Abay Bus Reservation System Is One of The Most Organization Perform Travelling Activity .The Bus Reservation System Has Its Own Bus, Driver, Passengers, Manager, Ticket, Booking Clerk

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Abay bus reservation system is one of the most organization perform travelling

activity .the bus reservation system has its own bus, driver , passengers,
manager, ticket, booking clerk.

It is possible to reserve many tickets by passenger, and one ticket reserved for
only one passenger. Passenger must have a ticket in order to travel but all
tickets may or may not be reserved by the passenger. A ticket have its own
arrival place, departure place, seat no, departure time, unique ticket no,
amount paid, the amount paid is paid by fixture and in words.

A booking clerk can sell many tickets and tickets are sold by one booking clerk,
every booking clerk sell a tickets. Booking clerk has its own name [first name,
sex, address, telephone no, seller address, seller id].

A manager manages many booking clerks but a booking clerk managed by one
manager .a manager manages at least one booking clerks and a booking clerk
can be managed by a manager. A manager have its own name [first name, last
name], telephone no, sex, manager id

A manager manages many drivers but a driver managed by one manager. A

manager manages at least one driver and a driver can be managed by a

A bus can have many dependent labor workers and many labor workers works
on a bus. All labor workers dependence on the buses and May or May not need
labor workers. Labor workers have their own name (first name, last name), sex,
and worker id as foreign key. A bus can boards many passengers and a
passenger boards in to a bus. A bus boards all passengers. Passenger may or
may not board in to a bus. Bus have its own capacity, bus no, model.
A bus travels through a router and many busses can travel through a route. All
buses travel through a rout but a rout may or may not have a bus that can
travel through it. The rout consist pick up point, route point, and routed. A bus is
driven by one driven by one driver and one driver drives one bus. Every bus must
have a driver. Driver have its own first name, last name, telephone no, license

A bus can be used by many passengers and many passengers can use a single
bus. Passengers have their own name (first name and last name), sex, telephone
no, and unique no as passengers id.

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