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name of the experiment : Hydrostatic Pressure on Italic surfaces

experiment number :3

Student Name: maan hamad Ali

Group number:2

Group names: Maan Hamad Ali, Ahmed Ali Hussein, Mohammed Amir
Arslan, intsar Zine El Abidine, Duha Ramiad Abdullah, Ali Najat Latif,
Kamal, Shank Sabah, Hawari, Beyond, Soma Helmi, elaf Hussain,
Ashdar, Ahmed Saleh, Diyar Salar, Abdul Rahman,
Hydraulics Bench: is a very useful apparatus in Hydraulics and Fluid
Mechanics lab. The hydraulic bench has provisions with the help of which the
discharge and flow rate of water can be measured experimentally. It can also
provide a continuous flow for performing various experiments in fluid

the purpose of the experiment:

1-Provide water for other devices.
2-Measuring discharge.
Tools and devices used:


The method of work:
Operate the device from the operation button will be in one aspect of
the device we open the water valve to a certain extent and make the
flow is appropriate and then monitor the rise of water in the basin
through a transparent scale on the other side of the device and the
accelerator Ascension water and use the stopwatch for the purpose of
measurement of discharge and time to discharge
Device name and parts:

_ Machine parts

(Water pump, operation button, water speed control valve, water

quantity, opening and opening of reservoir plug, plug, Rato Mitter

2- Stopwatch.
Calculations and results:

Flow rate = Q = Volume/Time


1 5 L /1000=0,005 m3 18.08 S 2.7654* 10-4 m3/S
2 10 L/1000=0.01 m3 42.79 S 2.337*10-4 m3/S
3 15 L/1000=0.015 m3 1.18.20 S 1.918*10-4 m3/S

Q=V/T …… 0.005/18.08S =2.7654* 10-4 m3/S

Q=V/T…. 0.01/42.79=2.337*10-4 m3/S
Q=V/T….. 0.015/1.18.20=1.918*10-4 m3/S

When working on the device and observation of the
results and after the calculations show that there are
gaps in quantities and over time and be different and
that the accuracy of measurement is not healthy and
attributed to the reasons behind
1 - water used plain water and not distilled water and
therefore contains some impurities.
2 - the efficiency of the pump is not good.
3 - inaccuracy in starting timing and ending the
timing during measurement.
These causes the results to be inaccurate as

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