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Marketing Information Systems

Chapter · August 2003

DOI: 10.1016/B0-12-227240-4/00110-6

21 11,281

1 author:

Robert R. Harmon
Portland State University


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Marketing Information Systems
Robert R. Harmon
Portland State University



GLOSSARY customers, competitors, suppliers, sales

prospects, suppliers and partners. GIS can be
customer relationship management (CRM) used for site selection, trade-area analysis,
Software applications manage the interaction environmental analysis, sales territory design
of customers with an organization. They are and the targeting of marketing
used to increase the return on marketing efforts communications.
by enabling the understanding of the complete marketing automation An emerging discipline
history of a firm’s interactions with its that encompasses the automation of front
customers. CRM systems are able to target office marketing activities such as e-
promotions to likely buyers, facilitate sales commerce, decision support, sales, customer
efforts, and deliver customer service. relationship management and customer
cybermarketing The convergence of the Internet, service.
computers, information systems, marketing decision support system (MDSS) A
telecommunications and the customer with the set of core applications in the MkIS that
marketing process. provides computer-based tools, models, and
data mart A scaled down version of a data techniques to support the marketing decision
warehouse that usually holds a subset of the making process.
entire data set in order to provide more focused marketing information system (MkIS) A
and faster access to specialized data. computerized system that provides an
data mining Computer-based exploration and organized flow of information to enable and
analysis of large quantities of data in order to support the marketing activities of an
discover meaningful patterns and rules for the organization.
purpose of improving marketing, sales and on-line analytical processing (OLAP) A family
customer service operations. of analysis and report generating tools used to
data warehouse Electronic storage that is a access large databases. OLAP enables
repository where data from internal and partially aggregated data or full reports to be
external sources are collected, organized and stored for fast, convenient access.
stored for future analysis. supply chain management (SCM) Software
enterprise resource planning (ERP): Software applications that integrate electronic
applications that integrate back-office systems procurement, inventory management, quality
for order processing, manufacturing, finance, management and logistics systems that link an
accounting, and human resources. ERP enterprise to its suppliers
functions, in turn, integrate with marketing
front office activities and SCM activities. I. INTRODUCTION
geographical information systems (GIS)
Software that enables the geographic mapping The Internet is rapidly changing the way business
of information such as the locations of views marketing information systems. New

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 1

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
business models present challenges and A. Definition—Marketing
opportunities as organizations seek to adopt “e- Information System (MkIS )
business” methodologies in the search for
competitive advantage. Organizations of all sizes Simply put, a MkIS is a computerized system that
are feeling the “ripple effect” of Internet-enabled is designed to provide an organized flow of
customers, supply chains and competitors. This information to enable and support the marketing
pressure is particularly acute in the marketing activities of an organization. The MkIS serves
function where information technology touches collaborative, analytical and operational needs. In
the customer and is increasingly becoming the key the collaborative mode, the MkIS enables
to creating superior customer value. managers to share information and work together
The importance of marketing information is virtually. In addition, the MkIS can enable
particularly apparent as the economy continues to marketers to collaborate with customers on
emphasize services as a primary source of value. product designs and customer requirements. The
Services are heavily information dependent. analytical function is addressed by decision
Information is rapidly becoming a service in its support applications that enable marketers to
own right. Even in industries that are primarily analyze market data on customers, competitors,
manufacturing in nature, the information content technology and general market conditions. These
of the final product is rapidly increasing. Mass insights are becoming the foundation for the
customization, often described as “one-to-one” development of marketing strategies and plans.
marketing or the customizing of products and The MkIS addresses operational needs through
services for individual customers, is heavily customer management systems that focus on the
dependent on comprehensive and timely customer day-to-day processing of customer transactions
information. from the initial sale through customer service.
Modern marketing organizations, with their MkIS systems are designed to be
focus on the Internet, exhibit different comprehensive and flexible in nature and to
characteristics than their “old economy” brethren. integrate with each other functionally. They are
They create and manage the customer interface formal, forward looking and essential to the
where interactions are more virtual than face-to- organization’s ability to create competitive
face. They leverage IT technology to integrate advantage. The MkIS is the firm’s “window on
and coordinate with customers and business the world” and, increasingly, it is the primary
partners to rapidly achieve measurable business customer interface. Figure 1 presents the basic
results. The emphasis in on the rapid conversion architecture of the MkIS.
of knowledge into customer value which depends
on the ability to develop, deploy, and manage
powerful new marketing information systems B. The Strategic Role of the
(MkIS). The key to competitive advantage Marketing Information Systems
depends on the firm’s ability to convert
knowledge into customer relationships, reduced Historically, the role of the marketing function has
time to market and lower costs. been to support “make and sell” business
To survive in highly competitive markets, strategies that emphasized increases in market
companies need to be able to develop the share over the creation of long-term customer
marketing function and scale it up on “Internet value. This view started to change after World
time” with best-of-class decision support solutions War II with the recognition that satisfying the
for customer relationship management, sales force customer’s needs and wants should be the focus of
automation, market research, marketing a firm’s business activities.
communications, logistics, and product The emphasis on the customer elevated
development. The purpose of this paper is to the importance of marketing as a core business
provide an overview of the MkIS as it is evolving function on a par with research and development
into an Internet-based system. and production. The marketing function has
become the firm’s window to the world in the
sense that it must monitor the marketing

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 2

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
Developing Infor mation Environment
Managers Assessing T arget
Internal Marketing
Information Markets
Analysis records intelligence
Planning Channels

Implementation Competitors
Distributing Publics
Control Information research

Marketing Decisions and Communications

Figure 1 The marketing information system. From Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and
Control, 9th edition by Kotler, Philip © 1997. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc, Upper Saddler River, NJ.

environment for changes in buyer behavior, marketing activities. However, it is the recent
competition, technology, economic conditions, advent of the Internet, and especially the browser-
and government policies. Marketing is a based World Wide Web, which has ignited a
“strategic” function in that marketing activities revolution in MkISs.
enable organizations to identify and adapt to The term “cybermarketing” is often used to
changes in the market environment. describe the Internet’s convergence of computers,
The strategic function of marketing is information systems, telecommunications and the
further emphasized as Internet-based technologies customer with the marketing process. Internet
have enabled radically new approaches to selling marketing is characterized by interactivity,
where information technology for the first time graphical user interfaces, multimedia content, and
touches customers and provides new means for one-to-one connectivity. Internet technologies are
collecting marketing information. In a not only providing new ways to reach the
knowledge-intensive economy, the ability to customer, but also to enable the reengineering of
collect, analyze and act upon marketing the entire marketing process and, indeed, the
information more rapidly than the competition is entire enterprise. It is no longer acceptable to
the core competency from which competitive view marketing as a standalone activity with
advantage flows. Marketing information systems lengthy time lapses between product concept,
provide the information technology backbone for marketing strategy and commercialization.
the marketing organization’s strategic operations. Marketing has become interactive and real time.
In a broader sense, the MkIS creates an organized The rapidly growing field of marketing
and timely flow of information required by automation encompasses customer management
marketing decision makers. It involves the functions to support e-commerce. As depicted in
equipment, software, databases, and also the Figure 2, customer management applications
procedures, methodologies and people necessary include marketing decision support systems,
for the system to meet its organizational customer relationship management, sales force
objectives. MkIS encompasses a broad spectrum automation, customer service and e-commerce
of activities from simple transaction processing activities. These activities are often described as
complex marketing strategy decision making. “front office” customer-oriented activities. “Back
office” enterprise resource planning (ERP)
C. The Role of the Internet activities include manufacturing, finance and
human resources. “Supply chain management”
Information technology has transformed how (SCM) activities encompass electronic
firms conduct business. For example, financial procurement, inventory management, quality
service providers such as banks, stockbrokers and management and logistics systems to link an
insurance companies could not do business today organization with its suppliers. These three
without their client-server-based information elements comprise the enterprise information
technology. This technology has long supported system.

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 3

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
The Enterprise Information System

Enterprise Marketing
Supply Chain
Back Office Front Office

Supply Chain Enterprise Resource Marketing Automation

Management (SCM) Planning (ERP) • E -Commerce
• Electronic procurement • Order Processing • MDSS
• Inventory management • Manufacturing
• Sales Force Automation
• Quality management • Finance/Accounting
• Logistics • Human Resources
• Customer Service

Figure 2. The interfaces of MkIS

Large integrated enterprise software activities the MkIS can enable the
companies such as Oracle, SAP, PeopleSoft, and identification of emerging market segments,
IBM address all three major applications and they and the monitoring of the market environment
are beginning to use Web-based technologies to for changes in consumer behavior, competitor
redesign business processes throughout the activities, new technologies, economic
organization. The result is leaner organizations, conditions and governmental policies. Market
faster response times, and lower costs. Decision- research is situational in nature and focuses on
makers are able to integrate information from specific strategic or tactical marketing
customers, suppliers, and the internal organization initiatives. Marketing intelligence is
to obtain an enterprise-wide view of their ability continuous in nature and involves monitoring
to develop and execute marketing strategy. Until and analyzing a broad range of market-based
truly integrated browser-based systems are widely activities and information sources. There are
in use, the principal challenge for marketers is to three major sources of market information.
tie e-commerce generated data with legacy The first is syndicated data published by
information systems in order to create a unified market research companies and industry
view of each customer. Marketers will need to associations. Company-sponsored primary
understand all the various ways that customers are research is another option. It is much more
touching the business through existing interfaces focused since you ask specific questions of
and e-commerce. Many of the older interfaces, respondents within your markets. But, it is
such as telemarketing centers, point of sale (POS) considerably more expensive and time
systems, and the sales force are likely to be consuming. Perhaps the best data available
supported by legacy client-server technology. are your own customer’s behavior captured
Marketers need to consolidate data from those from web site viewing, point of sale (POS)
systems with that from the Web-based e- transactions, and systematic feed back from
commerce sources into a holistic view of the the sales force.
customer and make it available to decision- 2. Strategy Development. The MkIS provides the
makers. information necessary to develop marketing
strategy. It supports strategy development for
D. Benefits of the Marketing new products, product positioning, marketing
Information System communications (advertising, public relations,
and sales promotion), pricing, personal
The MkIS increases the number of options selling, distribution, customer service and
available to decision-makers and supports every partnerships and alliances. The MkIS
element of marketing strategy. MkIS affects provides the foundation for the development
marketing’s interfaces with customers, suppliers information system-dependent e-commerce
and other partners. The primary benefits of the strategies.
MkIS impact in the areas of functional integration, 3. Strategy Implementation. The MkIS provides
market monitoring, strategy development, and support for product launches, enables the
strategy implementation. coordination of marketing strategies, and is an
integral part of sales force automation (SFA),
1. Market Monitoring. Through the use of customer relationship management (CRM),
market research and marketing intelligence and customer service systems

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 4

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
implementations. The MkIS enables decision- 2. Applications Software. These are the
makers to more effectively manage the sales programs that marketing decision makers use
force as well as customer relationships. Some to collect, analyze, and manage data for the
customer management software companies purpose of developing the information
are extending their CRM applications to necessary for marketing decisions. Examples
include partner relationship management include the marketing decisions support
(PRM) capabilities. This has become software (MDSS) and customer management
increasingly important as many marketers are software for on-line sales and customer
choosing to outsource important marketing service.
functions and form strategic alliances to 3. Marketing Databases. A marketing database
address new markets. is a system in which marketing data files are
4. Functional integration. The MkIS enables the organized d stored. Data may be collected
coordination of activities within the marketing from internal and external sources. Internal
department and between marketing and other sources largely result from transactions. They
organizational functions such as engineering, provide data from e-commerce sites, sales
production, product management, finance, results, shipping data, inventories, and
manufacturing, logistics, and customer product profitability. External sources include
service. market research, competitor intelligence,
credit bureaus, and financial institutions. Data
E. Marketing Information System can be organized in a flat file (Text file with
Functional Components one data record per line) or a relational
database (Data is stored in tabular form where
As shown in Figure 3, a MkIS consists of four each row represents one entity and each
major components: (1) user interfaces, (2) column represents one characteristic of that
applications software, (3) databases, and (4) entity). For instance, each row could
systems support. represent a customer with the columns
1. User Interfaces. The essential element of the providing name, identification number, and
MkIS is the managers who will use the system purchase information.
and the interfaces they need to effectively 4. System Support. This component consists of
analyze and use marketing information. The system managers who manage and maintain
design of the system will depend on what type the systems assets including software and
of decisions managers need to make. The hardware network, monitor its activities and
interface includes the type of hardware that ensure compliance with organizational
will be used, the way information is analyzed, policies. This function may also include a
formatted and displayed, and how reports are help desk for system users.
to be compiled and distributed. Issues to
resolve are ease of use, security, cost, and II. MARKETING DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM
Marketing decision support systems (MDSS)
constitute a set of core applications of the MkIS.
User interfaces
The MDSS provides computer-based tools,
models, and techniques to support the marketing
manager’s decision process. In the general case,
MDSS is optimized for queries of historical data.
MDSS data typically are derived from both
Marketing Application internal and external market sources. The MDSS
databases features inquiry and report generation functions
where the manager can access marketing data,
System support analyze it statistically, and use the results to
determine an optimal course of action.
Figure 3. MkIS Functional Components

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 5

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
A. Marketing Decisions for senior executives, marketing managers,
Support System Functions product managers, and customer service
managers. Scorecard systems allow the user
The MDSS can provide analytical models for to “drill down” on an analytic and workflow
forecasting, simulation, and optimization. MDSS basis to determine the status of any strategic
tools include simple spreadsheets such as Excel, initiative. Dashboards allow frontline
statistical analysis packages such as SPSS and managers to monitor their critical
SAS, on-line analytical processing (OLAP) tools, performance indicators. These systems are
data mining applications, and neural networks. often used in conjunction with “best practice”
The MDSS provides the user with the ability to standards for call-center-based customer
explore multiple options. Typical MDSS support.
functions include models and tools for:
B. MDSS Analyses
1. Sensitivity analysis. Decision-makers can
explore changes in a strategic variable such as Marketers typically use MDSS models and tools
price and model its impact on demand or to analyze markets, customers, competitors, and
competitive behavior. internal operations. The following list presents
2. What-if analysis. Can be easily accomplished some of the most common types of issues targeted
with a spreadsheet. Revenues and costs can by MDSS analyses.
be manipulated to show the impact of each
variable on profits and cash flows. 1. Market segment analysis. Use of
3. Goal setting. Analysis focuses on the desired modeling techniques to identify segments
result and builds the resource base necessary and analyze economic trends,
to accomplish the goal. demographics and behavior.
4. Exception reporting. Analysis looks for 2. Market share analysis. Analyze trends
results that exceed or fall short of stated goals and determinants of market share.
or benchmarks. Which products or segments 3. Competitor analysis. Analysis of competitors’
exceeded sales forecasts? Sometimes called market positions, economics customer base,
gap analysis. and marketing strategies.
5. Pareto analysis. Analysis looks for activities 4. Pricing analysis. Identifies and analyzes the
that generate disproportionate results. For factors that influence a firm’s ability to set
instance, the top 20 percent of customers may prices including price elasticity and demand
account for 80 percent of sales revenues. analysis. Includes internal economics and
6. Forecasting models. Econometric models are market related factors.
used to analyze time series data for the 5. Cost analysis. Studies a firm’s overall cost
purpose of predicting future sales and market structure and its impact on product cost.
share levels. Margin analysis combines cost analysis with
7. Simulation models. Monte Carlo simulations pricing analysis. Variance analysis looks for
address marketing decision making under explanations of costs overages and underages.
conditions of uncertainty. Variables such as 6. Sales analysis. Studies the distribution of a
the market price, unit variable cost, and firm’s sales by region, product, brand, sales
quantity sold are not known ahead of the territory, etc.
product investment decision. Simulation 7. Sales forecasting. Develops estimates of sales
models allow the marketer to analyze risk and potential by product, region, sales territory,
assess the probabilities of likely outcomes of brand, etc.
their decisions. 8. Sales force productivity. Studies sales force
8. Scorecards and dashboards. Scorecard effectiveness and efficiency and contributing
systems can present a consistent framework factors.
for tracking the effectiveness of marketing
activities. They often have different modules

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 6

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
9. Advertising analysis. Analyzes advertising customer preferences, behaviors, and value
effectiveness, media choices and brand expectations in order to create better products and
awareness. services. Conversely, marketers need to
10. Distribution. Analyzes channel decisions understand which customers are the most valuable
from economic and strategic perspectives. to them over time. They need to regularly
11. Simulation. Simulates decision making under monitor and evaluate the “lifetime value” of each
various strategic scenarios. customer in order to determine which customers
12. Customer satisfaction. Analyzes issues to continue investing in and which ones to drop.
concerning the customer’s expectations and
outcomes with the product. a. Data Warehouse Processes.

C. Data Warehousing Data warehouses can provide narrow or broad

strategic views of key marketing activities for the
IBM defines a data warehouse as a place that purpose of generating higher customer value and
stores enterprise data designed to facilitate business returns. Data warehousing activities
management decisions. In essence, a data commonly support customer relationship
warehouse provides the basis for an analytical management, product development, and customer
system where periodic data points are collected service delivery. Data warehouse architectures are
and stored at specified times for future analysis. based on the following three processes.
Data warehousing enables marketers to capture,
organize, and store potentially useful data about 1. Data collection. Processes need to be
customers and markets for decision-making developed for capturing data from the
purposes. appropriate internal and external sources and
Every record of a transaction or interaction then organizing, verifying, integrating and
with a customer, supplier, channel member, or otherwise preparing it for loading into the
sales person is an opportunity to create database.
knowledge. Firms collect data from these day-to- 2. Data management. This step involves
day business operations. In order for this data to formatting and storing that data for easy
be useful, it is often organized and stored in a data access by data warehouse users.
warehouse. Simply put, a marketing data 3. Data access. This process involves
warehouse is a repository for data that has been specialized tools to query the data, analyze it
collected from internal and external data sources. and create and distribute useful business
Each customer generates a stream of transaction reports.
records over time. Data sources may include
scanner data, billing records, applications, Data warehouses are an integral part of the
registration forms, warranty forms, call reports, MDSS. They provide the ability to access data for
customer service inquiries, and web site data. creating marketing operations reports, analyze
Data warehousing enables the firm to organize sales results over time, identifying and mapping
and store this data for analysis purposes. By patterns, trends, that may be emerging in the
careful analysis of this and other data, firms can market, and enabling the development of new
design more effective and efficient ways to serve products, pricing, market segmentation strategies,
their customers. Data warehouses exist to support marketing communications campaigns, and
the decision-making process by providing ready distribution channels.
access to market and customer data.
The Internet has shifted power away from D. Data Marts
marketers to customers by lowering search costs
and providing greater choice. Competitors are A data mart is a scaled-down version of a data
only a “click” away. Consequently, marketers warehouse. It is more focused, less complex, and
need to work smarter to create and manage the holds a subset of the entire data, often in summary
one-to-one relationships that customers desire. form. It is usually designed for a smaller number
This goal requires increased knowledge about

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 7

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
of users. They provide fast, specialized access growth of data on a worldwide basis. But,
and applications. They are sometimes call exponential growth of data can, paradoxically,
departmental data warehouses. lead to a situation where more data leads to less
Data marts are useful when it is not feasible information as managers become swamped by the
for a data warehouse to meets the needs of all flood of data that defies ready interpretation.
potential users. Data marts enable a more limited Marketers need to develop procedures for
number of users to exert greater control over the processing, filtering and interpreting this data for
data they need. Data marts enable increased data strategic marketing purposes. Data mining is
access speed and minimize preemption of user essentially the engine for a knowledge-based
queries. They also minimize performance marketing strategy. It provides the ability to
sacrifices inherent in large data warehouses by collect, process, disseminate, and act upon
enabling small groups to get the data they most information more rapidly than the competition
need when they need it. They may also include that is essential to for the creation of first-mover
specialized data sets that can be analyzed with advantage.
statistical or data mining tools. Not all the data in The first step in the process is to collect data
the data mart need come from the data warehouse. on what the customer does. On-line transaction
A marketing researcher may overlay customer processing (OLTP) systems do precisely that.
purchase histories from the data warehouse with Virtually everything a customer does when
Geographic information system (GIS) data from a purchasing a product or service generates a string
commercial service and store it in the data mart. of transaction records. If the customer calls an
“800” number to order a product, the phone
E. Data Mining company will capture data on the time of the call,
the number dialed and the duration of the call.
Internet-based marketing strategies generate The marketing company will generate similar data
extremely large data sets from customer in addition to that on products and services
interactions. Purchase histories, financial records, purchased, catalogue referenced, special offers,
customer service records, and web site usage are credit card number, order size, and time since last
just some of the data that reside in customer purchase. Further transactions are generated by
databases. In order to transform this mountain of the order entry, billing, and shipping systems. The
diverse data into operationally useful information, bank and the shipping company will log further
marketers are increasingly using data mining transactions. The customer may need to call
procedures. Data mining is the computer-based customer service to solve post-purchase problems.
exploration and analysis of large quantities of data Internet transactions can generate even more data
in order to discover meaningful patterns and rules as the customer’s purchase behavior can be linked
for the purpose of improving marketing, sales, and to web-browsing behavior within a site and
customer support operations. The combination of throughout the web. This data can then be linked
data mining procedures with data warehousing to purchase histories, financial history and other
enables the MDSS to move beyond just support personal-identity information.
for the operational processes in the marketing
organization and to focus on actual customer b. Data Mining Tasks
behavior. Data mining and data warehousing
provide the means and the infrastructure for After the data have been collected and reside in
extracting strategic opportunity from knowledge the data warehouse, approaches to analyzing the
of the customer. data are considered. Data mining methodologies
may encompass a range of approaches from
a. The Data Mining Process rigorous scientific methodologies and hypothesis
testing to qualitative sifting through massive
Large multinational organizations produce much amounts of data in search of relationships. The
more marketing data per day than its managers type of analysis typically is a function of the task
can assimilate. The Internet facilitates the rapid the researcher wants the data mining exercise to
accomplish. Typical data mining tasks include:

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 8

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
2. Cluster Analysis. Based on the hypothesis
1. Classification. A predetermined classification that customers of the same type will exhibit
code is assigned to a database record. similar behaviors. K-means cluster analysis is
Decision tree analysis techniques are the most common method. The purpose is to
commonly associated with this task. assign objects to groups that are relatively
2. Estimation. Input data are used to estimate homogeneous within and heterogeneous
continuous variables such as age, income, and between.
likely behaviors. Neural networks are often 3. Decision Trees. Decision trees enable
used for estimation. classification for directed data mining.
3. Affinity Grouping. Rules of association are Simple rules are often used to divide the data
developed from the data and used to group into subsets in which key attributes can be
variables that seem to go together. Market more readily evaluated. Decision trees can
basket analysis is a preferred technique that facilitate prediction by linking customer
analyzes the linkages between items characteristics with purchase behaviors.
consumers buy in a basket of items. 4. Query Tools. Structured Query Language
4. Description. Summary observations are made (SQL) is often used for conducting a
about the data that serve to increase the preliminary analysis of a data set. Data
understanding of the phenomena that summaries such as simple averages,
generated the data. Description often frequencies, and cross-tabulations are useful
motivates further research and data analysis. for looking for patterns and rules that may
Market basket analysis, query tools, and form the basis for more structured analyses.
visualization (mapping) techniques are 5. Neural Networks. Neural networks are a class
commonly used. of tools that are used for classification,
5. Clustering. Used to segment a large clustering and prediction. These networks are
heterogeneous population into homogeneous computer models that simulate the neural
clusters based on measures of similarity. The connections in the human brain. There are
researcher must determine the meaning of two critical stages for using neural
each cluster. Clustering algorithms are used networks—the encoding stage where the
to analyze the data. network is trained to perform a task and the
6. Prediction. Records are classified based on decoding stage where network executes the
predicted future values or behaviors. Neural assigned task. In practice, these machine
networks, market basket analysis, and learning tools are used to identify loyal
decision trees are common techniques. customer clusters, find fraudulent credit card
transactions, diagnose medical conditions, and
c. Data Mining Techniques predict the failure rate of aircraft engines.

Researchers looking for behavioral insights in F. On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP)

large customer databases commonly use the
following data mining techniques. OLAP is a family of analysis and report-
generating tools that are used to access large
1. Market Basket Analysis. Searches for databases. It enables partially aggregated data or
associations in the data such as professional full reports to be stored in a multidimensional
women who drive 5-Series BMWs also use format for fast, convenient access and analysis.
web-enabled mobile phones. The weakness OLAP methods are based on databases that allow
of the technique is there are an infinite multidimensional views of business data. OLAP
number of possible rules in any given is useful for visualization of relationships between
database and only a few have marketing pre-designated variables.
importance. The problem is to find them. OLAP applications are used achieve a higher
Techniques works best when the researcher view of the data such as total sales or profitability
has an idea of what to look for. by product line, sales territory, or market segment.
The OLAP database is usually updated in batch

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 9

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
mode from multiple sources. OLAP is optimized systems have integrated global positioning system
for analysis and reporting. In contrast, users of (GPS) capability for location reports from
on-line transaction processing (OLTP) resources in motion such as mapping
applications are involved with creating, updating, transportation fleet movements, sales
or retrieving individual customer records. OLTP representative reporting, and locating and
databases are optimized for updating transactions. managing key assets in real time. GIS data
An OLAP system essentially stores answers to provide powerful new visualization opportunities
predefined business questions for report for customer data that can link consumer behavior
generation needs. The user can choose from a to a fixed location at a specified time.
predetermined set of options for types of data and
display formats. Output is typically in the form of a. Geographical Information
charts, graphs, tables or maps. OLAP solves the System Marketing Applications
problem of distributing information to large
numbers of users with diverse reporting needs. 1. Customer location. Links behavioral data
OLAP relieves the long response times that can be from customer master files, subscription lists,
encountered when many users need to repeatedly support and warranty claims, transaction
query large databases for extended periods of history and identity with time and location
time. information. This is very powerful
Time series data are probably the most information for mapping and predicting
common dimensionality in an OLAP database. consumer behavior. The advent of mobile e-
Marketers want to look at trends in all aspects of commerce will enable marketers to identify
the business—sales trends, market trends, pricing and map consumers at the actual point of
trends, profitability trends, etc. OLAP can purchase. The wireless carriers will be able to
compare current results with prior periods, provide this data.
calculate year-to-date results, and present other 2. Geographic market information. Links
comparative historical data. OLAP can also marketing data to physical maps. Data may
present multiple hierarchies and classes within be classified by county, city, ZIP code, Census
given dimensions. For instance, data may be tract, etc.
“drilled down” by “state-county-city-customer” or 3. Marketing activity location. Links POS
“sales region-sales district-sales person- transactions, distribution patterns, direct
customer.” response results, sales forecasts, advertising
OLAP may be used in conjunction with data expense, etc. to geographic location.
mining, but it is not a substitute. OLAP tools are 4. Business location. Labels business facilities
powerful and fast tools for generating reports on on a map that can display retail density,
data, whereas data mining tools find patterns in population density, buying power, media
the data. OLAP users are constrained in the coverage, etc.
questions they can ask since OLAP and only 5. Marketing resource location. Links assets in
answer the questions that the data formats were motion to physical location through GPS from
designed to address. They cannot go back to the trucks, autos, aircraft and wireless devices.
original data and search for new solutions.
Therefore, data mining is more powerful than III. CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS
Companies need a method for viewing all
G. Geographical Information Systems customer and marketing-related information in an
integrated way. Often marketing organizations
GIS systems enable marketers to geographically maintain multiple databases for each business and
map their customers, competitors, suppliers, sales marketing activity with data that is not easily
concentrations, prospects, suppliers and partners. integrated for strategic or operational purposes. A
Site selection, trade-area analysis, environmental new generation of software that is Internet based
analysis, territory design, network planning, risk gathers information from customer service, Web
analysis are common applications. Newer

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 10

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
sites, direct mail operations, telemarketing, field SFA can improve sales efficiency by reducing
sales, customer service, distributors, retailers and sales cycle time, by managing workflow, and
suppliers for the purpose of managing marketing, tracking the current status of critical activities
sales and customer service activities. The major related to the sale. Proposal generation,
applications families are commonly referred to as opportunity management, fulfillment, and follow
sales force automation (SFA) and customer up are facilitated by SFA. Superior customer
relationship management (CRM) systems. Some value is achieved when the customer expectations
CRM systems are fully integrated with SFA are exceeded. It is a primary determinant of
applications and some are standalone. The customer satisfaction. SFA enables better
worldwide market for such systems is projected to understanding of customer expectations and
grow five times faster than the overall software management of the customer account.
market, from $5 billion in 1999 to more than $22
billion in 2003. a. The Sales Process

A. Sales Force Automation The typical field sales process consists of a series
of steps that are designed to lead to a sale. The
SFA is a customer management tool that is one of typical role of the MkIS is to support the sales
the fastest growing elements of the MkIS. SFA process steps of lead generation, sales process
applications are often integrated with the CRM management, and account management.
system. SFA involves the application of 1. Lead generation. Leads represent potential
information technology to the sales function or, customers. The identification of a lead is the
more appropriately, to the activities leading to a beginning of the sales cycle. After leads are
sale. These activities include acquiring sales identified, they must be qualified. This
leads, managing the sales opportunity, closing the process involves gathering information about
sale and managing the customer relationship. the lead and comparing the result against
The historic role of personal selling has been qualifying criteria. The lead generation
to move the product—to generate transactions. As process is becoming more automated with
selling has become increasingly more regard to obtaining more pre-qualifying
professional, sales people emphasize building information directly from the lead and
relationships with customers that will generate augmenting it from commercial and other
loyalty-based repeat transactions over time. databases such as credit bureaus. The advent
Relationship building often necessitates that the of Web-based technologies is driving this
sales person has consultative and advisory skills trend. Qualified leads are then distributed to
in addition to product knowledge and sales the sales force.
abilities. Team-based selling places emphasis on 2. Sales Process Management. This process
role specialization, collaboration and starts when the sales person receives the lead
coordination. Customers have become more information. The primary information system
sophisticated as well. Requirements for need is for a convenient method to track the
customized solutions, rapid response times and process and store data the data generated at
the need for concurrent and post-sale service have each stage. There are a number of sub-steps
greatly increased the need for information to this stage of the process.
technology in the sales process. a. Verification of the opportunity. The sales
The goals of SFA are to increase the person usually contacts the lead and
effectiveness of the sales organization, improve its attempts to verify the existence and nature
efficiency and to create superior value for the of an opportunity including its size,
customer. Sales effectiveness focuses on getting timing, and appropriateness of the
the sale by improving lead generation, qualifying products and services of the selling
prospects, coordinating sales efforts, and tracking company. Sales people will also desire to
commitments. Effectiveness is a function of verify the lead’s ability to purchase,
improving the sales process. Sales efficiency is identify the names of key decision-makers
evaluated by measuring the return on sales efforts. and influencers, and the level of budget

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 11

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
authority. This information is entered into CRM system. This is especially true of the
the sales database. account management function. Since the
b. The Sales Call. If the lead is amenable primary goal of the CRM system is to manage
and the opportunity justifies it, a sales call the customer relationship in order to generate
is scheduled. Information may be sent to repeat sales, a good sales person will want to
the prospect and a custom presentation keep track of the status of a new account and
may be created. The SFA system is used how well the customer is being served. This
to provide a single point of interface for is especially true if the account is to become
the sales person to coordinate the “referenceable” to other prospects. The
activities leading up to the sales call. account management function of the CRM
After the call, the SFA system is updated system enables the sales person to track order
with customer requirements, new entry, order processing, shipment, and
information and commitments made by installation. The sales person may need to
the sales person. ensure that post-sales service is delivered or
c. Opportunity Management. If the sales monitor the results of and installation and
person is successful, the next step is track the customer’s satisfaction. The ability
typically the receipt of a request for to track outcomes and interact with the
proposal (RFP) from the prospective customer in order to reassess needs and create
customer. The RFP will generally state new opportunities is a major benefit that flows
the customer’s requirements and the date from effective account management.
for the final submission. Follow-on visits
may be necessary to clear up or identify b. Sales Force Automation Tools
new requirements. The prospect may
want to visit the seller’s manufacturing SFA tools consist of software applications that
site. The final product of this stage is the enable the salesperson to better target sales
creation of a proposal and price quote to opportunities and manage the sales cycle. The
be presented to the prospect. This tools are increasingly available bundled as
document should build a sound economic integrated suites that are Internet enabled,
case for the purchase. All these accessible through a browser and linked to the
interactions, requirements, commitments, CRM system. The software applications may be
and competitor information are tracked by categorized as:
the SFA system that provides the
database, tools and templates to generate 1. Document management tools. These tools
the proposal. support all stages of the sales process. They
d. Closing the Sale. The presentation of the include word processors, graphics programs,
proposal and the price quote is the start of spreadsheets, email, expense reports, proposal
the closing process. Even if the sales generators, and “product configurators.” A
person has done a good job of presenting Web-accessible sales library or encyclopedia
the business case, further negotiations of previously developed product information,
may be necessary to close the sale. If all brochures, product demonstrations,
objections are met and the proposal is presentations, financial information, price
accepted the close is successful. If not, lists, white papers, and public relations
the sales team will need to debrief the materials is a key resource for sales force
lessons learned to determine why the productivity.
proposal was not accepted. The outcomes 2. Personal management tools. These tools
are recorded in the SFA system. focus on increasing the efficiency and
3. Account Management. The automation of the effectiveness of the sales teams efforts. They
sales process may result in a standalone typically include calendar and scheduling
system that is not integrated with other programs, contact management systems, and
management systems. However, SFA is call reporting capabilities.
increasingly being integrated with the overall

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 12

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
3. Process management tools These tools are between orders. CRM systems are able to target
used to keep track of customer requirements marketing communications to likely buyers,
and sales commitments. They include facilitate sales efforts and deliver customer
opportunity management systems, project service. CRM systems increase revenue, lower
management systems, account management costs and optimize customer lifetime value.
systems, order-entry systems, telemarketing
systems, team-selling systems. a. Customer Relationship
Increasingly, with the rise of Web-based Management Design Principles
hosting and the application service provider (ASP)
industry, SFA applications and databases are being The CRM field is rapidly evolving into an
hosted by third-party specialists and accessed integrated discipline that manages all of a
remotely on the Internet. With the ASP model, company’s touches with the customer.
client companies are essentially outsourcing all or Accordingly, several design principles have
part of there IS function. Remote hosting raises evolved as the foundation for CRM development:
issues of security and scalability. The advantages
of an ASP approach are its browser-based 1. The CRM system should offer the customer
simplicity, rapid implementation, and lower cost multiple channels for communication such as
of deployment. Most ASP applications use a the telephone, e-mail, fax, on-line or some
subscription-based pricing model. Some vendors combination. Each channel should lead to an
are proposing that renting the application or interaction that satisfies customer
paying by the transaction may become the pricing expectations. Customers must be able to
model of the future. choose the method that best meets their needs
on each occasion.
B. Customer Relationship Management 2. Each CRM interaction should deliver value to
the customer. The CRM system must be able
The Internet has facilitated a fundamental shift in to determine what value is required and
market power from sellers to buyers. Customers, deliver it quickly whether it is a product or
newly endowed with the power of market service transaction or a customer service
information, have much different expectations request.
than before. Customers can easily move their 3. The CRM system integrates the customer
business to another vendor with the click of a throughout the firm’s value chain. Customers
mouse. They have access to the same cost data as should be able to reach into all necessary
their suppliers and they demand 24x7 customer functions of the organization not just to the
service. Customers now have almost unlimited sales organization, or customer service, but to
ability for interactions with organizations through manufacturing and even the CEO. Better
the Web in addition to the traditional phone and integration of the customer into the process
mail methods. Company web sites facilitate can lead to higher levels of trust, loyalty and
information search, shopping and customer repeat purchases. The cost of acquiring a new
support. E-mail communication can target customer often far exceeds that of retaining
specific offers on a one-to-one basis. existing ones.
Understanding and meeting demanding 4. Knowledge is captured during each CRM
expectations has placed a renewed emphasis on interaction. The CRM system should capture
managing customer relationships. knowledge about the customer and the
The primary goal of CRM systems is to customer’s relationship with the company
increase the return on marketing expenditures by over time. Sales and customer support
enabling the understanding of the complete histories should be analyzed for indications of
history of a firm’s interactions with its customers. how well the vendor is doing in meeting
CRM applications can deliver targeted solutions customers’ needs and how valuable the
that promote customer loyalty as measured by customer is to the marketer.
increased response to promotions, purchase
frequencies and volume, and minimizes the time

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 13

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
b. Customer Relationship speed in which this information can be collected,
Management Functions analyzed and acted upon can provide real
competitive advantage to the user. This
CRM applications provide the customer-related information can be used to better serve customers,
information that is necessary to drive a firm’s e- streamline a company’s operations, and develop
business activities. Better customer information better strategy. Some marketers use the data to
enables more effective demand forecasting, better target advertising and marketing plans.
product launches and marketing campaigns. Others sell or trade the data with other Web sites.
CRM functions are sometimes referred to as the Unfortunately, guidelines for how this information
company’s “front office.” CRM functionality is collected, how it may be used, and how it is to
includes: be protected are not widely accepted.
Since most non-IS people use privacy,
1. E-commerce support confidentiality and security interchangeable, it is
2. Sales force automation important to clarify some definitions before
3. Telesales and call center automation moving on. Privacy, as marketers define it, is the
4. Direct mail and catalog sales right not to be contacted or marketed to unless the
5. Email and e-newsletter response customer has granted specific permission or
6. Web sales and personalization “opted in.” Security means keeping unauthorized
7. Analysis of Web generated data persons from gaining access by breaking into the
8. Traditional customer support and service information system. Confidentiality is defined as
9. On-line support and customer service maintaining appropriate controls on information
10. Mobile support through laptops, handheld so that only those authorized can access or use it.
devices. A marketer may respect a customer’s privacy and
11. Training only contact her after gaining permission, but they
may have an insecure system that allows hackers
Modern CRM systems are fully integrated to access credit card transaction data.
with the “back office” elements of the enterprise Alternatively, a marketer may respect privacy
resource planning (ERP) system such as rights and have a very secure system, but
accounting, manufacturing, project management, inadvertently releases a patient’s health care
and human resources. This integration enables the record to the news media. In order to avoid these
sharing of customer information that can impact and other pitfalls, marketers must act to increase
the operations of the enterprise and vice versa. system security, establish confidentiality
Common customer definitions, price lists, procedures and training, and implement privacy
employee definitions, service requests, call policies. The remainder of this section will focus
histories, order histories, contracts, service level on privacy issues as a representative case.
agreements are accessible by all who need them.
Correspondingly, marketing can access A. Tracking Internet Users
information on items such as new product
development, product costs, order status, delivery It is axiomatic that no one is anonymous on the
dates and backorders. Web. At the current state of technology,
marketers are able to develop customer profiles
IV. PRIVACY AND THE MARKETING and track their behavior over the Web. Soon
INFORMATION SYSTEM marketers will be able to track the locations and
behaviors of Web-enabled cell phone and other
Privacy in the Internet Age has become a major wireless device users. The public uproar over
concern for customers and marketers alike. Web- such capabilities has caused several Web
enabled marketing information systems have the advertising networks to abandon efforts to link
potential to collect highly sensitive and Web-use profiles to personal information.
voluminous information on customers, In order to track consumers on the Web,
competitors, suppliers and channel members. The enabling IS infrastructure has been developed that
links a surfer’s Web-behavior to his Internet

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 14

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
Protocol (IP) address. Once that occurs the B. Developing a Privacy Policy
information gathering begins. The following
infrastructure elements are essential to the Forward-looking Web marketers are at the
information model of the Internet: forefront of the consumer privacy movement.
Advertising network firms, such as DoubleClick,
1. Advertising networks. Web-based advertising were caught on the wrong side of this issue and
agencies such as DoubleClick, Engage, and have suffered greatly in terms of company image
24/7 create profiles of Web surfers by tracking and market capitalization. There is a growing
their on-line behaviors. Ads are customized realization that Web marketers should post
and presented on-line to those most likely to disclosure notices on what information a company
buy when they visit supported Web sites. collects and how it is used or shared. At present
2. Cookies. A tiny text file that is placed on a privacy policies vary widely from marketer to
consumer’s hard drive when they first visit a marketer and there is no monitoring of their
site. It allows the site to track the user’s effectiveness.
behavior on the site. Most Web users are not Concerned marketers are reacting to privacy
knowledgeable about cookies. If a consumer concerns in an attempt to ameliorate consumer
removes the cookies from the browser most fears and to head off potential government
membership-based sites will prompt for user regulation. The major actions marketers are
names and passwords and install another taking include:
3. IP Address. A number used to identify a 1. Disclosure of privacy practices. Smart
consumer’s personal computer so that Web marketers should clearly and prominently
data can be sent. These addresses enable explain what information is collected, how it
profiling and ad targeting. IP addresses can is tracked, how it is used, and under what
be associated with behavioral and personal conditions it is disclosed to partners. New
information. technology may help solve the privacy
4. On-line Profiling. Web sites build consumer problem. Soon the P3P software standard will
profiles of page viewing, time spent and allow consumers to set privacy preferences in
shopping behavior by combining cookies with their browsers that will alert them when a
other information. This sounds ominous, but site’s privacy policy differs from their desires.
the ostensible reason is to provide better 2. Ask permission. Web users should be able to
automated service. opt in, especially if the data to be collected is
5. Personal Information. This includes the sensitive. Sensitive data include medical
consumer’s name, address, credit card information, financial information, insurance
number, driver’s license number, social claims, and consumer behavior that can be
security number, and consumer behavior that traced to the individual by name. Opt-In
is linked to customers personal identity. Most means the site cannot collect personal
consumers are still reticent about e-commerce information unless the user gives permission.
because they fear for the safety of their Opt-Out is a default situation where the site
personal information. Identity theft is a rising collects personal data and is free to use or sell
problem. it unless the consumer specifically denies
6. Referers. This is information that a Web permission
browser passes along as a surfer moves from 3. Allow access. Consumers should be allowed
site to site. Referers are commonly collected access to the personal data each site has
and used to target advertising. collected on them in a manner similar to the
7. Registrations. This is personal information access they have to their credit report.
that is collected when a consumers fills out a Perhaps this can be accomplished by enabling
sign-up form on a web site. Data can be sold consumers to obtain the aggregated profiles
or shared. Many firms do not closely follow the advertising network firms have
their stated privacy policies with regard to constructed. Consumers should be allowed to
selling customer data. correct or delete inaccurate data.

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 15

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.
4. Establish industry-wide privacy rules. Hansen, W, (2000). Internet Marketing, Cincinnati,
The On-line Privacy Alliance is an Ohio: South-Western Publishing.
Kachur, R. (2000). Data Warehouse Management
association of leading global companies Handbook. Paramus, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
and trade associations dedicated to the Khandpur, N. and Wevers, J. (1998). Sales Force
protection of privacy on-line. They are Automation Using Web Technologies. New York:
working to educate on-line businesses on Wiley.
the need for a standardized privacy policy Kotler, P.(1997). Marketing Management: Analysis,
Planning, Implementation, and Control, 9th
to inform customers about what Edition. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
information is being collected, how it is Mougayar, W. (1998). Opening Digital Markets. New
used, how it is protected, and how people York: McGraw-Hill.
can access the information to prevent Shepard, D. (1998). The New Direct Marketing, New
errors and how to opt-out. York: McGraw Hill.
Shim, J. et al. (1999). Information Systems
Management Handbook. Paramus, N.J.: Prentice

The rapid adoption of Internet-based technologies Web Resources

and the attendant development of e-business and
e-commerce applications are having a Business Geographics Magazine. Portal site for GIS
revolutionary impact on the marketing discipline. systems information and suppliers.
Marketing information systems, in particular, are
being transformed as these new technologies are CIO Magazine, Enterprise Resource Planning Center,
enabling the integration of marketing, sales and On-line ERP information resources.
customer service activities. The primary drivers
of this shift are the promises of delivering CRM Magazine, Leading CRM industry publication.
increased value to the customer more rapidly and,.
CRM Community. Web community portal for customer
at less cost. Future implementations of MkIS will
relationship management.
increasingly involve the customer in the value
creation process and work to more effectively Privacy Alliance. An alliance of over 100 leading
align the enterprise and its supply chain on rapidly businesses and trade associations dedicated to
changing market opportunities protecting privacy on-line.,
Supply Chain Council. Portal site for supply chain
management information, conferences, and
Advertising and Marketing in Electronic Commerce•
Cost/Benefit Analysis• Data Warehousing and Data
Marts• Electronic Commerce• Electronic Payment
Systems• Enterprise Resource Planning• Geographic
Information Systems• Marketing• On-line Analytical
Processing• Procurement• Research• Supply Chain
Management• Transaction Processing Systems

Berry, M. J. A. and Linoff, G. (1997). Data Mining
Techniques for Marketing, Sales and Customer
Support, New York: Wiley.
Bidgoli, H. (1997). Modern Information Systems for
Managers, San Diego: Academic Press.

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, Vol. 3 16

(2003) Elsevier Science (USA), 137-151.

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