASH
3. Pause the video as needed to fill out AS NEEDED TO FILL OUT
the booklet. THIS BOOKLET.
4. Don’t worry about finishing all at once.
Stop. Start. Come back. It’s all up to you.

5. Apply the techniques discussed in the

booklet to your life.

6. Notice the results. This stuff really


What is Presence?
Is Presence the same
as charisma?

Presence is bringing your boldest self to No. Presence has nothing to do with be-
the most challenging times of your life. ing an extrovert. It is not sociability. Sim-
ply put—it is being in tuned with your
Presence is: core values, and then expressing them
• Nailing the interview
• Making the final shot How will this help me?
• Getting the promotion
• Confidently sharing your A study done of Silicon Valley entrepre-
honest opinions neurs showed that everyday people were
• Having a wonderful first date able to predict with 80% accuracy wheth-
er or not someone would receive funding
“Entrepreneurs’ grounded enthusiasm from potential investors, solely by watching
is contagious, stimulating a high level of their body language during a presentation.
commitment, confidence, passion, and
performance in the people who work for In other words, more important than
and with them.”  their ideas, was how the presenter carried
themselves during their presentation—the
winners simply exuded more Presence.

Application to Life
Who would you hire?

QUESTION | Imagine you must invest in

a company but you’re not allowed to hear
what the entrepreneur has to say—you
can only look at their presentation. What
are you looking for? What is their posture
like? Their face? How will you know if they
are trustworthy and hardworking?

Example: I’d notice that they’re smiling but

not in a fake way. They might seem a little
nervous but still confident in their ideas. They
would have good posture…

NOTE | Presence is intui-

tive. You already know what
it looks and feels like—you
just aren’t noticing it yet.
What you described above
is Presence.

What is
“Focus less on the impression you’re making on others and more on the
impression you’re making on yourself.” - Amy Cuddy

When the stakes are high and there’s ob- Too often we clam up, not because we’re
vious judgment present (like in an inter- not prepared, but because we’ve created
view or date)—you can put yourself in the a life or death situation out of something
right state of mind by reminding yourself that, in the long run, will not fundamen-
of who you are, regardless of the outcome. tally change who we are. The solution,
then, is to remind yourself of who you are
deep down.

The key here is to pick values

that will not change, regardless
of whether or not you’ve “won”,
and then remind yourself of them
before your big event.

Application to Life
ACTIVITY | Write down QUESTION | Now choose
three values that embody one. Which value is the
who you are: most YOU?

1. Example: I am an honest person. Example: At my core, I think of myself as a

2. Example: I am a teacher (of my family teacher above all else. Even with my chil-
and students). dren I am a teacher. This is what I most
3. Example: I am a hard worker. identify with.
QUESTION | Remember a time when Come up with a value
you most embodied this value—when
you were most an example of this value. statement that you can use
What happened? What did you do? in stressful situations.
Example: There is one day that stands out
to me. I remember walking through the park
with my husband when we came to notice
a few teenagers playing together. I noticed “Above all, I am
one playing rough with the other, teasing him _____________________
inappropriately—and I stepped in to give
them a bit of a lesson about friendship. It’s
funny, because I remember my husband tell-
ing me that it was out of character because “Regardless
I’m normally shy; but that’s not always true,
when I feel like there’s something to teach, of the outcome of this
that value trumps all other worries… situation I will still be

NOTE | Do this: before

a difficult situation, help
yourself be present by
reminding yourself of your
values. Use the above value

“When our body language is confident and open, other people respond
in kind, unconsciously reinforcing not only their perception of us
but also our perception of ourselves.” - Amy Cuddy

It’s nearly impossible to exude presence What is confidence then?

if you don’t buy your own story. You must
know not only who you are deep down Confidence, at its core, is a lack of awk-
(i.e. your values), but also allow your phys- wardness. You can be a little anxious or
iology to align with that confidence. uncomfortable (that is alright), but if you
don’t deep down BELIEVE what you are
How to catch a liar: selling (your idea even)—then it will show
Some people say that you can catch a liar
by watching where their eyes dart, up or
down—but the research doesn’t show this
to be the case.The truth is that honesty al-
lows for synchronicity between what you
are saying and how you are saying it. If you
aren’t confident, your body will show this.

Application to Life
QUESTION | What is something you’re QUESTION | Why do you believe that?
deeply passionate about? Is it an idea? A Write down an argument for your belief.
value? Write down an example of some-
thing you truly believe in. Example: Well the evidence is pretty over-
whelming. In one study, for example…
Example: I know it seems controversial and
maybe even not all that important, but I’ve
always been a huge believer in filtered water.
Ever since I was a kid my parents taught me
how many chemicals are in the water we
drink from the faucet.

QUESTION | How did that feel to write

that argument above? Circle which:


NOTE | This is what happens when you

believe in yourself. Your confidence grows,
and your ability to articulate yourself, both
in speech and in posture, rises.

Does content matter? Here’s how Amy puts it:

Yes! You may be wondering why we’re fo- “When we are truly present in a
cusing on confidence more than content.
Isn’t it true that competence matters? Do challenging moment, our verbal
we really want to trick people into think- and nonverbal communication
ing that we’re proficient, that we are good
for the job, when we’re really not? Of
flows. We are no longer
course not. occupying a discombobulated
mental state — simultaneously
Mastering Presence isn’t about having
power over or deceiving people, it’s about analyzing what we think others
having power over yourself. It’s not a sub- think of us, what we said a
stitute for skill, it’s a complement to it.
minute earlier, and what we
think they will think of us after
we leave, all while frantically
trying to adjust what we’re
When we are powerful we expand out- saying and doing to create the
ward, are quicker to act, take advantage
of opportunities when they present them-
impression we think
selves, and most importantly—help others they want to see.”
when they are need. - Amy Cuddy

As Robert Caro says:

- “Power does not corrupt, power reveals.”

Application to Life
QUESTION | When you think about
power—what first comes to mind?

Example: Politicians, corruption…

QUESTION | Think of a situation when

you were you were too slow to act. What
happened? Who did you not help when
you could have?
Example: One time at work I witnessed one
Example: I don’t think of power as a good of my bosses speak really inappropriately to
thing. It seems like something that is used for one of my colleagues. I wanted to say some-
evil more than for good… thing but I didn’t because…

QUESTION | Why did you feel powerless QUESTION | Now remember a time
in this situation? when you were capable and skilled enough
to perform well, but you didn’t because
Example: I thought that if I spoke up I would you were too anxious. What happened?
fired, or worse…
Example: I remember in high school I studied
a lot for my SAT test, for almost a year I stud-
ied at least once a week, but when it came
down to the actual day of the exam—I don’t
know what happened, but I froze. I knew that
I knew the answers, but my mind was so wor-
ried about being worried that it didn’t leave
room for actually solving the problems…

How can your posture

affect your mood?

Presence is not just about being confident; “Expanding your body

it is also about being calm under pressure.
Testosterone is the confidence hormone, physiologically prepares you
while cortisol is the stress hormone. Some to be present; it overrides your
studies have shown that by holding a pow-
er pose for one minute you decrease your
instinct to fight or flee, allowing
cortisol and increase your testosterone. you to be grounded, open,
The opposite is true while holding a pow- and engaged.” - Amy Cuddy
erless pose.

That is a MASSIVE mood swing.

As they say
- goes the body, so goes the

Application to Life
ACTIVITY | Imagine that QUESTION | How do
you just won a gold medal. you feel?
Express yourself. What do
you do with your body? Example: I feel like a
Hold it for one minute. champion. Like I just won a
gold medal! Ha.

NOTE | This is a power pose.

ACTIVITY | Now imagine ACTIVITY | Circle the
you just lost your job. emotions that describe
Express yourself. What do how you feel:
you do with your body?
Hold it for one minute.







NOTE | This is a powerless WEAK | POWERFUL

ACTIVITY | Try this: sit in a
powerful pose for 1 minute.
Expand outward.

QUESTION | How do you feel?

Example: I feel excited, strong, ready to take on the world…
QUESTION | What are the moments QUESTION | When do you do this?
when you feel most powerless?
Example: Most often I do this during meet-
Example: I feel powerless when I’m unable to ings at work…
speak my mind, when I know I have a good
idea but I just can’t muster up the courage to
share it for fear of being judged.

NOTE | Now do the opposite. Expand. Be

bold. Share!

Is there a gender gap when THIS MUST

it comes to confidence and
presence? STOP

Yes. Even at powerful universities like Har- “This is how self-fulfilling

vard, women are less likely to participate
in class, less likely to take leadership roles prophecies work: we have an
in group dynamics, and overall are less expectation about who someone
outwardly confident than their male coun-
is and how she’s likely to
behave, then we treat her in a
When and why does this way that is likely to elicit those
behaviors, thus confirming our
At a very young age, children begin to initial expectations… and so
associate powerful postures with males
and powerless postures with females.
on.” - Amy Cuddy
There are many theories, but one is that
we encourage girls to curl up into them-
selves, to adopt smaller postures in order
to “be a lady.”

Application to Life
QUESTION | How can I encourage ladies QUESTION | How am I going to help the
to take up more space at a young age? girls in my life feel more powerful? List
three ways:
Example: In general, I can stop saying things
like “sit like a lady” or “that’s not lady like”… Example: I will watch female sporting events
with my nieces to show them that female
athletes too can be role models.




What is Self-Nudging?
“When you’re excited it primes an op-
portunity mindset, so you think of all
This idea comes up all over the place. Small of the good things that can happen.
steps lead to big gains.You’re probably not
going to reinvent yourself overnight, but
You’re more likely to make decisions
you definitely can choose to constantly and take actions that will make [good
become a better person rather than say- results] likely to occur.” - Amy Cuddy
ing stagnant or worse—losing momentum.
What is an easy yet power-
Here are a few ways to ful self-nudge?
make small gains with
regard to Presence: A study was conducted for people right
before a difficult situation. They were
asked to think about themselves as calm,
1. Before an important event stand in a nervous, or excited.
power pose for one minute.

2. Change your posture while at work.

What happened?
3. Take a few walks every day to give Those who told themselves that they
yourself a break from sitting. were excited performed the best.

4. When you’re nervous—tell yourself WHAT NOT TO DO - when you’re ner-

“I’m excited.” vous, do not try to convince yourself that
you are not nervous, that you are calm -
5. Remind yourself of your primary value. instead tell yourself “I am excited.”

“We don’t get there by deciding to change right now. We do it gently, incrementally,
by nudging ourselves - a bit further every time.” - Amy Cuddy

Application to Life
QUESTION | What’s a small improve- QUESTION | How can you start to im-
ment you’ve made in the past that has had prove your presence right now? What’s
a lasting benefit in your life? the smallest way possible?

Example: I started playing a game with my- Example: The easiest way is I can start to
self: instead of committing to going to the take breaks at work and stretch out…
gym, I just committed to putting on my gym
shoes in the morning—and guess what hap-
pened? I started going…

NOTE | Do this today!


Application to Life
QUESTION | What are you most afraid QUESTION | Now imagine you are in
of? What worries you the most? When this situation—and tell yourself that you
you’re the most nervous. Write down the are calm. Does this change how you feel?
ultimate worst case scenario for nerves: Why not?

Example: I am basically terrified of confront- Example: Ehhh not really. I can’t just switch
ing people when I feel offended by some- to being calm.
thing they’ve done. In short—I rarely defend
Feel that excitement. In fact—the next time
you are in a difficult situation, tell yourself “I
am excited.” What happened?

Example: Interesting experiment. I always frame dif-

ficult confrontations in rather disheartening way. I feel
powerless and nervous and stunned into silence—but
this last time, when I was at work the other day one
of my coworkers put something on my desk and told
me to do it without asking me. Now this person isn’t
even my boss! So I took in a deep breath, told myself
“This is exciting, you’re going to grow from this” and
then marched right over to their desk and politely told
them that I didn’t have time for this task, and in the
future, if they need a favor, I would appreciate it if they
ASKED instead of just demanded. And you wouldn’t
believe what happened! I felt incredible, and on top
of it, my coworker apologized and said he knew that
I was write—that he was just stressed out himself.
Now I really am excited!

What is “Fake it until you STORY

Become it”?
Some people say you should fake it until Once Amy was overseeing a student who
you make it. But this is not true. What you was worried about her ability to give her
need to do is Fake it until you Become it. dissertation talk. Someone told her “fake
it until you make it” but this isn’t the best
way to think about it. You want, instead, to
cultivate in yourself a permanent change.

As you practice feeling confident in these

types of situations, you will build up a mus-
cle memory of sorts—which will allow
you to become a powerful person. Some-
one who believes in themselves because
they know their value.

“Don’t fake it till you make it.

Fake it till you become it.” - Amy Cuddy
Application to Life
QUESTION | What are the qualities or QUESTION | Now let’s imagine you al-
characteristics that you would like to have ready are that person—what would you
that you don’t have right now? have to do differently today to be this per-
Example: I would like to be more patient. I
wish I was a better public speaker… Example: Firstly I would have to see the world
a little bit differently, instead of being upset
every time something small happens, like
traffic on my way to work, or when someone
criticizes my work—I could instead take a
few deep breaths, remind myself of my core
values, and find a way to use that energy in
a positive way…
“Posture not only shapes the way we feel, it also shapes the way we
think about ourselves - from our self-descriptions to the certainty and
comfort with which we hold them. And those self-concepts can either
facilitate or hinder our ability to connect with others,
to perform our jobs, and, more simply, to be present.”
- Amy Cuddy

Hunching over to look at a screen results 1. Use larger screens

in many physical health problems, as well
as tricking your mind into believing that whenever possible
you are depressed. Remember—goes the
body, so goes the mind. 2. Take breaks to stretch
A study showed that in particular, the
smaller the screen, the worse it is for your
mental health. What you need to do to 3. Sit with your hands on
combat this is, when at all possible. your arm chair

4. Place items far away from

you so that you have to
reach to grab them

5. Take walking meetings


Application to Life
QUESTION | How much time do you QUESTION | What of the above
spend looking at a screen every day? methods can you commit to adopting?
Example: If I’m being perfectly honest…
probably about 6 hours a day. Example: I definitely can, in the least, take
walking meetings. This would help open up
my body and allow me to...

Make a plan!
The literature is unequivocal. If We know that you want to be-
you want to make any serious come more Present in your life,
change in your life, if you want to especially in those moments of
accomplish your goals, you first intense stress—but without ac-
must come up with a plan for tion, all of this is for not.
how to attain that goal.

“Presence emerges when we feel personally powerful,

which allows us to be acutely attuned to our most
sincere selves.” -Amy Cuddy

Application to Life
ACTIVITY | What’s your plan? How will you learn to become more
Present? Finish the following sentences:

At work I will…
Example: …remember to sit up straight and tall.



At home I will…
Example: …remind myself of my values.



When I feel nervous I will…

Example: …tell myself that I am excited rather than worried.


When I wake up I will remind myself to…
Example: …go on a power walk, arms out, head up…




Before a big meeting I will…

Example: …remember to hold a power pose for

a few minutes before entering.




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