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Why is the Senate called the upper house?

The terms of about one-third of the Senate membership expire every two years, earning
the chamber the nickname “the house that never dies.” The role of the Senate was conceived by
the Founding Fathers as a check on the popularly elected House of represe ntatives.
The Senate is “the upper house” does not mean it is the more powerful of the two chambers.
The Framers of the U.S. constitution imagined the Senate as a kind of “executive council” that
could advise the President on very high-level decisions, such as appointments and treaties. This,
in their minds, called for men of the greatest experience and wisdom. 

 The Senate terms are 6 years as opposed to the U.S. House of Reps where the terms between
elections are every 2 years. This allows Senators to vote more in line with their own personal
perspectives and values on issues as they are not constantly worrying about how their votes will
be portrayed in their next election.

 The Senate is granted different powers than the House of Reps by the Constitution. These
powers can be viewed as more deliberative and some will even consider them to be more

Criteria for the members of Senate:

1. He is a citizen of Pakistan.
  2.He is not less than thirty years of age and is enrolled as a voter in any area in a Province or,
from where he seeks membership.
3.He is of good character and is not commonly known as one who violates Islamic Injunctions.
  4.He has adequate knowledge of Islamic teachings and practices obligatory duties prescribed by
Islam as well as well abstains from major sins.

Members of Senate:
Total number of senate members are 104.And the distribution is given below.
 PTI (17)
 BAP (11)
 MQM (5)
 IND (5)
 BNP-M (1)
 GDA (1)
Opposition members (64)

 PML-N (30)
 PPP (20)
 MMA (6)
 NP (5)
 PMAP (2)
 ANP (1)

The tenure of senate is 6 years.

Why national assembly is called the lower house?

The National Assembly is the lower house of the bicameral Majlis-e-Shura. The National
Assembly is a democratically elected body consisting of a total of 336 members, before 25th
amendment they used to be 342' who are referred to as Members of the National Assembly
(MNAs), of which 272 are directly elected members and 70 reserved seats for women and
religious minorities. A political party must secure 137 seats to obtain and preserve a majority.
Members are elected through the first-past-the-post system under universal adult suffrage,
representing electoral districts known as National Assembly constituencies. According to
the constitution, the 70 seats reserved for women and religious minorities are allocated to the
political parties according to their proportional representation .

Criteria for member of National Assembly:

1. He is a citizen of Pakistan.
 2.He is not less than twenty- five years of age and is enrolled as a voter.
3.He is of good character and is not commonly known as one who violates Islamic Injunctions.
  4.He has adequate knowledge of Islamic teachings and practices obligatory duties prescribed by
Islam as well as well abstains from major sins.

Total Members of National Assembly:

The National Assembly has 342 members, including 60 seats reserved for women and 10
for minorities, as per Article 51. The seats in the National Assembly are allocated to
each province and the federal capital on the basis of population, as officially published in the
preceding census.

The National Assembly is elected for a five-year term on the basis of adult franchise
and one person, one vote. The tenure of a Member of the National Assembly is for the duration of
the House, or sooner, in case the Member dies or resigns. The tenure of the National Assembly
also comes to an end if dissolved on the advice of the Prime Minister or by the President in his
discretion under the Constitution.

List of MNA’s Of Vehari:

Name Year Party Name

Tahir Iqbal 2018 PTI

Tahir Iqbal 2013 IND

Begum Tehmina Daultana 2008 PML(N)

Khan Aftab Ahmad Khichi 2002 PML(Q)

If I get an opportunity for participating in election then i wish to become an MNA. Because
I want to change the environment of my area. I want to solve the major issues of my area.

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