Listening - Grade 2

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Listening Tapescript

Grade 2
Teacher should read the script with slow pace and natural voice (numbers
Teacher shouldn’t read red letters, words or sentences.
Each part should be recorded separately.
A. Listen and tick () the box. There is one example. (4pts)
Look at the pictures. Now listen and look. There is one example.
Where’s Ann now?
Kate: I can’t see Ann anywhere. Where’s Ann now?
Sue: Let’s find her. She isn’t in the bedroom. She isn’t in the kitchen, either. There she is.
She’s in the living room.
Can you see the tick? Now you listen and tick the box.
1. What are her favorite clothes?
Kate: This is a photo of her at your last birthday party, isn’t it? She always looks happy and
pretty. What are her favorite clothes, Sue?
Sue: Ah, she likes wearing T-shirts.
= short pause =
2. Who is her aunt?
Kate: She has a beautiful aunt. Do you know her, Sue? What does she look like?
Sue: I know her aunt. She has short hair. It’s so nice! Ann loves her aunt very much.
= short pause =
3. What does she have for lunch?
Kate: Do you have a lunchbox today? What about Ann? What does she have for lunch?
Sue: Well, today she has a sandwich for lunch.
= short pause =
4. What’s her favorite animal?
Kate: Does she have a pet at home? What is it? And what is her favorite animal?
Sue: She has a pet – a rabbit. It’s her favorite animal. She often plays with it after school.
Kate: I wish I had a pet like hers.

B. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples. (3pts)
What is the new boy’s name?
Tom: Do you know that boy, Jim?
Jim: Yes, that is Jack. He is my new classmate. He likes fishing a lot.
Tom: How do you spell his name?
Jim: J-A-C-K, Jack.
Tom: OK.
How old is the new boy?
Tom: He is always cheerful. How old is he, Jim?
Jim: He’s eight years old. He’s very handsome. He’s in our acting school team.
Tom: I hope to be like him.
Can you see the answers? Now you listen and write a name or a number.
1. Where does he live?
Tom: Where does Jack live? Who does he live with?
Jim: He lives in Sun Street with his family.
Tom: Is that S-U-N?
Jim: Yes, that’s right.
= short pause =
2. What number is his house?
Tom: Do you know his address?
Jim: Yes, he has just given me his address and his telephone number.
Tom: What number is his house?
Jim: It’s number 11. It’s the house with the grey gate.
= short pause =
3. What is the name of his puppy?
Jim: He has got a cute puppy.
Tom: Oh? Has it got a name?
Jim: It’s called Happy. It’s H-A-P-P-Y. He likes it and it likes him, too.

C. Listen and color. There is one example. (3pts)

Sarah: Look! It’s the girl’s birthday party.
May: I can see lots of balloons. I’ve got my colored pencils here. Can I color one?
Sarah: Yes! A balloon is next to the photo of the family. Color that one, please?
May: OK. What color?
Sarah: Make the balloon next to the photo black.
Can you see the black balloon next to the photo? This is an example. Now you listen and
Sarah: Can you see the cat sitting on the floor near the boxes?
May: Yes.
Sarah: Well, color that cat brown, please.
May: OK. I’m doing it now.
= short pause =
Sarah: Can you see the woman holding a present in her hand?
May: Yes, she looks very happy.
Sarah: Can you color her hair yellow?
May: Yes, OK. Color her hair yellow.
= short pause =
Sarah: Can you see the cake on the table? Color that cake with the color you like.

The end

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