Validation of Bernoulli's

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University of Kirkuk

Collage of Engineering
Civil Department
Validation of Bernoulli's
Group -B2-
Done by:


Second stage
Group -B-

Date of experiment: Date of report:

18/12/2017 23/12/2017
1. Determine the principle of energy conservation in
fluid mechanics.
2. To validate the Bernoulli liquation.

1. Beaker. Picture (1).
2. Hydraulic bench. Picture (2).
3. Bernoulli's Theorem Apparatus. Picture(3).

Picture (1). Beaker Picture (2).Hydraulic


Picture (3(.

Bernoulli's Theorem
1.Make sure that all the components are
connected and operate the supply pump.
2.Adjust the height of the water in the inlet
tank and this is the same as that in the
first tube of the manometer panel.
3.Adjust the water level in the outlet tank
by the swivelling drain pipe and as that is
the same as that in the last tube of the
manometer panel.
4.Take reading of all the manometer (1-12).
5.Take the time required for collecting
certain volume of water in the measuring
tank (use a stopwatch).
6.Note down the reading in the worksheet.
Calculation & Results:
Inlet tank Outlet tank Collected Time
head (m) head (m) volume (m3) (s)
45.7 x 10-2 29 x 10-2 0.002 5.51

Q = 0.002 / 5.51 = 3.629 x 10-4

V1 = Q / A1 = 3.629 x 10-4 / 625 x 10-6 = 0.580 m/s
Meas. (p1-pi) =ρg(h –hi)= 1000 x 9.81(0.58 – 0.58) = 0 Pa
Cal. (p1-pi) =ρ/2 (vi2 – v12) = 1000/2 (0.582 – 0.582) = 0 Pa
Cal. hi =h1–(vi2–v12)/2g =0.373 –(0.582 – 0.582) / 2 x 9.81
= 0.373 m
Section Measured Measured Measured Calculated Calculated
No. h (m) v (m/s) (p1_pi)(Pa) (p1_pi) h (m)
1 0.373 0.580 0.000 0.000 0.373
2 0.372 0.660 9.810 49.600 0.368
3 0.363 0.806 98.100 156.618 0.357
4 0.335 1.037 373.780 369.484 0.335
5 0.273 1.613 981.000 1132.684 0.257
6 0.215 1.814 1549.980 1477.098 0.222
7 0.228 1.613 1422.450 1132.684 0.257
8 0.287 1.116 843.660 454.528 0.326
9 0.309 0.907 627.840 243.124 0.348
10 0.321 0.726 510.120 95.338 0.363
11 0.329 0.631 431.640 30.880 0.369
12 0.333 0.580 392.400 0.000 0.373

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