Midterm Requirements Philippine Pop Culture

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Colegio de Kidapawan

Midterm and Final Exam

Name Course Year/Section

Kenneth Mark B. Teves BSN 2-A


DISCUSSION: Discuss or explain briefly the following questions.

1. Enumerate (at least 10) Positive and Negative Filipino cultural values and practices.
Positive Filipino value Negative Filipino value
 Bayanihan system or sprit of kinship -Arrogance
 Damayan -greed
 Familism or close family system -kanya-kanya approach
 Fun-loving-trait -sense of inferiority
 Hospitality -selfishness
 Regionalism -lack of love for country
 Compassionate -family as dynasty
 Flexible -colonial Mentality
 Religious -low-self image
 Matiyaga -lack of self analysis
2. What are the positive and negative effects in holding fiesta celebration?
a. Positive Effects:
- For the positive effect is to have good communication to the people in the community and
also to have celebration to the patron in the community, further more in the community when
you holding a fiesta, all your relative will come to join you in your fiesta, because fiesta is
showing the connectivity of each other. And if having a fiesta there is a different celebration,
like basketball, volleyball, disco, ect. In line with that there is people well come in join, that’s
the time to showcasing the community’s good product and good people, to gain the visitors
trust that the people in that community has a good attitude and hospitality. That the good thing
in holding fiesta, and also holding a fiesta is for the thanksgiving foe blessing bestowed upon
the people and the area. Fiesta are always causes gatherings and celebrations and filipinos
love fiesta. And what comes with celebration, foods of course. The lechon, the roasted pig, is a
highlight feature served during a fiesta. Time was, when especially in small towns and
municipalities, homes were open to everyone to drop by, say hello greet other happy fiesta, to
bring food or savor some of those prepared by the host. The philippines they say has most
number of celebration or feast to commemorate an event. Because of the influence of the
spanish and its friars usually fiesta are celebrations for patron saints

b. Negative Effects:
-Celebrating fiesta are known additionally organized by the host nor the community, and fiesta
was also known that has a lot of people will join and come. However, there is the potential for
negative effect for social impact to result from the hosting of a fiesta, including traffic
congestion, overcrowding, vandalism and increased antisocial behaviour. Fiesta has a
negative effect to the community why because of overcrowding it can cause conflict to the
other people, and also it can give a bad image to the community. In addition to the negative
effect is the the disco because disco have a gathering in one place mostly in the covered court,
and after that if there is a people there was a conflict .

3. What are the positive and negative effects of PAKIKISAMA?

a. Positive Effects:
-pakikisama is a kind of social interaction to each other, the part of culture as a
filipino for a long time, pakikisama: one lives for other: peace or lack of dissension is a
constant goal. Pakikisama as abasic tendency for filipino, and is expressed in thier
privet lives, thier private lives, their public workplace, and in their relationship with their
neighbors. the good effect of this is to have a friend and also a good interpersonal to
each other. We as filipino we are good in pakikisama we are good to the other person
and also in personality. This spirit of pakikisama is seen in different facets of filipino’s
life - private or public families live in multi-generational household. Different family
house lie within close proximity, making it easy for regular vist between family members.
Church also plays an important role for the community, as a public space for communal
bonding. In the workplace, we have a relationship between team leader and team
member, and the team member among them. Pakikisama is a good tool to motivate the
team members. The leader should be close to his team member and practice
pakikisama as much as he can. For example by being a sponsor in some wedding of
their workers, by attending to his workers party and even by organizing some parties for
them. Pakikisam incolve what we call an interpersonal relationship simply because what
we do effacts other. The way we are able to relate with others encourages one to put
their listening skills to good used while focusing on the important issues that come along
the way.
b. Negative Effects:
-pakikisama has a good and bad effect to the individual, in yhe negative context,
pakikisama could lead to socially unacceptable practicebribery, corruption, cheating,
and other form of criminal activities. Not telling the truth, bending the rule, or disobeying
the law can be attributed to pakikisama because of peer pressure. Fear of being
rejected or ostracized by his or her peers is perhaps a primary reason for someone to
choose pakikisama over doing what is right. There is a tagalog saying, makisama ka
pero huwag sa kasamaan(Go long but not for evil reasons), or makisama, huwag
makisama ( with glottal stop on the last ) which means to join in but not in doing bad
things) the abuse of pakikisama as a trait is the result of misunderstanding its concept.
Some misunderstand the concept of a good anf nice companion. The trait’s abuse is
sometimes based on the premise that one wants to maintain good relation with oyhers.
The others, knowing this desire that one has take advantage and abuse the trait.
4. Why is BAHALA NA attitude a negative or unacceptable cultural value? Support your
-Bahala na is one of the most widely used phrasee in the philippines. This so abused
that it sometimes serves as a default answer. Filipinos usually say bahala na when they are
unable to decide their next course of action or when they have no idea what will happen next.
They say this phrase as if all they want is to go with the flow not minding what the outcome
might be. Bahala na is a phrase filipino use most often. It can mean living it all up to god, come
what may whatever will be and the list goes on it. It is a way of life, an attitude, a perspective. It
is embedded in the filipino culture and it will never go away. It id not for everyone, especially to
those who likes to be in control at all times. As filipinos continue to overcome struggle, the
bahala na attitude gives a unique ability to accept bad fortune and hardship. Yet, acceptance
of what is real does not necessarily mean losing hope or feeling helpless. It is endurance for
the harsh life and being grateful for what little light at the end of the tunnel shines on each one.
It give hope as it build a stronger sense of self worth for all those who persevere.

5. Do you believe in SUERTE and MALAS? Justify your answer.

-That malas are those people who have negative attitude and swerte are those people who
have positive attitudes and hardworking. In my opinion, though there’s a point in life that you
may felt very malas about things, you know when you wanted something badly then with just a
snap, it didn’t happen or it’s gone or you may felt swerte, for instance you’re able to pass an
exam even if you’re no able to review. Some filipino belief where they depend their life of. They
also believe in tadhana and even to hula. If something good happens to them, they will feel so
swerte, then malas if it other way around. People perspective to swetye is the whenever all the
things are I favor of them, that they are not encountering any problems, when they are happy
and contented. But when things oe events are against them. They will look at them as malas.
All the misfortunes are on them, that even their sel-esteem and goals in life are effected.
Despite these exampled situations, I still believe that there’s no such things as malas or
swerte, because everyone makes his or her own destiny, we have our freewill to do anything
we want in our lives even it it’s pleasant or horrible, we have the choice to make the best out of
it and also I think we just have our ups and downs in life that test our ability to overcome

6. When do we consider the right moment to have this UTANG NA LOOB attitude?
-Utang na loob or debt of gratitude has been ingrained in the Filipino for who knows how long,
it makes us think that we have to return the favor to the person-especially if they extended a
big help for us. It is good that we know when we have to be grateful but it isn’t good when it
effects how we decide or act around others. But utang na loob can admittedly lead to blind
loyalty, where we, as recipients, see our benefactors as perfect. But we all know that this kind
of loyalty is unhealthy. Yes, you can be gretful to someone who helped you get through a
rough patch, or saved you from a terrible situation, but it doesnt’t mean they’re always right
and coudln’t make mistake .The essence of utang na loob is an obligation to appropriately
repay who has done one a favor. The favor which elicit the filipino sense of utang na loob are
typically those whose value is impossible to quantify, or, if there is a quantifiable value
involved, involved a deeply personal internal dimension. In our culture , the excuse

“ wala akong magagawa. May utang na lood ako sa kanya” has been used for the longets
time. Utang na loob makes us ignore our principles for someone who’s helped us at some
point in our life. We’d let it slip when our benefactor does something wrong because we have a
sense of gratitude towards them

7. How does KARMA affect a person? Please elaborate.

-Karma is a bad action to the person you’ve hate the most, on a large scale, karma
determines where a person will be born and their status in their next life. Good karma can
result in being born in one of the heavenly realms. Bad karma can cause rebirth as an animal,
or torment in hell the question is how does karma affects person ? well wen the person did
something bad to other end that victim will not anything only karma come over to that person.
That’s the time karma will come over. Yes I do believe in karma I saw many times and also
experience the karma. Like you have have a very bad imagine to the community and also to
the god. and we all know it have a good karma, good karma is when you make a good thing to
the person and good karma well come over and it has a good effect to person like you have a
good imagine to the person to that person you’ve make a good thing. Karma simply works on
the principle if you do good to others, good will help to you but if you do bad to someone then
you will get bad reaction. The quotes once’s said “ no need for revenge, just sit back and wait
those who hurt you eventually screw up themselves and if you are luck, god will let you watch

8. Do you believe that “JUETENG”, “SUGAL”, and “SABONG” should be legalized in our
country? Support your answer.
-Filipinoes are know to be hard working, self efficient and above all, god centered people, not
until the spaniards came and civilized or country. Filipinoes, then learned to gamble and waste
their time and money over nothing. It is sad isn’t it? Do you believed hat these gambling such
as “Jueting”. “Suagl, and “Sabong should be legalized in our country?

As acitizen in this country, I can see how people are engaged in these kind of things and
lose even the quality time that needed to be spend on their family. And I strongly disagree of
these things to be legalized since this is ine of the reasons also that drives our country into
poverty. People tend to gamble than work and earn money, they even commit crime just to
pursue this stuff. Above all, it is written in the bible that whosoever do these things shall perish
in hell. What’s that point of legalizing this? Shall this country be more productive if we do so?
Lets think about it alot times before agreeing and destroying our beloved philippines. I am a
millennial and strongly disagree on this matter. For me, working hard and striving high is the
secret recipe of achieving our dreams and earning reasonable income that can provide our self
and even our families. Gambling is a things that can ruin everything and most especially, ruin
the future generation.

9. Do you agree that spirits or unseen beings exist to cure our illness? Support your
- In the practice of prayer and gesture that are believed by some to elicit divine intervention
in spiritual and physical healing, especially the christian. The Philippines is the one who
believe in spirits or mananambal to cure some illness. What is” mananambal” is the the
person who believe in spirits or god or spirits of nature who give them a power to heal the
person who suffer from illness. Filipinos believed in worshiping different gods, creature, and
spirits. They appease them though various practices, sacrifices, and rituals. However, due to
the Philippines having a long history of colonization, religious belief and traditions have
changed from animism to Christianity. In marrying animism and Christianity, the impact of
Filipino supersititions remains to affect everyday life, spanning from fortune, love, and marriage
to family, illness, and health. Filipinos, especially older adults, tends to cope with illness by
relying on advice from family and friends, and by the faith in god. In fact, experiencing a
complete recovery from an illness often regarded as personally witnessing a miracle-greatly
influencing how Filipinos view health care. For this, it is vital to debunk the most common
superstitions many still believe. In mindanao they believe in Magic Medicine and mystery, just
like shaman they can determine which spirits caused an illness or problem and what should be
done to appease these supernatural beings. On many occasions this is carried out with
animals sacrifices, mostly chickens and pigs. The shaman as also serving a medium between
the spirits (diwata) and the locals most of the sacred rites are implemented to cure illness,
bring good health and fortune, the planting and bountiful harvest of differing crops, successful
hunting and fishing and the arbitration in mutual conflict barrio members and rivalry with

10. Do you agree that UTANG NA LOOB from our parents be repaid in kind or in cash?
Elaborate your answer.
- In the Philippine culture Filipinos are always looking for Utang Na Loob, especially for the
parents. We always support our parents for the best of there lives. As a child we do our best to
make them happy, by giving some presents, attentions, love, understanding and respect. As a
part of our culture its not our attitude to fight with our parents. We always give them respect,
because without them we are not here in this world. That’s why we always follow what they
say. We believe “if you did not look back your way, you can not reach your goal”. And also “if
you plant rice, you will harvest rice also” that’s why we scared with our parents, because, when
the time goes by, we grow up as a man or a woman, to marry and of course to have a child.
We also become parents some day. We believe that if you obey your parents, you future child
will obey you too. The parents do not want, that there child become worse. They always look
and think what’s the best for the child. Filipino concept that is often brought up when a
person’s relationship with his or her parents is strained: Utang na loob. Its the idea that a child
“owes” his or her parents for providing him an education, clothing, shelter, comfort and love
initially, I thought that this particular notion is unique to the Filipino experience.


TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer. Highlight or
Bold the answer of your choice.

1. It makes us higher than the animals.

a. Knowledge c. Laws
b. Values d. Language
2. Repetition of doing things.
a. Norms c. Values
b. Custom d. Language
3. It is a process where you discover and learn your own culture.
a. Enculturation c. Acculturation
b. Deculturation d. Diverted Culture
4. He stated that “ Culture is the sum of symbols, ideas, forms of expression and material
products associated with a social system”
a. Edward Taylor c. Allan G. Johnson
b. Robert Redfield d. Charles Darwin
5. A phenomenon that is based on experimentation and research.
a. Scientific Culture c. Scientific Customs
b. Scientific Norm d. Scientific Belief
6. It is a religious activity intends to gain from the divine practical answers for any concern
that may range from war plans to marriage choices.
a. God c. Prayer
b. Divination d. Religion
7. A set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices pertaining to supernatural being and forces.
a. Religion c. God
b. Divination d. Prayer
8. A spiritual concept and belief that everything can be found inside, it is said to have soul
and spirit.
a. Atheism c. Animism
b. Monotheism d. Polytheism
9. They believe that if you vomit, you are eliminating all the evil in your body.
a. Nyoro of Uganda c. Gods and Goddesses
b. Culture of Human d. The Kikyu of Kenya
10. He believes that the differences between polytheism and monotheism led to the
changes of the human mind.
a. Hume (1754) c. Hume (1756)
b. Hume (1755) d. Hume (1767)
11. A kind of practitioner that also known as community healer.
a. Shamans c. Priest
b. Sorcerers d. Faith Healer
12. If we say culture is a set of beliefs, attitudes, and practices that an individual learns
through his, or her family, school, church, and other social institution. It means culture is
being _____.
a. Changed c. Learned
b. Practical d. Adopt
13. Marx stated that “ Religion is the opiate of the masses”
a. Divine Theory c. Force Theory
b. Natural Theory d. Conflict Theory
14. A kind of religious practitioner tends to be a male whose sole preoccupation is to
officiate religious ceremonies and rituals.
a. Shaman c. Messenger of God
b. Priest d. Faith Healer
15. If you believe in the existence many God, then you are practicing _____.
a. Polytheism c. Monotheism
b. Animism d. Atheism
16. A kind of culture that is concrete and tangible that man created.
a. Non-Material Culture c. Material culture
b. Immaterial Culture d. Significant culture
17. A kind of non-material culture where there is a guides of behavior to tell people how
should we behave in particular situation.
a. Mores c. Folkways
b. Values d. Norms
18. These are prescribed norms of conduct that are written guide for individuals to conform
a. Informal Sanction c. Cultural Sanction
b. Formal Sanction d. Sanction
19. Culture is not static.
a. Culture Changed c. Culture and Religion
b. Culture is Learned d. Culture affects Biology
20. Norms that become more comprehensive and necessary for the welfare of society and
take on moral significance.
a. Values c. Mores
b. Norms d. Folkways
1. A body of facts and beliefs that people acquire and accumulate overtime.
a. Values c. Attitudes
b. Knowledge d. L earnings
2. Strongly believes in one God.
a. Monotheism c. Polytheism
b. Monopolytheism d. Christians
3. Gives meaning and purpose of life.
a. Animism c. Polythiesm
b. Symbolic Interaction d. Functionalism
4. A type of religious practitioners that are poorly regarded in their societies due to the
perceived malevolence that they inflict on individuals.
a. Shaman c. Sorcerer
b. Medium d. Priest
5. The dynamism of culture is due to the changing needs of humans as they interpret and
survive in their environment.
a. Evolution of culture c. Culture is learned
b. Culture changed d. Culture affects biology
6. A religious practitioner that is well favored by members of his or her community as he or
she is involved in healing rituals while in possessed trance.
a. Medium c. Shaman
b. Faith healer d. Priest
7. The earliest recorded existence of religion dated 60,000 years ago.
a. The Sorcerers of Kikyu c. The Shamans of Les Gabellou
b. The Shamans of Les Nyoro d. The Sorcerers of Les Gabellou
8. Deals with solving a current problem by seeking the intervention of the divine through
the performance and offering of gifts.
a. Sacrifice c. Magic
b. Shamanism d. Divination
9. They eliminates evil by vomiting
a. Nyoro of Uganda c. Sorcerer of Les Gabellou
b. Kikyu of Kenya d. Natives of South Africa
10. Type of religious acts are usually marginalized and ostracized as they are perceive to
be bringers of malevolence and misfortune
a. Sorcery and Witchcraft c. Sacrifices and Divination
b. Shamans and Priest d. Cults and Magic
11. A belief that affects the behavior of an individual based on fear, magic, faith and luck.
a. Culture c. Norms
b. Customs d. Superstitions
12. He stated that ‘Culture is an organized body of conventional understandings manifest in
art and artifacts which persisting through traditions”
a. Eduard Taylor c. Robert Redfield
b. Allan Johnson d. Hume
13. When the culture of older generation comes into conflict with the needs and realities of
the younger generation, it is called?
a. Acculturation c. Enculturation
b. Deculturation d. Immaculturation
14. These are the ways of believing such as belief in God.
a. Traditions c. Belief
b. Mores d. Folkways
15. It interprets their religious experience.
a. Functionalism c. Conflict Theory
b. Religion d. Symbolic Interaction
16. It refers to the things that man uses, follows, and professes.
a. Material Culture c. Non-Material Culture
b. Superstitions d. Culture
17. Imposing any rewards for those who follows and punished for those who violate laws.
a. Norms c. Formal Sanctions
b. Sanctions d. Informal Sanctions
18. Prescribed norms of conduct which are transmitted by word of mouth from one person
or group to another.
a. Informal Sanctions c. Formal Sanctions
b. Sanctions d. Kinds of Sanction
19. They alter their bodies to fit into the physiological norms that are dictated by culture.
a. Culture is being learned c. Nature of culture
b. Evolution of culture d. Culture affects biology
20. These are customary ways of behaving which have become habitual and repetitive.
a. Norms c. Folkways
b. Value d. Mores

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