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I'm gonna go ahead and start today is the first of three workshops in a row about
the subject of memory
and i don't expect you to actually answer me on this on this just want you to think about it but if i
ask you
how how's your memory how do you remember things do you remember well or not a
lot of people
tell me
terrible memory i can't remember anything
you know the answer to that question is everybody in here
has a fantastic memory
even if you think you don't
it's just that some people don't know how to actually apply it to school related things
i talk to people all the time who say they can't remember anything
so they read their book but i have no idea i can't remember
and then i ask them what their favorite hobby is in a lot of people say
love music
and so i have them tell me their favorite artist
they tell me
and i say do you remember the lyrics to their songs
every one of them
they say and they're able to give me this long list of lyrics
that they have memorized and then when they're done i say
that's really good
you have a great memory
i said no it's terrible i said that you remember all that they say
that's different
okay so we gotta figure out how to get that knowledge of that memory that you have for
other things applied to school and that's what i'm gonna teach you so
today's workshop is called how to remember for tests
next week is memory tricks and the other one after that is more memory tricks so it's kind
of a three part series
if you're only here for this one
you'll get some things that i hope are helpful if you're here for all three of course which
i would love
then you'll get a whole bunch of teaching about memory and you'll find out that your
memory can work better than you think it can okay
start today what we're gonna do is i'm going to test your memory
'cause that's what this is all about uh... memory so what i'd like everybody to do is
to make sure that you have some paper in front of you which i think everybody does and to
have your pen or pencil kind of ready
but what i'm gonna ask you to do is to go ahead and do something i rarely ask and that
is to put your pen or pencil down
i actually don't want it in your hands at all for the next couple of minutes
i'm going to up do what at what i call the sixteen card activity
and i wanna make sure everybody can see these i think you'll be able to
but what i'm going to do in just a minute is i'm going to show you
a word on a card and i'll sort of uh... rotate it i'll say it outloud and then i'll go to the
next word and the next word
and i'm gonna end up showing you sixteen
by the time i'm done you're going to think it was like forty
but it's only sixteen and i want you to try to memorize them all which is easy for
me to say not so easy for you to do but here's the little trick to this as soon as i have shown
you the last word i'm gonna say the magic word which is ok
as soon as they say okay hurry
grab your pen or pencil
and write down as many of these words as you can remember before you forget 'em and you
don't have to write 'em in order just whatever's in there
hurry and write it down and then i'll explain what all of this is about okay so that's
the goal of this and again i want you just to stay quiet and concentrate and i'll
go through them pretty quickly

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