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Name: _______________ Date: _______________

Thinking Skills
Complete the following table.

Knowledge: Knowledge:
Share something you already know about the topic. Define a word from the text.
I already know the names of jobs in Arabic and I can ‫العمل‬
explain what they do work

Comprehension: Comprehension:
What is the text mainly about? Explain why the text has the title it does.
This text is about the importance of working hard The title reflects what the text is about
and providing for your family

Application: Application:
Share what you’ve learnt and how you will use this What questions would you ask the author about this
information in your life. topic?
I have learnt about the importance of working hard in I would like to ask what inspired the author to write
our religion and why we should value working/ this
supporting our families.

Analysis: Analysis:
What conclusions can you draw after reading this What would be another good title for the text? Why?
text? What in the text makes you think that? Another good title could be:
I can draw the conclusion that working hard for your ‫اهميت العمل‬
family and having goals is important, the text is filled
with advice which helps me make this conclusion

Synthesis: Synthesis:
What information would you add to the text? Design a new book cover for this text. What would it
I would add examples to this text look like? Why?
It would have different jobs all over the cover

Evaluation: Evaluation:
Would you recommend this text to a friend? Why or What changes would you recommend for this text?
why not? ‘ Why?
I would recommend this text to a friend because it I would recommend that the text be longer and filled
talks about the importance of working hard and I with one or two examples
value that attribute and I want to instil these values
in others

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