Edensor Inggris

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1. Title : Edensor
2. Author : Andrea Hirata
3. Protagonist : a. Ikal g. Simon Van Der Wall
b. Arai h. Katya Kristanaema
c. Weh i. Naomi Stansfield
d. MVRC Manooj j. Virginia Sue Townsend
e. Dr. Michaela Woodward k. Pablo Arian Gonzales
f. Professor Turnbull l. A Ling

4. Setting :A. Background : Tanjong Pandan, France, Sorbone Campus, England

B. Time : For weeks, Weekend, the morning blind, the first day of
September, October 23, at half past 12, early days, Saturday afternoon,
Sunday morning, two o'clock in the morning, every Friday, early
September, Friday morning, 28 March.
5. Plot

The novel titled Edensor is part of a series of tetralogy of Laskar Pelangi by

Andrea Hirata. Edensor itself is the third circuit. The main character on this novel is still
Ikal and also Arai, his cousin. In general, this novel tells about the life of education Arai
also Ikal who successfully continue his studies in Europe. Before leaving there, they said
good-bye to their idol girl Zakiah Nurmala also A Ling. Despite Zakia's ignorance of
Arai's departure, the girl is still carried away in her heart. Similarly, Ikal. Although not
met with A ling, he still harbor love.
After some time, the lecture begins. they are brought together by people from
various nations. Ikal meets a German girl named Katya who has a perfect look. Katya
then establish love with Ikal. All day Ikal walk with Katya after back to school. One day
Katya ask Ikal to dinner at his home. After living Katya’s home, Katya gave Ikal an
alcoholic beverage and ask him to kiss her. Because Belitung’s people not to take sexual
action except married.
There are things that make Ikal and Arai anxious. The news from his father
mentions the growing tin and Belitung land that can not be planted. Dad hopes curly, Ikal
and Arai can become fertilizer experts and pharmacists. Because, the father thought that
the department was much more useful in Belitung. But Ikal and Arai already have other
dreams. Meanwhile, Katya, the girl who became the subject of seizure of men in this
sorborne campus, trying to tickle the heart of Ikal. Katya chose Ikal to be his girlfriend.
But Ikal felt very guilty, as if it had tarnished her feelings for Aling. Katya compete to
replace the position of Aling Heart Ikal. But clearly, the situation was according to Arai,
Ikal no longer focus on learning. Evidently, the value of mid-semester examination Ikal
destroyed. Plus his opposition to Arai, which makes these two friends different steps.
In the course of college, Ikal and his friends are covered in boredom so they
decide to bet around Europe for 3 months. Who is able to surround the most countries is
the winner. The bet actually creates another Ikal goal, which is to find A Ling. They
started the journey from the Netherlands. Along with Arai, he managed to surround some
beautiful countries in Europe. Unfortunately, Arai suffered from acute respiratory illness
until he had to be discharged to Indonesia.
Finally Ikal decided to return to his apartment in France. He was greeted with
gloomy news that his mentor instructor would soon retire and he was advised to go with
him to a place called Sheffield in England. On the way, he passed a very beautiful village
and decided to stop by. He did not know the name of the place and when asked he was
surprised because the place was named Edensor.
6. Moral Value : - If we want to reach love and or have a dream, then we must fight for
the dream and try not to give up to achieve it.
- Life is full of challenges and obstacles.
- Mischief in the past makes us gain karma in the future

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