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Muhammad Qasim
Submitted to:
Dr. Salman Iqbal
Wireless Networking


Q: What two functions are performed by an antenna?
 1: For transmission of a signal, radiofrequency electrical energy from the transmitter is
converted into electromagnetic energy by the antenna and radiated into the surrounding
environment (atmosphere, space, water).

2: For reception of a signal, electromagnetic energy impinging on the antenna is converted into
radio-frequency electrical energy and fed into the receiver.

Q: What information is available from radiation pattern?

The radiation pattern is defined as a mathematical function or a graphical representation of the
far field radiation properties of the antenna, as a function of the direction of departure of the
electromagnetic wave. A radiation pattern can represent several quantities, such as gain,
directivity, electric field, or radiation vector. The radiation patterns can be tridimensional or
The radiation pattern of an antenna is one of its basic properties since it shows the way the
antenna distributes its energy in space. It generally consists of a number of lobes and if it is
measured far away from the antenna it is independent of distance. It is a function of angles and
can be expressed as field or power pattern. It usually can be completely specified from the
patterns in two planes.
In the field of antenna design the term radiation pattern  refers to the directional dependence of
the strength of the radio waves from the antenna or other source.

Particularly in the fields of fiber optics, lasers, and integrated optics, the term radiation pattern
may also be used as a synonym for the near-field pattern or Fresnel pattern. This refers to
the positional dependence of the electromagnetic field in the near-field, or Fresnel region of the
source. The near-field pattern is most commonly defined over a plane placed in front of the
source, or over a cylindrical or spherical surface enclosing it.

The far-field pattern of an antenna may be determined experimentally at an antenna range, or

alternatively, the near-field pattern may be found using a near-field scanner, and the radiation
pattern deduced from it by computation. The far-field radiation pattern can also be calculated
from the antenna shape by computer programs.
The far field radiation pattern may be represented graphically as a plot of one of a number of
related variables, including; the field strength at a constant radius the power per unit solid angle
and the directive gain. Very often, only the relative amplitude is plotted, normalized either to the
amplitude on the antenna boresight, or to the total radiated power. The plotted quantity may be
shown on a linear scale, or in dB. The plot is typically represented as a three-dimensional graph
(as at right), or as separate graphs in the vertical plane and horizontal plane. This is often known
as a polar diagram.

Q: What is the difference between isotropic and omni-directional


Isotropic antenna:

Isotropic antenna will radiate equally in all directions i.e. both horizontal and vertical directions.
In other words, it is a theoretical antenna structure or point source which radiates radio power equally
across the sphere. Iso means equal. It has spherical shaped radiation pattern.

Omnidirectional antenna:

Omnidirectional antenna will radiate radio power in all horizontal directions in a uniform
fashion. Omni means all. It has donut shaped radiation pattern. It is one of the practical antennas
which is used in FM broadcasting.

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