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1 R
Rectangular combined with
w Radiall street systeem
Inn practice a combinatioon of rectanngular and radial
r system
m can be adopted
a if thhe
topographical featurees are favouurable to suiit the local requirement
r s of each pllace. See Figg.
2.10. It hhas both the advantages
a o rectangulaar roads and radial roadss. E.g. New Delhi
of D (India).

Figure 2.10 Rectaangular com

mbined with
h Radial street system

2.4.2 O
Organic streeet system
Itt is also called as Topoggraphical andd Informal Street
S system
m. The namee ‘Organic’ is
applied bbecause the plan resem
mbles to a microscope
m slide, presennting the celll structure of
animal oor vegetablle tissues. Here the street
s system is entireely unplannned with aall
irregulariities, and hen
nce the nam
me “Studied Irregularities
I s”. The streets are curvin
ng, sometimees
discontinnuous, with variable
v widtth and irreguular open spaaces at somee intervals.
T make thiss system attrractive and pleasing
To p witth good scennic effects, the
t streets arre
planned in conformity with natuural surrounddings, such as river, lakke, hillock, sea-shore
s ettc.
E.g. Carccassonne, Frrance. See Fiig. 2.11.

ure 2.11 Orrganic streett system

2.4.3 Irrregular Meedieval street system

Many of the old cities of the middlee ages have grown in thhis irregularr way withouut
any plannning. They have develloped immeethodically and
a illogicaally beyond control.
Nasik, Varanasi
V citiees in India.

2.4.4 C
n of Rectanggular and irrregular strreet systems
T irregular type is of reecent development of thee town. Wheen the old syystem is founnd
difficult tto rectify to suit the moddern needs, the
t combinattion is adoptted E.g. Edinnburgh, U.K


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