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5 Impressive Email Templates to

Get More Reviews on Amazon

Learn how to delight your customers
with emails that encourage reviews.

Table of Contents

Email 1
The Shipping/Purchase Confirmation 4

Email 2

First Review Request 6

Email 3

Second Review Reminder 8

Email 4

Refund Request Follow Up 10

Email 5

Optional Feedback Request 12

Final Thoughts 14

Additional Email Examples 15

Welcome amazing seller!

Thank you so much for downloading our 5 email templates to help maximize your
customer engagement and boost your reviews on Amazon!

After analyzing hundreds of thousands of emails sent through Jump Send’s automated
email platform, we’ve picked our 5 favorite and top performing templates so you can start
using them in your follow up emails to customers today.

Now although the purpose of these templates is so you can get started quickly and easily
by using the content, keep in mind that every brand, business, and customer is different.
Therefore, these templates are best used as a guideline for improving your Amazon game.
It’s crucial to tailor them to your product/business/brand’s message, personality, and
customer base for maximum success.

The hard truth is emailing your customers can be tricky business. A few too many
annoying messages that don’t provide any value can quickly result in the undesired: the

That’s why it’s important to follow these Do’s and Don’ts before ever sending a single

Provide exceptional customer service – Make sure you let your customer know
you’re available and ready to help or advise them if ever they should need it. Showing you
care and being easily reachable goes a long way.

Give extra value – Give your customers a reason to leave a positive review by providing
more value than other sellers. This could include product tips, tutorials, infographics,
ebooks etc.

Be personable - Your customers should feel as though you’re speaking directly to them
and not just sending them another generic email. Let your personality shine through!

Spam customers – Sending more than 2-3 emails to a customer could start to pester
many buyers and reverse the positive effects good emails can have.

Include links to external websites/stores – It’s directly against Amazon’s TOS to

send customers away from their ecosystem. Instead, get them to perform desirable actions
on the Amazon platform such as leaving a review or seller feedback.

Go image heavy – A small logo at the top and one image is all you likely need.
Including more images may trigger spam filters and decrease deliverability. Keep your
email size to under 3MB!

And without further adieu... 5 email templates for getting reviews on Amazon!

Shipping First Review Second Review Potential Refund Optional Feedback
Confirmation Request Request Follow Up Request

Email 1

The Shipping/Purchase Confirmation

When to send this email: Immediately after purchase or after shipping.

Why send this email: Establish communication, introduce yourself, offer your
customers additional value, and reinforce their purchase decision.


Subject line: Hi {{Buyer First Name}}! Your order is on the way!

{{Your Logo}}

Hi {{Buyer First Name}}!

This is {{Your Name}} from {{Your Brand}}. Thank you so much for your
purchase of {{Product Name}}! We went through great lengths to make sure that
our product is made of the best quality material and exceeds your expectations. We
hope you’ll enjoy it!

In case you didn’t know, there’s many different ways you can use our product.

To show you what I’m talking about, I’ve put together this list (see attached)
containing 7 great ideas for how to use our product. Many of these ideas will help
ensure you get the most out of our {{Product Name}}!

In the meantime, you can check up on your order’s progress here: {{Order Link}}.

We will follow up with you soon to make sure everything is going well with your
new product. If you do have any questions or issues, make sure to contact us at:
{{Contact Link}}!

{{Brand Name}}

Additional tips: In this first interaction with your customer via email it’s also
important to let them know important information about their product such as
instructions on how to use it, their warranty, how its made, why it’s a worthwhile
purchase, and how they might go about returning the product if they so desire.

Email #1 Example - Purchase Confirmation

Shipping First Review Second Review Potential Refund Optional Feedback
Confirmation Request Request Follow Up Request

Email 2

First Review Request

When to send this email: 2-3 days after product has been delivered.
Why send this email: Get them to leave an early review of the product while it’s still


Subject line: Hi {{Buyer First Name}}! I have a quick question for you!

{{Your Logo}}

Hi {{Buyer First Name}}!

It’s {{Your Name}} from {{Your Brand}} again! According to our records,
{{Product Name}} was delivered a few days ago.

One simple question: What do you think?

As you know, Amazon and the community rely on people like yourself for feedback
on products so that others can also be informed about what they are buying. A little
of your time and a few brief words goes a long way! Be sure to review our product

{{Product Review Link Stars}}

Also, if there was anything wrong with your order, don’t forget to let us know
directly at {{Contact Link}} so we can fix it!

{{Brand Name}}

Additional tips: Keep things simple. It’s tempting to tell customers every last detail
about your product and why they should review it. But if you make it easy and actionable
for them, the chances of getting a review increase.

We’ve also discovered that including something visual like the {{Product Review Link
Stars}} tags can increase the chance of getting a review by 20%.

Exmple #2 - Mockup for Plastic Champagne Flutes

Shipping First Review Second Review Potential Refund Optional Feedback
Confirmation Request Request Follow Up Request

Email 3

Second Review Reminder

When to send this email: 7-10 days after product has been delivered.
Why send this email: Remind them to leave a review.


Subject line: Hi {{Buyer First Name}}! What do you think?

{{Your Logo}}

Hi {{Buyer First Name}}!

It’s been a little while since you received our product, {{Product Name}}. We hope
you have been enjoying it, and also found some fun ideas in the free ebook we sent

A little of your time and a few brief words would go a long way to helping other
customers make a decision!

If you have not already left us a review, it would help us tremendously if you took a
few minutes to do so. Simply click on the stars below to leave a review:

{{Product Review Link Stars}}

Again, if there was anything wrong with your order, remember that you let us know
directly at {{Contact Link}} so we can fix it!

Best wishes,
{{Brand Name}}

Additional tips: Be creative with your subject lines! How will you get customers to
leave reviews if they don’t open your emails? Try different things with your subject lines
like adding the customer’s name, emojis, or a question that peaks their curiosity.

Email #3 Example- Slime Glue

Shipping First Review Second Review Potential Refund Optional Feedback
Confirmation Request Request Follow Up Request

Email 4

Refund Request Follow Up

When to send this email: Immediately after a refund is requested.

Why send this email: Try to prevent a potential bad review.


Subject line: How can I help, {{Buyer First Name}}?

{{Your Logo}}

Hi {{Buyer First Name}}!

We noticed that you recently initiated a refund for our {{Product Name}}, and
we wanted to reach out to you to ask if there is anything we can do to fix the issue
you’ve been having.

We want to do everything we can so that you’re happy with your experience! Let
us know if we can help out in any way, and please feel free to ask us any and all
questions you might have.

To contact us directly, just click this link: {{Contact Link}}

Alternatively, if you reply to this message with your concerns, we’re sure we can
make this right!

Thank YOU for choosing to be on of our customers, and for giving us the
opportunity to make sure you are not only satisfied but truly delighted with your
{{Product name}}.

{{Your Name}}

Additional tips: Be real. People have become desensitized as they are bombarded
with automated emails. That’s why it’s so crucial to show readers you are a “real person”
in order to connect with them. Prove there’s a real person behind these emails who is
ready and waiting to reply. You can directly invite them to reply to your email if they have
any questions and sign off personally.

Email #4 Example - Refund Request

Shipping First Review Second Review Potential Refund Optional Feedback
Confirmation Request Request Follow Up Request

Email 5

Feedback Request (optional)

When to send this email: This is an option instead of the initial or follow up review
request. It can be sent any time between 2-10 days after delivery.
Why send this email: To get seller feedback*.


Subject line: Hi {{Buyer First Name}}! Is everything 100% good with {{Product Name?}}

{{Your Logo}}

Hi {{Buyer First Name}}!

It’s been a few days since you received {{Product Name}}, and we just want to
make sure that everything is ok with your puyrchase.

As we are a small business, and rely on the feedback and reviews of customers to
build our business, we would appreciate it if you took a few minutes to leave us
some feedback! This includes the speed and handling of shipping, customer service,
accuracy of fulfillment, or whatever else you’ve experienced with your purchase
from us!

Please drop us a quick Seller Review over at this link: {{Seller Feedback Link}}

Thanks again for your purchase

{{Brand Name}}

Feedback is different from reviews and it’s applied directly to the seller as an overall seller

not just for a product.

Additional tips: Match your style to customers. Knowing your market and
customers well is vital to success as an FBA seller. Carry this principle through to your
email marketing, too. You must adapt your writing style to suit your audience, using terms
they are familiar with to build trust and show a personality they can relate to.

Email #5 Example - Feedback Request

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, everything you need to craft awesome Amazon email marketing
campaigns. These automated emails, once up and running, will greatly impact your
Amazon FBA business. So, make sure you get it right!

If your strategy is a case of set and forget, you may find it helpful to go back periodically
and change objectives or test new ideas. After all, you want your customers to get excited
about your product and leave more reviews, right?

Lastly, don’t forget to reply to customer emails personally!

Ready to give Jump Send a try? We have a special offer on our Starter plan that lets you
send automated emails for up to 3 products. Start with a free trial and only pay $19 for
your first month to see if it’s the right fit for you.

Try it free!

The Jump Send Team

If you have any questions about sending emails to your customers feel free to reach out to
us at We’d be happy to work at helping you succeed. :)

Additional Email Examples
That Inspired Us

Email #1 Example - Purchase Confirmation

Email #2 Example - Initial Review Request

Email #3 Example - Second Review Follow Up


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