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MULTIPLE CHOICE : Direction: Select the BEST answer and write the corresponding LETTER before the

number. Write Capital Letters only. STRICTLY NO ERASURES:

1) He selected a simple biological system, conducted quantitative analysis and revealed the principles of
A) Charles Darwin C) Reginald Punnet
B) Johann Gregor Mendel D) James Watson
2)  Is a process in which genetic information is passed from parent to offspring
A) Heredity C) Hybridization
B) Transmission D) Inheritance
3) The observable traits expressed by an organism are described as its?
A) Phenotype C) Zygote
B) Genotype D) Alleles
4) A recessive trait will be observed in individuals that are _______ for that trait.
A) Heterozygous
B) Homozygous or heterozygous
C) Homozygous
D) Diploid
5) Simplest form of inheritance
A) pedigree C) Mendelian inheritance
B) proband D) heredity
6) When there are more than two types of alleles for a given locus or trait, this will result in more than two
kinds of phenotypes that may be expressed for that trait.
A) Multiple alleles C) Co-dominance
B) Incomplete dominance D) Mendel’s law
8) Any trait in a diploid organism whose expression is affected by an individual’s biological sex; a trait that
occurs at a higher frequency in one sex over the other
A) X-linked trait C) Sex-influenced trait
B) Y-linked trait D) Sex linked trait
9) Recombination or shuffling of genes/ alleles in Meiosis results to variation in the genome of gametes or
A) sperm cells and egg cells C) egg cells
B) sperm cells D) Leydig’s cell
10) The gene (pair) that determines a character (e.g. hemophilia) is located on the sex chromosomes
A) Sex linked trait C) Y-linked trait
B) X-linked trait D) Sex linkage
Modified True or False. Write T on the space provided if the statement is True and if otherwise change the
word with the correct answer. Write your answer before the item number
___1. In law of Independent assortment according to Mendel it means for every trait governed by a pair of
alleles, these alleles segregates or separates during gamete formation in Meiosis.
___2. Autosomal trait is a trait whose alleles that control are found in the body chromosomes or non sex
___3. In Law of Segregation means a pair of alleles for one trait will segregate or separate independently
during meiosis.
___4. Mendel used garden tea to accomplish his seminal work to study inheritance.
___5. Dominant trait is a trait that requires two recessive alleles to be expressed
III. Direction. From the choices given, match the correct answer based on the definitions



1)___________ is the expressed unit factor.

2)___________Gene variants that arise by mutation and exist at the same relative locations on
homologous chromosomes.
3)___________ observable traits expressed by an organism.
4)___________ organisms underlying genetic makeup, consisting of both physically visible and non-
expressed alleles.
5)__________it is the latent unit factor.
6)___________ Having two alleles at corresponding loci on homologous chromosomes.
7)___________haploid set of chromosomes with the genes; they contain genetic material of an
organism; entire genetic complement (DNA) of an organism.
8)_________specific sequence of nucleotides in DNA or RNA that is located usually on a chromosome;
functional unit of heredity controlling the transmission and expressions of traits.
9)_________ having two genes at corresponding loci on homologous chromosomes identical for one or
more loci
10)_________passing of traits from parents to offspring either through sexual or asexual reproduction.
III. Create a pedigree chart based on the situation given.
I. VI.
Many years ago, when I was 23 Now that we have Gregory
I was married to a lovely lady, as pretty Came from Harry and her Daisy
As can be Will a beard be shown in his daily?
“I like your beard” said she, on the day If his mother also has a history.
That she met me
So I told her on that day, “will you marry me?

We wed and had three daughters
All of which has found their partners
My daughters are now carriers
I’m sure the beard will have them prosper
My eldest had twins
Both boys yes it seems
I guess now they’ve not stayed as
Because they’ve been chased after by
More ladies
My middle child chose not to
Maybe she’s not that into
Her husband agrees to it
I wonder why they don’t want to?
The youngest fell in love early
And had five children that she raised
Her only son, Harry, also wed early
I guess his beard also got him his Daisy

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