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Chapter – Three

Success in Education
Creative Question: Mohan is always present in the school even in heavy rainfall
or storm. But one day when teacher gave a group work in the class, he could not
notice it properly. Though all the students discussed about the classification of
family, he did not join. Moreover, he sat idle without taking any class note even
when the teacher was explaining it in the class and all the students were busy
for taking class note .
a. Who is called the pioneer of “Raising Muslim Woman”?
b. What do you mean by the weekly routine ?
c. Which qualities does Mohan have for achieving success in education?
d. What kind of problems may Mohan face in his class for his behavior –
give your opinion.
Creative Question: Shumi has been promoted into class six this year.
Everybody calls her “Active Shumi”. She adjusts herself to the teachers,
office assistants, gardeners and others as well. She does not hesitate to ask
the teacher if she does not hesitate to ask the teacher if she does, she will not
understand. Perhaps if she fails to understand a subject, it might make the
following subject difficult to understand too.
a. Who called Shumi as “Active Shumi”
b. What is self-confidence ?
c. What problems we might face if we just memorize without understanding
d. In what extend you agree or disagree? Explain your opinion .

Multiple Choice Question

01. Which qualities is essential to achieve success in education?
a. Only to prepare the lesson at night before the exam.
b. To ask the teacher in the class if you do not understand the
c. To think only to become successful in the exam
d. Try to memorize only through listening without taking any class
02. What do “being active’’ mean?

a. Arguing in all activities

b. Doing activities with a great noise
c. Being eager in all activities
d. Doing work with patience.
Read the passage and answer the following questions
Tushi finds math very hand. Once she could not solve a math in the class. At
night she started trying to solve the math till morning & she finally could solve
03. Tushi can be called------
a. Active b. creative c. perseverance d. discipline
04. Having such characteristics as Tushi has, man ----
i. Can achieve success
ii. Can make few mistakes
iii. Can be self-confidence
Which one is correct?
a. i b. i& ii c. ii & iii d. i ,ii & iii
05. Begum Rokeya was a -----

i. Novelist
ii. Educationist
iii. A social reformer
Which one is correct?
a.i b. i& ii c. ii & iii d. i ,ii& iii
06. in which city Rokeya was born-?

i. Rangpur
ii. Bogura
iii. Sylhet
Which one is correct?
a.i b. i& ii c. ii & iii d. i ,ii& iii
07. who is the leader of the women revolution in the Bengal ?
Answer: Begum Rokeya.
08.who established “AnjumaneKhaowatine Islam”?
Answer: Begum Rokeya.
09. who teach Begum Rokeya for learning English & Math?
Answer: Her Brother.

10. IshwarchandraBidyasagar was a ---?

i. Great scholar
ii. An educationist
iii. Social reformer , a writer & a man of charity
Which one is correct?
a.i b. i& ii c. ii & iii d. i ,ii& iii
11. When IshwarchandraBidyasagar became head pundit of the fort
William college?
Answer: At the age of only 21.
12. who studies in the Calcutta shanskirti college from the year 1829
to 1841?
Answer: IshwarchandraBidyasagar.
13. When Ishwarchandra got entitled as Bidyasagar?
Answer: at the age of 19.
14. who introduce a new trend in bangla story ?
Answer: IshwarchandraBidyasagar.
15. what is brainstorming ?
Answer : brainstorming means we will always think what we have
learnt, how we have learnt, & why we have learnt. In what ways I
could have understood more all the questions.
16. What is creativity ?
Creativity means to create something new.
17. What is mind mapping?
Patience – trying again & again – perseverance – success –
knowledge & skill – self- confidence – doing work perfectly takes
less time makes fewer mistakes.
These things can be put in the following way according to their
relation. This is called mind mapping.
18. What does mean perseverance?
Perseverance denotes that trying to do a work repeatedly with
patience is called perseverance.
19. Who called her “active shumi”?
Answer: everybody .
20. What is learning reflection?
learning reflection indicates that regular attendance - attention –
punctuality – discipline – practice – use of text lessons – practical
use of text lessons – effect grateful on our exam – thinking about
learning – creativity – practice – self- confidence .
these are called learning reflection .

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