Stuttgart Spring Session 1-2011

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Stuttgart Spring Session 1

Registration: 3 January - 18 January 2011

Class Dates: 18 January - 13 March 2011
P lacement teste are mandatory if you do not have proof of prerequisite. Allow 1hr for test.
Make-Up Class for Martin Luter King, Jr. Day – 21 January
Make-up Class for Presidents' Day – 25 February

Course Name Course# Location Prerequisite Instructor Go Army#

Monday & Wednesday Evenings 1845-2130 hrs
MATH103 College Mathematics 26268 Patch H.S. Annex Placement Test Cann 114321
WRTG394 Advanced Business Writing 25330 Patch H.S. Annex WRTG101 Taubitz 114323

Tuesday & Thursday Evenings 1845-2130 hrs

GERM112 Elementary German II 26306 Patch H.S. Annex GERM111 Mitchell 114315
IFSM201 Intro to Computer Based Systems 26493 Panzer BLDG 2915 None Mohsin 114319

Tuesday & Thursday Evenings 1700-2200 hrs

BIOL201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I 25283 Panzer BLDG 2915 BIOL101 Carter 114311

Monday Evening Hybrid 1845-2130 hrs

Class Meetings: Jan.: 24,31; Feb.: 7, 14, 28; Mar.: 7
BEHS210 Intro to Social & Behavioral Science 26262 Panzer BLDG 2915 None Johnson 114310

Tuesday Evening Hybrid 1845-2130 hrs

Class Meetings: Jan.: 18, 25; Feb.: 1, 8, 15, 22; Mar.: 1, 8
FINC330 Business Finance 26591 Patch H.S. Annex ACCT221 Pepper 125099

Wednesday Evening Hybrid 1845-2130 hrs

Class Meeting: Jan 19, 26; Feb.: 2, 9, 16, 23; Mar.: 2, 9
BMGT364 Management and Organization Theory 25285 Panzer BLDG 2915 BMGT110 Noelting 114312
ENGL241 Intro to the Novel 25290 Patch BLDG 2308 WRTG101 Powers 114313

Thursday Evening Hybrid 1845-2130 hrs

Class Meeting: Jan 20, 27; Feb.: 3, 10, 17, 24; Mar.: 3, 10
PSYC321 Social Psychology 26551 Patch H.S. Annex PSYC100 Hopkins 125100

Mon., Tue.,Wed. & Thur. Lunchtime 1130-1245 hrs

GERM111 Elementary German I 26266 Patch BLDG 2308 None Traunsteiner 114314
HIST341 African Civilization to 1800 25308 Kelley None Varhola 114317

Mon., Tue.,Wed. & Thur. Teatime 1715-1830 hrs

WRTG101 Introduction to Writing 26273 Patch BLDG 2308 Placement Test Powers 114322

Weekend Course (3 Semester Hours) 0900-1600 hrs

Class Meetings: Jan.: 22 & 23, Feb.: 5, 6, 19 & 20, Mar.: 5&6
GERM334 German Life and Culture II 26338 Panzer BLDG 2915 None Anderson 114316

Course Name Course# Location Dates Prerequisite Insturctor Go Army#

Weekend Seminars (1 Semester Hour) 0900-1730 hrs
LIBS150 Info. Literary Reasearch Methods 25310 Panzer BLDG 2915 Feb. 6 None Taubitz 114320
HIST314D The Darfur Crisis 25306 Panzer BLDG 2915 Feb. 26 & 27 None Dua 114317
MGST198J Motivation and Performance in Org. 25316 Panzer BLDG 2915 Mar 5&6 None Noelting
MGST398J Motivation and Performance in Org. 25318 Panzer BLDG 2915 Mar 5&6 None Noelting

Updated January 5, 2011 DSN 431-2303/2305, CIV 07031-15-2303/2305


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